270424110503File8TH HISTORY FA-1
270424110503File8TH HISTORY FA-1
270424110503File8TH HISTORY FA-1
Formative Assessment- I
SESSION: 2024-2025
Formative Assessment: I
How, When and Where
This is the introductory chapter of this book. This chapter introduces modern Indian
period also known as colonial period, which started during the second half of 18th
century. The chapter is very important to understand the important developments that
took place during this period.
By the end of this chapter, students will be able to understand about:
i) Tripartite periodization of Indian history with special reference to modern period.
ii) Role played by James Mill in periodizing Indian history.
iii) Importance of dates and events in history.
iv) Meaning, definition and concept of colonialism.
v) Important sources of the modern period.
Q.1 State whether true or false
a) James Mill divided Indian history into three periods- Hindu, Muslim, and Christian. False
b) Official documents help us to understand what the people of the country think. False
c) The British thought surveys were important for effective administration. True
Answer the following questions.
2. What is the problem with the periodization of Indian history that James Mill offers?
Ans. James Mill divided the period of Indian history on communal lines i.e. Hindu, Muslim and
British. According to Mill, before the British came to India, Hindu and Muslim “despots” ruled
the country and there were no significant developments in terms of culture, society and economy
apart from the change in the religion of the rulers. To refer to any period as ”Hindu” or
“Muslim” does not seem sound as a variety of faiths existed simultaneously in these periods.
Such a division ignores the diversity of the Indian subcontinent.
3. Why did the British preserve the official documents?
Ans. Official documents are one of the important sources of the British period. The British
believed that the act of writing was important. Every instruction, plan, policy decision,
agreement, investigation had to be clearly written up, because with a written document, things
could be properly studied and debated. That`s why they set up record rooms attached to all
administrative institutions. Archives and museums were established to preserve important
4. How will the information historians get from old newspapers be different from that
found in police reports?
Ans.Reports published in newspapers used to be more correct, than the police reports as the
police were merely the puppets of British government. Police reports tell us the official side of
the story, while as the newspapers tells us about the day to day happenings related to common
5.Discuss the significance of administrative reports and land surveys, as a valuable source
for writing the history of modern period of Jammu and Kashmir.
Ans: Since 1872, the Dogra rulers began to publish the Annual Administrative Reports
highlighting the various aspects of administration-the income and expenditure, new works taken
up, works completed etc.
Similarly revenue surveys conducted by Andrew Wingate and Walter Lawrence provide
valuable information about the entire agrarian structure including nature of the land, type of soil,
sources of irrigation, revenue etc. and hence can be used as a primary source to understand the
agrarian economy of the region.
Additional Questions
1. Define colonialism.
Ans: The process by which a powerful country controls or subjugates another country or
countries, in order to become richer. The country which controls the other country is also
called colonizer or colonial power e.g. British were colonial power in India.
2. Who was James Mill?
Ans; James Mill (1773-1836) was a Scottish economist and political philosopher. He divided
Indian history into three periods-Hindu, Muslim and British.
3. Name the book written by James Mill.
Ans: A History of British India.
4. What is periodization?
Ans: The process of dividing history into different periods is called periodization.Indian
history has been divided into three different periods i.e. Ancient, Medieval and Modern or
Hindu, Muslim and British.
5. Name some important sources of modern period.
Ans: Some important sources of modern period include official records like police reports,
court records, revenue and patwari records, census, forest surveys, botanical surveys and
unofficial records like books, travel accounts, newspapers and diaries. Historical monuments
built during this period are also an important source of modern period.
6. What is census?
Ans: The official process of counting the number of people in a country, city or town and
collecting information about them. The first census in India was held in1872.However the
first complete census was taken in the year1881.Since then census is held regularly after ten
7. Where are records preserved?
Ans: Museums and archives.
8. When was Sri Pratap Museum established?
Ans: Sri Pratap Museum also known as SPS Museum was established by Maharaja Pratap
Singh in the year 1898.
9.When was the National Archives of India established?
Ans: The National Archives of India came up in the 1920s.
10. Name some important newspapers of Jammu and Kashmir of the period under
Ans: Hamdard,Vitasta,Khidmat.