Toeic 900d Reading Test 9
Toeic 900d Reading Test 9
Toeic 900d Reading Test 9
Reading Test
Reading Test
In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts,, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the fetter (A),
(B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
106. The outcome of our meeting today with the
101. ------you want to receive additional
board of directors will -------- the course of action
information regarding the services we offer,
we will take this year.
please log onto our website at www.
(A) determine today.
(B) determines
(A) If
(C) determining
(B) For
(D) determination
(C) Despite
(D) Whether
102. Sandy Duncan was handpicked by the
general manager to head the next project because
of --------- experience in this field.
(A) her
(B) hers
(C) herself
(D) she
103. The changes made in the working conditions
at our company resulted in remarkable
improvements in all aspects of our business and ----- more so in the morale of our employees.
(A) all
(B) any
(C) even
(D) although
104. All commuters---------- the main highway to
get to the center of the city will face delays of up
to an hour today because of on-going
(A) use
(B) used
(C) using
(D) will use
105. In order to become a member of the country
club, applicants have to meet the strict ---------set by the club president.
(A) require
(B) requires
(C) requiring
(D) requirements
Reading Test
118. Scarborough General Hospital has two --------for certified x-ray technicians to start
(A) open
(B) opener
(C) openings
(D) openness
119. Mark's Warehouse Clearance Store is having
a sale with savings of up to 40 percent off on all
clothing this weekend ---------- celebration of its
25th anniversary.
(A) in
(B) at
(C) on
(D) of
120. Probe Magazine conducted a survey asking
one thousand employees who work in low-paying
industries to express ---------- their biggest
concerns are.
(A) how
(B) when
(C) what
(D) which
121. Should there be any requests for schedule
changes, please notify us ---------(A) prompt
(B) prompted
(C) promptly
(D) prompting
122. For this weekend only, Bad Boys Electronics
Store is celebrating its first year in business with
up to thirty percent ---------- on all items in the
(A) retail
(B) market
(C) economy
(D) discounts
123. The automobile parts we requested for our
customer got here on ---------(A) authority
(B) condition
(C) schedule
(D) appointment
124. The advertisements printed in this magazine
do not ---------- imply endorsement by the
(A) highly
(B) barely
(C) gradually
(D) necessarily
Reading Test
132. One of the reasons why our sales team has
become a leader today is that they are put through
a number of vigorous training sessions to keep up
with the ---------changes that occur in the
(A) prosperous
(B) continuous
(C) straight
(D) mature
133. John is a bit nervous because he will give a
speech ---------- the board members this
(A) by
(B) on
(C) to
(D) during
134. Of the many radio stations in the city, FM
109 is considered to play the ---------- listening
(A) easy
(B) easiest
(C) more easily
(D) most easily
135. The new, expensive software was purchased
to help keep better ---------- of the clients we have
here at our company.
(A) records
(B) states
(C) points
(D) marks
136. Only after ---------- requests by the tenants
did the superintendent do something about the
broken intercoms in some of the apartments.
(A) repeat
(B) repeated
(C) repeating
(D) repetition
Reading Test
140. The defense attorney contemplated a long
time before finally making his decision to --------the accused in court.
(A) attend
(B) represent
(C) express
(D) perform
Part 6
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A),
(B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 141-143 refer to the following article.
Reading Test
(C) line
(D) track
to take or if your existing investment portfolio is not doing its job and needs a major shake up,
then we can help.
Many middle-income earners have expressed their opinions on how difficult it is to get honest,
straightforward, and unbiased advice that supports their financial goals. According to one couple, they were
working hard as teachers and never thought that they could get ahead on their --------- until they discovered
145. (A) costs
(B) prices
(C) charges
(D) wages
London Life's simple ------------- effective investing techniques. By following our simple strategy,
146. (A) once
(B) still
(C) yet
(D) ever
we were able to amass a small fortune for the couple! Now, we can show you how you can, too.
London Life
Reading Test
Thank you once again and I'm looking forward to your response.
On behalf of Alfredo Chen and Hydetransport Taiwan, I would like to thank you for your warm hospitality
during our visit to Global Logistics. It was a pleasure meeting all of you and seeing your operations and
setup. We were very impressed with your -------------- facility and your investment in technology.
