Banking UNIT IV
Banking UNIT IV
Banking UNIT IV
Growth and Lending Policies of Terms lending Institutions - Working of IDBI - IFCI
- STCs - SIDBI - LIC - GIC - UTI - Role of Financial Institutions in Capital Market.
The importance of development finance institutions in India is clear from the fact that their
contribution to total capital formation has grown significantly over the years, with 70 per cent of
the total directed to the private sector and taking the form of loans, as well of underwriting and
direct subscriptions of shares and debentures. Aggregate disbursals as a ratio of net capital
formation in the private sector rose from 24 per cent in 1970–1971 to 80 per cent directly before
the 1991 crisis. This provision of long-term industrial finance was a major source of support for
investment in the country, and constituted an important method by which to address the
limitations of the financial system that prevailed prior to independence. The sectors that
development finance institutions have targeted over the years are wide ranging, and include
manufacturing, services, agribusiness, construction, energy and infrastructure, in addition to social
sectors such as health and education (OECD, 2015).
Among development finance institutions in India, IDBI has been a leading financial
institution. It has provided finance to all major industries, including manufacturing, energy,
information technology and health, and has played a catalytic role in India’s industrial and
infrastructure development. As an apex institution, it had the role of coordinating the activities of
other development finance institutions, providing an overall strategy and direction to the various
banks supporting the development of Indian industries. Until 1982, when the Export–Import Bank
of India was created, IDBI also had an international finance division to support companies
engaged in foreign trade. In terms of institutional initiatives, IDBI was responsible for setting up
the Small Industries Development Bank of India as a subsidiary charged with catering to
smallscale industries, the Export–Import Bank of India and key financial market institutions such
as the Securities and Exchange Board of India and the National Stock Exchange.
IDBI has therefore played a critical role as an institution builder, contributing to the major
transformation of India’s financial landscape. IDBI itself has gone through substantial changes. It
was a subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of India at the time it was created, but became independent
in 1976, when its ownership was transferred to the Government of India. In the 1990s, part of its
ownership was transferred to private owners. Since the early 2000s, it has been transformed into a
universal bank, engaged in both retail and investment bank activities.
Working capital requirements are provided by commercial banks, indigenous bankers, co-
operative banks, money lenders, etc. The money market provides short-term funds which mean
working capital requirements. The long-term requirements of business concerns are provided by
industrial banks and the various long-term lending institutions which are created by the
government. In India, these long-term lending institutions are collectively referred to as
development banks.
They are:
1. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), 1948
2. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), 1955
3. Industrial Development of Bank of India (IDBI), 1964
4. State Finance Corporation (SFC), 1951
5. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), 1990
6. Export-Import Bank (EXIM)
7. Small Industries Development Corporation (SIDCO)
8. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).
In addition to these institutions, there are also institutions such as Life Insurance
Corporation of India, General Insurance Corporation of India, National Housing Bank, Unit
Trust of India, etc., which are providing investment funds.
Development banks in India are classified into the following four groups
1. Industrial Development Banks: It includes, for example, Industrial Finance
Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), and Small
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
2. Agricultural Development Banks: It includes, for example, National Bank for
Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD).
3. Export-Import Development Banks: It includes, for example, Export-Import Bank of
India (EXIM Bank).
4. Housing Development Banks: It includes, for example, the National Housing Bank
Working of IDBI - IFCI - SFCs - SIDBI - LIC - GIC - UTI
Industrial Finance Corporation is the first industrial development bank set up by the Government
of India in July 1948. It was established with a view to provide medium and long-term credit to the
eligible industrial units in the country.
It extends financial assistance to large and medium sized industrial units in both private and public
sectors and also to cooperatives. As a development bank, the IFCI also undertakes a number of
promotional activities, some on its own and others jointly with other All- India financial institutions.
The IFCI provides assistance in the following forms:
(i) It grants loans and advances to industrial concerns both in rupees and foreign currency
repayable within 25 years. The limit of assistance to any single concern now is Rs. 1 crore. Under special
circumstances, the limit of assistance can be raised with the permission of the government.
(ii) It subscribes to the shares and debentures issued by the industrial concerns.
(iii) It underwrites the issues of stocks, shares, bonds, debentures of the industrial concerns subject
to the condition that such stocks, shares, etc., are disposed of by the Corporation within a period of 7 years
from the time of acquisition.
