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Mastering Python
Mastering Python
Mastering Python
Ebook923 pages7 hours

Mastering Python

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About This Book
  • Become familiar with the most important and advanced parts of the Python code style
  • Learn the trickier aspects of Python and put it in a structured context for deeper understanding of the language
  • Offers an expert's-eye overview of how these advanced tasks fit together in Python as a whole along with practical examples
Who This Book Is For

Almost anyone can learn to write working script and create high quality code but they might lack a structured understanding of what it means to be Pythonic. If you are a Python programmer who wants to code efficiently by getting the syntax and usage of a few intricate Python techniques exactly right, this book is for you.

Release dateApr 29, 2016
Mastering Python

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    Mastering Python - Rick van Hattem

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    Mastering Python


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    1. Getting Started – One Environment per Project

    Creating a virtual Python environment using venv

    Creating your first venv

    venv arguments

    Differences between virtualenv and venv

    Bootstrapping pip using ensurepip

    ensurepip usage

    Manual pip install

    Installing C/C++ packages

    Debian and Ubuntu

    Red Hat, CentOS, and Fedora

    OS X



    2. Pythonic Syntax, Common Pitfalls, and Style Guide

    Code style – or what is Pythonic code?

    Formatting strings – printf-style or str.format?

    PEP20, the Zen of Python

    Beautiful is better than ugly

    Explicit is better than implicit

    Simple is better than complex

    Flat is better than nested

    Sparse is better than dense

    Readability counts

    Practicality beats purity

    Errors should never pass silently

    In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess

    One obvious way to do it

    Now is better than never

    Hard to explain, easy to explain

    Namespaces are one honking great idea


    Explaining PEP8

    Duck typing

    Differences between value and identity comparisons


    Maximum line length

    Verifying code quality, pep8, pyflakes, and more







    Common pitfalls

    Scope matters!

    Function arguments

    Class properties

    Modifying variables in the global scope

    Overwriting and/or creating extra built-ins

    Modifying while iterating

    Catching exceptions – differences between Python 2 and 3

    Late binding – be careful with closures

    Circular imports

    Import collisions


    3. Containers and Collections – Storing Data the Right Way

    Time complexity – the big O notation

    Core collections

    list – a mutable list of items

    dict – unsorted but a fast map of items

    set – like a dict without values

    tuple – the immutable list

    Advanced collections

    ChainMap – the list of dictionaries

    counter – keeping track of the most occurring elements

    deque – the double ended queue

    defaultdict – dictionary with a default value

    namedtuple – tuples with field names

    enum – a group of constants

    OrderedDict – a dictionary where the insertion order matters

    heapq – the ordered list

    bisect – the sorted list


    4. Functional Programming – Readability Versus Brevity

    Functional programming

    list comprehensions

    dict comprehensions

    set comprehensions

    lambda functions

    The Y combinator


    partial – no need to repeat all arguments every time

    reduce – combining pairs into a single result

    Implementing a factorial function

    Processing trees


    accumulate – reduce with intermediate results

    chain – combining multiple results

    combinations – combinatorics in Python

    permutations – combinations where the order matters

    compress – selecting items using a list of Booleans

    dropwhile/takewhile – selecting items using a function

    count – infinite range with decimal steps

    groupby – grouping your sorted iterable

    islice – slicing any iterable


    5. Decorators – Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

    Decorating functions

    Why functools.wraps is important

    How are decorators useful?

    Memoization using decorators

    Decorators with (optional) arguments

    Creating decorators using classes

    Decorating class functions

    Skipping the instance – classmethod and staticmethod

    Properties – smart descriptor usage

    Decorating classes

    Singletons – classes with a single instance

    Total ordering – sortable classes the easy way

    Useful decorators

    Single dispatch – polymorphism in Python

    Contextmanager, with statements made easy

    Validation, type checks, and conversions

    Useless warnings – how to ignore them


    6. Generators and Coroutines – Infinity, One Step at a Time

    What are generators?