150. (A) secure
(B) secured
(C) securely
(D) to secure
As we discussed, we would like to extend our gratitude by inviting you to Taipei when you are available in
the ------------ future. Please let me know when you would like to schedule your ----------.
151. (A) prevalent
152. (A) tourism
(B) surfacing
(B) trip
(C) foreseeable
(C) talk
(D) ongoing
(D) request
As a second step, we would also like further to explore your business ventures with Hydetransport. As part
of your plan to expand globally, we see much synergy and advantage for both parties to pursue a business
partnership in Taiwan.
Best regards,
Jonathan Wong Director / Planning Group
Part 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 153-155 refer to the following letter.
October 20 2006
Mr. Joe Fernandez
1385 Midland Ave.
Detroit, Michigan
Dear Mr. Fernandez,
As the president, I am proud to announce that this Friday marks the 30th anniversary of our long and
successful running country club. This, of course, calls for a night of celebration. And for this reason, we
have reserved the Grand Hall at the Falcon Hotel this Friday at 7 p.m. for a night of fine dining and
On this special evening, the newest members of our club will get an opportunity to listen to the thoughts of
Reading Test
our older members and exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. The newest members, who will be
carrying on our tradition, should hear what the older members have to say.
Further, the food will be superb. I've had a chance to dine at the hotel several times in the past in other
functions, and it was the food that convinced me to hold our event there. I am quite certain that all of our
members will share my feeling. Anyhow, I am looking forward to this Friday when all of our members can
let loose and have some fun.
Therefore, this is a letter officially to invite you and your spouse or significant other to join us on this
memorable evening.
Please let us know if you can't attend.
Yours sincerely,
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
Jeff Connelly
153. What is the main purpose of this letter?
(A) To provide information about the club's
(B) To notify the members of a yearly meeting
(C) To welcome the newest member to the club
(D) To invite the members to an upcoming event
154. Which of the following will NOT be part of
the event?
(A) Discussions
(B) Entertainment
(C) Presentations
(D) Dinner
155. According to Mr. Connelly, what led him to
hold the event there?
(A) It has become a tradition at the club.
(B) He has special ties with the hotel staff.
(C) The hotel is located close to the club.
(D) He was impressed with its menu.
Reading Test
Pump It
special offer
Look your best this summer with our state of the art equipment and a tailor-made training program made
specially for you by one of our top-rated personal trainers.
If you are having a difficult time getting motivated, Pump It is where you want to be.
With a personal trainer assigned to you, you'll be placed in a tailor-made program that will make you look
your best in just 12 weeks.
With our program, you will get the full benefits of ...
Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry
The use of the most updated fitness equipment money can buy, including free weights, treadmills, bikes,
and even a his and hers sauna
Ongoing group classes, from aerobics to yoga to dancercise to `abs-butts-thighs*, just to name a few
For the time being, absolutely no joining fee and a very affordable monthly membership rate
So come for a free consultation, and get started today!
Don't miss out!
Offer is good until this Friday
310 St. George Street, Suite 601, Chicago
T: 755-3422 W:
160. Who does this advertisement mainly target?
(A) Anyone who failed at dieting during the
(B) People without much time on their hands
(C) Athletes training for upcoming competitions
(D) People who need a little nudge at getting into
Reading Test
130 Main Road (Near Fairview
Mall). Bus Ill will take you directly
to the museum. It runs every 15
St. George Hospital, 1000 Bathurst
Street. Emergency service open 24
hours a day.
Nearest post office - 4 min. walk
down Gerald Road. Hours 9 - 5
Just outside the east wing door. Ask
the front desk clerk for assistance
with luggage.
1st Basement floor of the hotel.
Ground floor of the hotel. Open 24
hours a day.
Shuttle service to the airport every
10 min. Free. At the front door.
Close to the hotel - On the corner of
University and College Streets.
Emergency 911
Main Road. Hours are from 10 a.m. - 6
p.m. on weekdays. 12 - 5 on Saturday.
Closed Sunday.
Service available from 9 until 6 daily ASK AT FRONT DESK.
from your room.
162. Where would this information most likely be
(A) At a bus stop
(B) In a hotel lobby
(C) At a shopping center
(D) At a post office
163. According to the information, which can be
performed at 1 o'clock in the morning?