(iv) It guarantees- (a) rupees loans raised from scheduled banks or state cooperative banks by the
industrial concerns, (b) foreign currency loans raised from foreign institutions, and (c) deferred payments
in respect of machinery imported from abroad or purchased from within the country
(v) In recent years, the Corporation has started taking interest in the promotional activities such as
organising techno-economic surveys, setting up of technical consultancy organisations etc.
While granting a loan, the Corporation takes into consideration- (a) the importance of the industry
to the national economy; (b) the cost and the feasibility of the scheme for which loan is required; (c) the
managerial competence; (d) the availability of the adequate raw materials and technical personnel; (e) the
quality of and the country’s demand for the product to be manufactured.
To start with, the Corporation was expected to provide financial assistance only to the industrial
units in the private and cooperative sectors, but now public sector and joint sector units have also become
eligible for assistance.
The assistance is available both for new industrial projects, and for the renovation, modernisation,
expansion or diversification of the existing units. Generally loans are provided for the purchase of plant
and machinery, construction of factory building, purchase of land for the factory etc. Corporation funds
are not available for the payment of existing loans or for raising working capital (e.g., purchasing raw
The capital resources of the IFCI comprise of- (a) share capital and reserves, (b) bonds and
debentures, (c) public deposits, and (d) other borrowings. The Corporation started with the authorised
capital of Rs. 10 crore and now it is Rs. 50 crore. The paid-up capital was Rs. 5 crore to start with; on June
1986, it was Rs. 45 crore.
The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) accounts for 50 per cent of the share capital of
the Corporation. The remaining part is contributed by the scheduled commercial banks, insurance
companies, investment trust and cooperative banks. The Government of India has guaranteed the payment
of its capital and a minimum annual dividend of 2 per cent.
The Corporation has also built up sizable reserves. It is also authorised to raise funds by issuing
bonds and debentures. It can also accept deposits from the public. It is also authorised to borrow from the
government, the Reserve Bank, the Industrial Development Bank of India, and the foreign loans.
For ensuring greater flexibility and an ability to respond to the needs of the changing financial
system, the Industrial Finance Corporation of India Limited (IFCIL) was incorporated as a company under
the Companies Act, 1956 on 21 May 1993. Thus, IFCI became the first institution in the financial sector in
India to be converted from a statutory corporation into a company.
Over the years, the IFCI has been playing an important role in financing the industries. The
financial assistance sanctioned by the Corporation has increased considerably from Rs. 26.7 crore in 1961-
62 to Rs. 32.3 crore in 1970-71 and further to Rs. 798.8 crore in 2001-02.
The amount of assistance disbursed in 1961-62 was Rs. 8.3 crore; it raised to Rs. 17.4 crore in
1970-71 and to Rs. 1083.8 crore in 2001-02. Since its inception in 1948, the cumulative finance
sanctioned and disbursed upto December 1992 aggregated to Rs. 14609 crore and Rs. 9756 crore
Important features of the working of the IFCI are as follows:
(i) The Corporation is expected to give special attention to the following categories of projects:
(a) The projects promoted by new entrepreneurs and technologists;
(b) The projects located in the less developed areas;
(c) The projects based on indigenous technology or aimed at exploring new areas of
(d) The projects having prospects of earning foreign exchange or import substitution;
(e) The projects providing inputs for increasing agricultural production; and
(f) The projects fulfilling the increased demand for consumer goods.
(ii) While granting finance, greater emphasis is on the setting up of the new projects; over the years, new
projects have accounted for about two-third of the total assistance.
(iii) The major beneficiaries of the financial assistance from the IFCI are the private corporate sector and
the cooperative sector. In the cooperative sector, the loans sanctioned to sugar industry are more
(iv) Industry-wise distribution of the assistance shows that, more than three-fourth of the aggregate
assistance was sanctioned to sugar, chemicals, non-ferrous metals, engineering, fertilisers, textiles and
paper industries.
(v) Larger proportion of assistance has been extended to the developed regions of the country. For
example, more than 50 per cent of the total financial assistance is received by the four industrially
advanced states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.
(vi) The Corporation participates in the Soft Loan Scheme introduced by the Industrial Development
(vii) The IFCI sponsored the Risk Capital Foundation in order to provide assistance to new entrepreneurs
including, technologists and professionals. The Foundation, which started its operations in 1976, provides
loans to such entrepreneurs free of interest or at nominal interest rate.
