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UA2000 Secure Locking

USB-C Connector

Avionics Interfaces for

Rugged Compact

SuperSpeed USB 3.1

These pocket-sized USB adapters are the
easy and portable way to interface your Includes
computer to avionics databuses including: USB-C
MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, ARINC 708, and
ARINC 717, and Discrete I/O. The UA2000
Models for Interfaces to cables
enables computers to communicate with, MIL-STD-1553, USB 2/3/4 and
simulate, test, and monitor avionics ARINC 429, 717 & 708 Thunderbolt Ports
equipment and systems.

The Best Just Got Better Full-Featured Software

Astronics Ballard Technology intro- CoPilot® software, available as an KEY FEATURES
duced our game-changing USB option with special bundled pricing,
• Interface USB to avionics
interfaces over 10 years ago. Since provides easy-to-use, interactive tools
databus protocols
that time, these reliable and proven for databus test, analysis, and simula-
databus adapters have become the tion. CoPilot simplifies project • Small, portable, and rugged
favorite avionics test tool for military development and provides added • Easy Plug and Play installation
and commercial customers around productivity through virtual instrument
• Compatible with USB 2, USB 3,
the world. The UA2000 family builds displays, flexible monitoring & analysis
USB 4, and Thunderbolt™ ports
on that success with an all-new tools, and a powerful scripting engine.
USB 3.1 design that will serve your • Available Protocols
interface needs for years to come. The UA2000 includes our universal
- MIL-STD-1553
BTIDriver™ API, allowing you to
- ARINC 429
The New Standard quickly develop your own software
- ARINC 717
The UA2000 is ready for today and applications. With only a few function
- ARINC 429 & 717
for tomorrow. As a functional calls, your program can operate the
- ARINC 708
replacement for our first generation USB hardware and process messages
USB products, you can readily inter- to and from the avionics databuses. • 8 Avionics Discrete I/O
change them with your existing units Functions include routines for trans- • IRIG A/B PWM and AM
and current software with no applica- mitting, receiving, scheduling,
recording, time-tagging, and manip- • 64 MB Data Memory
tion modification typically required.
The included USB-A cable makes ulating data. With BTIDriver, • FCC, CE and RoHS compliant
that easy. As the need arises, simply application code migrates
• 3-year limited warranty standard
switch to the USB-C cable for native seamlessly to and from
connection to USB 3, 4 and other Ballard devices,
Thunderbolt to operate flawlessly reducing development
with the latest computer models time and costs.
available now and in the future.

A S TRO NI C S BA L L A R D TECHN O LO GY astronics.com

Astronics Ballard Technology
UA2000 Avionics Interfaces

The UA2000 Family includes models for these avionics protocols:

MIL-STD-1553 Series ARINC 429 & 717 Series ARINC 708 Series
• 1 or 2 dual-redundant channels • Up to 16 ARINC 429 channels (12R4T) • Up to 4 channels (2R2T)
• Full MIL-STD-1553 functionality • Up to 4 ARINC 717 channels (2R2T) • Full ARINC 708 functionality
- BC, RT, and/or Monitor • Full ARINC 429 functionality - Supports standard ARINC 708 and
- Single-function, Multi-function, and - Handles periodic and transfer custom weather radar databuses
Bus Monitor-only models available protocols - Receive, Transmit, and Monitor
- Error injection (Multi-function) - Message filters and schedules - Direct coupled channels per 708
- LEDs indicate bus traffic and errors - Standard and non-standard bit rates - Strappable on-board termination
These models enable computers to - Error detection and selective These models enable computers to
interface with MIL-STD-1553 equip- injection interface with ARINC 708 and similar
ment and systems. Depending upon - Variety of syncs and triggers weather radar display databuses.
the hardware model, each 1553 - Several message buffering schemes They feature extensive functionality
channel may be either single-function, - ARINC 575 support for testing and simulating weather
multi-function, or bus monitor only. radar systems, CDUs (Control-Display
These models enable computers to Units), and T-R (Transmit-Receive)
Single-function channels can be interface with ARINC 429 and 717
configured in software as either a Bus units. They support simultaneous
equipment and systems. Models are operation on all available channels
Controller (BC), a Bus Monitor (BM), available with ARINC 429, ARINC 717,
or up to 32 Remote Terminals (RTs). and provide software-selectable word
or a combination of both. They also lengths and pre-sync pulses for
Multi-function channels have provide useful non-standard function- custom protocols that deviate from
protocol error injection capability and ality, such as a range of data rates, use ARINC 708.
can simultaneously be a BC, BM, and of parity as data, and error injection.
up to 32 RTs.