    Advantages and disadvantages of generators

    Pipelines – an effective use of generators

    tee – using an output multiple times

    Generating from generators

    Context managers


    A basic example


    Closing and throwing exceptions

    Bidirectional pipelines

    Using the state


    7. Async IO – Multithreading without Threads

    Introducing the asyncio library

    The async and await statements

    Python 3.4

    Python 3.5

    Choosing between the 3.4 and 3.5 syntax

    A simple example of single-threaded parallel processing

    Concepts of asyncio

    Futures and tasks

    Event loops

    Event loop implementations

    Event loop policies

    Event loop usage


    Asynchronous servers and clients

    Basic echo server


    8. Metaclasses – Making Classes (Not Instances) Smarter

    Dynamically creating classes

    A basic metaclass

    Arguments to metaclasses

    Accessing metaclass attributes through classes

    Abstract classes using collections.abc

    Internal workings of the abstract classes

    Custom type checks

    Using abc.ABC before Python 3.4

    Automatically registering a plugin system

    Importing plugins on-demand

    Importing plugins through configuration

    Importing plugins through the file system

    Order of operations when instantiating classes

    Finding the metaclass

    Preparing the namespace

    Executing the class body

    Creating the class object (not instance)

    Executing the class decorators

    Creating the class instance


    Storing class attributes in definition order

    The classic solution without metaclasses

    Using metaclasses to get a sorted namespace


    9. Documentation – How to Use Sphinx and reStructuredText

    The reStructuredText syntax

    Getting started with reStructuredText

    Inline markup



    Enumerated list

    Bulleted list

    Option list

    Definition list

    Nested lists

    Links, references, and labels



    Blocks, code, math, comments, and quotes


    The Sphinx documentation generator

    Getting started with Sphinx

    Using sphinx-quickstart

    Using sphinx-apidoc

    Sphinx directives

    The table of contents tree directive (toctree)

    Autodoc, documenting Python modules, classes, and functions

    Sphinx roles

    Documenting code

    Documenting a class with the Sphinx style

    Documenting a class with the Google style

    Documenting a class with the NumPy style

    Which style to choose


    10. Testing and Logging – Preparing for Bugs

    Using examples as tests with doctest

    A simple doctest example

    Writing doctests

    Testing with pure documentation

    The doctest flags

    True and False versus 1 and 0

    Normalizing whitespace


    Doctest quirks

    Testing dictionaries

    Testing floating-point numbers

    Times and durations

    Testing with py.test

    The difference between the unittest and py.test output

    The difference between unittest and py.test tests

    Simplifying assertions

    Parameterizing tests

    Automatic arguments using fixtures


    Custom fixtures

    Print statements and logging



    pytest-pep8 and pytest-flakes

    Configuring plugins

    Mock objects

    Using unittest.mock

    Using py.test monkeypatch



    Basic logging configuration

    Dictionary configuration

    JSON configuration

    Ini file configuration

    The network configuration




    11. Debugging – Solving the Bugs

    Non-interactive debugging

    Inspecting your script using trace

    Debugging using logging

    Showing call stack without exceptions

    Debugging asyncio

    Handling crashes using faulthandler

    Interactive debugging

    Console on demand

    Debugging using pdb


    Catching exceptions


    Debugging using ipdb

    Other debuggers

    Debugging services


    12. Performance – Tracking and Reducing Your Memory and CPU Usage

    What is performance?

    Timeit – comparing code snippet performance

    cProfile – finding the slowest components

    First profiling run

    Calibrating your profiler

    Selective profiling using decorators

    Using profile statistics

    Line profiler

    Improving performance

    Using the right algorithm

    Global interpreter lock

    Try versus if

    Lists versus generators

    String concatenation

    Addition versus generators

    Map versus generators and list comprehensions


    Lazy imports

    Using optimized libraries

    Just-in-time compiling

    Converting parts of your code to C

    Memory usage


    Memory profiler

    Memory leaks

    Reducing memory usage

    Generators versus lists

    Recreating collections versus removing items

    Using slots

    Performance monitoring


    13. Multiprocessing – When a Single CPU Core Is Not Enough

    Multithreading versus multiprocessing

    Hyper-threading versus physical CPU cores

    Creating a pool of workers

    Sharing data between processes

    Remote processes

    Distributed processing using multiprocessing

    Distributed processing using IPyparallel







    14. Extensions in C/C++, System Calls, and C/C++ Libraries


    Do you need C/C++ modules?