(viii) The Corporation sponsored the Management Development Institute which has been established to
promote management education in the country.
(ix) The Corporation has also sponsored Technical Consultancy Organisation in Himachal Pradesh,
Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh to meet the consultancy needs to new entrepreneurs and technologists.
(x) Recently, the Corporation has started four new promotional schemes:
(a) Interest subsidy schemes for women entrepreneurs;
(b) Consultancy fee subsidy schemes for providing marketing assistance to small-scale units;
(c) Encouraging the modernisation of tiny, small-scale and ancillary units;
(d) Controlling pollution in small and medium-scale units.
In spite of the notable progress made by IFCI over the years, its functioning has been criticised on
the following grounds:
(i) The IFCI has adopted a discriminatory lending policy to the disadvantage of the small and
medium- sized industrial units. Its assistance is particularly biased in favour of cotton textiles and sugar
(ii) The IFCI has not helped much in removing regional inequalities. Less developed states are the
least beneficiaries.
(iii) In many cases, the loans have been granted to those industrial units which could easily raise
resources from the capital market.
(iv) The Corporation’s insistence on the personal guarantee of directors in addition to the mortgage
of property shows that it gives more importance to the status of the directors rather than to the soundness
of the project.
(v) The Corporation has failed to exercise control over the defaulting borrowers who have not
utilised loans for the purposes for which they have been granted.
(vi) The Corporation has provided greater assistance to the consumer goods industries and only a
meagre assistance to the basic and capital goods industries.
(vii) The Corporation has also been criticised on the charges of indulging in nepotism and
favouritism while granting loans.
(viii) The Corporation has been charging very high interest rates.
The Industrial Finance Corporation provides financial assistance to large public limited companies
and cooperative societies and does not cover the small and medium-sized industries. In order to meet the
varied financial needs of small and medium sized industries, the Government of India passed the State
Finance Corporations Act in 1951, which empowers the state governments to establish such Corporations
in their states. The first State Finance Corporation was set up in Punjab in 1953. At present, there are 18
SFCs operating in the country.
Various functions of and types of financial assistance to be provided by the SFCs are given below:
(i) The SFCs have been established to provide long-term finance to small-scale and medium-sized
industrial concerns organised as public or private companies, corporations, partnership or proprietary
(ii) The SFCs extend loans and advances to the industrial concerns repayable within a period of 20
(iii) The SFCs guarantee loans raised by the industrial concerns in the market or from scheduled or
cooperative banks and repayable within 20 years.
(iv) The SFCs subscribe to the debentures of the industrial concerns repayable within a period of
20 years.
(v) The SFCs guarantee loans raised by the industrial concerns from scheduled or cooperative
banks and repayable within 20 years.
(vi) The SFCs underwrite the issue of stocks, shares, bonds and debentures by industrial concerns.
(vii) The SFCs guarantee the deferred payments for the purchase of plant, machinery, etc. within
the country.
(viii) The SFCs are prohibited from subscribing directly to the shares or stock of any company
having limited liability, except for under-writing purposes, and granting any loan or advance on the
security of own shares.
(ix) The SFCs can act as agent of the Central or State governments or some industrial financing
institution for sanctioning and disbursing loans to small industries.
The capital resources of the SFCs include- (a) share capital and reserves, (b) bonds and debentures,
(c) borrowing from the Reserve Bank, the state governments, (d) finance from Industrial Development
Bank of India, and (e) deposits.
The share capital of a SFC is to be fixed by the concerned state government subject to the limits
between Rs. 50 lakh and Rs. 5 crore. The shares of the SFCs can be subscribed by the state governments,
the Reserve Bank, commercial banks, cooperative banks, other financial institutions and the public.
The shares of the Corporation are to be regarded as trustee securities under the Indian Trusts Act,
and as approved securities for purposes of the Banking Companies Act. The SFCs can also raise funds by
issuing bonds and debentures.
Bonds and debentures issued by the Corporation are guaranteed by the respected state governments
and mostly subscribed by the commercial banks and other financial institutions.
Financial Assistance:
At present, there are 18 SFCs in the country. In 2001-02, the loans sanctioned by the SFCs
amounted to Rs. 2076 crore as against Rs. 13.3 crore in 1961-62 and Rs. 49.6 crore in 1970-71. Loans
disbursed in 2001-02 were Rs. 1763 crore as against Rs. 9 crore in 1961-62 and Rs. 33.5 crore in 1970-71.
