Product Specification MH621
Product Specification MH621
Product Specification MH621
The Sandvik MH621Ex hard-rock miner is a smart, KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS
strong and powerful mechanical rock excavation
machine. It is an electrically powered and crawler- Improved safety features ensure safe
mounted roadheader that is engineered to excavate underground working conditions and less
tunnels, roadways and galleries as well as caverns, operational hazards.
basically any underground and subsurface structures, Heavy duty, robust machine design and ICUTROC
in strong and abrasive rock formations under flame- cutting technology for hard rock application
proof mining conditions. increase machine availability and reduce machine
service costs.
This heavy-duty mining machine has a powerful Different cutter heads for a wide range of rock
transverse cutter head mounted on an extremely conditions and applications serve for high
robust telescopic cutter boom. It is designed to versatility in machine operation.
excavate rocks with high compressive strengths. The
Optional machine guidance system significantly
MH621Ex is a PLC (programmable logical controller)
improves profile accuracy and decreases
controlled machine and country-specific FLP (flame-
tunneling costs.
proof) certifications by various international approval
Various digitalization options like Cutronic
authorities are considered to satisfy special customer
(automated cutting cycle), which enables semi-
needs and requirements.
autonomous machine operation, optimize
customer value.
The range of application of Sandvik MH621Ex hard-
rock miner goes beyond 100 MPa uniaxial
compressive strength of rock, an operational range
where other roadheaders start to fail. The MH621Ex
offers superior productivity without damaging the rock
mass surrounding the tunnel excavation. That enables
this machine to achieve high advance rates even in
challenging geological conditions referring to high
rock strength and high rock abrasiveness.
Overall machine dimensions
Machine 90° Turn-Off-Radius referring to specified Tunnel
Turn-off dimensions for machine in optional configuration (with swivel chain conveyor)!
Machine Basics
Selection of Cutter Heads referring to Geological Conditions
Net Cutting Rate for MH621 (300 kW installed cutter head power)
equipped with Cutter Head R400-TC72 and 22 mm TC Diameter Picks
according to Uniaxial Compressive Strength for Intact to Moderately Fractured Rock Mass
for Cross Sections < 35 m²
Extreme range of application
in exceptional operating conditions Please note:
Uniaxial Compressive Strength is measured on H:D=1:1
150 specimens with 50 m m diameter @ 10 kN/s.
Uniaxial Compressive Strength [MPa]
Advanced range of application The volume of cut rock per effective net cutting time (counted
130 in net cutting hours ... nch) defines the net cutting rate. The
in challenging operating conditions effective net cutting time is de fined by the time the cutter head
120 is in contact w ith the rock and actually cutting. Thus,
110 supplementary actions of the cutter head like profiling and
loading or any idling time during cutting operation does not
100 contribute to the effective net cutting time.
Normal range of application
90 For calculating m achine productivity or excavation
in usual operating conditions
80 performance, please consider that the ratio of machine
operating hours to net cutting hours is usually about 2:1
70 (ranging from 1.5:1 to 2.5:1). This difference in the times is
caused by a number of delays and standstills (non-productive
times) during cutting operation, when the machine is operated
50 at the face.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Net Cutting Rate [solid m³/nch]
Specific Pick Consumption referring to Selection and
Configuration of Cutting Unit and to Geological Conditions
Specific Pick Consumption (SPC) for Low Speed Cutting
with Transverse Cutterhead and 22 mm TC Diameter Picks of High Quality
Uniaxial Compressive Strength meas ured on H:D=1:1
specimen with 50 mm diameter @ 10 kN/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Machine Details
Conditions for Use and Dimensions
Standard items
Machine length with short, straight double chain conveyor ~ 13.25 [m]
Maximum navigable in- & decline gradient +/- 18 [°]
Maximum navigable side gradient +/- 5 [°]
Cone radius ~ 25 [m]
Basin radius ~ 25 [m]
Machine width over loading table ~ 3.56 [m]
Machine width over crawler tracks ~ 2.6 [m]
Machine width over frame rear end excluding auxiliary steel structures ~ 3.3 [m]
Machine width over frame rear end including auxiliary steel structures ~ 3.45 [m]
Machine height in basic configuration @ top of lowered conveyor ~ 2.4 [m]
Machine weight in basic configuration ~ 120 [t]
