Pietro Michiardi
Batch processing
Hadoop and MapReduce:
I Excels at storing (semi- and/or un-) structured data
I Data interpretation takes place at analysis-time
I Flexibility in data classification
Random Access:
I Users need to “interact” with data, especially that “crunched” after a
MapReduce job
I This is historically where RDBMS excel: random access for
structured data
Column-Oriented Databases
Data layout:
I Save their data grouped by columns
I Subsequent column values are stored contiguously on disk
I This is substantially different from traditional RDBMS, which save
and store data by row
Important NOTE:
I HBase is not a column-oriented DB in the typical term
I HBase uses an on-disk column storage format
I Provides key-based access to specific cell of data, or a sequential
range of cells
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Introduction Column-Oriented DB
Example: Hush
I Used throughout this course
I URL shortener service
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Introduction The problem with RDBMS
Stored Procedures
I Consistently update data from multiple clients
I Underlying DB system guarantees coherency
I Make sure you can update tables in an atomic fashion
I RDBMS → Strong Consistency (ACID properties)
I Referential Integrity
Master-Slave architecture
I Add DB server so that READS can be served in parallel
I Master DB takes all the writes (which are fewer in the Hush
I Slaves DB replicate Master DB and serve all reads (but you need a
load balancer)
IAdd a caching layer, e.g. Memcached or Redis
IOffload READS to a fast in-memory system
→ You lose consistency guarantees
→ Cache invalidation is critical for having DB and Caching layer
Scaling up more
IWRITES are the bottleneck
IThe master DB is hit too hard by WRITE load
I Vertical scalability : beef up your master server
→ This becomes costly, as you may also have to replace your RDBMS
I Partition your data across multiple databases
FEssentially you break horizontally your tables and ship them to
different servers
F This is done using fixed boundaries
Non-Relational DataBases
Data model
I How the data is stored: key/value, semi-structured,
column-oriented, ...
I How to access data?
I Can the schema evolve over time?
Storage model
I In-memory or persistent?
I How does this affect your access pattern?
Consistency model
I Strict or eventual?
I This translates in how fast the system handles READS and WRITES
Physical Model
I Distributed or single machine?
I How does the system scale?
Read/Write performance
I Top-down approach: understands well the workload!
I Some systems are better for READS, other for WRITES
Secondary indexes
I Does your workload require them?
I Can your system emulate them?
Failure Handling
I How each data store handle server failures?
I Is it able to continue operating in case of failures?
F This is related to Consistency models and the CAP theorem
I Does the system support “hot-swap”?
I Is the compression method pluggable?
I What time of compression?
Load Balancing
I Can the storage system seamlessly balance load?
Atomic read-modify-write
I Easy in a centralized system, difficult in a distributed one
I Prevent race conditions in multi-threaded or shared-nothing designs
I Can reduce client-side complexity
Impedance Match
“One-size-fits-all” has been long dismissed: need to find the perfect
match for your problem.
Database (De-)Normalization
I Duplicate data in more than one table such that at READ time no
further aggregation is required
Next: an example based on Hush
I How to convert a classic relational data model to one that fits
The Hush Schema expressed as an ERD
The Hush Schema expressed as an ERD
The Hush Schema expressed as an ERD
What is BigTable?
I BigTable is a distributed storage system for managing structured
data designed to scale to a very large size
I BigTable is a sparse, distributed, persistent multi-dimensional
sorted map
What is HBase?
I Essentially it’s an open-source version of BigTable
I Differences listed in [5]
I Rows are composed of columns
I Can have millions of columns
I Can be compressed or tagged to stay in memory
Column Families
IColumns are grouped into column families
→ Semantical boundaries between data
I Column families and columns stored together in the same low-level
References to columns
I Column “name” is called qualifier, and can be any arbitrary
number of bytes
I Reference: family:qualifier
A cell
I Every column value, or cell, is timestamped (implicitly or explicitly)
F This can be used to save multiple versions of a value that changes
over time
F Versions are stored in decreasing timestamp, most recent first
I Cell versions can be constrained by predicate deletions
F Keep only values from the last week
Which means:
I The first SortedMap is the table, containing a List of column
I The families contain another SortedMap, representing columns
and a List of value, timestamp tuples
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Introduction HBase Sketch
Automatic Sharding
I This is the basic unit of scalability and load balancing
I Regions are contiguous ranges of rows stored together → they are
the equivalent of range partitions in sharded RDBMS
I Regions are dynamically split by the system when they become too
I Regions can also be merged to reduce the number of storage files
Regions in practice
I Initially, there is one region
I System monitors region size: if a threshold is attained, SPLIT
F Regions are split in two at the middle key
F This creates roughly two equivalent (in size) regions
Automatic Sharding
Region Servers
I Each region is served by exactly one Region Server
I Region servers can serve multiple regions
I The number of region servers and their sizes depend on the
capability of a single region server
Server failures
I Regions allow for fast recovery upon failure
I Fine-grained Load Balancing is also achieved using regions as they
can be easily moved across servers
Storage API
Scan API
I Allows for fast iteration over ranges of rows
I Allows to limit the number and which column are returned
I Allows to control the version number of each cell
Read-modify-write API
I HBase supports single-row transactions
I Atomic read-modify-write on data stored in a single row key
Storage API
IValues can be interpreted as counters and updated atomically
ICan be read and modified in one operation
→ Implement global, strictly consistent, sequential counters
I These are equivalent to stored-procedures in RDBMS
I Allow to push user code in the address space of the server
I Access to server local data
I Implement lightweight batch jobs, data pre-processing, data
Data lookups
I Since HFiles have a block index, lookup can be done with a single
disk seek
I First, the block possibly containing a given lookup key is determined
with a binary search in the in-memory index
I Then a block read is performed to find the actual key
Data Locality
I Achieved by the system looking up for server hostnames
I Achieved through intelligent key design
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Introduction HBase Sketch
HBase implementation
Deleting data
I Since HFiles are immutable, how can we delete data?