Cumulative assistance sanctioned and disbursed upto March 1991 was Rs, 11944 crore and Rs. 8800
Important features of the working of SFCs are as given below:
(i) The SFCs were set up with the objective of providing financial assistance to small as well as
medium industrial concerns. Though there has been a notable rise in the overall financial assistance, the
performance of individual Corporations differed largely due to the attitudes and motivations of the local
entrepreneurs in different states.
(ii) Prior to 1966, the SFCs showed preference for medium industries. But, now there has been a
marked shift in their lending policies in favour of the small units. In 1985-86, the share of small units in
the total loans sanctioned was 82 per cent.
(iii) Major beneficiaries of the financial assistance of the SFCs have been the food processing
industries, services (mainly road transport), chemicals, textiles, metal products, machinery and transport
equipment industries.
(iv) A special feature of the lending operations of SFCs has been the provision of finance to
industrial concerns of backward areas. In 1985-86, the share of backward areas in the total assistance a
sanctioned by the SFCs was 53 per cent.
(v) The SFCs provide concessional assistance to the industrial units located in backward areas in
terms of soft loans at concessional rates, lower margins, reduced service charges, etc.
(vi) In order to encourage self-employment, the SFCs have formulated schemes of assistance to
technician- entrepreneurs.
The actual performance of the SFCs has been criticised mainly because of the following defects
and inadequacies:
(i) The financial resources of the SFCs are inadequate. Moreover, they face the difficulty of
finding additional funds.
(ii) The SFCs have not been able to provide adequate financial assistance to meet the requirements
of small and medium industries.
(iii) The SFCs charge very high interest rates on all the loans other than the soft loans. Moreover,
the terms and conditions of assistance are also hard.
(iv) The SFCs also face the serious problem of increasing magnitude of overdues. The main
reasons for overdues are: delays in the implementation of projects and industrial sickness.
(v) The SFCs provide finance against adequate security. But many industrial units, particularly the
proprietary and partnership concerns find it difficult to offer adequate security for their loans mainly
because of the defects in title to ownership and difficulties of evaluating the fixed assets.
(vi) The SFCs lack self-sufficient organisational set up along with adequate specialised and trained
staff for ensuring their efficient functioning.
(vii) There is also a shortage of technical personnel for judging the soundness of the proposed
schemes of the borrowing units.
(viii) Many difficulties are faced by the SFCs while extending financial assistance to the small
industrial units.
the Bank are share capital, reserves, borrowings from the Reserve Bank and the government, and bonds
and debentures. Funds are also raised through deposits from companies and through investments.
Financial Assistance:
The IDBI has been playing the leading role in providing direct loans to the industrial concerns;
extending refinancing facilities for industrial and export credit; subscribing to and underwriting of the
shares, bonds and debentures of the industrial concerns; and accepting, discounting and rediscounting the
commercial bills of the industrial concerns.
Over the year, there has been a considerable increase in the financial assistance provided by the
IDBI. It has sanctioned financial assistance worth Rs.73.3 crore in 1970- 71 and Rs. 16034 crore in 2001-
The amount actually disbursed was Rs. 58.8 crore in 1970-71 and Rs. 11158 crore in 2001-02.
Cumulatively, at the end of March 1991, the IDBI has sanctioned financial assistance aggregating Rs.
48560 crore and disbursed Rs. 34656 crore.
Other features of the assistance extended by the IDBI are as given below:
(I) Direct Assistance:
The direct assistance to the industrial concerns over the years has accounted for about one third of
the total assistance. In 1985-86, the IDBI sanctioned direct assistance of Rs.1120 crore which included
project loans, soft loans, underwriting of and direct subscription to share, bonds and debentures of
industrial concerns. Loans form the major portion of the IDBI’s direct assistance.
The IDBI has been providing refinance facilities in three ways- (a) by refinancing term loans to
industry and export trade; (b) by subscribing to the shares and bonds of the financial institutions; and (c)
by rediscounting the bills of exchange.
The IDBI took over the business of the Refinance Corporation of India and started providing
refinance facilities to the industrial concerns through member banks.
Cumulatively, the refinance of industrial loans sanctioned by IDBI aggregated to Rs. 7225
croreupto March 1986. Since 1967, the scheme for refinancing medium-term export loans has been
adopted in order to encourage credit facilities to the export sector.
