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ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC) 429

BCT -042 Page 1 Issue:10 July 2008

Effectivity: EA Line Maintenance Production Training For Training Only
ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics


ARINC 429 is a specification, which defines how avionics equipment and The unidirectional ARINC 429 system provides high reliability at the cost of
systems should communicate with each other. They are interconnected by wire weight and limited data rates
wires in twisted pairs. The specification defines the electrical and data
characteristics and protocols, which are used. ARINC 429 employs a
unidirectional data bus standard known as Mark 33 Digital Information
Transfer System (DITS). Messages are transmitted at a bit rate of either
12.5 or 100 kilobits per second to other system elements, which are
monitoring the bus messages. Transmission and reception is on separate
ports so that many wires may be needed on aircraft, which use a large
number of avionics systems. (Condor Engineering).

ARINC 429 has been installed on most commercial transport aircraft

including; Airbus A310/A320 and A330/A340; Bell Helicopters; Boeing 727,
737, 747, 757, and 767; and McDonnell Douglas MD-11.

Boeing is installing a newer system specified as ARINC 629 on the 777,

and some aircraft are using alternate systems in an attempt to reduce the
weight of wire needed and to exchange data at a higher rate than is
possible with ARINC 429.

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Effectivity: EA Line Maintenance Production Training For Training Only
ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

ARINC 429 Electrical Characteristics

An ARINC 429 data bus uses two signal wires to transmit 32 bit words. This is known as bipolar return-to zero (BPRZ) modulation.
Transmission of sequential words is separated by at least 4 bit times of The composite signal state may be one of three levels:
NULL (zero voltage). This eliminates the need for a separate clock signal
wire. That’s why this signal is known as a self-clocking signal.
The nominal transmission voltage is 10 ±1 volts between wires 1. HI which should measure between 7.25 and 11 volts between the
(differential), with either a positive or negative polarity two wires (A to B).

Therefore, each signal leg ranges between +5V and -5V. If one leg is +5V, 2. NULL which should be between 0.5 and -0.5 (A to B).
the other is -5V and vice versa. One wire is called the “A” (or “+” or “HI”)
side and the other is the “B” (or “-” or “LO”) side. 3. LO which should be between -7.25 and -11 volts (A to B).

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ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

ARINC 429 Word Format

ARINC data words are always 32 bits and typically use the format includes five
It can also be used in the case of multiple systems to identify the source of
primary fields, namely Parity, SSM, Data, SDI, and Label. ARINC convention the transmission. In some cases, these bits are used for data. ARINC 429
can have only one transmitter on a pair of wires, but up to 20 receivers.
numbers the bits from 1 (LSB) to 32 (MSB)

C. Data

Bits 29 through 11 contain the data, which may be in a number of different

Some examples are provided later in the tutorial. There are also many non-
standard formats that have been implemented by various manufacturers.
In some cases, the data field overlaps down into the SDI bits. In this case,
A. Label the SDI field is not used.

Bits 8 through 1 contain a label identifying the data type and the D. SSM
parameters associated with it.
Bits 31 and 30 contain the Sign/Status Matrix or SSM. This field contains hardware
The label is an important part of the message and is described in more
detail below. It is used to determine the data type of the remainder of the equipment condition, operational mode, or validity of data content.
word and, therefore, the method of data translation to use.
SSM Code For BCD Data
The various data types are described in detail below. Labels are typically
represented as octal numbers.


Bits 10 and 9 provide a Source/Destination Identifier or SDI. This is used

for multiple receivers to identify the receiver for which the data is

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ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

SSM Code For BNR Data

E. Parity

The MSB is always the parity bit for ARINC 429. Parity is normally set to
odd except for certain tests. Odd parity means that there must be an odd
number of “1” bits in the 32-bit word that is insured by either setting or
clearing the parity bit. For example if bits 1-31 contain an even number of
“1” bits, bit 32 must be set to create ODD parity. On the other hand, if bits
1-31 contain an odd number of “1” bits, the parity bit must be clear.