I A delete marker (also known as tombstone marker ) is written to
indicate that a given key is deleted
I During the read process, data marked as deleted is skipped
I Compactions (see next slides) finalize the deletion process
READ operation
I Merge of what is stored in the memstores (data that is not on disk)
and in the HFiles
I The WAL is never used in the READ operation
I Several API calls to read, scan data
Minor Compaction
I Rewrites small HFiles into fewer, larger HFiles
I This is done using an n-way merge1
Major Compaction
I Rewrites all files within a column family or a region in a new one
I Drop deleted data
I Perform predicated deletion (e.g. delete old data)
What is MergeSort?
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Introduction HBase Sketch
Region Servers
I Handle READs and WRITEs
I Handle region splitting
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B+ Trees
Data flow
I Incoming data is first stored in a logfile, sequentially
I Once the log has the modification saved, data is pushed in memory
F In-memory store holds most recent updates for fast lookup
I When memory is “full”, data is flushed in a store file to disk, as a
sorted list of key → record pair
I At this point, the log file can be thrown away
Clean-up process
I As flushes take place over time, a lot of store files are created
I Background process aggregates files into larger ones to limit disk
I All store files are always sorted by key → no re-ordering required to
fit new keys in
Data Lookup
I Lookups are done in a merging fashion
F First lookup in the in-memory store
F If miss, the lookup in the on-disk store
Deleting data
I Use a delete marker
I When pages are re-written, deleted markers and keys are
eventually dropped
I Predicate deletion happens here
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Architecture Seek vs. Transfer
B+ Tree [1]
I Work well when there are not so many updates
I The more and the faster you insert data at random locations the
faster pages get fragmented
I Updates and deletes are done at disk seek rates, rather than
transfer rates
LSM-Tree [7]
I Work at disk transfer rate and scale better to huge amounts of data
I Guarantee a consistent insert rate
F They transform random into sequential writes
I Reads are independent from writes
I Optimized data layout which offers predictable boundaries on disk
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Architecture Storage
HBase handles two kinds of file types
I One is used for the WAL
I One is used for the actual data storage
General communication flow
I A client contacts ZooKeeper when trying to access a particular row
I Recovers from ZooKeeper the server name that host the -ROOT-
I Using the -ROOT- information the client retrieves the server name
that host the .META. table region
F The .META. table region contain the row key in question
I Contact the reported .META. server and retrieve the server name
that has the region containing the row key in question
I Generally, lookup procedures involve caching row key locations for
faster subsequent lookups
Important Java Classes
I HRegionServer handles one or more regions and create the
corresponding HRegion object
I When an HRegion object is opened it creates aStore instance for
each HColumnFamily
I Each Store instance can have:
F One or more StoreFile instances
F A MemStore instance
I HRegionServer has a shared HLog instance
Write Path
External client insert data in HBase
I Issues an HTable.put(Put) request to HRegionServer
I HRegionServer hands the request to the HRegion instance that
matches the request [Q: What is the matching criteria?]
HBase Files
What and where are HBase files (including WAL, HFile,...)
I HBase has a root directory set to “/hbase” in HDFS
I Files can be divided into:
F Those that reside under the HBase root directory
F Those that are in the per-table directories
I .logs
I .oldlogs
I .hbase.id
I .hbase.version
I /example-table
HBase Files
I .tableinfo
I .tmp
I “...Key1...”
F .oldlogs
F .regioninfo
F .tmp
F colfam1/
I “....column-key1...”