Since 1966, the IDBI is also operating a scheme of participation is risk sharing with other financial
institutions in loans and guarantees as a measure to supplement the refinancing operations.
(III) Assistance to Small Scale Industries:
The IDBI has shown special interest in extending assistance to the small scale industries through
its refinance schemes. In May 1986, the IDBI has set up a separate fund called Small Industries
Development Fund (S1DF) to facilitate development, expansion, modernisation, diversification and
rehabilitation of small industries.
The IDBI has also introduced the ‘Integrated Term loan’ facility for the new small projects. After
the establishment of small Industries Development Board of India (SIDBI), the entire portfolio of IDBI
relating to small and tiny sector has been transferred to SIDBI from April 1990.
(IV) Assistance to Backward Areas:
The IDBI has been providing financial as well as non-financial assistance to promote industries in
the backward regions of the country. The financial assistance includes- (a) direct loans at concessional
rates, longer initial grace period, etc.; (b) concessional refinance facilities to the industries in the backward
areas; and (c) special concessions to the projects in the north-eastern regions under the bill rediscounting
The non-financial assistance is in the form of identification and formulation of variable projects,
the provision of technical assistance etc. During 1990-91, IDBI provided 43% of its total assistance to
backward areas.
(V) Soft Loan Scheme:
In 1976, the IDBI introduced the soft loan scheme for providing concessional finance to the
selected industries. This facility is available to the cement, sugar, jute, cotton textiles and certain
engineering industries for modernising, replacing and renovating their plants and equipment. The
concessional rate of interest is 7.5 per cent and the period of loan is 12 to 15 years.
(VI) Scheme for No-Industry Districts:
The IDBI has introduced a special scheme for no-industry districts with a view to develop
industries in these districts by providing financial, technical and administrative assistance and arranging
training for potential entrepreneurs. The IDBI conducts surveys to study the industrial potential of no-
industry districts.
(iii) Similarly, in spite of repeated emphasis to assist the small scale sector, the larger portion of
the assistance has been received by the big industrial concerns.
(iv) The IDBI has largely concentrated on providing financial assistance to the industries and has
given less importance to promotional and consultancy functions.
(v) The IDBI’s lack of proper supervision of the SFCs has been largely responsible for the
alarming increase in overdues.
The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India was registered as a private limited
company in 1955. It was set up as a private sector development bank to assist and promote private
industrial concerns in the country.
Broad objectives of the ICICI are:
(a) To assist in the creation, expansion and modernisation of private concerns;
(b) To encourage the participation of internal and external capital in the private concerns;
(c) To encourage private ownership of industrial investment.
The ICICI performs the following functions:
(i) It provides long-term and medium-term loans in rupees and foreign currencies.
(ii) It participates in the equity capital of the industrial concerns.
(iii) It underwrites new issues of shares and debentures.
(iv) It guarantees loans raised by private concerns from other sources.
(v) It provides technical managerial and administrative assistance to industrial concerns.
Initially, the Corporation started with the authorised capital of Rs. 25 crore. At the end of June
1986, the authorised capital was Rs. 100 crore and the paid-up capital was 49.5 crore. Various sources of
financial resources of the Corporation are Indian banks, insurance companies and foreign institutions,
including the World Bank, and the public. The government and the IDBI have also provided loans to the
Financial Assistance:
The performance of the ICICI in the field of financial assistance provided to the industrial
concerns has been quite satisfactory. Over the years, the assistance sanctioned by the Corporation has
grown from Rs.14.8 crore in 1961-62 to Rs. 43.0 crore in 1970-71 and Rs. 36229 crore in 2001-02.
Similarly the amount disbursed has increased from Rs.8.6 crore in 1961-62 to Rs.29.8 crore in
1970-71 and to Rs. 25831 in 2001-02. Cumulatively, at the end of March 1996, the ICICI has sanctioned
and disbursed financial assistance aggregating Rs. 66169 crore and Rs. 36591 crore respectively.
The important features of the functioning of the ICICI are as given below:
(i) The financial assistance as provided by the ICICI includes rupee loans, foreign currency loans,
guarantees, underwriting of shares and debentures, and direct subscription to shares and debentures.
(ii) Originally, the ICICI was established to provide financial assistance to industrial concerns in
the private sector. But, recently, its scope has been widened by including industrial concerns in the public,
joint and cooperative sectors.