ARINC 429 Data Types

All ARINC data is transmitted in 32 bit words. The data type may be Binary Coded Decimal (BCD), two’s complement binary notation (BNR), Discrete Data,
Maintenance Data and Acknowledgment, and ISO Alphabet #5 character data. In the newest versions, bit oriented packets of messages can be used to
transmit files.

A. BCD Data Encoding

BCD, or binary-coded-decimal, is a common data format found in ARINC If the maximum decimal value is greater than 7, bits 29 through 27 are
429 and many other engineering applications. In this format, four bits are padded with zeros and the second sub-field becomes the most significant.
allocated to each decimal digit. A generalized BCD message is shown in The example message in Figure 5 conveys the data that the DME distance
Figure 4. Its data fields contain up to five sub-fields. The most significant is 25786 and has a positive sign. The specific equipment, numeric scale,
sub-field contains only the bits, so that its maximum decimal value can be 7 and location of the decimal point are a function of the label and are
discussed later.

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ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

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ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

B. BNR Data Encoding

In the binary (BNR) format, the data is encoded in binary using two’s SSM
complement fract1onal notation.
The graphic shows an example of the BNR format using N-S velocity. It Like the BCD format, the SSM identifies the properties of the data such as
uses labe1 366. It has a maximum value of 4096 knots with 15 significant direction and sign. This data is encoded in bit 29 in the BNR format. In the
bits. The number of significant bits defines the resolution. N-S velocity data example, bit 29 has a logic value of zero identifying north velocity. The
is encoded in bits 14 to 28. The unused bits 11-13 are filled with zeros (pad status of the transmitting LRU is encoded in bits 30 and 31. BNR status
bits). codes are:

Bit 28 is the most significant bit. It represents one-half of the maximum -No computed data
range. Bit 27 then represents one-fourth of the maximum range, bit 26 -Failure warning
represents one-eighth, etc., on to bit 14. -Normal operation
-Functional test
In the example, bit 28 and 27 are logic zeros. They have no value. Bit 26
has a logic value of one. The value of bit 26 is one-eighth of the maximum If the source detects an internal failure, it sends a failure warning. This
range or one-eighth of 4096, which is 512. indicates its output is invalid by setting the SSM bits 30 and 31 to logic 00.
For normal operation, the SSM bits 30 and 31 are both logic I.

The only other bit with a logic 1 value is bit 22. This is equivalent to one, one
Parity Bit
hundred twenty eighth of 4096, or 32.
Like the BCD format, bit 32 is the parity bit encoded to give odd parity for
each word.
The value of the N-S velocity is 512 plus 32, or 544 knots.

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ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

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ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

C. Discrete data Format

The discrete data format is used to send the status of several discrete in one digital word. In this format, the data field represents the status of many different discretes. Each

bit in the data field represents the status of one discrete ( true/false, on/off, ect).

If any of data field are not used , they filled with zero.
Due to the large number of discrete available on airplane systems, the ARINC specification does not define the use of individual discretes.

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ARINC 429 Standard Practice for Electrical & Avionics

ARINC 429 bus analyzer

ARINC 429 bus analyzer is used to assist evaluate and test ARINC 429 systems.
A typical bus analyzer can transmit and receive ARINC 429 data. It shows the data on the front panel display.
Some of the main features in a typical bus analyzer include:
- The ability to decode the received data and show it in engineering units (eg. knots, degree, nautical miles, etc.), hexadecimal code or binary code
- The ability to select specific labels
- The ability to enter data to transmit
In the graphic, a typical ARINC 429 analyzer is used to receive ARINC 429 words from a selected LRU.
NOTE- Repairs to ARINC 429 bus wiring are in accordance with standard maintenance manual procedures.

BCT -042 Page 10 Issue:10 July 2008

Effectivity: EA Line Maintenance Production Training For Training Only

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