Greek and Roman Theater
Greek and Roman Theater
Greek and Roman Theater
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates theater and performance as a synthesis of arts.
Performance standard: The learner takes part in a performance of a selected piece from Western Classical plays and opera.
Learning Competency: show the influences of the selected classical play or opera on Philippine Theatrical Performances in terms of form and content of story.
II. Content: Western Classical Play and Opera (Greek and Roman)
III. Learning Resources
o Learners Material (G-9 Music&Arts) pp. 299-303
b. Materials
o cartolina
o slide show presentation
o pictures
o printed hand outs
A. Preliminary Activities
Let us all stand and pray.
Willyn, kindly lead the prayer.
(The students will stand. Jenny will lead the prayer.)
Before you take your seat please pick up all the pieces of papers under your chairs
and arrange your chairs properly.
(The students will pick up all the pieces of papers under their chairs and arrange their chairs
You may now take your seats. (The students will sit.)
2. Checking of Attendance
Are there any absentees today? None, ma’am.
B. Establishing a Purpose
(Teacher Set Behavioral Rules and
Group the Students into three.)
This time, I want you to pay attention and look closely on the slideshow
presentation that I am going to present.
So, can you give me a scenario where there are theatrical stage and performers?
Nice Idea! This morning we are going to discuss the Western Classical Play and
Opera. There are theatrical stage and performers.
Miles Gloriosus
Group 1 Group 1:
What is in the first picture? The first picture is all about Romeo and Juliet.
Who is the author of Romeo and Juliet? It was written by William Shakespeare.
Group 2 Group 2
What is in the second picture? The second picture is all about Oedipus Rex.
Group 3 Group 3
What is in the third picture? The first picture is all about Miles Gloriosus.
Those three pictures are examples of dramas from the three different ancient
civilizations, the Renaissance, the Greek and the Roman. (Students listen attentively.)
D. Discussion of New Concept and Skills#1
This morning class, we will be focusing on the two Western Classical Play and
Opera which is Greek Theater and Roman Theater. But before that, let us define
What is a theater?
Theater is a collaborative form of fine arts that uses live performance, typically actors or
actresses, to present the experienced of real or imagined event in a specific place on stage.
In other words, dramatic arts concerned with live performances in which the
action is precisely planned to create a coherent and significant sense of drama.
Theater comes from the ancient Greek word “theatron” which means a place for viewing and
These are the picture of the Greek and Roman Theater building: “theaomai” which means to see, to watch or observe.
Answer: The Greek theater began with festivals honoring their Gods.
What are the three types of Greek drama?
Answer: Tragedy, Comedy and Satyr Play
It is said that Greek theater began around 700 B.C. How do you think they traced
it? Using what?
Using carbon dating ma’am.
Very good! Class, geologist were able to date ancient events by using radiometric
dating method based on the radioactive decay of certain elements such as
potassium and carbon.
Class, as you can observed, we encounter here one of the Greek mythology in our
world literature. Dionysus-The God of wine and fertility.
Gourp 2 Discussion: The actors, directors, and dramatists were all the same person. After
some time, only three actors were allowed to perform in each play. Due to limited number of
actors allowed on-stage, the chorus played into a very active part of Greek theatre. Music
was often played during the chorus. Men performed songs to welcome Dionysus and women
were not allowed to perform. Competitions in song, dance, music, scenic representation and
bodily exercises were done during the festivals.
Guide Questions:
Who are the personalities involved in Greek Theater?
Answer: Actors, Directors and Dramatist
So, the personalities involved in Greek theater are the actors, directors and
dramatist. They have competition in song, music, scenic representation and bodily
exercises. But, women are not allowed to perform. Just like in Philippines history,
during the old days, women are being discriminated and are not allowed to be
given the same opportunity like men.
What do you call the Greek Theater building?
Answer: Theatron
Group 3 Discussion: Roman Theater. The theatre of ancient Rome started in the 3rd century
BC. It had varied and interesting art forms, like festival performances of street theatre,
acrobatics, the staging of comedies of Plautus, and the high-verbally elaborate tragedies of
Guide Questions:
When did the theater of ancient Rome started?
Answer: 3RD Century B.C.
This is an example of Greek Theater building wherein the stage is called the
skene, the entrance is called the Parodos,
What are the themes of usual Roman theater plays?
Answer: Chariots races and public execution.
(Teacher checks the group work of the learners.)
Let give a hand to everyone for a job well done.
We Filipinos, was once colonized by the Spaniards that’s why we have our own
version of dramatic plays and opera. The most commonly known is the Philippine
H. Making Generalization
So class, let us review the things we discuss a while ago. What is a theater?
Theater is a collaborative form of fine arts that uses live performance, typically actors or
actresses, to present the experienced of real or imagined event in a specific place on stage.
What is the Greek word for theater?
Theater comes from the ancient Greek word “theatron” which means a place for viewing and
“theaomai” which means to see, to watch or observe.
What are the two ancient theaters that we discuss today? We discuss the Greek and the Roman Theater.
When and how did the Greek theater began? It began around 700 B.C. honoring their God Dionysus.
How about the Roman theater, when it began? 3rd century busy.
And what are the usual theme in Roman theater? Chariots races and public execution.
I. Evaluation
Identification. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
1. It is a dramatic form of art.
1. Theater
2. It is a Greek Theater building.
2. Theatron
3. How did the Greek theater began?
3. The Greek theater began with festivals honoring their God.
4-6. What are the three types of Greek drama?
4-6. Tragedy, Comedy, Satyr
7. What do you call the religious festival to honor Dionysus?
7. The cult of Dionysus
8. When did the theater of ancient Rome started?
8. 3rd century B.C.
9. -10 What are the usual theme for Roman theater?
9-10. Chariot Races, Gladiators, Public execution
J. Additional Activities
Write a reaction paper on how does the Greek and Roman theater affects our
practices today.
A..No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of learners
who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?