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Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment Ref: RA/0852/HJ/08/23 Rev No: 0 Date: 08/09/23

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Risk Assessment Ref: RA/0852/HJ/08/23

Risk Assessment
Rev No: 0
Date: 08/09/23


Work Description: CCTV Survey for Sewer Water Network for the Rehabilitation Works in Al Merief Abu Dhabi
Date: 02.09.2023

Risk Classification Revised Risk Classification

Risk Action to be Taken to Reduce Risk risk Responsible
S/N Activity Element Significant Potential Hazards Low/ Risk
Rating Low/ persons
Probability (p) Severity (S) Medium/ Probability (p) Severity (S) Rating (R)
(R) Medium/
High PXS
PXS High

Ergonomic – Repetitive Motion Injuries, working from a TBT should be given to workers before the start of site preparation Site
not to work for prolong periods of time they should take rest if they
1 Engineering Services fixed position for prolonged periods of time Low Rare Moderate (2) Low supervisor /HSE
Rare Moderate (3) are tired or not feeling good should be relived from work or if they are
working in fix positions and giving stress to body for long time should officer
inform site supervisor immediately before the start of work.
TBT regarding good lifting techniques and how to recognize your own
limitations. Area should be marked before unloading all equipment’s HSE inspector
Mobilization Slips and trips, moving objects, unloading, site clearing Mediu and should not contain un even or wet surfaces to prevent accidents Ssite supervisor
2 possible Moderate (6) Rare Moderate Low
/Demobilization work near roadway. m all unloading and site preparation should be done from proper (3)
precautions. A supervisor in charge should supervise while unloading
of equipment’s. And signage’s. boards.
The working area shall be barricaded and a trained and experienced
banks man shall be deployed to control the access and egress of
vehicle to the working area, trained and experienced banks man shall Site
Lack of traffic be deployed at both direction diversion to control the flow of traffic, Supervisor/flagm
3 Vehicle/serious injury/collision Often Moderate high Rare Moderate (3) low
management (12) the working area shall be completely under the control of the an
supervisor who will be present their full time, TBT shall be given all
working that area regarding movement of vehicle and safe working
and shall be documented.
Ensure entry/exit points from site allow for adjoining road conditions
and use; signs; traffic control; flag man; hazard lights; visibility
4 Vehicle Movement Collision with public vehicles Often Moderate high mirrors. Establish pedestrian & vehicle routes and where practicable Rare Minor (2) Low Site
demarcate with fencing if adjacent. Locate storage to remove or Supervisor/flagm
minimize reversing & handling Vehicles fitted with reversing alarms. an
Workers are trained and experieced in manual handling techniques.
Acess into & egress Workers will use correct manhole keys
from a confined space . Manual handling Workers must wear safety boots.
5 Likely Moderate High Rare Moderate (3) Low Site supervisor/
Lifting manhole or duck Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDS) (9) Workers must wear slip proof safety gloves.
Removal of manhole covers must be performed by two men HSE inspector

Prior to initial entry a permit to work will be obtained from the client
Temporariy acess ladders will be provided to enter or exit the
confined space Site supervisor/
Acess into & egress Falls from height Ladders used on all projects will be class 1 (industrial applications ) HSE inspector
6 Likely Major (12) High Rare Major (3) Low
from a confined space Workers are trained and experienced in use of ladders and step
While climbing ladders harness must be attached with tripod and
Temporary lightning with bracket should be placed.
Poor lightning Workers will ensure fixing lightning is switched on all access points. Site
Working in confine Possib Workers entering the confined space will be equipped with suitable
Risk of injury from tripping and falling Supervisor/hse
7 Major (8) High portable lightning with capacity to last duration of the task. Rare Major (2) Low
space Risk of injury contact with broken glass le Workers are trained to be aware of debris while working with the inspector
confined space.

8 Trip hazards Likely Moderate (9) Hig Workers awareness of trip hazards due to nature of the confined Rare Moderate (3) Low
h space (lose cables ,wires and debris) Site
Working in confine Iidentify trip hazards present and minimise the risk of these hazards
space Piping hazards cables etc etc Supervisor/hse
in an appropriate manner

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ALDAR OSH/EHSMS Rev 1 02/09/2023
Risk Assessment Ref: RA/0852/HJ/08/23

Risk Assessment
Rev No: 0
Date: 08/09/23

Risk of injury due to falling tripping and falling All new cables are installed to minmise the risk of tripping inspector
Running is prohibtted within the confine space.

