Ecrform Blank Asha2020
Ecrform Blank Asha2020
Ecrform Blank Asha2020
NOTE: This form must be included with each piece of evidence. If the evidence will be used for more than one
Florida Educator Accomplished Practice plus a Program Outcome and/or an ASHA Standard, the student may
choose to either complete a separate ECR form for each or may choose to incorporate relevant references to
each of the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAP), Program Outcomes, and ASHA Standards
designated on a single ECR form.
Type of Evidence (Circle or Underline One): Performance, Product, Tests and Records, Clinical
Outcomes, Testimonials, Professional Values and Commitments
1. Brief Description (In one or two sentences, describe the artifact in clear and simple terms):
A summary of Goal’s Grid based on the informal evaluation of a client’s abilities.
5. Areas of Improvement: Discuss ways in which you would improve upon this evidence if
given the opportunity to develop and use it again. How would you change what you did?
(Note: “Continuous Improvement” implies that there is always room to make something
better. Even if you were satisfied with the results and the evidence, there are ways to
Evaluator’s Position/Title: