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بكالوريوس مختبرات جزء 2

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‫ومارج مزايلة مهىة‬

‫بكلريًس مختبرات‬

‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‪ :‬مكتبة حيكان‬

‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‪ /‬أصيل يوس‬

‫تىسيك يإعذاد ‪:‬‬ ‫حقًق الطبع محفًظة لذى‪:‬‬

‫‪By: ASEEL Ali YOUS‬‬

‫مكتبة حيكان‬
‫للمضتلزماث القرطاصيت واإللكترونيت والتصوير‬
‫اضغط على الرابط لمتابعت قناتنا على التلجرام‬
‫‪https://t.me/medicaL02022‬‬ ‫صنعاء – شارع حدة – جولت ريماس‬
‫ت‪+967 733443846 -:‬‬ ‫أمام بوابت المجلش الطبي – جوار الياباني للصرافت‬
‫ت‪+967 777577512 -:‬‬
Choose the best response for each of the following question.
There is one only correct answer:

1. An increased > 1.020 Specific gravity in urine indicates:

a) Water restriction and dehydration
b) Diarrhea
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

2. An enterovirus mainly infects:
a) kidney
b) Liver
c) Lung
d) None of the above.

3. A hand disinfectant used for viruses is

a) Soap.
b) Ethanol 85%
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above

4 The normal value of Na in serum is:
a) 130-140 mg/d.
b) 135-145 mEq/L

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

c) 140-150 mEq/dlL
d) None of the above

5. Eosinophilia is seen in, except:

a) Food Allergy.
b) Atopic dermatitis
c) Parasitic infection
d) None of the above

6. The following statements are true about viruses, except:

a) Contain DNA and RNA.
b) Their size range from 10 nm to 300 nm.
c) They are metabolically inactive.
d) B+C.

7. Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is caused by the followings:

a) The point mutation in codon No.6 on β-chain
b) The amino acid glutamate is replaced by valine.
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

8. Shigella spp are:

a) Obligate aerobic Gram negative cocci.
b) Obligate anaerobic Gram negative bacilli
c) Facultative anaerobic Gram negative
d) None of the above
9. Codocytes are seen in case of:
a) Folic acid deficiency anemia
b) Iron deficiency anaemia
c) Pernicious anaemia
d) None of above

10. Bence-Jones protein is found in case of:

a) Chronic myeloid myeloma
b) Acute myeloid myeloma
c) All of the above

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

d) None of the above

11. Hot air oven is used for sterilization of, Except:

a) Rubber gloves
b) Catheters
c) Glass ware
d) A B

12. Schilling test is applied to diagnose:

a) Iron deficiency anacmia.
b) Aplastic anaem1a
c) All of the above

d) None of the above

13. A direct diagnostic assay for virus identification is, except:


‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

b) IF
c) PCR
d) None of the above

14. ANA is found in case of:

a) IMN.
b) SLE
c) CML
d) None of the above

15. In emergency, what is the best blood group that can be transfused safely?
a) Group O Rh-positive
b) Group O Rh-negative
c) Group AB Rh-positive
d) Group AB Rh-negative

16. y-haemolysis on a blood agar indicates, except:

a) Complete lysis of RBCs
b) No lysis of RBCs.
c) Partial lysis of RBCs
d) None of the above.

17. An acid fast bacterium is, except:

a) Nocardia spp
b) Mycobacterium spp
c) mycoplasma spp
d) None of the above
18. patient with anti-A antibodies in his serum, will have blood group of:
a) Group A
b) Group B
c) Group AB
d) Group O

19. According to its gas requirements Mycobacterium leprae is:

a) A microaerophilic bacterium
b) An obligate aerobic bacterium

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

c) A facultative anaerobic bacterium
d) An obligate anaerobic bacterium

20. A fresh frozen plasma is used for the treatment of the following, except for:
a) DIC.
b) Clotting factor deficiency
c) Protein replacement.
d) All of the above

21. Widal test is used for the diagnosis of:

a) Typhoid fever
b) Typhus Fever

c) A and B
d) None of the above

22. In a major cross matching, the following is applied:

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

a) Donor's cell + patient serum
b) Donor's serum + patient cell
c) Donor's cell donor's serum
d) Patient's cell + patient serum

