Wako Full Contact Rules
Wako Full Contact Rules
Wako Full Contact Rules
Table of Contents
Art. 1. Definition 3
Art. 3. Decisions 4
Art. 3. Decisions
The decisions will be reached as follows:
Chapter 8 Full Contact V 17 Page 4 to 11
WAKO Rules Ring sports Full-contact
The Observer/Organizer of the ring, with the help of the WAKO Appeal Board, will immediately handle all protests.
After discussions, the representative of the WAKO Appeal Board will announce the official result.
A score must be awarded when a legal technique is performed to the following criteria to the legal scoring area.
1. Good Form (good technique with absolute balance)
2. Vigorous Application (full power and speed)
3. Awareness (total concentration and not turning away the face during delivery of the technique)
4. Good Timing and Correct Distance (when techniques have the most potential effect)
5. Sporting Attitude (non-malicious attitude during delivery of technique).
warning. Only four official warnings can be given to a fighter in the course of the entire bout. The third minus point will
automatically mean DISQUALIFICATION (the procedure starts from 1 st official warning, 2nd official warning and 1
minus point, 3rd official warning and 1 minus point, 4th official warning and consequent disqualification of the fighter).
Art. 5.6.2 Warnings given to the second count against the Kickboxer.
A Referee may, without stopping the fight, give a caution to a Kickboxer at any moment. If he wants to give a warning
to a Kickboxer, he will stop the fight and announce the offence. He will show it to the three judges, pointing with his
finger to the kickboxer at fault.
The following actions are considered fouls:
Punching below the belt, hooking, tripping, and hitting with knees or elbows.
Butting with head, shoulders, with forearms and elbows, strangling the opponent, crushing his face with arm or el-
bow, pushing his head outside the ropes.
Hitting with open gloves, with the inside of the gloves, with a wrist.
Hitting the opponent' back, and particularly on the nape of his neck, head and kidneys.
Attacking while holding the ropes or using them improperly
Lying down, wrestling or not fighting at all
Attacking an opponent who is on the floor or getting up
Hitting while hooking the opponent, or pulling the opponent into the blow.
Hooking or holding opponent's arm or putting an arm underneath the arm of the opponent.
Suddenly lowering one's head below opponent's belt in a way that would be dangerous for the latter.
Using artificial means for a passive defence and falling down intentionally in order to avoid a blow.
Using insulting and aggressive language during a round.
Refusing to withdraw after the order "BREAK".
Trying to land a blow on the opponent, immediately after a "BREAK" order and before withdrawing.
Assailing or insulting the Referee at any time
When a warning for a particular foul has been administered, for example a clinch
The Referee will not caution the kickboxer again for the same offence. An official warning will follow and a third cau-
tion for the same foul will go into a minus point. If a Referee thinks that an offence has been committed without his
knowledge, he will have to consult the judges
When a kickboxer is on the floor, the Referee will count from 1 to 10 with a second interval between each number, and
will indicate each second with his fingers so that the fallen kickboxer knows how many seconds have already been
counted. One second must pass from the moment the kickboxer falls down to the start of the count.
When a kickboxer is on the floor due to a blow, the fight will not continue before the Referee has counted to 8, even if
the kickboxer is ready to continue the fight before that time. If the kickboxer doesn't raise his hands the Referee will
continue to count until "10", the round will be finished and a KO declared.
If a kickboxer is on the floor at the end of a round, the Referee will continue the count even if the bell rings. If the Refe-
ree counts to 10, the kickboxer will be declared loser via KO.
If a kickboxer is on the floor after having received a blow and the fight continues after the count out of 8 seconds, but
the kickboxer falls back on the floor without receiving a new blow, the Referee will resume the count, starting at 8.
If both Kickboxer’s fall at the same time, the count will continue on as long as one of them is still on the floor. If they
both remain on the floor after 10 seconds, the bout will be stopped and decision given, considering the points granted
before the KO. This will not be applied in WAKO-PRO bouts unless the third round is over. Otherwise a NO CON-
TEST will be declared between the two fighters. A kickboxer who does not resume the fight after the break or after a
KO loses the fight.