Biology Project DNA Extraction
Biology Project DNA Extraction
Biology Project DNA Extraction
strands lies the blueprint for life. The DNA molecule directs the synthesis of every
protein and contains all the genetic information that is passed on to new cells. In
complex eukaryotic cells such as those from plants, animals, fungi and protists,
most of the DNA is located in the cell nucleus (chloroplasts, mitochondria, and
ribosomes also carry some DNA). By contrast, in simpler cells called prokaryotes,
including the eubacteria and archaea, DNA is not separated from the cytoplasm by
quantities, it can be seen. In this activity, I will extract DNA from a papaya. One of
the reasons fruits work so well is that they are soft and easy to pulverize. Papayas
have small genomes- 372 megabases (Mb). They are diploid (2n=18), which means
they have two of each type of chromosome. Some fruits are polyploidy meaning
that they have more than two of each type of chromosome. There are three basic
steps in DNA extraction. First, the cell must be lysed (broken open) to release the
nucleus. Next, the nucleus must also be opened to release the DNA. Lastly, once
the DNA is released, it must be precipitated out of solution. Several reagents are
Both the cell and nuclear membranes are composed primarily of lipids. In order for
the cell to be lysed, the lipid walls must be broken down. The manual grinding and
detergent solutions accomplish this. Soap molecules mix with fats or lipids,
causing structures made of lipids to break apart. Ethanol is used to precipitate the
DNA. In water, DNA is soluble. On the other hand, when it is in ethanol, it uncoils
and precipitates.The colder the ethanol more the precipitation occurs . The addition
positively charged atoms that neutralize the normal negative charge given off by
AIM:The aim of this experimental project is to isolate DNA from plant specimen
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project is to extract DNA from papaya using
1. Papaya
2. Salt
4. Ethanol alcohol
5. Beakers
6. Mortar
7. Pestel
8. Spoon
9. sieve/muslin cloth
1. In a mortar and pestel device put the fruit and mash it to fine pulp
having a goop like consistency. This process breaks down the cell wall
of dish washing liquid add water(as required) and gently mix to form
dropper carefully add the pre frozen ethanol alcohol to the filtered
7. As the waiting period gets over there is a cloudy solid coild mixture
mixture .
The result of this experiment is that the dna was successfully extracted from the
fruit material . The mechanical method of grinding the fruit helped break down the
cell wall and the extraction buffer consisting of salt and dish washing liquid
provided an environment for the dna to be released into the mix and finally the
cold ethanol helped it precipitate into the cloudy floating lumpy form we see in the
The important aspect of this practical is the method that is being used . This
experiment is not like other practicals , as in the results cannot really be evaluated
Thank you.