    OS X


    Calling C/C++ with ctypes

    Platform-specific libraries



    OS X

    Making it easy

    Calling functions and native types

    Complex data structures


    Gotchas with memory management


    Complex data structures


    ABI or API?

    CFFI or ctypes?

    Native C/C++ extensions

    A basic example

    C is not Python – size matters

    The example explained



    Parsing arguments

    C is not Python – errors are silent or lethal

    Calling Python from C – handling complex types


    15. Packaging – Creating Your Own Libraries or Applications

    Installing packages

    Setup parameters


    Entry points

    Creating global commands

    Custom setup.py commands

    Package data

    Testing packages




    C/C++ extensions

    Regular extensions

    Cython extensions

    Wheels – the new eggs

    Distributing to the Python Package Index



    Mastering Python

    Mastering Python

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: April 2016

    Production reference: 1270416

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78528-972-9




    Rick van Hattem


    Randall Degges

    Dave de Fijter

    I. de Hoogt

    Commissioning Editor

    Sarah Crofton

    Acquisition Editor

    Reshma Raman

    Content Development Editor

    Arun Nadar

    Technical Editors

    Ryan Kochery

    Tanmayee Patil

    Copy Editor

    Vikrant Phadke

    Project Coordinator

    Suzanne Coutinho


    Safis Editing


    Mariammal Chettiyar

    Production Coordinator

    Nilesh Mohite

    Cover Work

    Nilesh Mohite

    About the Author

    Rick van Hattem is an experienced programmer, entrepreneur, and software/database architect with over 20 years of programming experience, including 15 with Python. Additionally, he has a lot of experience with high-performance architectures featuring large amounts of concurrent users and/or data.

    Rick has founded several start-ups and has done consulting for many companies, including a few Y Combinator start-ups and several large companies. One of the startups he founded, Fashiolista.com, is one of the largest social networks for fashion in the world, featuring millions of users and the performance challenges to accompany those.

    Rick was one of the reviewers on the book PostgreSQL Server Programming, Packt Publishing.

    Thanks to my family, in particular Marloes, who supported me every step of the way; and my mother and sister, who have always been there for me.

    About the Reviewers

    Randall Degges is a happy programmer, speaker, author, and amateur bodybuilder living in California.

    Growing up in Los Angeles, he was intensely interested in building command-line programs and writing quality software. His love of programming eventually propelled him into a successful career in software development.

    Randall has been a life-long open source developer and has contributed to hundreds of popular projects in Python, Node.js, and Go. He's also the author of several popular libraries, which you can find on his public GitHub account at https://github.com/rdegges.

    At 23, he cofounded an extremely popular API service in the telephony industry: OpenCNAM (https://www.opencnam.com). At 25, he joined Stormpath (https://stormpath.com) as the head of developer evangelism, whereby he writes open source security libraries full time and travels the world giving technical talks about building secure software.

    In his free time, Randall writes and edits technical books, runs a security podcast called Stormcast (https://www.stormca.st), posts blogs on his personal website (https://www.rdegges.com), and tries to spend time with his high-school sweetheart, Samantha.

    Dave de Fijter is a Python developer from the Netherlands. He always knew he would end up doing something with computers. At a young age, he went to the library to read books about them even though he had no computer at that time. This obsession never really ended. In 2001, aged 14, he started his first part-time job, creating dynamic websites in PHP for a local web development company, and there he found his calling.

    In 2007, he finished his bachelor's degree in ICT while already working full time as a PHP developer for over a year. In 2008, he switched from PHP to Python and Django for web development and loved this new technology stack so much that he never looked back.

    After working as a Python developer for various start-ups and established companies, Dave used this experience to start his own business called Indentity (https://indentity.nl) in 2010, focusing on Python/Django development and advice. Up until now, he runs this company and mainly spends his time helping out start-ups with designing and building technologically advanced web applications from the ground up as an interim CTO/technical cofounder.