23. Treponema palladium is the causative agent of:

a) Gonorrhoea.
b) Syphilis
c) Genital Herpes.
d) None of the above

24. Acute leukemia is characterized by:

a) ALL is the most common type of leukemia in young children.
b) AML is the more common type of leukemia in) adult than young children.
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above

25. lactose fermenter gram negative bacilli with mucoid growth:

a) salmonella
b) shigella
c) Klebsiella
d) None of the above
26. Which of the following has the highest affinity for oxygen?
a) Hemoglobin
b) Myoglobin.
c) Methemoglobin
d) None of the above

27. The secretion of gonadal hormone is controlled by:

a) TSH
b) FSH
c) All of the above

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

d) None of the above

28. An Anti Streptolysin O test is used to detect:

a) Rheumatoid arthritis.
b) Rheumatic fever.
c) A and B
d) None of the above

29. A normal coagulation time is about:

a) 1-2 min.
b) 3-9 min.
c) 10-15 min.

d) None of the above.

30. A quality assurance includes:

a) Personal orientation and experience

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

b) Laboratory documentation
c) Knowledge about lab instrumentation.
d) All of the above.

31. Glucose 6-phosphate enzyme is present in:

a) Leucocytes
b) Thrombocytes.
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above

32. laboratory equipment could be disinfected with:

a) Hypochlorite (Clorox).
b) Formaldehyde (Formalin).
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

33. Gonorrhoea can be diagnosed by:

a) RPR.
c) All of the above
d) None of the above.

34. The best sample to diagnose bacterial meningitis is:

a) Blood
b) CSF
c) All of the above
d) None of the above
35. The most common type of anaemia is
a) Megaloblastic anaemia
b) Iron deficiency anaemia
c) Hemolytic anaemia
d) None of above

36. The final result "No Growth" for a blood culture is given after:
a) 1 week
b) 2 weeks
c) 4 weeks

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

d) None of the above

37. A harmful cholesterol is carried on:

a) HDI
b) LDL
c) Chylomicrons
d) None of the above

38. The following is one of the round worms:

a) Fnterohrus vermicularis
b) Ancylostoma duodenal
c) All of the above.

d) None of the above

39.In anaemia, the count of reticulocytes is increased, except for?

a) Acute post hemorrhagic anaemia

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

b) Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia.
c) Hemolytic anaemia
d) None of the above

40.Fluoride is used to prepare samples for?

a) Blood sugar.
b) Electrolytes
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above

41.The first collected tube of CSF is used for:

a) Microbiology
b) Microscopy.
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

42.HbAc in diabetic patient is important for:

a) Short term follow up.
b) Normal term follow up.
c) Long term follow up.
d) None of the above.

43.The normal value of bilirubin is?

a) 02-20 mg/dl
b) Less than 20 mg/dl
c) Less than 10 mg/dl
d) None of the above
44. Hematopoiesis is defined as the formation of
a) Erythrocytes
b) Leucocytes.
c) Thrombocytes
d) All of the above

45. The intermediate hosts for the cause of Toxoplasma infection nir?
a) Rats
b) Dogs.
c) Pigs

‫ مكتبة حيكان‬:‫حقــوق الطبع محـفوظة لدى‬

d) None of the above

46. A common cause of proteinuria:

a) Fasting 18 hours
b) Diabetes mellitus.
c) Bence - Jones protein
d) None of the above.

47. An urine output < 400 ml/24 hours is called:

a) Polyuria.
b) Anuria
c) Oliguria

d) None of the above

48. The more specific kidney function marker is:

a) Urea Nitrogen

‫ أصيل يوس‬/‫من إعداد وتنسيق د‬

b) Uric acid.
c) All of the above.
d) None of the above.

49. Semen contains a sugar source for the spermatozoa energy that is:
a) Glucose
b) Sucrose.
c) Lactose.
d) None of the above.

50. An increased level in Gamma-GT gives an indication of:

a) Obstructive jaundice.
b) Intrahepatic cholestasis.
c) Hepatoma.
d) All of the above.
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‫جميع الىسخ لمختلف التخصصات محفًظه على التلجرام عبر الرابط التالي‬
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