Exp. 8 DNA Isolation From Straberries
Exp. 8 DNA Isolation From Straberries
Exp. 8 DNA Isolation From Straberries
Exercise no. 8
At the end of the experiment, each student will be able to:
1-3 strawberries (about the volume of a golf ball). Frozen strawberries
should be thawed at room temperature.
10 ml DNA Extraction Buffer (soapy salty water)
About 20 ml ice cold 91% or 100% isopropyl alcohol
1 Ziploc TM bag, 3- test tubes, test tube brush, test tube holder, test tube
rack, 1 Funnel ,1 Coffee stirrer or transfer pipette, 10g baking soda, 2g
Microscope, glass slide, cover slip, triple beam balance, 1-10ml graduated
cylinder, 2-water bath, White cloth, toothpick
1. Where you able to isolate DNA fragment from your sample? If yes, what is the
evidence of your isolates?
Yes, we were able to isolate a DNA fragment from the sample. The white fluffy
cloud, DNA, became visible after we mixed the cold isopropyl alcohol, DNA
Extraction Buffer (soapy salty water), and the mashed strawberry.
3. Draw the structural formula of the DNA molecule and properly label its three
components: Nitrogen base, phosphate group, and sugar. Determine also which
type of bond that link between nitrogen base pairs, sugar and phosphate group.
Phosphate group
Nitrogen Base
In the end, we were able to isolate the Strawberry DNA fragment by mixing the mashed
strawberry with cold isopropyl alcohol and the DNA extraction buffer (water, baking
soda, and salt). We were able to identify and draw the structural formula of the DNA
through a microscope, and we were also able to label its components and the type of bond
that links the components together.