Eic Arrival
Eic Arrival
Eic Arrival
Why did the East India Company become involved in the India Sub continent?
(7) June 2001 Q.1 b
Why did the British government take control of the affairs of the East India Company in the early 19 th century?
(7) June 2004 Q.1b
Explain why the East India Company became involved in the Indian sub-continent during the 17th century.
(7)June 2005 Q.1 b
Why did the Indian Sub-Continent attract European traders in the late 16th and early 17th centuries?
(7) June 2007, Q.1 b
Explain why the East India Company got involved in the S.C during the 17th century?
(7) June 2009, Q.1 b
With the slow crumbling of the Mughal Empire, the only question left in the early 18th century was who would pick up the
pieces. Few observers could have guessed that the EIC would have played such a major role.
What was the East India Company?
(4) June 2010(Q.1.a)
Why did EIC become involved in the Indian S.C during the 17th Century?
(7) November 2010 Q.1 b
Why did Indian sub-continent attract the British in the early 17 century?
Explain why the East India Company became involved in the sub-continent during the seventeenth century.
History past papers Question Answers compiled by USMAN HAMEED 03224557967 Page 7
(7) June.20134Q.1 b
A painting of a British official of the British East India Company riding in an Indian procession in 1825.
June.2015 Q.1 b 5 marks
Why did the East India Company become involved in the Indian subcontinent during the seventeenth century?
Oct Nov 2017 Q.2 b 7 marks
QUESTION NO. 12:- Explain why the British wanted to trade in India from 1600.
Explain why the East India Company was interested in the subcontinent in the years before 1750.
June.2020 Q.1 c 7 marks
History past papers Question Answers compiled by USMAN HAMEED 03224557967 Page 8
Why did the East India Company become involved in the India Sub continent?
(7) June 2001 Q.1 b
British EIC was founded in 1600 with permission to trade with India. The first British ship anchored near
Surat in 1608. They were granted permission by the Mughals to trade in 1612. The British established their
headquarters in Bombay in 1674 and at Calcutta in 1690. There was enormous wealth in the subcontinent. Trade
and profit were the real motives that East India Company (EIC) was looking at. Indian goods including spices,
silk, yarn, cloth, cotton and metalworkers were very demanding in the European markets. British factories
needed raw materials, while British merchants needed big markets like India to sell their industrial products.
Cotton was the primary raw material for the textile industries in Britain. EIC made huge profits and the company
flourished very rapidly. By 1620, the company operated about 40 ships for trade with India. The company had a
very profitable future in trade with India. Indian soldiers at very cheap wages were available to protect their
trade. Therefore it was trade and high profit that allowed the EIC to keep on coming to India.
S.M Burk (famous historian) believed that one of the most important reasons for British arrival was Christianity’s
spreading. Churches and Chapels were established all over India and Christian missionaries also came with their
arrival. The company also wanted to westernize the Indians. The British believed that western culture is superior
and must be spread in the world. They thought themselves the most civilized nation in the world.
The Portuguese and the Dutch were already in the field. But they turned their attention to East Indies and didn’t
allow EIC to come over there. This provoked the East India Company to go into the sub-continent. Soon EIC
started realizing the strategic position of India on the globe. It gave regional supremacy to the British and Royal
Navy. They started controlling the sea routes and trade with the East. Fear of Russian expansion also provoked
the company to settle down in India. It worried the British so much that they also had to make moves to secure
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The volume of trade became so significant that the British government felt it was too valuable an asset
to leave in the hands of a private company even though the EIC was now holding its possessions in trust
for them. But now British decided to expand their control over Indian territories in order to ensure trade.
Also the fear of Russian expansion in Central Asia worried the government and so Britain decided to
shape its foreign policy by further expansion towards Afghanistan to counter this threat. As Britain was
becoming more involved prestige began to be at stake and further expansion became inevitable.
In 1858 after the failure of WOI 1857, British assumed full and proper control of whole of India. Through
a declaration in 1858 the control of EIC was ended and India went under the control of the British
Identifies reasons or describes the role of the EIC
To trade and extend their sphere of influence in the East
History past papers Question Answers compiled by USMAN HAMEED 03224557967 Page 10
British east India Company was founded in 1600 with the permission to trade with India. The first British
ship anchored near Surat in 1608. They were granted permission by the Mughals to trade in 1612. The
British established their headquarters in Bombay in 1674 and at Calcutta in 1690. Trade in spices was
their main aims. Main trading items were cotton and silk textiles, spices, tea, indigo, precious stones and
salt peter. Therefore it was trade which provoked company to involve in the sub-continent which was
known as the Golden Sparrow on account of its natural resources and wealth. It was found that 10 % of
the income of British government was obtained from taxes on trade with India.
The Portuguese and the Dutch also came in the field. But they turned their attention to East Indies. The
French also tried to come but they were eliminated after their defeat by the British in 3 battles. Besides
that desire to spread Christianity into the sub-continent remained one of the important reasons for their
In the 19th century the British became fearful of the Russian expansion in Central Asia. It worried the
British so much that they made moves to secure Afghanistan. Although the British adventure in
Afghanistan in 1839 failed miserably, but in 1858, after the failure of the war of Independence 1857, the
British assumed full and proper control of whole of India. Through a declaration in 1858 the control of
East India Company was ended and India went under the control of the British government.