(iii) ICICI has been providing special attention to financing riskier and non-traditional industries,
such as chemicals, petrochemicals, heavy engineering and metal products. These four categories of
industries have accounted for more than half of the total assistance.
(iv) Of late, the ICICI has also been providing assistance to the small scale industries and the
projects in backward areas.
(v) Along with other financial institutions, the ICICI has actively participated in conducting
surveys to examine industrial potential in various states.
(vi) In 1977, the ICICI promoted the Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. to grant term
loans for the construction and purchase of residential houses.
(vii) Since 1983, the ICICI has been providing leasing assistance for computerisation,
modernisation and replacement schemes; for energy conservator; for export orientation; for pollution
control; for balancing and expansion, etc.
(viii) The ICICI has not contributed much to reduce regional disparities. About three-fifth of the
total assistance given by the ICICI has been received by the advanced states of Maharashtra, Gujrat and
Tamil Nadu.
(ix) With effect from April 1, 1996, Shipping Credit and Investment Company of India ltd.
(SCICI) was merged with ICICI.
(x) The ICICI Ltd. was merged with ICICI Bank Ltd. effective from May, 3, 2002.
Indian origin residing abroad and other person’s resident outside India to invest in the securities market of
India through the special unit scheme.
(iv) In 1986, the UTI also set up a ‘Mutual Fund’ under which ‘Master Shares’ have been offered
for public subscription. The Mutual Fund provides an outlet for small investors for investing in shares
quoted in the stock exchanges.
(v) The UTI has also introduced new scheme i.e., Housing Development Fund-Units Scheme.
(vi) The UTI has been paying dividend to the purchasers of the units at a progressively increasing
(vii) The UTI has drawn up its investment policy on the principle of maximisation of earnings
consistent with safety of capital. It has become the single largest investor in the Indian stock markets and
is the provider of large amounts of resources to Indian Industry.
(viii) To encourage the small investors to purchase units, the Government of India has granted tax
(ix) Recently, UTI promoted a new venture, i.e., Unit Trust Management of Sri Lanka. Apart from
U.T.I., Bank of Ceylone, Warleys and Carson Cumberbatch, Sri Lanka are also participating in this
Associate Companies. In order to diversify its financial business and meet investors’ varying
needs. UTI has set up a number of associate companies in the field of banking, securities trading, investor
servicing, investment advice and training.
The companies and organisations in the UTI group are- (a) UTI Investment Advisory Services
(1988); (b) UTI Institute of Capital Markets (1989); (c) UTI Investor Services Limited (1993) ; (d) UTI
Securities Exchange Limited (1994); (e) UTI Bank Limited (1994); (f) UTI (International) Limited,
located in London and Dubai.
Bail-Out Package for UTI:
In a major initiative to overcome its recent financial crisis and restore investor confidence in the
beleaguered UTI, the central government announced a number of measures on August 31, 2002.
These measures are as follows:
(i) Repealing of the UTI Act through an Ordinance.
(ii) Bifurcation of the UTI, the largest mutual fund of the country, into UTI-I and UTI-II.
(iii) UTI-I will remain under the control of the government.
(iv) The control of UTI-II will be given to the professionals for the time-being.
(v) UTI-I will handle US-64 and 21 other assured return schemes and the government will
continue to provide support to the fund subscribed by small investors, including pensioners and the
salaried class.
(vi) UTI-II will handle all net-asset value schemes and the government will not provide any
support to this fund. The fund will also be placed under SEBI scrutiny like other mutual funds.
(vii) Eventually, the UTI-II will be privatised.
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) was established as wholly owned subsidiary
of Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) under the small Industries Development of India Act
1989. It is the principal institution for promotion, financing and development of industries in the small
scale sector.
It also coordinates the functions of institutions engaged in similar activities. For this purpose,
SIDBI has taken over the responsibility of administrating Small Industries Development Fund and
National Equity Fund from IDBI.
SIDBI started its operations from April 1990 with an initial authorised capital of Rs. 250 crore,
which could be increased to Rs. 1000 crore. It also took over the outstanding portfolio of IDBI relating to
small scale sector held under Small Industries Development Fund as on March 31, 1990 worth over Rs.
4000 crore.
In the setting up of SIDBI, the main purpose of the government was to ensure larger flow of
assistance to the small scale units.