    I. de Hoogt, with some basic experience wrought from university assignments in the field of modeling of multi-phase flows, got himself started in software development. His main experience in programming in Python stems from an internship at a company dealing in 3D printing software, where a package resulting in optimized object orientation and guaranteed mathematical mesh validity was created.

    Other projects that he's been involved with have dealt with control systems such as self-parking cars, multi-legged robots, and quadcopters, but his current job is in the field of data analysis.


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    Python is a language that is easy to learn and both powerful and convenient from the start. Mastering Python, however, is a completely different question.

    Every programming problem you will encounter has at least several possible solutions and/or paradigms to apply within the vast possibilities of Python. This book will not only illustrate a range of different and new techniques but also explain where and when a method should be applied.

    This book is not a beginner's guide to Python 3. It is a book that can teach you about the more advanced techniques possible within Python. Specifically targeting Python 3.5 and up, it also demonstrates several Python 3.5-only features such as async def and await statements.

    As a Python programmer with many years of experience, I will attempt to rationalize the choices made in this book with relevant background information. These rationalizations are in no way strict guidelines, however. Several of these cases boil down to personal style in the end. Just know that they stem from experience and are, in many cases, the solutions recommended by the Python community.

    Some of the references in this book might not be obvious to you if you are not a fan of Monty Python. This book extensively uses spam and eggs instead of foo and bar in code samples. To provide some background information, I recommend watching the Spam sketch by Monty Python. It is positively silly!

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Getting Started – One Environment per Project, introduces virtual Python environments using virtualenv or venv to isolate the packages in your Python projects.

    Chapter 2, Pythonic Syntax, Common Pitfalls, and Style Guide, explains what Pythonic code is and how to write code that is Pythonic and adheres to the Python philosophy.

    Chapter 3, Containers and Collections – Storing Data the Right Way, is where we use the many containers and collections bundled with Python to create code that is fast and readable.

    Chapter 4, Functional Programming – Readability Versus Brevity, covers functional programming techniques such as list/dict/set comprehensions and lambda statements that are available in Python. Additionally, it illustrates their similarities with the mathematical principles involved.

    Chapter 5, Decorators – Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating, explains not only how to create your own function/class decorators, but also how internal decorators such as property, staticmethod, and classmethod work.

    Chapter 6, Generators and Coroutines – Infinity, One Step at a Time, shows how generators and coroutines can be used to lazily evaluate structures of infinite size.

    Chapter 7, Async IO – Multithreading without Threads, demonstrates the usage of asynchronous functions using async def and await so that external resources no longer stall your Python processes.

    Chapter 8, Metaclasses – Making Classes (Not Instances) Smarter, goes deeper into the creation of classes and how class behavior can be completely modified.

    Chapter 9, Documentation – How to Use Sphinx and reStructuredText, shows how you can make Sphinx automatically document your code with very little effort. Additionally, it shows how the Napoleon syntax can be used to document function arguments in a way that is legible both in the code and the documentation.

    Chapter 10, Testing and Logging – Preparing for Bugs, explains how code can be tested and how logging can be added to enable easy debugging in case bugs occur at a later time.

    Chapter 11, Debugging – Solving the Bugs, demonstrates several methods of hunting down bugs with the use of tracing, logging, and interactive debugging.

    Chapter 12, Performance – Tracking and Reducing Your Memory and CPU Usage, shows several methods of measuring and improving CPU and memory usage.

    Chapter 13, Multiprocessing – When a Single CPU Core Is Not Enough, illustrates that the multiprocessing library can be used to execute your code, not just on multiple processors but even on multiple machines.

    Chapter 14, Extensions in C/C++, System Calls, and C/C++ Libraries, covers the calling of C/C++ functions for both interoperability and performance using Ctypes, CFFI, and native C/C++.

    Chapter 15, Packaging – Creating Your Own Libraries or Applications, demonstrates the usage of setuptools and setup.py to build and deploy packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI).

