01-Sheet 01
01-Sheet 01
01-Sheet 01
13- A steam power plant operates on an ideal reheat regenerative Rankine cycle
and has a net power output of 80 MW. Steam enters the high-pressure turbine at
10 MPa and 550°C and leaves at 0.8 MPa. Some steam is extracted at this
pressure to heat the feedwater in an open feedwater heater. The rest of the steam
is reheated to 500°C and is expanded in the low-pressure turbine to the
condenser pressure of 10 kPa. Show the cycle on a T-s diagram with respect to
saturation lines, and determine (a) the mass flow rate of steam through the boiler
and (b) the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
14- Repeat Prob. 13, but replace the open feedwater heater with a closed feedwater
heater as shown in schematic diagram. Assume that the feed water leaves the
heater at the condensation temperature of the extracted steam and that the
extracted steam leaves the heater as a saturated liquid and is pumped to the line
Damietta University Steam Technology
Faculty of Engineering Sheet NO (01)
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
carrying the feedwater.
15- A steam power plant operates on the reheat regenerative Rankine cycle with
a closed feedwater heater as shown in schematic diagram. Steam enters the
turbine at 12.5 MPa and 550°C at a rate of 24 kg/s and is condensed in the
condenser at a pressure of 20 kPa. Steam is reheated at 5 MPa to 550°C. Some
steam is extracted from the low-pressure turbine at 1.0 MPa, is com- pletely
condensed in the closed feedwater heater, and pumped to 12.5 MPa before it
mixes with the feedwater at the same pressure. Assuming an isentropic
efficiency of 88 percent for both the turbine and the pump, determine (a) the
temperature of the steam at the inlet of the closed feedwater heater, (b) the
mass flow rate of the steam extracted from the turbine for the closed feedwater
heater, (c) the net power output, and (d ) the thermal efficiency.
Damietta University Steam Technology
Faculty of Engineering Sheet NO (01)
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
16- Steam is generated in the boiler of a cogeneration plant at 10 MPa and 450°C
at a steady rate of 5 kg/s. In normal operation, steam expands in a turbine to a
pressure of 0.5 MPa and is then routed to the process heater, where it supplies
the process heat. Steam leaves the process heater as a saturated liquid and is
pumped to the boiler pressure. In this mode, no steam passes through the
condenser, which operates at 20 kPa.
(a) Determine the power produced and the rate at which process heat is
supplied in this mode.
(b) Determine the power produced and the rate of process heat supplied if
only 60 percent of the steam is routed to the process heater and the
remainder is expanded to the condenser pressure.
Damietta University Steam Technology
Faculty of Engineering Sheet NO (01)
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
17- Consider a cogeneration power plant modified with regeneration shows in
schematic diagram. Steam enters the turbine at 6 MPa and 450°C and expands
to a pressure of 0.4 MPa. At this pressure, 60 percent of the steam is extracted
from the turbine, and the remainder expands to 10 kPa. Part of the extracted
steam is used to heat the feedwater in an open feedwater heater. The rest of the
extracted steam is used for process heating and leaves the process heater as a
saturated liquid at 0.4 MPa. It is subsequently mixed with the feedwater leaving
the feedwater heater, and the mixture is pumped to the boiler pressure.
Damietta University Steam Technology
Faculty of Engineering Sheet NO (01)
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
18- A cogeneration plant is to generate power and 8600 kJ/s of process heat.
Consider an ideal cogeneration steam plant. Steam enters the turbine from the
boiler at 7 MPa and 500°C. One-fourth of the steam is extracted from the turbine
at 600-kPa pressure for process heating. The remainder of the steam continues
to expand and exhausts to the condenser at 10 kPa. The steam extracted for the
process heater is condensed in the heater and mixed with the feedwater at 600
kPa. The mixture is pumped to the boiler pressure of 7 MPa. Show the cycle on
a T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines, and determine (a) the mass flow
rate of steam that must be supplied by the boiler, (b) the net power produced by
the plant, and (c) the utilization factor.