3 Sitxwhs003 Wa-V92020
3 Sitxwhs003 Wa-V92020
3 Sitxwhs003 Wa-V92020
Q1: List five examples of the type of health, safety and security information that you must provide
to staff in your workplace.
1. Provide emergency evacuation procedures.
2. Guidelines for using personal protective equipment (PPE).
3. Safe handling and storage of hazardous materials.
4. Procedures for reporting accidents or incidents.
5. Health and hygiene practices.
Q2: List four things an employer must do in regard to their duty of care.
1. _Provide a safe work environment.
2. Identify and assess workplace risks.
3. Provide proper training and supervision.
4. Maintain safe equipment and facilities.
Q3: What are the employee’s duties and obligations as defined by law?
Employee's duties and obligations include following safety procedures, using provided safety
equipment, reporting hazards, and cooperating with the employer's efforts to ensure a safe
Q4: List three potential consequences of not following WHS policies and procedures.
Q5: List four ways you can make current work health and safety information readily accessible to
1. Post safety notices and guidelines in common areas.
2. Share safety information in employee meetings.
3. Distribute safety handouts or manuals.
4. Maintain an accessible digital repository of safety materials.
Q6: What three things must you monitor when checking for staff compliance with WHS matters?
1. Use of required safety equipment.
2. Adherence to safety procedures.
3. Compliance with emergency evacuation plans.
Q7: List four WHS policies or procedures commonly used by organisations to manage work
health, safety and security.
1. Emergency evacuation procedures.
2. PPE usage guidelines.
3. Hazardous materials handling protocols.
4. Incident reporting procedures.
Q8: List three safe work practices that might apply to a tour desk attendant.
1. Proper handling of kitchen equipment.
2. Cleaning and sanitizing workstations.
3. Adhering to proper food handling practices.
Q9: List four questions you can ask to help you monitor compliance with safe work practices.
1. Are staff wearing required safety gear?
2. Are safety procedures being followed?
3. Are work areas kept clean and organized?
4. Are emergency exits and routes clear?
Q10: What should you do when you identify an issue of non-compliance with work health and
safety procedures and safe work practices?
When non-compliance is identified, address it immediately, investigate the cause, and take
corrective actions.
SECTION 3: Coordinate consultative arrangements for the management of health, safety and
security issues
Q12: Why is it important to consult with staff about health, safety and security issues?
Consulting with staff about health, safety, and security issues ensures their input, promotes a safer
workplace, and helps identify hazards.
Q13: List five ways you can consult with staff and provide them the opportunity to contribute their
views on current and future work health and safety management practices.
1. Organize regular safety meetings where staff can discuss concerns, share feedback, and
propose improvements related to work health and safety practices.
2. Set up a suggestion box where employees can anonymously submit their ideas, suggestions,
or concerns regarding health and safety matters.
Q14: List five situations when you are legally required to take a systematic approach to WHS
1. When introducing new work practices.
2. When assessing potential hazards
3. When making significant changes to procedures.
4. After workplace incidents or accidents, involving employees in the investigation process
ensures a thorough understanding of the incident's causes and effective prevention measures.
5. Periodic reviews of existing health and safety policies and procedures
Q17: What should you do when a health, safety or security issue is brought to your attention?
Address the issue promptly, investigate the cause, implement corrective actions, and communicate
changes to prevent recurrence.
SECTION 4: Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and
controlling risks
Q19: List four situations when you should coordinate scheduled hazard identification activities.
1. Conduct routine workplace inspections.
2. When implementing new work processes or equipment.
3. Following workplace accidents or near-misses
4. During scheduled health and safety assessments.
Q24: What should you do whenever a hazard is brought to your attention by another worker?
Investigate and assess the hazard, take appropriate corrective actions, and inform
relevant personnel.
Q26: The code of practice for managing WHS risks recommends you undertake a risk
assessment in certain situations. List two of these situations.
1. new processes
2. introduction of new equipment
3. significant changes to work procedures.
Q27: Why is it important to involve others when coordinating and participating in risk
Involving others ensures a comprehensive assessment, different perspectives, and a
more effective risk management plan.
Q29: What is the hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective?
Hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective: Elimination, Substitution, Engineering
Controls, Administrative Controls, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Q31: List two reasons why it’s important to monitor and review the effectiveness of control
1. Ensure ongoing effectiveness.
2. Adapt to changing circumstances.
Q32: What should you do if you identify any inadequacies in control measures?
Address the inadequacies promptly, reevaluate the control measures, and update them if
Q33: How can you identify WHS training needs for your team?
Identify training needs by observing performance, reviewing incident reports, and assessing
changes in work processes.
Q34: You are organising health and safety training for your kitchen staff as you have noticed an
increase in burn accidents. You have organised a one-day session at an external training
provider specialising in health and safety in a commercial kitchen. What arrangements do
you need to make to ensure the training happens?
Arrange transportation and attendance, provide necessary details to the training provider, confirm
attendance, and ensure a suitable replacement.
Q35: The kitchen staff have all attended the health and safety training in kitchen safety. How will
you monitor if the training was effective?
Monitor training effectiveness by observing staff behavior, evaluating incident reports, and seeking
feedback from participants.
Q36: You have noticed that the apprentice chef is still having some issues following the safety
procedures to prevent burns. What do you do to ensure he follows these procedures?
Provide additional training, offer hands-on guidance, and reinforce safety procedures through
ongoing supervision.
Q37: When completing a WHS incident report or risk identification, what procedures do you need
to follow?
Follow established procedures, accurately document the incident or risk, and report to appropriate
Q38: What information can you refer to in order to provide reliable and timely management of
workplace health, safety and security issues?
Refer to workplace policies, procedures, training materials, and industry guidelines.
Q39: List three ways you can minimise waste when creating and maintaining WHS records and