Conjunctions LP
Conjunctions LP
Conjunctions LP
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define conjunctions;
b. Explain the difference among the three types of conjunctions;
c. Construct sentences using proper conjunctions.
A. Preliminaries
❖ Prayer
❖ Attendance Checking
❖ Reviewing of the previous lesson
❖ Reading of the objective
D. Abstraction
The teacher will present a powerpoint presentation about the types of
conjunctions, as well as the definition and example for each. After the
discussion, let the students construct a sample sentence using the proper
conjunction under each type of conjunctions.
Coordinating Correlative conjunctions Subordinating
conjunctions conjunctions
are used to combine are sort of like tag-team join independent and
equally important ideas. conjunctions. They dependent clauses.
come in pairs, and you
Ideas of equal have to use both of can signal a cause-and-
importance can be them in different places effect relationship, a
joined with coordinating in a sentence to make contrast, or some other
conjunctions such as them work. They get kind of relationship
For their name from the fact between the clauses.
And that they work together
Nor (co-) and relate one Subordinating
But sentence element to conjunctions may be
Or another. used to express:
So Correlative a. Time
conjunctions include (after, as, before, since,
pairs such as: until, when, whenever,
Note the following lists while)
of common coordinating 1. either/or --- Lily wants
conjunctions according either the strawberry b. Cause or Reason
to their use. cake or the chocolate (as much as, because,
cake. since, whereas)
boys and girls (implies 2. both/and --- They will
addition) have both the c. Purpose or Result
in the city or in the province strawberry cake and the (that, in order that, so
(implies alternation) chocolate cake. that, for)
3. neither/nor --- Oh, you
He is sick, but he still wants want neither the d. Condition
to go to school. (implies strawberry cake nor the (although, unless,
contrast) chocolate cake? Not a while, if, even though,
problem. provided that)
The rebel surrendered for 4. not only /but also ---
he wanted peace of mind. We’ll eat them both- not Example:
(implies reason) only the strawberry 1. Although William
cake but also the Shakespeare is dead,
chocolate cake. his literary pieces still
remain in the world of
2. Charles Dickens was
well-known while he
was still alive.
E. Application
❖ Activity: Hot Potato Game
Students will be grouped into two. The teacher is bringing a ball and
will pass this around in the classroom. When the music stops, the person
or the group holding it has to make a sentence using the words flashed
on the screen with conjunctions.
• Pizza/Hamburger
• Cooking/Eating/Washing
• Books/Pens
• Actor/Singer
Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. We like him _______ he is funny and nice. (so, because, but)
2. Bella was hungry ______ she ate some fries. (but, and, so)
3. She is neither polite ______ funny. (nor, or, yet)
4. This salad is _____delicious ___healthy. (whether/or, rather/than, both/and)
5. We are either extremely early _____ extremely late. (or, nor, but also)
Write 5 examples of each type of conjunctions in a 1 whole sheet of paper.
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