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Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business

Vol. 8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

p-ISSN: 2503-4235 e-ISSN: 2503-4243
Journal homepage: http://shirkah.or.id/new-ojs/index.php/home

Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on

Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Organizational
Citizenship Behaviour

Setiani a,1*, Siswanto a,2, Siti Robithoh a,3

a Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
1 setiani@uin-malang.ac.id, 2 siswanto@pbs.uin-malang.ac.id, 3 sitirobithoh03@gmail.com

*corresponding author


Keywords Research on organizational citizenship behaviour is
Employee Performance; Job intriguing because it is often seen as an important asset to
Satisfaction; Organizational bring new perspectives and ideas to improve organizational
Culture; Organizational performance and culture. However, the factors affecting
Citizenship Behaviour OCB still need more empirical evidence. This study aimed to
determine the effect of job satisfaction and organizational
culture on employee performance with OCB as a
Article history: moderating variable at P.T. Magnum Attack Indonesia. This
Received: 09 August 2022 study used a quantitative approach with a questionnaire
Revised: 15 February 2023 survey of 89 respondents. The data analysis method uses
Accepted: 19 March 2023 SEM-PLS. The results showed that job satisfaction had no
Available online: 20 April significant effect on employee performance and OCB.
2023 Organizational culture does not affect employee
performance but shows a significant effect on OCB. OCB did
To cite in APA style not mediate the relationship between job satisfaction and
Setiani., Siswanto, & employee performance, as well as organizational culture
Robithoh, S. (2023). and employee performance. The research suggests that P.T.
Revisiting the effect of job Magnum Attack Indonesia should enhance the
satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) of individual
organizational culture on employees by fostering a culture of care for colleagues,
employee performance: the discipline in work, mutual respect, and assistance among co-
mediating role of workers. Consistently practicing OCB can lead to the
organizational citizenship development of a positive organizational culture.
behaviour. Shirkah: Journal of
Economics and Business, 8(2) This is an open access article under CC-BY-NC 4.0 license.

https://doi.org/10.22515/shirkah.v8i2.532 shirkahiainsurakarta@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2503-4243 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business 126
Vol. 8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

To maintain consumer trust, businesses must improve the quality of employee
performance, preventing a decline in productivity and allowing them to meet the demand
for their products. Human resource performance is one of the most important factors
impacting a company's rating, particularly in the extractive,
rural, industrial, manufacturing, trade, and service sectors. Erkutlu (2010) explains that the
management of human resources constitutes a primary area of focus for enterprises that
cannot be readily replicated by competitors or other establishments. Performance is more
than just the completion of specific tasks; it includes a wide range of organizational actions
that have significant consequences for the understanding and evaluation of job
performance (Carlos & Rodriquez, 2015).
Several internal and external factors affect employee performance. Internal
factors are influences within each individual, whilst external factors are influences outside
of the individual's personality. One of the internal factors that affect the quality of the
performance of members of the organization is job satisfaction (Iaffaldano & Muchinsky,
1985). Job satisfaction refers to how much people enjoy their jobs (Fernández-Macias & de
Bustillo, 2023). Job satisfaction describes how pleased, comfortable, or satisfied an
individual is with his or her job (Ali, 2016). A discrepancy between what one wants in a
job and what one has in a job determines satisfaction (Locke, 1976).
Meanwhile, some of the external factors that affect employee performance are
organizational culture and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Bamidele (2022)
defines organizational culture as a set of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that
govern how organizations treat individuals. OCB, in addition to job satisfaction and
corporate culture, is thought to affect employee performance (Podsakoff et al., 2000).
Robbins and Judge (2013) define Organizational Citizenship Behavior as individual
behavior that is performed unexpectedly and intentionally without expecting anything in
return or receiving any rewards from the organization, performed without regard for any
Burgeoning studies have described the relationship between job satisfaction,
employee performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational culture.
Jang et al. (2022), Rasmaini & Tanjung (2019), Hendri (2019), Prasetyo & Marlina (2019)
conducted a study to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and employee
performance. The results showed that job satisfaction has a significant relationship with
employee performance. In contrast to the research conducted by Crossman et al. (2003),
Pawirosumarto et al. (2017) and Nabawi (2019) concluded that job satisfaction does not
have a significant relationship with employee performance.
In terms of job satisfaction and its relationship with OCB, previous studies (Dubey et
al., 2022; Gyekye & Haybatollahi, 2015; Nguyen et al., 2022; Sawalha et al., 2017; Yuliani &
Katim, 2017) show that job satisfaction has a significant effect to OCB. Nevertheless, the
results of those studies contradict other studies (e.g., Kim, 2006; Mehboob & Bhuto, 2012;
Sudarmo & Wibowo. 2018) that job satisfaction does not have a significant relationship
with OCB.
In terms of organizational culture, Rivai (2020), Rohim & Budhiasa (2019), Muis et al.
(2018), Maamari & Saheb (2018), and Huey & Zaman (2009) examines the effect of
organizational culture on employee performance. The results showed that organizational
culture has a significant impact on employee performance. While the research conducted

