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Engineering Utilities 2

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It's the initial pressure that drives the flow of

INTRODUCTION water through the pipes. The pressure at the

source of water supply can vary based on
factors such as the elevation of the source,
The determination of the minimum required
the water storage height (if any), and the
size of distribution lines in a building's
design of the pumping system (if applicable).
plumbing system is a critical aspect of
creating an efficient and reliable water
3. Required pressure at each outlet fixture
supply network. Various factors contribute
(examples of outlet fixture are bathtubs,
to the selection of water distribution pipe
channel drains, bidets, drinking fountains,
sizes in buildings, and specific procedures
kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, showers and
are followed to ensure that these sizes align
with the system's demands



1. Cost Effectiveness

The cost of materials, installation, and

maintenance is a significant factor. Larger
pipes can be more expensive, so selecting a
size that balances cost and performance that Note that these are general guidelines, and
is needed. specific fixture manufacturers might provide
2. Pressure at the Source of Water Supply recommended pressure ranges for their
products. Additionally, the local plumbing
The pressure at the source of water supply codes and regulations in your area might
refers to the force per unit area exerted by specify minimum pressure requirements that
the water in the distribution system at its need to be met.
starting point.
b. Pipe Erosion:
Fast-moving water can erode the inner
surfaces of pipes over time. This erosion can
4. Pressure Loss
cause damage to the pipe material, leading
When water flows through pipes in a water to leaks, corrosion, and decreased lifespan of
distribution system, it encounters resistance the plumbing system.
due to various factors, such as the friction of
water against the inner surface of the pipes,
fittings, valves, and other components. This
resistance slows down the water flow and
leads to a decrease in pressure along the 1. Drawing the Layout
length of the pipe. Create a schematic of the water distribution
system showing horizontal mains, risers,
5. Future Expansion
and branch lines. Indicate the types and
Planning for future expansion is a prudent number of fixtures (sinks, showers, toilets,
approach in designing water distribution etc.) connected to each line. For instance, a
systems. Allowing for extra capacity ensures horizontal main might have multiple branch
that the system can accommodate increased lines connecting to bathrooms on each floor.
water demands without needing major
modifications. 2. Calculating Fixture Demand
6. Economic Considerations Use data from table that provides fixture
unit values for different fixtures. Calculate
Budget constraints and long-term cost
the total fixture units for each line based on
implications play a vital role. While larger
the types and quantities of fixtures. For
pipes might offer advantages, the upfront
instance, if you have two toilets (each with 4
and ongoing costs need to align with the
fixture units) and three sinks (each with 2
project's budget and overall economic
fixture units), the total fixture units would be
2(4)+ 3(2) = 14.
7. Restriction on water flow velocity to
3. Determining Water Demand
avoid noises and pipe erosion.
Water flow velocity restrictions are It is provided for water demand in gallons
important to prevent issues like noise and per minute (GPM) for various fixture unit
pipe erosion in plumbing systems. When values. Multiply the total fixture units from
water flows through pipes at high speeds, it step 2 by the GPM value to get the total
can create turbulence, which can lead to water demand for each line. If the total
several problems. fixture units are 14 and the GPM value is 7,
then the water demand would be 14(7) = 98
a. Noise: GPM.
High-velocity water flow can result in loud
4. Estimating Equivalent Pipe Lengths:
noises within the pipes, commonly referred to
as water hammer or hydraulic shock. This Start from the street main and calculate the
occurs when the water suddenly stops or equivalent length of pipes for each stack or
changes direction due to the closing of a line. This involves considering factors like
valve or fixture. The noise can be disruptive pipe material, diameter, and fittings. For
and even damaging to the pipes over time. instance, if you have 50 feet of actual pipe
length, but due to bends and fittings, its
equivalent length is calculated to be 60 feet.
Table-2: Fixture Units, Trap and Connection Sizes for Plumbing
Fixtures for Drainage

