1 s2.0 S0260877412001434 Main
1 s2.0 S0260877412001434 Main
1 s2.0 S0260877412001434 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The objective of this work was to assess the effect of emulsifiers, hydrocolloids and enzymes on gluten-
Received 29 August 2011 free dough rheology and thermal properties and bread quality, while relating dough properties parame-
Received in revised form 24 February 2012 ters to bread technological quality. Breads were based on rice flour, cassava starch and full-fat active soy
Accepted 6 March 2012
flour, with 65% or 75% (flour-starch basis) of water incorporation. Additives used were emulsifiers
Available online 21 March 2012
(diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglycerides – DATEM and sodium stearoyl lactylate – SSL), enzymes
(glucose oxidase and a-amylase) and hydrocolloids (xanthan gum, carboxymethylcellulose, alginate
and carrageenan). Results showed that additive incorporation modified dough behavior, evidenced by
different calorimetric and rheological properties. Besides, the electrophoretic pattern of dough extracted
Hydrocolloids proteins changed with glucose oxidase addition. These modifications resulted in breads with different
Gluten free dough characteristics, such as specific volume, firmness and firming rate, and crumb structure. Nonetheless,
Gluten free bread they did not necessarily show better quality parameters than the control bread. The control dough dis-
played good performance for obtaining gluten-free breads of acceptable volume, crumb structure and,
principally, with lower hardening rate during storage. Contrary to widespread opinion, this work shows
that the presence of additives is not essential for gluten-free bread production. This fact provides new
perspectives to the gluten free market at the moment of selecting raw materials and technological
parameters, reducing production costs and facilitating gluten free products development.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.S. Sciarini et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 111 (2012) 590–597 591
hydrocolloids improve dough development and gas retention increase air incorporation into the dough); dough was weighed
through the increase in system viscosity, producing loaves with into aluminum cups (60 g) and proofed again under the same con-
higher specific volume (Lazaridou et al., 2007; Marco and Rosell, ditions (30 min, 30 °C, and 85% relative humidity). Finally, they
2008; Peressini et al., 2011). However, it is worth highlighting that were put into a rotational oven (Ciclo Ingeniería, Argentina) and
the effect of different additives is highly dependent on the raw baked at 180 °C for 30 min. Once baked, breads cooled for 2 h (until
material used, the nature and quantity of additive used and water room temperature was reached). Breadmaking was performed in
availability, being very difficult to predict the real effect of each duplicate.
additive on different formulations. Thus, the objective of this work
was to assess the effect of emulsifiers, hydrocolloids and enzymes 2.3. Dough properties
on gluten-free dough rheology and thermal properties and bread
quality, while relating dough properties parameters to bread tech- 2.3.1. Large deformation rheology: resistance to penetration
nological quality. The force required to penetrate the dough was determined using
a TA-XT2i texturometer (Stable Micro Systems, United Kingdom)
2. Materials and methods equipped with a 25 kg cell. Samples were prepared as for bread-
making, and 40 g of the resultant dough were weighed into plastic
2.1. Materials flasks and proofed (60 min, 30 °C, 85% relative humidity). To deter-
mine penetration force, fermented dough was compressed until the
Gluten free breads were formulated with rice flour (Nora’s probe (35 mm diameter) disrupted the dough surface structure, pe-
Skills, Argentina; 8.11% proteins, 0.23% ash, 0.28% crude fiber, netrating into the sample, at 5 mm/s. Fig. 1 shows a representative
0.80% lipids, 79.63% carbohydrates, 10.95% moisture), cassava penetration plot. In the first part of the curve, probe is considered to
starch (Señor de Sipan, Argentina; 0.24% proteins, 0.09% ash, compress the dough without disrupting its structure, up to the
0.21% crude fiber, 0.01% lipids, 86.59% carbohydrates, 12.87% mois- point where a threshold force is achieved, and dough resistance
ture) and full-fat active soy flour (NICCO, Argentina; 36.41% to penetration is broken. To obtain this threshold value, two linear
proteins, 4.72% ash, 2.83% crude fiber, 19.80% lipids, 30.26% carbo- regressions were carried out in each of the two parts of the curve;
hydrates, 5.98% moisture); compressed yeast (Dánica, Argentina), these regressions represented the ideal behavior of the dough.
shortening (Dánica, Argentina) and salt (Dos Anclas, Argentina). The intersection of both straight lines was considered as dough
The additives employed were: emulsifiers: sodium stearoil-2- resistance to penetration under ideal conditions. Dough prepara-
lactilate (SSL) and diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglyceride tion was performed in duplicate, and three determinations were
(DATEM) were obtained from Alpha emulsionantes (Argentina). performed in each dough batch.
Enzymes: glucose oxidase (GOX) and a-amylase (Am) were pur-
chased from Novozyme (Denmark). Hydrocolloids and emulsifiers 2.3.2. Small deformation rheology: frequency sweep
were of food grade, and enzymes were of analytical grade. Hydrocol- Rheometric experiments were performed with an oscillatory
loids: xanthan gum (X), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), carrageenan rheometer (Anton Paar, Germany). Frequency sweeps were carried
(C) and alginate (Al). X, C and Al were provided by Saporiti S.A. out at 0.1–10 Hz, 0.05% strain and 30 °C (viscoelastic linear range
(Argentina), and CMC was obtained from Latinoquímica Amtex was determined with a previous strain sweep from 0.1% to 100%,
S.A. (Argentina). at a constant frequency of 1 Hz). Plate-plate geometry (25 mm
diameter) was used, with 2 mm gap. Samples were prepared as
2.2. Breadmaking for breadmaking, but without yeast addition. Dough was allowed
to rest for 15 min and then put between plates, and sample excess
Basic bread formulation consisted in 45 g of rice flour, 45 g of was carefully trimmed. To avoid water loss during the determina-
cassava starch, 10 g of soy flour, 2 g of salt, 2 g of shortening, 3 g tion, the exposed edges of dough were covered with vaseline. Be-
of compressed yeast and 65 g of water (except in breads with fore starting the assay, samples were rested for 5 min to allow
hydrocolloid addition, where 75 g of water were used). The level residual stresses relaxation. Dough preparation was performed in
of additive incorporation was selected according to preliminary re- triplicate.
sults (Table 1). Ingredients were put together and mixed in a plan-
etary mixer (Arno, Brazil) for 1 min at 156 rpm and 2 min at 2.3.3. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
214 rpm. The dough obtained was proofed for 30 min (30 °C and For starch gelatinization studies, dough was prepared as for
85% relative humidity). After this process, dough was mixed again breadmaking but without shortening addition; then, it was proofed
for 1 min at 156 rpm (this second mixing is carried out to redistrib- (60 min, 30 °C, 85% relative humidity). Approximately 30 mg of
ute air cells and nutrients to improve yeast’s activity, and to sample were weighed into aluminum pans and hermetically
Table 1
Additives employed in gluten-free bread formulations.
Table 2
Resistance values after fermentation; elastic (G0 ) and viscous (G0 0 ) moduli and tan d values at 1 Hz for gluten-free doughs.
Table 3
DSC parameters of gelatinized and retrograded samples.
Table 4
Gluten-free bread quality parameters.
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