Setiani et al. (Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on…)
p-ISSN: 2503-4235
127 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business
Vol.8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

by Gencer et al. (2021) has different results that organizational culture has no significant
effect on employee performance. In addition, Lockhart et al. (2020), Erkutlu (2010), Fox &
Freeman (2011), Husodo (2018), and Winoto et al. (2020) examine the influence of
organizational culture on OCB. The results showed that organizational culture has a
significant effect on OCB. However, this finding contradicts Jain (2015), who found that
organizational culture does not have a substantial connection with OCB.
OCB also relates to employee performance. Shanin et al. (2014), Suzana (2017), Azila
et al. (2020), and Caya & Mosconi (2022) conducted a study to examine the effect of OCB
on employee performance. The results showed that OCB has a significant relationship
with employee performance. However, these results contradict Purwanto et al. (2021), who
concluded that OCB has no significant relationship with employee performance.
Hutagalung et al. (2020) conducted a study showing that OCB mediates the
relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance. However, the research
by Sari and Susilo (2018) has different effects that OCB does not mediate the relationship
between job satisfaction and employee performance. in another context, a study by
Maulani et al. (2015) and Prayogi et al. (2021) shows that OCB mediates the relationship
between organizational culture and employee performance. However, these results
contradict the research conducted by Lovihan (2014), which shows that OCB is not a
mediator of the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance.
Differences in research results become the background for further research on similar
themes to improve research results.
Job satisfaction, organizational culture, and performance all have complicated and
multifaceted relationships as research has produced varying results, which is why
investigating the relationship through organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) as a
mediating variable can be valuable. This study involved P.T. Magnum Attack Indonesia, a
medium-sized fabric manufacturing company that specializes in high-quality clothes.
With a decade of experience, the company produces a wide range of textile commodities,
catering to people of all ages, from infants to adults, in the shape of men's and women's
clothes. The company's product is both high in quality and quantity, with a total monthly
output of 25,000 items. P.T. Magnum Attack Indonesia's operations are spread throughout
many locations, with a sizable section of its consumer base displaying strong brand

Hypotheses Development

Griffin (2004) says that performance includes a variety of tasks and behaviors and is
a representation of the outcomes obtained from various work functions or activities within
a given time frame. Performance is a record of the results obtained from certain work
functions or activities over a certain period (Bernardin & Russel, 1993). Many factors can
affect performance. One is job satisfaction, which is a feeling of comfort for every
employee when carrying out work (Crossman et al., 2003). Feelings of comfort will arise
when employees feel justice for the obligations they perform and the rights they receive
from the company (Hendri, 2019). Job satisfaction depends on the image of results, fair
treatment, and procedures (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Job satisfaction can positively and
significantly improve employee performance (Jang et al., 2022; Pawirosumarto et al., 2017).
Thus, a hypothesis was formulated:
H1: There is a significant effect of job satisfaction on employee performance

Setiani et al. (Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on…)
e-ISSN: 2503-4243 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business 128
Vol. 8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