Ordering Information UA2000 Options

Protocols & Channels Hardware & CoPilot 1 Hardware Only Standard Blue Case
MIL-STD-1553 (2 Multi-function) CP-UA2133 UA2133 UA2000 interfaces
MIL-STD-1553 (1 Multi-function) CP-UA2130 UA2130 come with a
MIL-STD-1553 (2 Single-function) CP-UA2122 UA2122 blue case as
MIL-STD-1553 (1 Single-function) CP-UA2120 UA2120 standard.
MIL-STD-1553 (1 Multi-function, 1 Bus Monitor) CP-UA2131 UA2131
MIL-STD-1553 (1 Single-function, 1 Bus Monitor) CP-UA2121 UA2121
Flight Test Orange Case
MIL-STD-1553 (2 Bus Monitor) CP-UA2111 UA2111
MIL-STD-1553 (1 Bus Monitor) CP-UA2110 UA2110 UA2000 interfaces can be
ordered with an optional
MIL-STD-1553 (4 Bus Monitor) 2 CP-UA2140 UA2140
high-visibility orange
ARINC 429 (12R4T) CP-UA2440 UA2440
case for flight
ARINC 429 (8R4T) CP-UA2430 UA2430
test use.
ARINC 429 (4R2T) CP-UA2420 UA2420
ARINC 429 (1R1T) CP-UA2410 UA2410
ARINC 429 (8R4T) and ARINC 717 (2R2T) CP-UA2431 UA2431
ARINC 717 (2R2T) CP-UA2401 UA2401
ARINC 708 (2R2T) CP-UA2720 UA2720
How to Order Options
ARINC 708 (1R1T) CP-UA2710 UA2710 To order, add the appropriate suffix to the
part number. Example: CP-UA2133/FTO
Notes: Accessories Included (except /NE models)
1 - Includes optional CoPilot Test & Analysis 1553 transformer-coupled I/O cable with PL-75
/FTO Flight Test Orange case
Software at special bundled pricing connectors (3 ft) - MIL-STD-1553 models only /NE No Enclosure, Printed Circuit Board
2 - Channels are non-redundant USB-C and USB-A cables with screw-locks (5 ft) Assembly only, for embedded use
(nRnT) - number of Receive/Transmit channels Mating HD44P D-Sub I/O connector
/FXY Conformal coating (Parylene)
Manuals (digital download) and software CD

Astronics Ballard Technology
UA2000 Avionics Interfaces

MIL-STD-1553 Features ARINC 429 Features ARINC 717 Features

All channels dual redundant – Bus A & B Numeric and file transfer protocols Software selectable biphase/bipolar
Transformer and direct coupling Standard and custom bit rates Transmit and receive
Jumper for direct coupled termination - 12.5 and 100 kb/s standard Subframe and superframe support
Bus Controller - Configurable per channel 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096,
- Wide range of custom bit rates 8192 words per second
Automatic or custom scheduling
Set parity per channel (odd/even/data)
Programmable: frame times, intermessage ARINC 708 Features
gaps, conditional retries, and branches Sync output on all or selected
Run modes: continuous, loop N times, Standard ARINC 708 data
single-step Internal self-test bus
Internal self-test bus
Start on software or external trigger Message Data Each channel switchable between 2
Aperiodic and one-shot messages Buffering schemes facilitate data buses
Sync out on all or selected messages handling: Receive and transmit concurrently
Programmable BC timeout values - Current value buffers (default) Syncs – beginning and ending
- Circular lists transmit a repeated 1600 bits per word
Remote Terminal
pattern - 64-bit header
Multi-terminal simulation (32 RTs) - FIFO list buffers for sequential data - 512 3-bit range bins
Configurable 1553A or B response time - Asynchronous list buffers Custom data options
Programmable response time and Message record contains the ARINC Pre-sync pulses
status word bits word, time-tag, channel, speed, error Variable word length
Auto Busy Bit option data, min/max elapsed time, hit - 1 to 1856 bits per word
Support for all 1553B mode codes counter, and/or gap time
Configurable bit order
Selectable mode code subaddress
Receivers - LSB or MSB first
Enable broadcast on a per-RT basis
Automatic bit rate detection Strappable bus termination
RT 31 as broadcast or valid RT Receive message filtering (Label/SDI) ARINC 453 characteristics
Configure/legalize selected SA/MCs Current value and list buffers
RT “Shadow Monitor” mode ARINC 708 Receive Channels
Error detection: gap, timing, length,
Bus Monitor parity Wide frequency tolerance
Log and/or interrupt on errors Message record includes: data,
Capture all 1553 traffic or filter by RT/SA
bit-count, time-tag, channel number,
Capture and time-tag discrete I/O Transmitters detected errors
Sequential record includes: Single, scheduled, and asynchronous Error detection and logging:
command/status/data words, time- messages - Sync, Manchester, Long word,
tag, errors, bus, and response time(s) Tag messages for error injection, sync Short word
Efficient DMA monitor pipe to host out, and logging/interrupts
ARINC 708 Transmit Channels
Message Data Error injection: parity, inter-message
gap Configurable transmit repetition rate
Comprehensive error detection
Externally trigger all or selected Multiple message frames
Buffering schemes facilitate data handling:
messages Flexible frame triggering
- Single buffers (default)
Transmit Schedules Playback from file
- Circular lists transmit a repeated
pattern Schedules: automatic or explicit
- FIFO list buffers for sequential data Automatic based on repetition rates
Data initialization options Contain messages (labels), gaps, and
Track activity by min, max, elapsed time controls for pausing, halting, pulsing
discrete outputs, and event logging
Error Injection (Multi-function only) Modes: Continuous or single step for
Trigger from software or an external signal debugging
Inject errors in all or tagged messages
Parity, bit count, inverted sync,
Manchester, gap, and word count
(relative or absolute)

