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Instructions: AVC63-7F Voltage Regulator

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www.basler.com AVC63-7F
+1 618.654.2341 (USA)
info@basler.com Voltage Regulator

The Basler AVC 63-7F Voltage Regulator is a potted unit Withstands up to 15 G in each of three mutually
contained in a plastic case. The regulator controls the dc perpendicular axes.
exciter field power of conventional, 50 or 60 Hz brushless Agenc y Recognition
generators that have a 63 Vdc exciter field to regulate the Certified per CSA Standard C22.2 No. 14
generator output voltage.
Regulation is provided by sensing the generator output 482 g (17 oz) net
voltage, converting it to a dc signal, and comparing the
signal to a reference voltage signal. An error signal is INSTALLATION
developed and used to control the dc field power in order to
maintain a constant generator output. Mounting
The regulator may be mounted in any position. Refer to the
outline drawing (Figure 2). The regulator may be mounted
DC Output Power directly on the generator set using ¼” hardware. Select the
7 Adc at 63 Vdc maximum continuous with a 240 Vac input. proper hardware to withstand any expected
shipping/transportation and operating conditions.
Exciter field DC Resistance
9.0 Ω minimum. Interconnection
Refer to Figures 3, 4, and 5.
AC Power Input
170 to 305 Vac, single-phase, 50/60 Hz. 1. Connect a jumper from COM to the 50 Hz terminal for
Burden: 900 VA maximum at 240 Vac power. 50 Hz operation, or leave the two terminals
unconnected for 60 Hz operation.
AC Sensing Voltage 2. If an external voltage adjust control is being used,
380 to 480 Vac, single-phase, 50/60 Hz. connect the potentiometer to terminals 6 and 7 as
Burden: 5VA. shown. If not, connect a jumper between terminals 6
Voltage Adjust Range and 7.
340 to 528 Vac using the internal voltage adjust. The 3. Connect the exciter field to terminals F+ and F-. Be
external voltage adjust provides a ±10% adjustment of the sure to observe polarity.
nominal value determined by the internal voltage adjust. 4. Connect the input power to the generator stator to
Regulation Accurac y provide power to terminals 3 and E3/4. Fuse both
±0.25% leads. Install the optional shutdown switch, if desired.
5. Connect the sensing input to E1 and E3/4. The
Voltage Drift sensing should be connected “line-to-line”.
<±1% voltage variation for a 50°C (122°F) change.
Parallel Compensation
Response Time
<16 ms When it is required to operate the regulator in parallel with
an isolated or utility bus, in addition to the regulator
Frequency Compensation provisions, a 2.5 VA current transformer (CT) is required
Refer to Figure 1. (See Figures 3 and 5). This CT is connected in a generator
line and should deliver from 3 to 5 amperes secondary
Voltage Buildup
current at rated load.
Internal provisions for automatic buildup from generator
residual voltage as low as 6 Vac at 25 Hz. The phase relationship of the CT signal to the regulator
sensing voltage must be correct or the system will not
Power Dissipation parallel properly. The CT must be installed in the line of the
35 W maximum. three-phase generator that does not supply sensing to the
Paralleling Prov isions regulator.
CT input for customer supplied 5A nominal CT. Adjustable Figures 5 and 6 show the correct CT polarity for A-B-C
droop from 0 to 6% with 5A input at 0.8 power factor. CT phase rotation sequence. If the phase rotation sequence is
input burden is 2.5 VA. A-C-B, the CT secondary leads must be interchanged.
Temperature Reactiv e Droop Compensation
Operating: –40 to +60°C (–40 to +140°F) For reactive droop compensation, connect the CT to its
respective regulator as shown on Figures 5 and 6.
Storage: –65 to +85°C (–85 to +185°F)
A unit-parallel switch shorts the parallel CT secondary to
Vibration prevent any droop signal from being injected into the
Withstands 1.2 G at 5 to 26 Hz; 0.036” double amplitude at regulating system during single unit operation. The switch
27 to 53 Hz; 5 G at 53 to 1,000 Hz. may not be required on parallel droop compensation
applications where a voltage drop is not objectionable.