HBase: Region-level files
Inside each table dir, there is a separate dir for every region
in the table
The name of each of this dirs is the MD5 hash of a region name
I Inside each region there is a directory for each column family
I Each column family directory holds the actual data files, namely
I Their name is just an arbitrary random number
Each region directory also has a .regioninfo file
I Contains the serialized information of the HRegionInfo instance
Split Files
I Once the region needs to be split, a splits directory is created
F This is used to stage two daughter regions
F If split is successful, daughter regions are moved up to the table
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Architecture Storage
HBase: Compaction
Process that takes care of re-organizing store files
I Essentially to conform to underlying filesystem requirements
I Compaction check hbase.hstore.compaction.max.size
when memstore is flushed Long.MAX_VALUE
hbase.hstore.compaction.ratio 1.2
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Architecture Storage
HFile format
Store files are implemented by the HFile class
I Efficient data storage is the goal
The KeyValue Format
Each KeyValue in the HFile is a low-level byte array
I It allows for zero-copy access to the data
I Fixed-length preambule indicated the length of the key and value
F This is useful to offset into the array to get direct access to the value,
ignoring the key
I Key format
F Contains row key, column family name, column qualifier...
F [TIP]: consider small keys to avoid overhead when storing small
Write Path
I Client modifies data (put(), delete(), increment())
put() delete() increment()
I Modifications are wrapped into a KeyValue object
I Objects are batched HRegionServer
to the corresponding HRegionServer
I Objects are
KeyValue routed to the corresponding HRegion
I Objects are written to WAL and in the MemStore
MemStore Store
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Architecture Read Path
Read Path
Region Lookups
Region Lookups
Region Lookups
Key Design
Logical vs. on-disk layout of a table
I Main unit of separation within a table is the column family
I The actual columns (as opposed to other column-oriented DB) are
not used to separate data
I Although cells are stored logically in a table format, rows are stored
as linear sets of the cells
I Cells contain all the vital information inside them
IMultiple versions of the same cell stored consecutively, together
with the timestamp
I Cells are sorted in descending order of timestamp
KeyValue object
I The entire cell, with all the structural information, is a KeyValue
I Contains: row key, <column family: qualifier> →
column key, timestamp and value
I Sorted by row key first, then by column key
Tall-Narrow Tables
I Few columns
I Many rows
Flat-Wide Tables
I Many columns
I Few rows
than others
→ A single row could outgrow the maximum file/region size and work
against split facility
→ HBase will store all rows sorted in a distinct range, namely regions
with specific start and stop keys
Salting example
byte prefix = (byte) (Long.hashCode(timestamp) % <number of
region servers>);
byte[] rowkey = Bytes.add(Bytes.toBytes(prefix),
- You can only access data (especially time ranges) for a given
swapped or promoted field (but this could be a feature)
+ You achieve load balancing
MapReduce Integration
InputFormat → TableInputFormatBase
Main classesScan
involved in MapReduce
Mapper → TableMapper
Used to persist data
I OutputFormat
Output written to files
I Output written to HBase tables
TableOutputFormat TableRecord
F This is done using a TableRecordWriter
OutputFormat → TableOutputFormat
This is the class that handles the key/valu pairs and writes
them to their final destination
I Single instance that takes the output record from each reducer
I Must specify the table name when the MR job is created
I Handles buffer flushing implicitly (autoflush option is set to false)
MapReduce Locality
compactions regularly
→ HDFS is smart enough to ensure data locality
F There is a block placement policy that enforces local writes
F The data node compares the server name of the writer with its own
F If they match, the block is written to the local filesystem
I Just be careful about region movements during load balancing or
server failures
Table Splits
Table Splits
When a job starts, the framework calls
createRecordReader() for each input split
I It iterates over the splits and create a new TableRecordReader
with the current split
I Each TableRecordReader handles exactly one region, reading
and mapping every row from the region’s start and end keys
Data locality
I Each split contains the server name hosting the region
I The framework checks the server name and if the TaskTracker is
running on the same machine, it will run it on that server
I The RegionServer is colocated with the HDFS DataNode, hence
data is read from the local filesystem
References I
[1] B+ tree.
[2] Eric Brewer.
Lessons from giant-scale services.
In In IEEE Internet Computing, 2001.
[3] Fay Chang, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Wilson C. Hsieh,
Deborah A. Wallach, Mike Burrows, Tushar Chandra, Andrew
Fikes, and Robert E. Gruber.
Bigtable: A distributed storage system for structured data.
In Proc. od USENIX OSDI, 2006.
[4] Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat.
Mapreduce: Simplified data processing on large clusters.
In Proc. of ACM OSDI, 2004.
References II
References III
[8] D. Salmen.
Cloud data structure diagramming techniques and design patterns.
68-cloud-data-structure-diagramming, 2009.