    What you need for this book

    The only hard requirement for this book is a Python interpreter. A Python 3.5 or newer interpreter is recommended, but many of the code examples will function in older Python versions, such as 2.7, with a simple from __future__ import print_statement added at the top of the file.

    Additionally, Chapter 14, Extensions in C/C++, System Calls, and C/C++ Libraries requires a C/C++ compiler, such as GCC, Visual Studio, or XCode. A Linux machine is by far the easiest to execute the C/C++ examples, but these should function on Windows and OS X machines without too much effort as well.

    Who this book is for

    If you are beyond the absolute Python beginner level, then this book is for you. Even if you are already an expert Python programmer, I guarantee that you will find some useful techniques and insights in this book.

    At the very least, it will allow Python 2 programmers to learn a lot more about the new features introduced in Python 3, and specifically Python 3.5.

    Basic proficiency in Python is required as the installation of Python interpreters and the basic Python syntax are not covered.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: It should be noted that the type() function has another use as well.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    import abc

    import importlib



    class Plugins(abc.ABCMeta):

        plugins = dict()


        def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, namespace):

            cls = abc.ABCMeta.__new__(

                metaclass, name, bases, namespace)

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows where the >>> indicate the Python console and the # indicates a regular Linux/Unix shell:

    >>> class Spam(object): …    eggs = 'my eggs'



    >>> Spam = type('Spam', (object,), dict(eggs='my eggs'))


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Chapter 1. Getting Started – One Environment per Project

    There is one aspect of the Python philosophy that always has been, and always will be, the most important in the entire language—readability, or Pythonic code. This book will help you master writing Python the way it was meant to be: readable, beautiful, explicit, and as simple as possible. In short, it will be Pythonic code. That is not to say that complicated subjects will not be covered. Naturally, they will, but whenever the philosophy of Python is at stake, you will be warned when and where the technique is justified.

    Most of the code within this book will function on both Python 2 and Python 3, but the main target is Python 3. There are three reasons for doing this:

    Python 3 was released in 2008, which is a very long time in the rapidly changing software world. It's not a new thing anymore, it's stable, it's usable, and, most importantly, it's the future.

    Development for Python 2 effectively stopped in 2009. Certain features have been backported from Python 3 to Python 2, but any new development will be for Python 3 first.

    Python 3 has become mature. While I have to admit that Python 3.2 and older versions still had a few small issues that made it hard to write code that functions on both Python 2 and 3, Python 3.3 did improve greatly in that aspect, and I consider it mature. This is evidenced by the marginally modified syntax in Python 3.4 and 3.5 and a lot of very useful features, which are covered in this book.

    To summarize, Python 3 is an improvement over Python 2. I have been a skeptic for a very long time myself, but I do not see any reason not to use Python 3 for new projects, and even porting existing projects to Python 3 is generally possible with only minor changes. With cool new features such as async with in Python 3.5, you will want to upgrade just to try it.

    This first chapter will show you how to properly set up an environment, create a new isolated environment, and make sure you get similar results when running the same code on different machines. Most Python programmers are already using virtualenv to create virtual Python environments, but the venv command, introduced in Python 3.3, is a very nice alternative. It is essentially a clone of the virtualenv package but is slightly simpler and bundled with Python. While its usage is mostly analogous to virtualenv, there are a few changes that are interesting to know.

    Secondly, we will discuss the pip command. The pip command is automatically installed when using venv through the ensurepip package, a package introduced in Python 3.4. This package automatically bootstraps pip into an existing Python library while maintaining independent versions of Python and pip. Before Python 3.4, venv came without pip and had to be installed manually.

    Finally, we will discuss how packages created with distutils can be installed. While pure Python packages are generally easy to install, it can get challenging when C modules are involved.