Ground clearance @ rear support ~ 175 [mm]
Machine ground pressure in basic configuration (min. - max.) ~ 0.19 - 0.23 [N/mm²]
Total installed power 504 [kW]
Maximum cuttable uniaxial compressive strength up to 140 [MPa]
Assembly Group #01 – Cutter Head
Standard cutter head for hard / strong rock / rock mass conditions
Optional cutter head for soft / weak rock / rock mass conditions
Optional cutter head for medium hard / strong rock / rock mass conditions
Optional items
Gear oil pump flow system
Gear oil filtering and cooling system (OMFCS II)
Gear oil temperature monitoring analog
Gear oil pressure monitoring analog
Gear oil filter electric clogging indicator digital
Optional items
Gear oil type for ambient temperature <10°C Sandvik oil with viscosity 220
Assembly Group #06 – Loading System
Standard items
Optional items
Loading stars on left and right side of loading device driven by two 2 x 65 [kW]
hydraulic motors (one motor for each loading star, theoretical power)
Loading star output speed @ 60Hz ~ 35 [rpm]
Loading device with fixed width ~ 3500 [mm]
Loading device with fixed width @ 2x split ~ 4500 [mm]
Loading device with fixed width @ 4x split ~ 4500 [mm]
Loading device with variable width @ 2x split ~ 4600 - 5300 [mm]
Loading device with variable width @ 4x split ~ 4600 - 5300 [mm]
Straight, wear resistant double chain conveyor (5mm thick wear plates as
top layer and heat-treated steel on chain guides)
Conveyor discharge height ~ 1580 [mm]
Conveyor chain type DIN 22252-2 19 x 64.5 [mm]
Conveyor chain running speed adjustable with variable hydraulic pump ~ 0.5 - 0.9 [m/s]
Conveyor hydraulic drive motor theoretical power @ 0.9m/s 1 x 65 [kW]
Conveyor hydraulic drive motor variable adjustment 0.160 - 0.070 [cm³/rev]
Conveyor width ~ 600 [mm]
Maximum conveyor capacity ~ 300 [m³/h]
Chain conveyor running monitoring
Chain conveyor pressure monitoring
Optional items
Minimum machine height with slewing single chain conveyor @ upper ~ 2700 [mm]
edge of conveyor in down position
Width of slewing single chain conveyor ~ 600 [mm]
Running speed of slewing single chain conveyor adjustable with variable ~ 0.5 - 0.9 [m/sec]
hydraulic pump
Mounting basis for intermediate conveyor
Optional items
Gear oil type for ambient temperature <10°C Sandvik oil with viscosity 220
Low crawler track system
Optional items
Cross shifting device for easier machine positioning
Cross shifting device - rear bottom stabilizer distance above floor @ ~ 175 [mm]
Cross shifting device - rear stabilizer distance below floor @ extracted ~ 425 [mm]
Optional items
Optional signal light orange (for automatic cutting cycle active warning) 1 [pcs.]
Trailing cable pulling force protection
Radio remote control system (1x RRC, 1x charger, 3x batteries)
Radio remote control cable connection
SMS 3 control system for ITP spraying system
On-board basic WiFi communication
Optional items
Hydraulic oil type for standard ambient temperature (>15°C and <30°C) Sandvik oil with viscosity 46
Optional items
Hydraulic oil type for high ambient temperature (>30°C) Sandvik oil with viscosity 68
Hydraulic oil type for low ambient temperature (<15°C) Sandvik oil with viscosity 32
Hydraulic cylinders with special acidic water resistant coating
Fitting type (on special request) DKO
Fitting type (on special request) JIC
Connection for additional tooling system (2x - 1x left & 1x right)
Fire resistant hydraulic fluid
Optional items
The open cooling system is continuously supplied with fresh water for
machine cooling and for water spraying for dust suppression
Water supply volume ~ 50 [l/min]
Water supply temperature range ~ 10 - 35 [°C]
Water supply pressure range ~ 10 - 50 [bar]
Water booster pump station for spraying system hydraulically driven
Hose type Semperit
Fitting type (standard) ORFS (flat seal)
Incoming water pressure sensor
Spraying system with ITP nozzles
ITP pressure sensor
ITP flow sensor
Water supply monitoring directly on high pressure water pump (pump stop
when supply pressure <3bar)
Back flushing filter
Pressure relief valve - 20bar
Optional items
Pressure reduction valve ~15bar for water supply in high pressure range ~ 10 - 50 [bar]
Closed circuit cooling system for maximum 35°C ambient temperature
Fitting type (on special request) DKO
Fitting type (on special request) JIC
Water spraying device on conveyor rear end for dust suppression including
manual switch
Optional items
Optional items
Machine weight with working platforms / arch lifting device ~ 132 [t]
Machine height with arch lifting device and lowered conveyor ~ 3200 [mm]
Minimum cutting height with arch lifting device ~ 4500 [mm]
Integrated dust intake channels (requires low crawler track system)
Special brackets and covers for container transport
Slurry pump