OCB refers to voluntary behaviour undertaken by employees outside of their official

duties, such as helping co-workers, supporting superiors, and participating in
organizational activities (Mehboob & Bhuto, 2012). Studies show that job satisfaction and
OCB are interrelated. Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to
participate in OCB (Dubey et al., 2022). Conversely, employees who are dissatisfied with
their jobs tend to be less involved in OCB. Therefore, the hypothesis was:
H2: There is a significant effect of job satisfaction on OCB

Robbins & Judge (2013) say that organizational culture refers to a system of shared
meaning shared by members, distinguishing the organization from others. Culture is the
beliefs, values, meanings, and assumptions that a social group collectively shares to help
reinforce ways of interacting with each other and responding to the environment (Sobirin,
2007). A previous study describes that job satisfaction positively and significantly affects
performance (Rivai, 2020). The hypothesis is as follows:
H3: There is a significant effect of organizational culture on employee performance

An organizational culture encouraging cooperation, openness, and appreciation for

individual contributions can help improve OCB (Lockhart et al., 2020). In a positive
organizational culture, employees will feel that their contributions are valued and
meaningful, and they may feel more motivated to do more than is expected. In addition,
an organizational culture that is open and encourages cooperation can help build social
bonds between employees and strengthen OCB (Jain, 2015). Thus, the hypothesis was:
H4: There is a significant effect of organizational culture on OCB

Podsakoff et al. (2000) stated that Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is an

individual behaviour that is carried out freely (without any demands), and does not
directly and explicitly get expectations from the official payroll system. All attitudes that
are carried out can increase the effectiveness of the functions organizational function.
Besides the role owned indirectly, individual behaviour can be recognized in a formal
work system and can directly increase organizational effectiveness (Organ, 1988). Caya &
Mosconi (2022) reveal that OCB can improve employee performance significantly. A
hypothesis was formulated:
H5: There is a significant effect of OCB on employee performance

Employees who are satisfied with their jobs tend to be more motivated to do more
than expected, such as participating in OCB (Ritonga, 2018). OCB can improve
organizational performance by increasing cooperation and cooperation between
employees, strengthening social bonds between employees, and increasing trust and
support between employees and management. In the relationship between job satisfaction,
OCB, and performance, OCB can act as a mediator because OCB can help translate job
satisfaction into better performance (Organ et al., 2006). Employees who are satisfied with
their jobs and engaged in OCB are more likely to affect organizational performance
through their behaviour positively (Hutagalung et al., 2020). The hypothesis for this
relationship is:
H6: OCB can mediate the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance

Setiani et al. (Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on…)
p-ISSN: 2503-4235
129 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business
Vol.8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

Empirical studies show that positive organizational culture has a positive

relationship with employee performance and OCB, while negative organizational culture
can have a negative relationship with employee performance and OCB. OCB can mediate
the relationship between organizational culture, employee performance, and
organizational performance (Prayogi et al., 2021). In a positive organizational culture,
employees feel valued and engage in organizational citizenship behaviours such as
helping co-workers or participating in social activities. It can improve organizational
performance by increasing employee cooperation, strengthening social bonds, and
increasing trust and support between employees and management (Maulani et al., 2015).
The hypothesis was formulated as follows:
H7: OCB can mediate the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance

The research framework is illustrated in Figure 1.

H2 H6

OCB H5 Employee

H4 H7

Figure 1. Conceptual Model

Research Design
This quantitative research employed Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) as a
method to substantiate the conceptual framework, which is widely utilized in the fields of
business and social sciences to either construct a model or to evaluate a theory (Henseler
et al., 2016).

Sample Selection and Data Sources

Martono (2010) described the nonprobability sampling technique with
saturated sampling, which was used in this work. The sample for this study included all
employees at P.T. Magnum Attack, including those in production, finance, and
administration, and 89 people completed the questionnaire. The study collected two types
of data: primary data (through questionnaires and interviews with leaders) and
secondary data (written documents such as materials from P.T. Magnum Attack
Indonesia, literature from journals, and books related to human resource management)
(Ghozali, 2006).