To meet this objective, the immediate thrust of the SIDBI was on the following measures:
(i) Initiating steps for technological upgradation and modernisation of existing units;
(ii) Expanding the channels for marketing the products of the small scale sector; and
(iii) Promotion of employment-oriented industries, especially in semi- urban areas to create more
employment opportunities and thereby checking migration of population to urban areas.
SIDBI provides assistance to the small scale industries sector in the country through the existing
banking and other financial institutions, such as, State Financial Corporations, State Industrial
Development Corporations, commercial banks, cooperative banks and RRBs. etc.
The major functions of SIDBI are given below:
(i) It refinances loans and advances provided by the existing lending institutions to the small scale
(ii) It discounts and rediscounts bills arising from sale of machinery to and manufactured by small
scale industrial units.
(iii) It extends seed capital/soft loan assistance under National Equity Fund, MahilaUdyamNidhi
and MahilaVikasNidhi and seed capital schemes.
(iv) It grants direct assistance and refinance loans extended by primary lending institutions for
financing exports of products manufactured by small scale units.
(v) It provides services like factoring, leasing, etc. to small units.
(vi) It extends financial support to State Small Industries Corporations for providing scarce raw
materials to and marketing the products of the small scale units.
(vii) It provides financial support to National Small Industries Corporation for providing, leasing,
hire-purchase and marketing help to the small scale units.
During 1990-91, SIDBI sanctioned financial assistance worth Rs. 2409 crore, which increased to
Rs. 4785.7 crore in 2001-02. Similarly, the assistance disbursed increased from Rs. 1839 crore in 1990-91
to Rs. 3369.2 crore in 2001-02.
II. Term Financing Institution:
LIC also functions as a large term financing institution (or a capital market) in the country. The
annual net accrual of investible funds from life insurance business (after making all kinds of payments
liabilities to the policy holders) and net income from its vast investment are quite large.
During 1994-95, LIC’s total income was Rs. 18,102.92 crore, consisting of premium income of Rs.
1152.80 crore investment income of Rs. 6336.19 crore, and miscellaneous income of Rs. 238.33 crore.
III. Investment Institutions:
LIC is a big investor of funds in government securities. Under the law, LIC is required to invest at
least 50% of its accruals in the form of premium income in government and other approved securities.
LIC funds are also made available directly to the private sector through investment in shares,
debentures, and loans. LIC also plays a significant role in developing the business of underwriting of new
IV. Stabiliser in Share Market:
LIC acts as a downward stabiliser in the share market. The continuous inflow of new funds enables
LIC to buy shares when the market is weak. But, the LIC does not usually sell shares when the market is
overshot. This is partly due to the continuous pressure for investing new funds and partly due to the
disincentive of the capital gains tax.
V. Progress of LIC:
Since its establishment, the LIC has made a notable progress. With the central office in Mumbai
and seven zonal offices at Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kanpur and Bhopal, the LIC
operates through 100 divisional offices in important cities and 2021 branch offices from 1363 centers.
LIC has 5.49 lakh active agents spread over the country. The corporation also transacts business
abroad and has offices in Fiji, Mauritius and United Kingdom. The total new business of the corporation
during 1999-2000 was Rs. 186600 crore under 218.47 lakh polices.
The loans sanctioned by LIC have increased from Rs. 70 crore in 1980-81 to Rs. 1515 crore in
1991-92 and to Rs. 6742 crore in 2001-02. Similarly, the loans disbursed by LIC have increased from Rs.
66 crore in 1980-81 to Rs. 1022 crore in 1991-92 and to Rs. 8915 crore in 2001-02.
required to invest at least 35% of their invertible funds in government and other approved securities, with
a minimum of 25% in central government securities.
During 1998-99, the net premium income of the general insurance industry was Rs. 7732 crore and
the net profits were Rs. 1077 crore. Loans sanctioned by GIC increased from Rs. 30.8 crore in 1980-81 to
Rs. 2983 crore in 2001-02. Similarly, the loans disbursed increased from Rs. 44.0 crore in 1980-81 to Rs.
2809 crore in 2001-02.
As on 31st March 1999, the general insurance network consisted of 4166 offices as compared to
799 offices in 1973. Besides the domestic market, the industry is presently operating in 17 countries
directly through branches or agencies and in 14 countries through subsidiaries and associate companies.
The wholy-owned subsidiary of GIC known as ‘India International Insurance Private Limited’ set
up in 1988 in Singapore has grown into a leading company in the Singapore market.