Python Syllabus
Python Syllabus
Python Syllabus
3. String Handling
➢ What is string?
➢ String indexing
➢ String slicing
➢ String operations
➢ String functions
4. Operators
➢ Arithmetic operators
➢ Relational operators
➢ Logical operators
➢ Assignment operators
➢ Membership operators
➢ Identity operators
➢ Precedence of operators
5. Conditional Statements
➢ if statement (One-way decisions)
➢ If else statement (Two-way decisions)
➢ if elif .. else statement (Multi-Way)
➢ Nested if else
➢ Single line if else statement
7. Control Statements
➢ Break statements
➢ Continue statements
➢ Pass statements
8. Collections
➢ Introduction to collections
➢ Lists
➢ Tuples
➢ Sets
➢ Dictionaries
➢ Collections indexing and slicing
➢ Working with methods of collections
➢ Iterating through collections
➢ Nested collections
➢ List Comprehension
➢ Differences between List, tuple and set
9. Functions
➢ Defining function
➢ Calling function
➢ Function parameters
➢ Types of arguments
➢ Handling return values
➢ Scope of variable – global & local
➢ Call by value
➢ Call by reference
➢ passing collections to a function
➢ Anonymous/Lambda functions
➢ Filter and map() functions
2. Packages
➢ Introduction to packages
➢ file
➢ Defining packages
➢ importing from packages
➢ Defining subpackages
➢ importing from subpackages
3. File Handling
➢ What is afile?
➢ Opening a file
➢ Reading data from a file
➢ writing data to a file
➢ Closing a file
➢ working with the methods of file objects
➢ Diff between read(), readline(), readlines()
➢ Merging multiple files into single file
➢ Replacing the content of file
➢ Working with directories
➢ Working with CSV files
4. OOPS Concept
➢ Introduction to Oop's programming
➢ Features of OOPS
➢ Classes and Objects
➢ Encapsulation
➢ Abstraction
➢ Inheritance
➢ Polymorphism
8. Exception Handling
➢ Types of errors
➢ Compile time errors
➢ Run time errors
➢ Logical errors
➢ What is exception?
➢ Need of exception handling
➢ Predefined exceptions
➢ try, except and finally clauses
➢ Handling multiple exceptions
➢ Nested try, except and finally blocks
➢ Raise, assert statements
9. RegularExpressions
➢ Regular expressions syntax
10. Threading
➢ Introduction
➢ Threading module
➢ Defining a thread
➢ Starting a thread
➢ Threads synchronization
➢ Multithreaded Priority Queues
17. Github
➢ What is Github? Create account on
➢ Create a new repository & branches on github
➢ Installtion of git in localsystem (Ubuntu OS)
➢ Setup of git in Pycharm
➢ Create a project using clone from Github
➢ Add files, commit files, push and pull files from github