Week 2 Assignment Answers 2022
Week 2 Assignment Answers 2022
Week 2 Assignment Answers 2022
a. Data Node
b. Name Node
c. Data block
d. Replication
Answer:- b
2. When a client contacts the name node for accessing a file, the name node
responds with
Answer:- d
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a. datapulse
b. h-signal
c. heartbeats
d. Active-pulse
Answer:- c
4. For reading/writing data to/from HDFS, clients first connect to ______________
a. NameNode
b. Checkpoint Node
c. DataNode
d. None of the mentioned
Answer:- a
5. True or False ?
a. True
b. False
Answer:- a
6. Consider the following statements:
Statement 1: Task Tracker is hosted inside the master and it receives the job
execution request from the client.
Answer:- d
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Answer:- c
8. Point out the correct statement in context of YARN:
a. YARN extends the power of Hadoop to incumbent and new technologies found
within the data center
b. YARN is highly scalable
c. YARN enhances a Hadoop compute cluster in many ways
d. All of the mentioned
Answer:- d
9. Apache Hadoop YARN stands for:
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10. Consider the pseudo-code for MapReduce’s WordCount example (not shown
here). Let’s now assume that you want to determine the average length of all the
words in a text file. Which part of the pseudo-code do you need to adapt?
a. Only map()
b. Only reduce()
c. map() and reduce()
d. The code does not have to be changed
Answer:- c