5. Determining Average Minimum Pressure

Obtain the average minimum pressure in the
street main from the Water Company or
through testing. This pressure value serves
as a reference point for the system.
6. Specifying Minimum Pressure for
Highest Fixture
Identify the fixture that requires the highest
pressure. For example, a high-pressure
shower might need a minimum pressure of
40 psi.
7. Calculating Pipe Pressure Loss
Calculate the pressure loss in the pipes
using the equivalent pipe lengths and flow
rates. This involves using pressure loss
charts or equations. If the pressure loss due
to pipe friction is calculated to be 10 psi, this
should be factored into the system.
8. Selecting Pipe Size
Fig.2: Domestic Water Demand Curve Specify Rate of Flow
There are tables that provides pipe sizes Using the Number of Fixture Units Served Domestic Water
based on flow rates and pressure drops. Demand Curve

Find the pipe size that can handle the

calculated flow while maintaining the
required pressure. If the required flow is 98
GPM and the pressure drop is 10 psi, the
chart might suggest a 2-inch pipe.

Table-1: Fixture Units, Trap and Connection Sizes for Plumbing Fig.3: Domestic Water Curve, Enlarged Portion for Low Water
Fixtures for Domestic Waters Demand

Fig.4: Determination of flow in copper tubing and

other pipes that will be smoothed after service of 15
to 20 years
WHAT IS PRESSURE DROP? If the needed pressure head is too large to
overcome a large pressure drop, this can
The decrease in pressure from one point of have an undesirable effect on system
the tube or pipe to another downstream, and components such as the proper operation of
usually the result of friction against the tube ancillary equipment, premature failure of
or a pipe seals, and potentially harmful over-pressure




To determine the size of the pump/motor
needed and the process pipe diameter
required to move a particular type of product Seals used in equipment such as pumps and
through a piping system. The higher the heat exchangers have specific pressure
pressure drop in the line, the greater the limitations. When the equipment is
amount of energy consumed to maintain the operating within a suitable range (in terms
desired process flow, requiring a higher of pressure, temperature, speed, etc.), seals
horsepower motor. will have a pre-defined life cycle.
Conversely, the lower the pressure drop in a The seals will degrade or deform, causing
piping system, the less energy consumed, leaks in the system.
providing the potential to use a lower
horsepower motor. WHAT FACTORS AFFECT THE
The pressure drop in a building plumbing
Pressure head (aka pump pressure head) is system depends on factors like pipe
simply the height to which a specific pump diameter, length, material, and flow rate.
can lift a column of water, typically Thinner pipes, longer distances, and higher
expressed in meters. It is the magnitude of flow rates typically result in higher pressure
the force the pump exerts on the fluid that is drops.
being pumped.
Pressure drop formula used to
calculate a pressure drop through
pipe flow. 1. First, determine the friction factor. This
is known as the Darcy friction factor and
is a combination of friction between the
fluid and pipe and internal fluid friction.
2. Next, measure the length of the pipe.
3. Next, measure the diameter of the pipe.
Where P is the pressure drop 4. Next, determine the fluid velocity. This
(pressure loss N/m^2) should be the average velocity of the
f is the friction factor fluid.
L is the length of the pipe (m) 5. Next, determine the fluid density. For
D is the pipe diameter (m) water, this would be 997 kg/m^3.
V is the fluid velocity (m/s) 6. Finally, calculate the pressure drop.
p is the fluid density (kg/m^3)
Fluid Density
Pressure drop in a plumbing system Denser fluids result in higher pressure drops
is influenced by several factors: due to greater mass moving through the
Roughness of Pipes
Pipe Diameter
The internal surface roughness of pipes can
Smaller pipe diameters lead to higher friction impact pressure drop. Smooth pipes have
and pressure drop due to the restricted flow lower pressure drops compared to rough
area. ones.
Pipe Length Velocity

Longer pipes introduce more resistance to Extremely high or low velocities can lead to
flow, resulting in higher pressure drop. pressure drop variations, with some
optimum velocity range for minimal pressure
Flow Rate

