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Toeic Test

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Our human resources department will help you acclimate to the San Francisco area __________ your arrival there. (A) when (B) while (C) upon (D) if 2. For being the top ________ real estate saleswoman of the quarter, Susan Miller received the accolades of her manager (A) produce (B) production (C) produced (D) producing 3. Your accommodations at the Pan-Pacific Hotel in Vancouver __________ been confirmed for two nights. (A) having (B) has (C) have (D) have to 4. President Smith's ________ assistant will accompany her on her trip to New York this week. (A) executing (B) executive (C) execution (D) executable 5. ________ John accomplished little as production supervisor,he was fired. (A) Even though (B) In spite of (C) While (D) Because

6. It was quite an accomplishment to turn the company around in such ________. (A) time a short (B) short, a time (C) time a short (D) a short time 7. Talks have broken off because the two companies have been unable ________ an accord. (A) to reach (B) reaching (C) reach (D) they reached 8. According to our records, your checking account is $123.00 ________ as of this morning. (A) overdrawn (B) overdrawing (C) was overdrawn (D) to overdraw 9. You ________ an accountant calculate your taxes and complete your return. (A) should let (B) can (C) could have been (D) might need 10. Should you decide to take our money market ________ account, interest will accrue at a rate of 4.5% per year. (A) to check (B) check (C) checking (D) checked

11. She has yet to achieve her goal ________ the company on sound financial footing. (A) by putting (B) with putting (C) of putting (D) on putting 12. William's ________ of accomplishment within the company is only exceeded by his record of service to the community. (A) record (B) recorded (C) recording (D) records 13. Pacific Gas and Electric refused to acknowledge receiving our letter ________ complaint. (A) by (B) of (C) in (D) to 14. Mr. Young is a business acquaintance whom I met at our annual convention ________ year. (A) past (B) passed (C) prior (D) last 15. Dutch Telecom is reportedly seeking to acquire VoiceStream Technologies for ________ fifty billion dollars. (A) some (B) any (C) much (D) many

16. AOL's acquisition of Time Warner was accomplished mainly as a result of selling shares in ________ company. (A) their (B) it's (C) its (D) they're a 17. As of Mr. Jones' ________ from the company, Janet Jackson has been appointed acting head of the Trust Division. (A) dismissive (B) dismiss (C) dismissal (D) dismissed 18. You may activate your credit card by calling 1-800-888-0002 at any ________ 24 hours a day. (A) timing (B) times (C) time (D) timer 19. According to actuarial calculations, the average male born in the United States has a life ________ of 74 years. (A) expectation (B) expectancy (C) expecting (D) expect 20. To become the CEO of a corporation, one must ________ extraordinary business acumen and aggressive leadership skills. (A) possess (B) possessed (C) have possessing (D) have been possessed

21. We cannot count on ________ changing their negotiating position because their response to our latest offer was adamant. (A) they are (B) them (C) their (D) that they 22. The addendum to the agreement has yet to be formulated but ________ crucial points which must be worded carefully. (A) include (B) includes (C) including (D) its including 23. Please note that the address which is listed on our business card has been changed ________ 512 Valencia Avenue. (A) in (B) on (C) by (D) to 24. I would like to send this letter by ________ return receipt so that the addressee will have to sign for it. (A) certify (B) certification (C) certifiable (D) certified 25. ________ our program this afternoon, the meeting will be adjourned promptly at 5:00 p.m. (A) In accordance by (B) To accord with (C) According to (D) Accord in

1. Despite their difference, they had enough _____ to resolve their disputes and work together again.

Wrong answer! Choice C is the corrent answer. A. alike B. the best C. in common D. similar 2. ______ kinds of monitors have not brought as much success to the manufacturer as had originally been predicted.

Wrong answer! Choice B is the corrent answer. A. That B. Those C. This D. Its 3. There are times when we think bad thoughts, but as long as we don't actually do the deed, it _____ not to repress the thought, and admit we are just human.

Don't worry. Try your best! A. better B. can be better

C. is better than D. is better 4. Photography changed dramatically __________ introduced instant pictures.

Wrong answer! Choice A is the corrent answer. A. when Polaroid B. Polaroid C. when was D. it when Polaroid 5. The number of members of the executive board in a big corporation is fixed by the bylaws _______ by the president.

Don't worry. Try your best! A. nevertheless B. instead C. despite D. not 6. _______ common nuclear reaction, cold fusion does not require a high temperature.

Wrong answer! Choice D is the corrent answer.

A. Alike B. It is unlikely C. It is not like D. Unlike 7. Not until the end of the nineteenth century, _______ become a scientific discipline.

Wrong answer! Choice B is the corrent answer. A. plant breeding had B. did plant breeding C. plant breeding have D. have plant breeding 8. Mr. Johnson has lived here _____ ten years.

Wrong answer! Choice A is the corrent answer. A. for B. during C. since D. while 9. The cerebral cortex is _______ where the process of remembering faces takes place.