All leaks onto walkways are identified before placing of any CCTV
Working in confine inspection devices and reported immediately Rare
9 Slippery surfaces and walkways Possible Moderate (6) Medium Moderate (2) Low site supervisor
space Engineer awareness of the need to report leaks immediately
Due care and attention paid to slippery surfaces.

Gas testing and monitoring is carried out before entry and during
operations top man is present to raise any alarm necessary.

Workers awareness of the dangers of exposure to gas in confined

spaces Site
Gases and fumes Supervisor/hse
Working in confine Risk of injury due to inhalation of fumes and gases, Freque Workers always use tripod along with harness in order for rescue officer
10 Major (20) High Rare Major (3) low
space Methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and nt
others Workers carry escape sets while working in confined spaces

Workers are adequately trained in use of gas detectors

Workers are aware of the need to exit immediately if they feel

uncomfortable nauseous or dizzy.
Workers are physically and mentally fit for the work being carried out.

Working in a confine Workers awareness of degrees of heat stress

11 Heat stress, injury due to overheating Likely Major (12) High Rare Major (3) Low Site supervisor
Readily available supply of drinking water

Well planned break periods outside the confined spaces.

In the event of a fire within the confined space the confine space
should be immediately evacuated and emergency services should be
notified immediately
Working in confine Fire Almost Site
12 Major (20) High Rare Catastrophic (3) Medium
space Risk of injury due to trapped personal certain Smoking and naked flames prohibited with in the confined space supervisor/team

Waste and rubbish to be immediately removed from the confined

Communication between the engineers working within the confined
space and the top man is to be maintained at all times and a regular
intervals. Site
Working in confine supervisor /hse
13 Poor communication Possible Moderate (6) Medium Rare Moderate (2) Low inspector
space Two way radio communication units (walkie talkies) are to be utilised
by all workers working in or outside the confine space

Mobile phones should not be relied upon as stable means of

Lone working is prohibited on all confine space project.

All confined space projects will required minimum of two confined

space workers. Site
Working in confined
14 Lone working Possible Moderate (6) Medium Rare Minor (2) Low supervisor/hse
Workers should be given proper HSE training on lone working and

Emergency response
Working in All relevant personal are trained in emergency response procedures
15 Risk of injury due to inadequate emergency response Often Major (20) High Rare Minor (2) Low
confined space Site
The method of evacuating causalities has been identified and supervisor /hse
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ALDAR OSH/EHSMS Rev 1 02/09/2023
Risk Assessment Ref: RA/0852/HJ/08/23

Risk Assessment
Rev No: 0
Date: 08/09/23

inspector /hse
associated equipment is present and personal trained

The relevant emergency services are notified in case of


Risk Grading Matrix


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ALDAR OSH/EHSMS Rev 1 02/09/2023
Risk Assessment Ref: RA/0852/HJ/08/23

Risk Assessment
Rev No: 0
Date: 08/09/23

Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)

Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent/Almost Certain (5) 5 10 15 20 25

Absolutely Unacceptably High

15 - 25 Extreme Risk Activity or process should not proceed in current form

Unacceptably High
Activity or process should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subject to detailed EHS risk assessment
8 - 12 High Risk

Acceptable but must be managed at “As Low As Reasonably Practicable” (ALARP) Activity or process can operate subject to management and / or modification
4–6 Moderate Risk

Acceptable without required further action

1 -3 Low Risk No action required unless escalation of risk is possible

Hierarchy of Control (Controls identified may be a mixture of the hierarchy in order to provide minimum operator exposure):
Elimination Eliminate the hazard.

Substitution Provide an alternative that is capable of performing the same task and is safer to use.

Engineering Controls Provide or construct a physical barrier or guard or technical measures

Administrative Controls Develop policies, procedures practices and guidelines, in consultation with employees, to mitigate the risk. Provide training, instruction and supervision about the hazard.

Personal Protective Equipment Personal equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard.

Date of next review (If applicable):

Prepared By: Site Engineer Reviewed By: HSE Approved By: Project Manager

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ALDAR OSH/EHSMS Rev 1 02/09/2023

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