Different Types of Pipe Fittings in

Higher flow rates increase pressure drop as
the fluid encounters more resistance while
moving through the pipes.
Plumbing System
Fluid Viscosity
Various types of pipe fittings are available in
More viscous fluids create higher friction plumbing systems for different purposes
against pipe walls, leading to increased and functions. A pipe fitting is used in
pressure drop. plumbing system to join multiple pipes of
same size or different sizes, to regulate the
Pipe Material
flow or to measure the flow. They are made
Rougher inner surfaces of pipes create up of different materials like copper, iron,
greater friction, causing higher pressure brass, PVC etc.
drop. Smooth materials like copper tend to
Elbow Pipe Fittings
have lower pressure drops than rougher
materials like galvanized steel. Elbows are used to change the direction of
flow between two pipes. Elbows are
Fittings and Valves
generally available with an angle of 22.5°,
Elbows, bends, valves, and other 45° and 90°. If pipes are of same diameter
obstructions increase turbulence and then normal elbows are used otherwise
contribute to pressure drop. Reducer elbows are used. Elbows are made
Elevation Changes of different materials. These are generally
coming with female threads and we can fix
Changes in elevation can lead to changes in them by butt or socket welding also.
potential energy, affecting pressure drop.
Reducer is a pipe fitting component which
Higher temperatures can cause fluids to reduces the flow size from larger to smaller
expand, impacting pressure and flow. by reducing size of pipe. Usually there are
two types of reducers are available.
Tee type Pipe Fitting Plug
Tee type fitting is a component of plumbing Plug is a component of plumbing component
system which is in T-shape. It is having one which is generally used to close pipe
inlet and two outlets, outlets are arranged at opening during inspections and repairs. Plug
90° to the main line connection (inlet). It can are generally contains male threads.
also be used to combine the flow from two
Valves in Pipe Fittings
inlets to one outlet. They are also available in
different materials and different sizes. If the Valves are components of plumbing system
3 sides of T-fitting are similar in size then it which are used to stop or regulate flow of
is called as Equal tee otherwise it is called as fluid in its path. Different types of valves are
Unequal tee. available depending up on their applications.
Cross type of Pipe Fitting Flange

Cross type fittings contains 4 opening in 4 A flat, ring-like fitting used to connect pipes,
directions. These are connected when there valves, or equipment to each other.
are 4 pipes are meeting at a point. These Nipple
fittings generate more amount of stress on
A short piece of pipe used to connect two
pipe as the temperature changes, because
fittings or pipes.
they are located at the center of four
connection points. Cross fittings are Cap
generally used for fire sprinkler systems.
Used to seal the end of a pipe or fitting.
A coupling is used to connect the pipes of
A U-shaped pipe that prevents sewer gases
same diameter. Coupling are also useful if
from entering a building, commonly used in
the pipe is broken or leakage occurs.
Compression Fitting
Union is a type of fitting, which functions as
similar to coupling. But coupling cannot be Joins pipes by compressing a gasket or
removed after fixing but in this case we can ferrule against the pipe, often used for
remove the union whenever we needed. flexible tubing.
Unions consists nut, male and female ended
threads. So, this is also useful for
maintaining purpose of pipe. It is used in drainage fittings and have a 45-
Adaptors degree branch. The angling of the branch is
designed to reduce turbulence and friction.
If the pipes are not having special ends or
plain ends then adaptors make them Hose Barb
threaded either male or female whichever is
A hose barb is defined as one or more
needed. Adopters are generally used for
continuous ridges or bumps on a fitting that
copper and PVC pipes. Male adapters
are used to grip the inside diameter of a tube
contain male threads and female adapters
and seal the connection.
contains female threads. One end of adapter
is plain which is glued or welded or soldered
to the plain pipe end.
Tee type Pipe Fitting Valves in Pipe Fittings


Cross type of Pipe Fitting Flange


Coupling Nipple

Compression Fitting

Union Trap

Adaptors Hose Barb




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