01 Introduction
01 Introduction
01 Introduction
Financial Account
Concept of Financial Account
Financial accounting is a specialized branch of accounting that keeps track of a company's financial
transaction. Using standardized, guidelines, the transaction are recorded, summarized, and
presented in a financial report of financial statement such as an income statement or a balance sheet.
Companies issue financial statement on a routine schedule the statement are considered external
because they are given to people outside of the company with the primary (internal) recipients being
owners/stockholders as well as certain lenders. It a corporation's stock is publicly traded, however
its financial statement (and other financial reporting) tends to be widely circulated and information
will likely reach secondary (external) recipients such as competitions, customers, employees, labour
organization and investment analysis.
Figure: Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting
Generally financial accounting applies in all business organization. The other branches of accounting
were developed from financial accounting. It is based on double entry book-keeping system, generally
accepted accounting principle (GAAP) and universally accepted principles. The accounts are prepared
on money measurement concept, period concept, accrual concept, Cash based concept etc.
6. No standard for comparison: It becomes difficult to measure the performance efficiency as there
is no standards set in Financial Accounting regarding materials, labour and indirect cost for cost
comparison and control.
7. Ignorance as to operating efficiency: Financial accounting fails to disclose the actual operating
efficiency or inefficiency or due to other factors like inflation, depression in the absence of
detailed analysis of costs.
Cost Accounting
Concept of Cost Accounting
Cost accounting refers to that branch of accounting, which maintains the complete records to cost and
provides necessary information according the cost objectives. Cost Accounting determines the cost by
collecting, classifying and allocating the cost as per the cost objectives such as products or services or
processes or departments or job orders. Again, it provides detailed information regarding the cost of
production facilitating cost control and other decision making process. In the beginning, Cost
Accounting was emerged for the purpose of facilitating the valuation of inventory. Later on, it was
widely developed to meet the present need of minimizing the cost of production for the sustainability
in the competition as well as for making the tentative plans for facing the uncertain future.
Cost accounting is the process of accounting for cost where beings with the incurrence of cost ends
with the control of cost. In other words, it is formed system of accruing by means or which cost of
products services or activities are ascertained and controlled.
Chartered Institute of Management Accounts (CIMA) defines cost accounting as "The process of
accounting from the point at which expenditure is incurred or committed to the establishment of its
ultimate relationship with cost centers and cost units. In its widest usage, it embraces the preparation
of statistical data application of cost control methods and the ascertainment of profitability of
activities carried out or planned."
Collecting, Classifying, recording, allocating and analyzing the costs.
Preparation of periodical statements and reports for ascertaining and controlling cost.
Application of cost control methods.
Ascertainment of profitability of activities carried out or planned.
According to Harold J. Wheldon, "Cost Accounting is the classification, recording, and appropriate allocation of expenditure for
the determination of the cost of products or services, and for the presentation of suitably arranged data for the purposes of
control and guidance of management."
According to National Association of Accountants, USA, "Cost Accounting is a systematic set of procedure for recoding and
reporting measurements of the cost of manufacturing goods and performing services in the aggregate and in details."
2. To facilitate planning and control: Another objective of cost accounting is to facilitate the
organization in planning and control. An organization has to carry out its activities in a planned
and systematic manner to exist in the present competitive and changing business era. And for
this, as system of budgetary control is applied. If a remarkable distinction is found between the
budget and actual, reasons and effects for such differences are identified and necessary action is
taken for the control. Accurate and detailed information regarding cost should be relayed under
all these conditions of planning and control and these facts are revealed by cost accounting only.
3. To supply information for decision making: The next objective of cost accounting is to supply
necessary information regarding costs that are required for taking any business decision. Such
decisions to be made by business generally related to different conditions such as to drop or
continue any department or process, replacement or the old plant, make or buy the parts required
for the commodities to be produced, accept or reject the special offers obtained for supplying the
products at low price than the usual one, sell or further process etc.
4. To determined selling price: Cost accounting provides cost information to determine the selling
price of products or service. During the period of depression, it guides the management to decide
how much reduction in selling price may be made to meet the solution.
5. To ascertain costing profit: Cost accounting aims at ascertaining the costing profit or loss of any
activity by matching cost with the revenue of that activity.
3. Government: Cost accounting serves as a source for the government for obtaining factual and
detailed information regarding cost. Such data are essential for the government for determining
the industrial and import-export policy, determining the rates of carious taxes quantity of
government subsidies required on essential commodities etc.
4. Public: Effective system of cost accounting leads to the production of qualitative goods services at
minimum cost. In this condition, people are directly benefited from the consumption of products
and services at low price. The living standard of the people likely to improved.
Management Accounting
Concept of Management Accounting
Management accounting is that branch of Accounting Information System of a business enterprise
which used accounting information for planning, controlling and decision making. Management
accounting provides information to assist managers in their planning and controlling activities. It
includes collecting, classifying, processing, analyzing and reporting information to managers.