Correct!! A. the area is brained B. the area of the brain C. and a brain area D. brain area 10. By measuring changing conditions in the atmosphere, _______ general weather patterns.

Wrong answer! Choice D is the corrent answer. A. meteorologists who are predicting B. meteorologists were predicted C. predicting meteorologists D. meteorologists can predict

19 Hellenic American UnionPractice Exam for the TOEIC Test 113. Financial analysts advocate that balancingthe needs of producers and consumers is________ crucial as increasing the supplyand curbing energy demand.(A) as(B) so(C) too(D) very 114. Duncan, a food company, agreed to buya Dutch company ________ in baby foodand clinical nutrition for the sick and theelderly.(A) special(B) specialty(C) specializing(D) specialization 115. The foundations director ________ thescientific operations of the organization.(A) coexists(B) contextualizes(C) cooperates(D) coordinates 116. The CEO decided to unveil the companysnew products in an elaborate ceremonybroadcast on TV ________ the Internet.(A) and(B) as well(C) but(D) or 117. The companys Scientific and TechnicalAdvisory Panel is comprised of ________scientists appointed by the CEO.(A) eminent(B) imminent(C) impending(D) pertinent 118. Prospective candidates for an executiveposition must have a ________ command of the English language and exceptionalanalytical and writing skills.(A) strong(B) stronger(C) strongly(D) more strongly 119. The companys Director adopted a proactiveapproach in developing and maintaininga program of lectures which have helpedCOMBI ________ its objectives.(A) be furthering(B) further(C) to have furthered(D) to furthering 120. The chief accountant asked to see nextyears profit ________ so as to start workingon the companys budget.(A) profiles(B) projects(C) projections(D) prosecutions 121. The International Financial Institution seeksan outstanding professional toassist ________ a broad range of analyticaland advocacy activities. (A) at(B) for(C) in(D) with 122.

The United Nations Environment Program isrecruiting two Program Officers for itsSecretariat ________ in UNEPs office inWashington, DC.(A) being located(B) to locate(C) to be located(D) to be locating 123. A successful CEO should have the abilityto ________ authority to co-workers toperform their assigned functions.(A) delegate(B) denounce(C) deputize(D) detect 124. The CEO maintains that our companyslatest ________ will enhance our bottled-water division.(A) acquiring(B) acquired(C) acquisition(D) acquisitive

Hellenic American Union 20 Practice Exam for the TOEIC Test 125. Less developed countries receive ________from the European Union to finance variousdevelopment projects.(A) allowances(B) bonds(C) grants(D) stakes 126. The new secretary ________ someproblems which she could not handlewithout the directors assistance.(A) ran after(B) ran for(C) ran into(D) ran through 127. Shareholders in both companies finally________ an agreement and decided toproceed with the merger.(A) approached(B) arrived(C) consented(D) reached 128. Investors reacted nervously to the bad newsstemming ________ the slowdownin Americas housing market.(A) by(B) from(C) of (D) off 129. Mr. Delancas ________ effectivecommunication skills, coupled withhis ability to think on his feet, helped himget promoted quickly.(A) high(B) higher(C) highest(D) highly 130. The marketing director managed to________ the target audiences awarenesswith his new advertising campaign.(A) augment(B) influence(C) raise(D) rise 131.

After weeks of ________, Alhans CEOformalized his $362 billion offer to Trinto,the global mining giant.(A) speculated(B) speculating(C) speculation(D) speculator 132. The companys CEO is an individual of highintegrity with the ability to inspire andmotivate ________ employees.(A) another(B) one another(C) others(D) the other 133. The Board of Directors was impressed by Mr.Delaguas ability to implement necessarychanges and his ________ of new businessmethods to meet new challenges.(A) application(B) applicable(C) apply(D) applying 134. Some companies cut the price of theirproducts by as much as $100 in America inan ________ to boost their sales.(A) commission(B) effort(C) undertaking(D) venture 135. Stockmarkets in America and Europe fellsharply and the dollar continued its slideas a result ________ the slowdown inAmericas housing market. (A) by(B) from(C) in(D) of 136. The executive manager handed in hisresignation ________.(A) notation(B) notice(C) noticed(D) notified

21 Hellenic American UnionPractice Exam for the TOEIC Test 137. The CEO announced that the companywould take firm and ________ action tocounter their rivals promotional campaign.(A) punctual(B) stability(C) subordinate(D) timely 138. The board of directors unanimouslyapproved of Mr. Grabbs being ________ tochief executive officer.(A) promoted(B) promotion(C) promotional(D) promoting 139.

More and more companies are beginning________ surveillance cameras around theoffice.(A) being installed(B) installing(C) to install(D) to be installed 140. Many companies pay Frostini, a firm knownto office workers for ________ webbasede-mail security and spam-sievingtechnology, a great deal of money.(A) it(B) its(C) their(D) theirs

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