Quarter 4 - Arts - 20230929 - 133122 - 0000
Quarter 4 - Arts - 20230929 - 133122 - 0000
Quarter 4 - Arts - 20230929 - 133122 - 0000
Activity 1
A. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. The first performer in a tragedy play who was later considered the Father of tragedy was?
a. Dionysus
b. Thespis
c. Plautus
d. Magnus
a. Actor
b. Playwright
c. Shakespearian
d. Thespian
2. Satyr was often performed after three tragedies. What could be the reason for this?
a. comedy
b. satyr
c. tragedy
d. drama
B. For 6 - 15, pick up words or phrases found in the upper box and place them under each
period in the lower box where you think they belong.
Melodrama Satyr
Ancient Medieval
Renaissance Baroque Neoclassical Romantic
Theatre 700 Theater —
Theater Theater Theater Theater
BCE - 410 500 C.E. -
1400 - 1600 1600 - 1750 1800 - 1900 1800 - 2000
BC 1400
16. Earliest theater forms were rituals and festivals, all an upshot of the following:
a. gods
b. myths
c. music
d. composers
17. When we talk about Ancient period we are actually talking about these great cities.
18. Armand used to be joyful, but this COVID 19 had been unforgiving. The time he spent at
home thinking about his future made him sad. He finally succumbed to depression. His family
misunderstood him as only having tantrums. Being misunderstood and unable to control his
feelings, Armand committed the grave mistake of killing his mother. The other members of
the family were very sad not only for the death of the mother but also for Armand who now
have to spend his life living in prison. How would you classify this story’s genre?
19. “There are only two sides of a coin in the same way that there are only two kinds of color
either black or white which sometimes mean either you are good or bad. During what period
in history was classical theater viewed diabolical that eventually led to its closure?
a. Ancient b. Medieval
20. In Greek theater, performers were limited to only 3 persons playing different roles, the
transition between scenes and the storyline itself is taken cared of by one of the following
Activity 2
_____ 11. Tragedy goes back to ancient times where it was the most
preferred sort of play. The first performer in a tragedy plays who was later
on considered the Father of tragedy was.
a. Dionysus b. Thespis
c. Plautus d. Magnus
_____ 12. 7. Medieval period began with the closure of classical theater by
the church for it was seen as of the devil. What happened to the religious
plays in many countries at the end of the period?
_____ 13. True or False. In Commedia dell’arte the players wrote their own
plays and build their own characters from scratch.
_____ 14. Satyr was often performed after three tragedies. What could be
the reason for this?
a. It is the most important genre
d. It is always requested
_____ 15. Which of the following is a common English term for a performer?
a. Actor
b. Playwright
c. Shakespearian
d. Thespian
_____ 16. A door is a part of a house, therefore we can say that a door is an
________ of a house.
c. principle d. adornment
_____ 17. Before writing his play, Mario, organized his thoughts first as to
how the incidents of the play will happen from the start to the ending
part. This is called.
a. Plot b. Spectacle
c. Theme d. Character
_____ 18. In this time of pandemic, we usually hear stories about Covid
virus, the frontliners, the gov’t officials and the ordinary people. In the
elements of theater we call these the _______.
a. plot b. costumes
c. elements d. characters
_____ 19. Angelo was amazed at what he saw in the stage during the play
presentation. The setting was in a cemetery, when the lady awoke she saw
her loved one lying dead from poison so she stabbed herself and died. It
was a grim scenery with all those dead people. The lights went out slowly
with the music playing a very sad melody. What element of theater is
described here?
a. Plot b. Theme
c. Spectacle d. Genre
_____ 20. In a Tom and Jerry show, we do not hear any dialogue but we can
feel the intensity and speed of their action through what element?
a. Lights b. Sound
Activity 3
A. Multiple Choices
a. ancient period
b. medieval period
c. renaissance period
d. romantic period
a. Ancient Period
b. Baroque Period
c. Renaissance Period
d. Romantic Period
a. Comedy
b. Drama
c. Melodrama
d. Tragedy
a. Christopher Marlowe
b. Georges Bizet
c. Victor Hugo
d. William Shakespeare
a. Comedy
b. Drama
c. Melodrama
d. Tragedy
6. The first spotlight used in the U.S. during Neoclassical Period was called
a. Firelight
b. Flashlight
c. Limelight
d. Spotlight
7. The following are the three main elements of the ancient theater EXCEPT
one. which one?
a. Audience
b. Orchestra
c. Skene
d. Theatron
8. The theater of ancient Greece consisted of three types of drama. Which
of the following is NOT part of the group?
a. Comedy
b. Melodrama
c. Satyr play
d. Tragedy
a. Actor/Actress
b. Director
c. Playwright
d. Producer
a. Liturgy
b. Melodrama
c. Opera
d. Tetralogy
B. Search for 10 words from the puzzle that are connected to the History
of the Theatrical Forms and their Revolution.
11. ___________________________________
12. ___________________________________
13. ___________________________________
15. ___________________________________
16. ___________________________________
17. ___________________________________
18. ___________________________________
19. ___________________________________
20. ___________________________________