(A) Withdrawing some cash
(B) Working out at the gym
(C) Getting medicine for a cold
(D) Getting pictures developed
Reading Test
Marketing staff
FROM: Jonathan Blair
DATE: August 22
New Advertising Campaign
We are very excited about our new line of infant clothes this year. The following will give you a general
outline of the marketing strategies we have planned to help to promote our new clothes. As you all know,
this is our first attempt in this market, and we are anticipating great results. And to add to this, we have put
together our biggest and most expensive ad campaign in several of the country's largest media.
Reading Test
Reading Test
ICR'S Exclusive $15-million Computer Search Program
The only one of its kind in the world
How credit agencies may not in compliance
with the Canadian Consumer Reporting Act and what
you can do about it.
"All information is strictly confidential."
Consolidate debts into lower monthly payments!
Call for an appointment:
173. Who is the intended audience of this
174. What type of service does the company
(A) People who are in legal trouble
(A) It helps those who are in debt.
(B) Anyone who is having financial problems
(B) It lends money at low interest.
(C) Businesses that are in need of tax breaks
(C) It invests in potential companies.
(D) Workers who must do their yearly income
(D) It provides legal counseling to people in
Questions 175-178 refer to the following facsimile.
Services Ltd.
1st Floor. World Building
431 Bloor Street East
Seattle. Washington
Maggie Wong
Maggie Wong
PA to Ron Devereux
Reading Test
177. What will the recipient of the fax do?
(A) Check out of the hotel
(B) Get his room key
(C) Go to Mr. Devereux's office
(D) Make a telephone call
178. Who is Maggie Wong?
(A) The president of HanKyu Services Limited
(B) A hotel front desk clerk
(C) A guest who is staying at the hotel
(D) The personal assistant of the person sending
the fax
Free Dish
Choose any one dish from the menu on the back (restricted to $8 or
less food items) with any order over $40 (before tax).
Not valid in conjunction with any other offers.
Reading Test
Micheal Robinson
Micheal Robinson
Properties Manager
Sent: June 8, 2006
Subject: Your request
Dear Mr. Robinson,
Thank you for your letter. I was surprised, and of course concerned, that you find yourself in this
unfortunate situation. And of course I will do my best to help you. Your company has been one of our best
clients since we began operations in 1978.
Anyway, I personally took a trip down to our warehouse this morning to have a closer look at our stock to
see if we have all the things you need for your convention which I believe is from July 7 to July 14. I
am happy to say that we will be able to provide you with everything you originally requested. However; as
for the additional request you made, it won't be possible because we have already rented them out to
another client during that week.
My suggestion is that you come down to my office to discuss other possibilities. I can take you down to our
warehouse, and you can look at our inventory. So, please call me soon to arrange a time.
Kind regards,
Suzanne Rogers,
Sales and Shipping Department
181. Why did Mr. Robinson write the letter?
(A) To make a complaint about a late delivery
(B) To ask for a change in the delivery date
(C) To invite Ms. Rogers to an auto show
(D) To cancel an order he had made
Reading Test
(A) They will drive down to the auto show
(B) Ms. Rogers will apologize for her mistakes.
(C) They will have a look around the warehouse.
(D) Mr. Robinson will hand over a check.
185. Which of the following does Ms. Rogers say
she will NOT be able to provide?
(A) Chairs
(B) Tables
(C) Partitions
(D) Pop-up displays
Reading Test
Reading Test
(C) To point out a mistake in the policy
(D) To ask for a day off next week
194. What can be inferred about Mary from the
(A) She has been with the company for less than
three months.
(B) She has not met her family for over two
(C) She has close ties to some important people in
the company.
(D) She took her last vacation in November 2006.
195. Which of the following information is true?
(A) Mary will most likely get exempted from rule
number 2.
(B) Mary is not abiding by rule number 3.
(C) Mary is entitled to take advantage of rule
number 1.
(D) Mary only has a year left to go to be
considered for rule number 6.
Reading Test
Sally Hancock
Signature of applicant
(B) Birthplace
(A) By fax
(B) By e-mail
(C) By phone
(D) By mail
(A) September 25
(B) October 9
(D) October 30
(C) October 16