Figure: Relationship between Management and Accounting
Management Accounting
Planning Organizing Application of
Decision -making Financial Accounting
Coordinating Controlling Cost Accounting
Management Accounting
Cost Data and
Reports Financial
Statements and
Source of
Information Other Qualitative
Management accounting system communicates information to decision makers for internal and
external users. The decision makers include: investors, creditors, suppliers, auditors, shareholders,
competitors, customers, government, etc. Management Accounting Information should be designed
to help decision making within the firm. The purpose of Management Accounting is to provide
quantitative information that managers need for planning and controlling the activities of an
organization in order to reach the organizational goal.
According to T. Lucey, "Management Accounting is primarily concerned with the data gathering, analysis, processing,
interpreting and communicating the resulting information for use within the organization so that management can more
effectively plan, make decisions and control operations."
According to American Accounting Association, "Management Accounting is the application of appropriate techniques and
concepts in processing historical and projected economic data of an entity to assist management in establishing plans for
reasonable economic objectives and in making the rational decisions with a view to achieving these objectives."
According to Batty, "Management Accounting is the term used to describe accounting methods, systems and techniques which
coupled with special knowledge and ability, assists management in its task of maximizing profits or minimizing losses.
3. Budgeting and forecasting: Budgeting means expressing the plans, policies and goals of the
enterprise for a definite period in future. The targets are set for different departments and
responsibility is fixed for achieving targets. The comparison of actual performance with budgeted
figures will give an idea to the management about the performance of different department.
Forecasting is a prediction for what will happen as a result of a given set of circumstances. So,
budgeting and forecasting are useful for management accounting in planning the various activities.
4. Mathematics and statistics: Management accounting analyzes and interprets the data, which is
helped by statistics. Various statistical tools such as graphs, charts, diagrams, time series,
sampling, probability, regression analysis etc. are useful for it. So, statistics is a part of
Management Accounting.
5. Auditing: It is necessary to judge the performance of every department. The actual performance
of every department and individual is compared with standard set. Management is able to know
deviation in performance. It helps management in fixing responsibility of different individual.
6. Tax system: Tax system and tax planning are the most important parts of management
accounting. Income statement or Profit and loss account is prepared and tax liabilities are
calculated. The management is informed about tax burden from government. Various tax returns
are to be filed with different department. So, it is useful for management accounting.
7. Office services: It is required to control office. Maintenance of proper data processing, filing,
copying, duplicating, and communicating and of the management services are included in office
service. Above data are more related in management accounting.
8. Inventory control: It is used to do note stock of raw material, work in progress and finished
goods. Inventory has a special role in accounting for determining correct income for a given
period. Management should determine different level of stock i.e. Maximum, stock level,
minimum stock level, danger level, average stock level, safety stock level, reorder level for
inventory control. Management will need effective inventory control for controlling stocks. So, it
is a useful part of management accounting.
4. Evolutionary stage: Management accounting is a new discipline and a growing subject too. It is still
in the infancy stage and undergoing evolutionary process. Naturally, it faces certain obstacles
before achieving perfection and finality. This necessitates sharpening of the analytical tools and
improving of techniques for removing the air of doubts as regards uncertainly in their applications.
5. Psychological resistance: The Management accounting system spells a radical change in the
management approach towards solving day-to-day problems confronted by it. This calls for a
reorganization of personnel as well as reorientation of their activities. This is bound to attract
opposition especially from the labour force. It is very common on the part of human beings to resist
a change. Like any new innovation, management accounting is also facing psychological resistance.
Moreover, the very aim of management accounting i.e., to reduce the importance of intuition
(intuition refer to the decisions not based on reason and scientific techniques) in decision-making is
being frustrated by 'easy going' managers who still tend to take decisions by intuition.
6. Costly installation: For installation of a system of management accounting in a business concern,
an elaborate organization and a large number of manuals are essential. This in turn escalates the
establishment charges such that only large-scale organizations can afford.
1. Define financial, cost and management accounting.
2. Write the importance of cost accounting.
3. Write in brief, any five functions of management accounting.
4. Write brief about cost of accounting. [2015 BIM]
5. Write in brief, any two limitations of financial accounting.
6. Write about any two objectives of management accounting. [BBA 2075]
7. Write any two advantage of cost accounting.
8. Write briefly to clarify the meaning of management accounting [2014 BBA]
9. Write about any two objectives of management accounting
10. State, in brief, any five limitations of management accounting.
11. Differentiate between cost and management accounting.
17. "The objectives of managing accounting are far wider than that of financial accounting." Briefly
comment on this statement.
18. "Management accounting is concerned with accounting information that is useful management
for decision making." How would justify this statement? [Model 2015 BBA/BIM]
19. "Management accounting is concerned with accounting information that is useful to
management". Discuss.
20. "Management accounting is the art of presenting to management such figures, in items of money
or other units and assisting management to do its job." Discuss.