Lesson Plan in MAPEH 9
Lesson Plan in MAPEH 9
Lesson Plan in MAPEH 9
II. Content: Western Classical Play and Opera (Greek and Roman)
Checking of attendance
B. Establishing a Purpose
So, can you give me a scenario where there are theatrical There are theatrical stage and performers.
stage and performers?
Nice Idea! This morning we are going to discuss the There is a drama/ a play or an opera.
Western Classical Play and Opera.
C. Presenting example
What is in the second picture? The second picture is commedia Del Arte
Playwrights playwright or dramatist is a person who
writes plays. One of the most famous playwrights
was William Shakespeare (1564-1616). The word
"play" is from Middle English pleye, from Old English
plæġ, pleġa, plæġa ("play, exercise; sport, game; drama,
applause". The word "wright" is an archaic English term
for a craftsman or builder (as in
a wheelwright or cartwright). The words combine to
indicate a person who has "wrought" words, themes,
and other elements into a dramatic form—a play.
(The homophone with "write" is coincidental.)
F. Making Generalization
So class, let us review the things we discuss a while