History past papers Question Answers compiled by USMAN HAMEED 03224557967 Page 11
With the slow crumbling of the Mughal Empire, the only question left in the early 18th century was
who would pick up the pieces. Few observers could have guessed that the EIC would have played such
a major role.
What was the East India Company?
(4) June 2010(Q.1.a)
A trading company, Charter granted in 1600 by Queen Elizabeth I, landed at Surat in 1608,
permission to trade in 1612, headquarters moved to Bombay in 1664. Grew in power during 18th
History past papers Question Answers compiled by USMAN HAMEED 03224557967 Page 12
Indies and didn’t allow EIC to come over there. That also provoked company to come here in India. The French
also came but they were eliminated after their defeat by the British in 3 battles.
Another reason which provoked Britain to come towards India was the Russian expansion in
Central Asia. It worried the British so much that they also had to make moves to secure Afghanistan. Although
the British first major adventure in Afghanistan in 1839 failed miserably, but in 1858, after the failure of the war
of Independence 1857, the British assumed full and proper control of whole of India.
Why did Indian sub continent attract the British in the early 17 century?
Reports of immense wealth in the sub-continent led to the British establishing a trading base there as they saw
a profitable future, especially in cotton, silk and sugar.
They wanted to establish its influence in the sub-continent and to oust the Dutch and Portuguese. They also
wanted to establish a strategic port in the sub-continent that would protect its trading interests there and in
the Far East.
They also found difficulty in breaking into the spice trade in the East Indies due to Dutch dominance and so India
was a good alternative.
Explain why the East India Company became involved in the sub-continent during the seventeenth century.
(7) June.20134Q.1 b
its influence in the sub-Continent and to oust the Dutch and Portuguese, especially since the East Indies was
already out of reach with the Dutch in control of the Spice trade. The EIC also wanted to establish a strategic
port in the sub-continent that would protect its trading interests there and the warm waters were especially
attractive to all year trading
A painting of a British official of the British East India Company riding in an Indian procession in 1825.
(5) June.2015 Q.1 b
Identify surface features from the source
Unsupported inferences
History past papers Question Answers compiled by USMAN HAMEED 03224557967 Page 14
The British officer looks important, the British look powerful.
Inference(s) supported by detail from the source and/or contextual knowledge
The painter has made the British officer the largest figure to demonstrate the importance that they held in
India. Similarly the Indians are shown as small people to reflect their lowly status. Local rulers are on
horseback behind the British official. They are shown as smaller, reflecting their lower status to the British.
The horses are shown as large animals, graceful in appearance and movement, again showing superiority and
power. This is reinforced by soldiers on horses who were carrying weapons.
The East India Company is shown as being a wealthy organisation as seen in the uniforms and the decorations
on the horses. The Company were able to achieve this wealth through trading as can be seen by the boat
shown in the picture and through the gaining of lands through conquest and agreements with local rulers.
This is shown by the weapons displayed and the wealthy appearance of the Indians that the British were also
able to exploit.
Why did the East India Company become involved in the Indian subcontinent during the seventeenth century?
Oct Nov 2017 Q.2 B 7 marks
• Reports of immense wealth in the subcontinent led to the East India Company (EIC) establishing a trading
base as they saw a profitable future
• Availability of raw materials, silk, cotton, coal The British wanted to establish their influence in the
subcontinent and to oust the Dutch and Portuguese
• The EIC also wanted to establish a strategic port in the subcontinent that would protect its trading
interests in the East
QUESTION NO. 12:- Explain why the British wanted to trade in India from 1600.
History past papers Question Answers compiled by USMAN HAMEED 03224557967 Page 15
Level 3: Explains reasons 5–7 (Five marks for one explanation, six marks for two explanations, seven marks for
three explanations)
• Reports of immense wealth in the subcontinent led to the British establishing a trading base there as they saw
a profitable future.
• The British wanted to establish their influence in the subcontinent and to oust the Dutch and Portuguese.
• The British also wanted to establish a strategic port in the subcontinent that would protect its trading interests
there and in the Far East.
Explain why the East India Company was interested in the subcontinent in the years before 1750.
June.2020 Q.1 c 7 marks
Level 3:
Explains reason(s) 5–7
(Five marks for one explanation, six marks for two explanations, seven marks for three explanations)
e.g. • The British wanted to establish their influence in the subcontinent and to oust the Dutch and Portuguese;
• The British wanted to establish a strategic port in the subcontinent that would protect its trading interests
there and in the Far East;
• Reports of immense wealth in the subcontinent meant the British wanted to establish a trading base there as
they saw a profitable future.
Level 2:
Identifies reason(s) 2–4
(One mark for each identification)
e.g. • Because of the raw materials they could develop wealth from;
• Because other European countries were there;
• The British already had some trading interests in the region.
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