Engineering Utilities 2
Engineering Utilities 2
Engineering Utilities 2
1. Cost Effectiveness
Table-1: Fixture Units, Trap and Connection Sizes for Plumbing Fig.3: Domestic Water Curve, Enlarged Portion for Low Water
Fixtures for Domestic Waters Demand
Longer pipes introduce more resistance to Extremely high or low velocities can lead to
flow, resulting in higher pressure drop. pressure drop variations, with some
optimum velocity range for minimal pressure
Flow Rate
Cross type fittings contains 4 opening in 4 A flat, ring-like fitting used to connect pipes,
directions. These are connected when there valves, or equipment to each other.
are 4 pipes are meeting at a point. These Nipple
fittings generate more amount of stress on
A short piece of pipe used to connect two
pipe as the temperature changes, because
fittings or pipes.
they are located at the center of four
connection points. Cross fittings are Cap
generally used for fire sprinkler systems.
Used to seal the end of a pipe or fitting.
A coupling is used to connect the pipes of
A U-shaped pipe that prevents sewer gases
same diameter. Coupling are also useful if
from entering a building, commonly used in
the pipe is broken or leakage occurs.
Compression Fitting
Union is a type of fitting, which functions as
similar to coupling. But coupling cannot be Joins pipes by compressing a gasket or
removed after fixing but in this case we can ferrule against the pipe, often used for
remove the union whenever we needed. flexible tubing.
Unions consists nut, male and female ended
threads. So, this is also useful for
maintaining purpose of pipe. It is used in drainage fittings and have a 45-
Adaptors degree branch. The angling of the branch is
designed to reduce turbulence and friction.
If the pipes are not having special ends or
plain ends then adaptors make them Hose Barb
threaded either male or female whichever is
A hose barb is defined as one or more
needed. Adopters are generally used for
continuous ridges or bumps on a fitting that
copper and PVC pipes. Male adapters
are used to grip the inside diameter of a tube
contain male threads and female adapters
and seal the connection.
contains female threads. One end of adapter
is plain which is glued or welded or soldered
to the plain pipe end.
Tee type Pipe Fitting Valves in Pipe Fittings
Coupling Nipple
Compression Fitting
Union Trap