Setiani et al. (Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on…)
e-ISSN: 2503-4243 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business 130
Vol. 8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The instrument in this study was constructed from indicators taken from various
sources. Job satisfaction indicators, according to Wibisono and Putri (2018), include
several factors, including psychological factors, social factors, physical factors, and
financial factors. Tampubolon (2008) divides organizational culture indicators into six
parts: innovative calculating risk, attention to detail on problems, results-oriented,
employee-oriented, aggressive at work, maintaining stability. According to Organ (1988),
there are five OCB indicators, namely: altruism (helping others), conscientiousness
(discipline), sportsmanship (positive attitude), courtesy (kindness), and civic virtue
(awareness as a member of the organization). Suwondo and Sutanto (2015) put the
indicators used in measuring employee performance, including accuracy in completing
work, the initiative level at work, mental agility, time, and attendance discipline. Each of
these indicators consists of two items in the questionnaire.
The questionnaires were prepared in the following way: (1) adapting the indicator
items into statements that were easily comprehensible for the respondents; (2) generating
a questionnaire using the Google Form application; (3) presenting the questionnaire to the
head of the production, who then forwarded it to the respondents through the WhatsApp
group medium; and (4) summarizing and evaluating the responses obtained from the
completed questionnaires.

Data Analysis
To test the research, the Partial Least Squares (PLS) were employed in this study,
which consists of four stages: testing the linearity assumption, testing the measurement
model (outer model), testing the structural model (inner model), and testing the


The results of the linearity assumption test are presented in Table 1, which shows
that all linear models are significant. Discriminant validity is met if the extracted mean-
variance's Extracted Average Variance (AVE) must be higher than the correlation
involving the latent variable. Discriminant Validity Testing can be seen in the following
Table 2.
Table 1. Linearity Test Results
No. Correlation Between Results Description
1. E.P. – JS F count < F table 1.979 < 2.20 linear
Significance>Alpha 0.077 > 0.05
2. E.P. – OC F count < F table 0.783 < 2.16 linear
Significance>Alpha 0.077 > 0.05
3. E.P. - OCB F count < F table 1.622 < 2.15 linear
Significance>Alpha 0.147 > 0.05
Explanation: JS = Job Satisfaction; OC = Organizational Culture; EP = Employee Performance;
OCB = Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Setiani et al. (Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on…)
p-ISSN: 2503-4235
131 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business
Vol.8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

Table 2. Correlation Value Between Latent Variables

Variable AVE Correlations of the latent variables
X1 X2 Y Z
JS 0.470 0.685 1.000
OC 0.485 0.696 0.434 1.000
EP 0.523 0.723 0.509 0.577 1.000
OCB 0.448 0.669 0.490 0.619 0.623 1.000

The reliable test results are shown in Table 3, with Composite Reliability values
tending to be greater than Cronbach's Alpha. If the composite value of all variables is
above 0.7, then all variables are considered to have good reliability values. Convergent
validity proves that the respondent can understand the statements on each latent variable.

Table 3. Composite Reliability Test Results

Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability Result
JS 0.771 0.839 Reliable
OC 0.826 0.867 Reliable
EP 0.848 0.883 Reliable
OCB 0.887 0.906 Reliable

Convergent validity results are presented in Table 4, which states that convergent
validity can be accepted because the outer loading value is more than 0.5.

Table 4. Convergent Validity Test Results

Indicator Item Loading Factor Result
Psychologist JS.1 0.771 Valid
JS.2 0.748 Valid
Social JS.3 0.502 Valid
Physics JS.5 0.769 Valid
JS.6 0.647 Valid
JS.7 0.635 Valid
Result Orientation OC.6 0.731 Valid
OC.7 0.620 Valid
OC.8 0.636 Valid
Aggressive at Work OC.12 0.675 Valid
OC.13 0.630 Valid
Maintaining Stability OC.14 0.780 Valid
OC.15 0.780 Valid
Altruism OCB.1 0.585 Valid
OCB.2 0.594 Valid
Civic virtue OCB.3 0.760 Valid
OCB.4 0.755 Valid
Conscientiousness OCB.5 0.725 Valid
OCB.6 0.777 Valid
OCB.7 0.679 Valid
Courtesy OCB.8 0.690 Valid
OCB.9 0.592 Valid

