Phed 239 - Module 4: High School Professional Standards For Teachers (PSTS) Assignment 20 Points
Phed 239 - Module 4: High School Professional Standards For Teachers (PSTS) Assignment 20 Points
Phed 239 - Module 4: High School Professional Standards For Teachers (PSTS) Assignment 20 Points
PHED 239/639
PPA Worksheet
NAME: Brian Allen
DATE: 3-4-16
INDICATOR A: Curriculum and Planning indicator: Knows the subject matter well, has a
good grasp of child development and how students learn, and designs effective and rigorous
standards-based units of instruction consisting of well-structured lessons with measurable
1. Lesson Plans- LP#1 SPOs are defined for all three domains and have specific and
measurable outcomes. (2-3-2016)
2. Exit Slips- LP#1 these exit slips had specific questions geared toward the
understanding of a topspin shot in the game of table tennis. (2-3-2016)
will also show that the things youre teaching are appropriate for the age of your
PHED 239/639
PSTs Worksheet
2. Reflecting on ones work can allow you to think outside of the moment
and analyze your day more effectively. You might realize you forgot to
make a correction or that the correction you made worked prefect.
Writing things out will help you remember how to use efficient tactics
and limit the errors. The more you reflect on your lessons the more
likely you are to improve and understand which moments call for what
type of modification.