Secretarys Certificate
Secretarys Certificate
Secretarys Certificate
I, JOSEPHINE SANTIAGO, of legal age, Filipino Citizen, with office address at 2285
Don Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City, after being duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby
depose and say:
1. That I am the duly elected and qualified Corporate Secretary of STARFIRE HOLDINGS
CORPORATION, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the
laws of the Philippines, with principal office at 2285 Don Chino Roces Avenue, Makati
City (the “Corporation”);
2. That at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the said Corporation held on December
07, 2022 at its office address, wherein there was a quorum, that the following resolution
was unanimously approved and aopted:
RESOLVED FURTHER, That Ms. Lydia Borlagdan and/or Mr. Noli W. Isaig, Jr. is
hereby authorized and empowered to cause, for and on behalf of the
Corporation, the preparation and filing of the above-mentioned complaint or
initiatory pleading with the Metropolitan Trial Court of Makati City or any other
court of competent jurisdiction, and to sign the Verification and Certification
Against Forum Shopping therefor, for and on behalf of the Corporation, which
shall be attached to the above-mentioned complaint or initiatory pleading, and
such other instruments, documents and certifications as may be necessary in
connection thereto;
RESOLVED FINALLY, That Ms. Lydia Borlagdan and/or Mr. Noli W. Isaig, Jr. be
authorized, as they are hereby authorized, to represent the Corporation in the
preparation and filing of the above-mentioned complaint or initiatory pleading for
the Corporation’s filing of case(s) and, in furtherance thereof, to represent the
Corporation in the preliminary conference, pre-trial conference and/or
mediation/judicial dispute resolution in the said case(s), with full power and
authority to consider the following:
3. That the foregoing resolution has not been revoked, amended, or in any manner
modified and accordingly, the same may be relied upon until such time that a written
notice to the contrary is issued by the Corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate has been signed this 7th day of December 2022 at
Makati City, Philippines.
Corporate Secretary