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e-ISSN: 2503-4243 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business 132
Vol. 8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

Indicator Item Loading Factor Result

Sportsmanship OCB.10 0.670 Valid
OCB.11 0.627 Valid
OCB.12 0.527 Valid
Job Accuracy EP.1 0.887 Valid
EP.2 0.834 Valid
EP.3 0.718 Valid
Initiative Level EP.4 0.687 Valid
EP.5 0.603 Valid
Teamwork EP.6 0.627 Valid
EP.7 0.656 Valid

This study used the R2 structural model test on endogenous constructs. The test uses
two, with a value range between 0 <𝑄2< 1. The model is considered good if the value is
close to 1. The coefficient of employee performance with an R2 value of 0.484 and an OCB
of 0.444. The value of R2 for each endogenous variable is:
Q2 = 1 – (1 –R12) (1 – R22)
Q2 = 1 – (1 - 0.484) (1 - 0.444)
Q2 = 0.7131

The value of Q^2 is 0.7131 or 71.31%, meaning that employee performance is affected by
71.31% by job satisfaction and organizational culture through OCB.
Hypothesis testing 1 in Table 5 shows that the t-statistic value is 1.201 (< 1.96), and
the probability value is 0.230 (> 0.05). Therefore, job satisfaction has no significant effect on
employee performance. Figure 2 shows that job satisfaction has an insignificant positive
effect on employee performance with a path coefficient value of 0.223, meaning H1 is
rejected. The positive path coefficient means that the relationship between job satisfaction
and employee performance is unidirectional. If job satisfaction increases, employee
performance increases, and vice versa; if job satisfaction decreases, employee performance
will also decrease. Nevertheless, the relationship between the two is insignificant, meaning
that the increase in employee performance caused by job satisfaction is insignificant.
In the analysis of the second hypothesis, the t-statistic value is 1.289 (< 1.96), and the
probability value is 0.198 (> 0.05). Therefore, job satisfaction has no significant effect on the
OCB. Figure 2 shows that job satisfaction has no effect on OCB with a path coefficient
value of 0.273. Thus, H2 is rejected. The positive path coefficient means that the
relationship between job satisfaction and OCB is unidirectional. If job satisfaction
increases, OCB also increases, and vice versa; if job satisfaction decreases, OCB will also
decrease. However, the relationship between the two is insignificant, which means that the
increase in OCB caused by job satisfaction is insignificant.
Based on the data processing results in Table 5, it is known that the t-statistic value
for Hypothesis 3 is 1.376 (< 1.96), and the probability value is 0.170 (> 0.05). Therefore,
organizational culture has no significant effect on employee performance. Figure 2 shows
that organizational culture has an insignificant positive effect on employee performance
with a path coefficient value of 0.264, indicating that H3 is rejected. The positive path
coefficient means that the relationship between organizational culture and employee
performance is unidirectional. If organizational culture increases, employee performance

Setiani et al. (Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on…)
p-ISSN: 2503-4235
133 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business
Vol.8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

increases, and vice versa; if organizational culture decreases, employee performance will
also decrease. Nevertheless, the relationship between the two is insignificant.
Based on the data processing results in Table 5, the t-statistic value is 2.636 (> 1.96),
and the probability value is 0.009 (< 0.05). Therefore, the organizational culture
significantly affects the OCB. Figure 2 shows that organizational culture significantly
positively affects OCB with a path coefficient value of 0.500, meaning that H4 is accepted.
The positive path coefficient means that the relationship between organizational culture
and OCB is unidirectional, so if organizational culture increases, OCB also increases, and
vice versa. If organizational culture decreases, OCB will also decrease. The relationship
between the two is significant, which means that the increase in OCB caused by
organizational culture is very significant or very significant.
Based on Table 5, the t-statistic value is 1.599 (< 1.96), and the probability value is
0.111 (> 0.050). Therefore, the OCB does not significantly affect employee performance.
Figure 2 shows that OCB has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance
with a path coefficient value of 0.350, meaning that H5 is rejected. The positive path
coefficient means that the relationship between OCB and employee performance is
unidirectional. If OCB increases, employee performance increases, and vice versa; if OCB
decreases, employee performance will also decrease. However, the relationship between
the two is insignificant, which means that the increase in employee performance caused by
OCB is not significant.