Publication Revision Date Copyright

9302800994 D 03/12 2012

Reactiv e Differential Compensation 6. Reduce generator frequency to approximately 5 Hz
On parallel reactive differential compensation applications below nominal.
a contact should be used to short out the paralleling CT Result: Generator output voltage should decrease at
secondary when that generator is not paralleled to the bus. desired frequency.
If the switch is not used, a voltage droop will be introduced
into the system. This is due to the unloaded generator
parallel CT not supplying its compensating signal, but Field Flashing
allowing a voltage drop to occur across it. Lack of this When the regulator is operated with the generator for the
shorting contact will also cause the voltage of the incoming first time, the polarity of the residual magnetism may not be
generator to fluctuate prior to paralleling. Ideally, this correct or of sufficient magnitude. If the residual voltage at
contact is an auxiliary on the circuit breaker contactor that terminals 3 and 4 is greater than 6 Vac, replace the
opens when the circuit breaker is closed. regulator. If generator residual voltage is less than 6 Vac at
For reactive differential compensation, connect each CT to terminals 3 and 4, shut down the prime mover and proceed
its respective regulator. Then connect the finish of the first with the following steps.
CT to the start of the second CT, the finish of the second
CT to the start of the third CT, etc. Continue until all CT’s CAUTION
are connected in series. The final step will be to connect Do not flash the field with the generator in motion. The
the finish of the last CT to the start of the first CT. (See regulator may be damaged.
Figure 6).
Reactive differential compensation cannot be used when 1. With the prime mover at rest, apply a dc source
paralleled with the utility or any infinite bus. If this (ungrounded), of not more than 48 Vdc, to terminals
compensation system is used, a switching circuit must be F+ (positive) and F- (negative) in series with a limiting
used to convert the system to a reactive droop resistor. Use one ohm of resistance for each volt from
compensation system. Contact the factory for additional the dc power source with a power rating of at least one
information. watt per ohm. EXAMPLE: If using a 24 Vdc source,
use a 24 ohm, 24-watt resistor.
OPERATION 2. Allow the field to be flashed for approximately ten
General seconds before removing the dc source.
The following procedures provide instructions for setting 3. If voltage buildup does not occur after performing
up, starting, operating, and adjusting the AVC 63-7F steps 1 and 2, verify the polarity of the dc source used
Voltage Regulator. Symptoms of problems occurring during in steps 1 and 2 and perform again.
startup that result from incorrect regulator adjustment and Frequency Roll-Off Adjustment
certain generator system problems that resemble faulty
regulation, are included together with possible solutions. The AVC 63-7F underfrequency adjust is factory preset to
cause an average 2 volt drop in the generator’s line input
Preliminary Setup voltage to the regulator when the frequency is between
To prevent damage to the regulator, complete the following 54.5 and 55.5 Hz (for 60 Hz applications). For 50 Hz
steps before proceeding with system startup. applications, the frequency roll-off is factory preset to
between 44 and 46 Hz. To reset the frequency roll-off,
1. Verify that the voltage regulator specifications conform proceed as follows:
to the generator system requirements.
1. Adjust the prime mover rpm to the desired frequency
2. Ensure that the regulator has been installed and compensation (corner frequency roll-off) point.
connected in accordance with the paragraphs on
installation. 2. Adjust the front panel FREQ control CW until the
output voltage starts to drop off.
Operation at Reduced Speeds
3. Bring the prime mover up to rated speed. The output
During periods of prime mover idling, use the shutdown voltage should return to normal.
switch to remove power from the regulator. Stability Adjustment
System Startup An oscilloscope or other voltage recording device should
1. Perform preliminary setup as described in the above be used if a stability setting is desired that will provide the
paragraphs. fastest possible voltage response with good generator
2. Start the prime mover and bring up to rated speed.
1. Rotation of the front panel STAB control in the
Result: Voltage should build up. If not, perform field
clockwise (CW) direction will slow response time.
2. Rotation of the front panel STAB control in the counter-
3. Slowly adjust VOLT adjustment or external voltage
clockwise (CCW) direction will speed response time. If
adjust rheostat until the generator output voltage
rotated too far CCW, the generator voltage may
reaches the nominal value.
oscillate (hunt).
4. Apply and remove load to check stability.
3. Rotate the front panel STAB control CCW until the
5. Check the regulator under normal operating system starts oscillating and then rotate CW just past
conditions. the point where oscillation occurred.
Result: If regulation is not within range, verify the prime
mover is at rated speed.

