How 2 Make
How 2 Make
How 2 Make
I’ve put
together this Keychain Document to assist
you along your way. Whether you are new to
making keychains or just curious how
someone else does it, please take a peek. If
you have any tips or tricks for me, please
let me know. I’m happy to incorporate them
into this document for all to share.
How do I get my file into Cricut?
I have created an extensive document walking you through step by
step how to unzip and upload your files into Cricut from multiple
devices. Please see the document “HELP! All Your Questions
Answered” for this information.
2. Use your weeding tool to push the vinyl into the hole after you
put it on and then go around the inside of the hole with an
X-acto knife. (This is my preferred method – it’s precise and
quick and easy.) Check out the video here:
3. Cut a hole out in Cricut Design Space before cutting out the
I will walk you through option #3. I also have a video that shows it
step by step:
Step 1: With your keychain design open in Cricut Design Space, select
the shapes button on the left side of your screen. Select the circle
Step 2: Resize the design to the size you want. I always make it larger
than the key ring hole so it lines up easier. I also make sure I use the
gridlines to help line it up. Line the hole circle up where you want it
to go.
Step 3: Next select both the keychain design and hole circle at the
same time. With both selected, select the slice button on the lower
right corner.
Step 4: Pull the keychain design away from the hole. Delete the key
ring hole pieces.
You are now left with your keychain design with a perfectly sliced
hole for your key ring.
Cutting your Design
Select the “Make It” button to cut your design.
Settings - I use setting Washi Sheet (change the pressure to
MORE) to cut my keychain designs. This is the perfect setting for
those little pieces. These designs are so small, having an extra
clean cut makes weeding easier.
Weeding – these designs have been tested for the easiest
weeding experience. For most of the designs I find reverse
weeding is the best approach. What is reverse weeding? Check
it out here:
If you prefer to weed the regular way, when peeling back the
vinyl, please do so slowly. Since the designs are so small, pieces
that are meant to stay can be pulled off. I find going slowly and
having my weeding tool to hold the really small pieces down, if
they start to peel up, works great.
Prepping the Blank – Most keychain blanks have a film covering
on both sides. Don’t forget to peel this off before sticking on
your vinyl. After peeling off the film, clean the blank with
rubbing alcohol and let it dry. Removing dirt and oils will help
the vinyl stick long term.
Putting it Together – After you have transferred your weeded
design to your transfer tape, line up the design to your keychain
blank. I like to use the wet method of applying vinyl. This is
where you get a spray bottle and mist the acrylic blank with
water. Put the vinyl on while wet. This way you can smooth out
the vinyl much easier and get all those pesky bubbles out. Rub
the vinyl onto the keychain blank. Check out this video for more
I like to then turn the acrylic blank over and put my additional
designs (name, initials, character, etc.) on the opposite side.
Sealing / Glitter – If you use permanent vinyl, you don’t have to
seal your keychains. But if you want to be extra sure the vinyl
will stay put, you can seal it. I like to use Brite Tone. Interested
in a non-toxic, easy, epoxy free way to add glitter to your
keychains. Check out this video:
Happy Creating!!!