Table 5. Hypothesis Testing and Path Coefficient

Variable Path Coefficient T-Statistic p-value Result
J.S. - EP 0.223 1.201 0.230 Not Significant
J.S. - OCB 0.273 1.289 0.198 Not Significant
O.C. - EP 0.264 1.376 0.170 Not Significant
O.C. - OCB 0.500 2.636 0.009 Significant
OCB - EP 0.350 1.599 0.111 Not Significant
J.S. – OCB - EP 0.096 1.049 0.295 Not Significant
O.C. - OCB - EP 0.175 0.220 0.223 Not Significant

Based on the study's results in Figure 2, job satisfaction has no significant positive
effect on employee performance through OCB, with a path coefficient value of 0.096. The
positive path coefficient means the relationship between job satisfaction and employee
performance through OCB is unidirectional. Table 5 shows that the t-statistic value is 1.049
(< 1.96), and the probability value is 0.295 (> 0.05), meaning that OCB is not designated as a
mediating variable. In other words, the presence or absence of the OCB is not a problem
for job satisfaction to affect employee performance. The mediating role of OCB in the
relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance is partial mediation.
Thus, H6 is rejected.
In addition, organizational culture has no significant positive effect on employee
performance through OCB, with a path coefficient value of 0.134. The positive path
coefficient means that the relationship between organizational culture and employee
performance through OCB is unidirectional. Table 5 shows that the t-statistic value is 0.982
(< 1.96), and the probability value is 0.326 (> 0.05), so it can be concluded that OCB is not
designated as a mediating variable. In other words, the presence or absence of the OCB is

Setiani et al. (Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on…)
e-ISSN: 2503-4243 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business 134
Vol. 8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

fine for the organizational culture to affect employee performance. The mediating role of
OCB in the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance is
partial mediation. This indicates that H7 is rejected.

Figure 2. Path Diagram Model


The results showed that job satisfaction had no significant effect on employee
performance. This finding is supported by research conducted by previous studies (e.g.,
Apsari, 2019; Crossman et al., 2003; Iffaldano and Muchinsky, 1986; Pawirosumarto et al.
2017; Soomro et al., 2018; Sutopo, 2018; Windari et al., 2014) that job satisfaction have no
effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction cannot affect the employee's performance
of P.T. Magnum Attack Indonesia. During the pandemic, they prioritize working
optimally and establishing proper social relationships by following rules such as
maintaining distance and avoiding crowding, instead of relying solely on job satisfaction
as a benchmark for performance improvement. Instead, factors that can increase job
satisfaction are psychological, physical, and social.
Second, job satisfaction shows no significant effect on OCB. When associated with
the results of previous studies, this research is in line with the opinion of Mehboob and
Bhuto (2012), Kim (2006), Sudarmo and Wibowo (2018), and Ningsih & Arsanti (2014) that
job satisfaction has no significant effect on OCB. Job satisfaction of employees of P.T.
Magnum Attack Indonesia does not have an impact on OCB (Organizational Citizenship
Behavior). OCB is voluntary work that employees genuinely engage in to assist their
colleagues after completing their own tasks. When employees have a strong sense of
company membership, they are more likely to exhibit positive behavior, maintain
discipline, and assist others
Third, organizational culture has no significant effect on employee performance. this
study confirms the results of previous studies (Gencer et al., 2023; Girsang, 2019; Huey
Yiing & Zaman, 2009; Raharjo et al., 2018; Wahyudi & Tupti, 2019) who showed that

