IPC 75 Devesh
IPC 75 Devesh
IPC 75 Devesh
Submitted to
Submitted by
B.B.A.LL.B. (Hons.)
September, 2023
This declaration is made at Bangalore that, this project is prepared and drafted by me, Devesh
Shukla .
It contains the project work that was assigned to me during my 3rd Semester period, and
successfully accomplished from my side. This project is a sincere attempt at compilation of the
aforementioned work.
This has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to any other Law University or affiliated
Institute under which any University is recognized by the Bar Council of India, for the award of
any other law degree or diploma, within the territory of India.
1 Cover Page 1
2 Declaration 2
3 Index 3
4 Abstract 4
5 Introduction 5
6 7
7 12
8 Conclusion 18
9 Bibliography 19
This study delves into the exceptions to Section 300 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC),
which defines the circumstances under which culpable homicide amounts to murder.
The exceptions provide a legal framework to differentiate between culpable homicide
amounting to murder and those falling within the realm of justifiable or excusable
actions. By examining relevant case laws and legal provisions, this research aims to
elucidate the nuances of these exceptions, shedding light on their application,
interpretation, and implications within the Indian legal system. The study also
underscores the significance of a comprehensive understanding of these exceptions in
ensuring justice and fairness in criminal jurisprudence.
Murder is a heinous offence which is punishable under the Indian Penal Code. Murder
is defined in Section 300 where culpable homicide amounts to murder. Culpable
homicide Section 299 is genus and murder are its species. It is necessary that all
murder is a culpable homicide but not necessary that all culpable homicide is a
murder. The punishment for the murder is defined in Section 302. There are certain
exceptions provided in Section 300 which state the case of culpable homicide which
does not amount to murder, which is punishable under Section 304 of Indian Penal
Legal Relevance:
Mock marriages and bigamy are offences under the Indian Penal Code. The
punishment for these offences is very serious; seven or ten years of imprisonment
with fine. There have been several major cases in both, High Courts and the Supreme
Court, in which several factors of these offenceshave been explained.
Research Questions:
Research Methodology:
The scope of this project extends to the definition of mock marriage and bigamy.
This project willalso include various judgements given by the Supreme Court of
Section 300- says that Culpable Homicide amount to murder
Culpable Homicide is defined under Sec. 299 and which says that if any person
causes death by doing an act and his intention was involved in causing death or bodily
injury as is likely to cause death or he has knowledge if he did something, he is likely
to cause death the person commits the offense of Culpable Homicide.
From both of the definitions that all murders are Culpable Homicide but it is not
necessary all Culpable Homicide is murder.
And because of this, these are the most confusing terms in IPC. according to Sir
James Stephen, these two concepts i.e.,
Murder and Culpable Homicide are the weakest part of the IPC because
Distinction between Section 493 and 496-
Section 300 Section 299
Exception Under Section 300 Of IPC
There are certain exceptions to the offence of murder under Section 300 of IPC.
According to this provision murder can be reduced to culpable homicide not
amounting to murder and punishable under Section 304 IPC and not under Section
302 IPC.
So, the Indian Penal Code, 1860 recognize 5 exceptions to the offense of murder and
they are:
But it’s very much important to prove that the provocation was given by the person
that must be grave and sudden.
And for this, the question arose in front of the court whether the grave and sudden
provocation is enough to prevent the offense from amounting to murder?
So, here Supreme Court give Reasonable man’s test in the case of
K.M. Nanavati Hospital v. State of Maharashtra
1. Gestures and words are like, that they give sudden and grave
2. For the purpose of determining, the grave, and sudden provocation a test
is established under which is called a reasonable man’s test that whether
any reasonable man having the same capacity and belonging to the same
class of society in which the accused was placed would be so provoked to
lose his self-control.
3. The mental background of the previous act of the victim is to be taken
into consideration whether the act was sufficient to cause sudden and
grave provocation.
4. The fatal blow on the person giving a sudden and grave provocation
should be immediately done before him to calm down.
Mahmood v. State
The certain essentials need to be fulfilled in order to come under the ambit of the
There are some provisos of exceptions-1 which is said to be
Exception 2: Private defense
It’s not murder if the offender done in good faith of the right of private
defense of person or property in which he exceeds the power and thus
causing the death of the person and against whom is exercising his
right without any knowledge or intentions. But if the exceed his right
of private defense and that will be intentionally then he will be
amounting to murder. If the defense is unintentional.
The court held that the burden of proof is on the accused. Such a
burden can be reduced by establishing either on the basis of
cross-examination or by abducing’s the defense evidence.
Lachhmi Koheri v. State of Bihar (AIR 1960 Pat 62, 1960 CriLJ
Fact: the hawaldar went in civil costume to arrest the appellant and
confronted him. Then Appellant take out of his chura and stabbed in
Hwaldar’s arm’s not once, many times he stabbed on his arms.
therefore, Hawaldar dies.
Held: The Supreme Court held that the appellant takes private
defense but the intention of causing more harm is not necessary for
his defense. And therefore, the appellant case did not under this
section and he held liable for the murder not for culpable homicide.
In this, the court held that if the person wants to take the benefit
of this exception, he has to prove that he had done under in
private defense. But also, the court has the power that they can
reject the plea if the person harms the other person that was not
necessary and causing the death.
Exception 3: Exercise in Legal Power
Example: the police want to arrest the person and if that person
stabbed or abscond him and because of this police shoot that person.
Then in this case police were not liable for the murder.
Facts: the police officer while discharging his duty fire another person
in the place of a thief who was trying to run.
In this, the court held that the police officer has bonafide
intention and he get benefit under this section.
Exception 4: Premeditation in a sudden fight
1. The fight must between the accused and the person who is
2. The people involved in a sudden fight
3. In the heat of passion of a sudden quarrel
4. The offender doesn’t take any unfair advantage
5. The offender doesn’t act in a cruel or unusual manner
Exception 5: consent
It’s not murder when the person gives consent to his/her own death.
Facts: the accused was in class 10th and he failed in the exam and
because of this reason he wants to end his life and therefore he told
his wife whose age is 19 years old. And he told his decision to his wife.
She told him first to kill herself and then kill himself and accused kill
her wife but before he kills himself, he was arrested by the police.
The court held that the deceased did not give her consent under
the misconception and therefore be entitled to take the benefit
under this exception.
So, these are the Exception of section 300 in which if someone cause
injury or death to another person then he will get the benefit under
these exceptions. But the person has to fulfill all the important points
which are described under this Section. There is a say that there is
always an exception to everything. And this section gives protection to
the accused, if he has done any act under the private defence, sudden
fight, consent, etc then the accused can take the benefits of these
sections. But the court has a duty that he will take the cases very
seriously and read all the important points and facts of the case.
[1] https://www.advocatehof.com
121 https://www.advocatekhoj.com
[5] https://www.advocatekho.com