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Voltage Adjustment
1. Installation of a jumper across terminals 6 and 7 allows
the internal (front panel) VOLT adjustment to vary the
generator nominal voltage over the range shown in the
2. A 1,500 ohm, 2 watt rheostat may be connected to
terminals 6 and 7. This will allow approximately ±10%
adjustment via the remote, 1,500 ohm rheostat.
Droop Adjustment
The droop adjustment allows for adjustment of the amount
of droop, which will occur in the generator output voltage
for a given amount of reactive load current. A CT should be
selected which will supply the AVC with 3 to 5 amperes of
current with rated load and power factor on the generator.
With 5 amperes of current supplied by the CT, at 0.8 power
factor, the amount of droop can be adjusted from 0 to 6%
of nominal generator voltage.
1. Determine the amount of droop desired; 3% to 5% is
common. Adjust the droop potentiometer fully CCW.
2. Bring the generator up to rated speed and rated
voltage. Apply full load at rated power factor.
3. Adjust the droop potentiometer until the desired
amount of droop is achieved.
To operationally test any AVC 63-7F, refer to Figure 7 and
perform the following steps. Figure 2. AVC63-7F Dimensions
1. Connect the voltage regulator as shown in Figure 7
and apply 240 Vac.
2. Adjust the front panel VOLT control fully counter-
clockwise (CCW).
Result: Observe that the lamp does not light. 1 A
3. Adjust the front panel VOLT control fully clockwise GENERATOR 1 2
(CW). 480 Vac L-L B
(277 Vac L-N) OR
Result: Observe that the lamp is now lit. 50/60 HZ C CIRCUIT
4. Adjust the front panel VOLT control until the lamp just
goes out. EXCITER
Regulator operation is satisfactory if the above results are FIELD

obtained. Stability, however, must be tested with the 2 2

generator and regulator operating. 5 UNIT/PARALLEL SWITCH


F- F+ E1 3 4 1 2 50 COM 6 7

AVC63-7F P0029-01

1 Phase rotation A-B-C.

2 Item not supplied by Basler Electric Co.

3 If remote voltage adjust is not used, short terminals 6 and 7 together.

4 Short terminals 50 and COM together for 50 Hz operation. Leave unconnected for 60 Hz

5 The secondary winding of a sensing transformer must be grounded as closely to the

transformer as practical. When interconnecting more than one transformer, ensure that
the secondary winding of only one transformer is grounded.

Figure 3. Typical Shunt-Pow ered Interconnection

(Wye Connection)

Figure 1. Typical AVC63-7F Frequency Compensation Curves

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Regulator 1
480 Vac L-L
(277 Vac L-N)

50/60 HZ C
E1 E3 1 2

480 VAC
1 240 VAC
E1 3
E3 1
4 CT

1 Item not supplied by Basler Electric Co. Regulator 2

Figure 4. Typical Shunt-Pow ered Interconnection
(Delta Connection) E3
E1 1 2
Note: This is a partial drawing of Figure 3.

1 A

B OR 3 4
400 - 480 VAC CIRCUIT
C 2

2 2
Regulator 3
E1 E3 1 2
4 4
F- F+ E1 3 4 1 2 50 COM 6 7

AVC63-7F P0029-02
1 Phase rotation A-B-C. GENERATOR B
2 Item not supplied by Basler Electric Co. 3
3 If remote voltage adjust is not used, short terminals 6 and 7 together. C
4 Short terminals 50 and COM together for 50 Hz operation. Leave unconnected for 60 Hz NOTES
1. When more than three generators are to be paralleled,
5 The secondary winding of a sensing transformer must be grounded as closely to the continue connections as shown.
transformer as practical. When interconnecting more than one transformer, ensure that
the secondary winding of only one transformer is grounded. 2. Paralleling CT polarities are shown with ABC phase rotation.
Figure 5. Typical Auxiliary Winding Pow ered Interconnection 3 When connected in cross-current, external resistors may be
required to improve reactive load sharing among generators using
regulators with dissimilar current input burdens. Use the following
table as a guide.
240 VAC
4 The secondary winding of a sensing transformer must be
480 VAC
120 V grounded as closely to the transformer as practical. When
interconnecting more than one transformer, ensure that the
secondary winding of only one transformer is grounded.

10 OHM Voltage Regulator External Resistor Value

10 WATT CT Burden (not considering lead length)
2.5 VA Not required
F- F+ 3 E1 4 6 7 10 VA 0.3 ohms, 15 W
25 VA 0.9 ohms, 50 W

AVC63-7F P0029-03
Figure 6. Reactive Differential (Cross Current) Compensation
CT Interconnection

Figure 7. Operational Test

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