Setiani et al. (Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on…)
p-ISSN: 2503-4235
135 Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business
Vol.8, No. 2 (2023), page 125-142

organizational culture had no significant effect on employee performance. The

organizational culture of P.T. Magnum Attack Indonesia cannot affect employee
performance. To carry out employee performance activities, the company must be able to
provide an understanding of the impact of organizational culture formation on all
employees. This company's organizational culture is result-oriented, works fiercely, and
strives for and preserves workplace stability.
Fourth, organizational culture has a significant effect on OCB. The findings in this
study are in line with research conducted by Erkutlu (2010), Jain (2015), Hardaningtyas
(2004), Nugraha & Adnyani (2018), Mahayasa et al. (2018) and Mahardika & Wibawa
(2019) that organizational culture has a significant effect on OCB. P.T. Magnum Attack
Indonesia's organizational culture can affect OCB. The most influential factor in the
company's organizational culture is result-oriented. Employees can successfully organize
work. Furthermore, each employee has an express or clear goal. Employees can provide
clear work directions and set realistic work goals if necessary. According to the findings of
the study, results orientation is regarded as the best indication of organizational culture.
However, this result is not supported by the estimated loading value. According to the
results of the variable measurement model, the most dominant element affecting
organizational culture level is the behavior of maintaining stability, which encompasses
physically and mental stability as well as not forcing oneself at work.
Fifth, the effect of OCB on employee performance shows insignificant results. This is
in line with the results of research conducted by Mendo (2016), Munawir et al. (2019),
Shahin et al. (2014), and Rahayu & Yanti (2020) that OCB has no significant effect on
employee performance. P.T. Magnum Attack Indonesia is well-known for the high quality
of its employee performance. The most important metric of employee success is working
completion accuracy. Employees can complete work on time, follow the procedures, and
meeting the standards set by the company. In other words, employees can achieve the
company's quality and quantity targets. When the average value of the respondent's
statement items is considered, the study's results show that accuracy in completing work
is the indication that best expresses the values of employee performance. This finding is in
line with the estimated loading value, which shows that accuracy in completing work is
the most dominant indicator.
Sixth, OCB did not mediate the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance.
This corroborates Sari and Susilo (2018), Wicaksono & Gazali (2021), and Maryati &
Fernado (2018), who state that OCB does not mediate the relationship between job
satisfaction and employee performance. Employees do not believe that performance can
increase with job satisfaction. Thus, OCB cannot mediate the relationship between the two.
They do OCB for personal gain, not because of the rules or management about OCB.
Lastly, OCB is not a mediator in the relationship between organizational culture and
employee performance. This finding corroborates Lovihan's (2014) and Taufiqurrohman's
(2020) opinions. They say OCB cannot mediate organizational culture and employee
performance. Employees in P.T. Magnum Attack Indonesia do not believe the existence of
organizational culture can increase that performance. They do OCB for personal gain, not
because of the rules or management about OCB, which eventually becomes a culture in the
organization. Ultimately, the outcome relies on each individual employee.
According to the study, fostering a culture of caring for colleagues, work discipline,
mutual respect, and co-worker assistance can enhance the Organizational Citizenship

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Behaviour (OCB) of individual employees at P.T. Magnum Attack Indonesia, which in

turn can contribute to the development of a favourable organizational culture.


This study concludes that there is no effect between job satisfaction and employee
performance and OCB. Organizational culture has no effect on employee performance,
and OCB and employee performance. Only organizational culture can affect OCB but has
a significant effect on OCB. OCB has no significant effect on employee performance. OCB
cannot mediate the effect of job satisfaction and organizational culture on employee
performance. The study has some limitations that require further investigation, along
with suggestions for future research. Since the data was collected through a survey, there
is a possibility that the popular method variance may have artificially inflated the
observed associations. Therefore, future studies should collect measures of the
independent and dependent variables from different sources to mitigate the impact of
popular method bias.

Authors’ Declaration
The authors made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the
study. The authors took responsibility for data analysis, interpretation and discussion of
results. The authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Setiani https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7566-7358
Siswanto https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0190-627X
Siti Robithoh -

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