Astronics Ballard Technology
UA2000 Avionics Interfaces

Standard Features Specifications Software

All models share these standard General Universal BTIDriver API for C/C++,
features unless specified: C#, VB, VB.Net, and LabVIEW™
• USB 3.1 Gen 1 interface (fully
Interrupts/Logging compatible with USB 2, USB 3, Windows® and Linux® OS drivers
Poll or use interrupts USB 4, and Thunderbolt 3/4) Williamsburg protocol library
Configurable event log • 8 avionics discrete I/O CoPilot analysis and test software
• IRIG A/B input and output (optional, see below)
Programmable event logging/inter-
rupts from messages, schedules, and • 2 LED indicators Call for latest language and OS
buffers Green: Power, databus activity support.
Red: User controllable
Sequential Monitor CoPilot Software
• 64 MB on-board memory
A time-tagged record of selected CoPilot, available as an
activity on MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, Environmental option, is an intuitive,
717, 708, and discrete I/O Component temp: -40° to +85° C graphical software
Sequential record of selected activity Storage temp: -55° to +100° C program that allows
Filter by channel and other you to easily monitor,
MTBF: 5 million hours (MIL-STD-1553
parameters record, replay,
& ARINC 708)
analyze, and simulate
Efficient DMA monitor pipe to host 4.8 million hours (ARINC 429 & 717) avionics bus data. With CoPilot you
Avionics Discrete I/O Mechanical can interact directly with data on
8 programmable inputs/outputs multiple buses using Astronics
I/O Connector: HD44F D-Sub avionics interface hardware or work
Can be used as syncs and triggers Dimensions: 3.0 x 4.38 x 0.97 in with previously recorded data. This
Type: Open/Gnd, 35 VDC (max) (76 x 112 x 25 mm) advanced program features powerful
Output: 200 mA (max), self monitor- Weight: under 5 oz (140 g) tools for development, testing, trou-
ing, inductive load protected Power: Single USB port bleshooting and maintenance of
Log transitions to sequential record USB Cables Included: avionics equipment and systems.
Time-tag/IRIG USB-C Locking to USB-C (5 ft/1.5 m) More info at: astronics.com/CoPilot
48-bit hardware time-tag USB-C Locking to USB-A (5 ft/1.5 m)
(1μs resolution)
IRIG A or B, AM, PWM, and PPS
Generate or synchronize
(AM input only)
Synchronize hardware time-tags


Astronics Ballard Technology

11400 Airport Road
Everett, WA 98204 USA

Astronics Ballard Technology is committed to

ISTER quality and is AS9100 and ISO 9001 registered.

Ballard Technology and CoPilot are registered

ISO trademarks of Ballard Technology, Inc.
O 9001
BTIDriver is a trademark of Ballard Technology,

M PA N Inc. All other trademarks are the property of

their respective owners.

 2020 Ballard Technology, Inc. | Specifications may change without notice. Confirm current specifications at time of order. | BR238-20200626
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