    In this chapter, the following topics are covered:

    Creating a virtual Python environment using venv

    Bootstrapping pip using ensurepip

    Installing packages based on distutils (C/C++) with pip

    Creating a virtual Python environment using venv

    Most Python programmers are already be familiar with venv or virtualenv, but even if you're not, it's never too late to start using it. The venv module is designed to isolate your Python environments so that you can install packages specific to your current project without polluting your global namespace. For example, having a filename such as sys.py in your current directory can seriously break your code if you expect to have the standard Python sys library—your local sys libraries will be imported before the global one, effectively hiding the system library. In addition, because the packages are installed locally, you don't need system (root/administrator) access to install them.

    The result is that you can make sure you have exactly the same version of a package on both your local development machine and production machines without interfering with other packages. For example, there are many Django packages around that require specific versions of the Django project. Using venv, you can easily install Django 1.4 for project A and Django 1.8 for project B without them ever knowing that there are different versions installed in other environments. By default, the environments are even configured in such a way that the global packages are not visible. The benefit of this is that to get an exact list of all installed packages within the environment, simply a pip freeze will suffice. The downside is that some of the heavier packages (for example, numpy) will have to be installed in every separate environment. Needless to say, which choice is the best for your project depends on the project. For most projects, I would keep the default setting of not having the global packages, but when messing around with projects that have lots of C/C++ extensions, it would be convenient to simply enable the global site packages. The reason is simple; if you do not have a compiler available, installing the package locally can be difficult, while the global install has an executable for Windows or an installable package for Linux/Unix available.


    The venv module (https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html) can be seen as a slightly simplified version of the virtualenv tool (https://virtualenv.pypa.io/), which has been bundled with Python since version 3.3 (refer to PEP 0405 -- Python Virtual Environments: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0405/).

    The virtualenv package can generally be used as a drop-in replacement for venv, which is especially relevant for older Python versions (below 3.3) that do not come bundled with venv.

    Creating your first venv

    Creating an environment is quite easy. The basic command comes down to pyvenv PATH_TO_THE_NEW_VIRTUAL_ENVIRONMENT, so let's give it a try. Note that this command works on Linux, Unix, and Mac; the Windows command will follow shortly:

    # pyvenv test_venv # . ./test_venv/bin/activate (test_venv) #


    Some Ubuntu releases (notably 14.04 LTS) maim the Python installation by not including the full pyvenv package with ensurepip. The standard workaround is to call pyvenv --without-pip test_env, which requires a manual pip installation through the get_pip.py file available on the pip home page.

    This creates an environment called test_venv, and the second line activates the environment.

    On Windows, everything is slightly different but similar overall. By default, the pyvenv command won't be in your PATH, so running the command is slightly different. The three options are as follows:

    Add the Python\Tools\Scripts\ directory to your PATH

    Run the module:

    python -m venv test_venv

    Run the script directly:

    python Python\Tools\Scripts\pyvenv.py test_venv

    For convenience, I would recommend that you add the Scripts directory to your PATH anyhow, since many other applications/scripts (such as pip) will be installed there as well.

    Here is the full example for Windows:

    C:\envs>python -m venv test_venv C:\envs>test_venv\Scripts\activate.bat (test_venv) C:\envs>


    When using Windows PowerShell, the environment can be activated by using test_venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 instead. Note that you really do need backslashes here.

    venv arguments

    So far, we have just created a plain and regular venv, but there are a few, really useful flags for customizing your venv specifically to your needs.

    First, let's look at the venv help:

    The most important argument to note is --system-site-packages, which enables the global site packages within the environment. This means that if you have a package installed in your global Python version, it will be available within your environment as well. However, if you try to update it to a different version, it will be installed locally. Whenever possible, I would recommend disabling the --system-site-packages flag because it gives you a simple environment without too many variables. A simple update of the system packages could break your virtual environment otherwise, but worse, there is no way to know which packages are needed locally and which ones are just installed for other purposes.

    To enable this for an existing environment, you can simply run the environment creation command again, but this time adding the --system-site-packages flag to enable the global site packages.

    To disable it again, you can simply run the environment creation command without the flag. This will keep the locally (within the environment) installed packages available but will remove the global packages from your Python scope.


    When using virtualenvwrapper, this can also be done with the toggleglobalsitepackages command from within the activated environment.

    The --symlinks and --copies arguments can generally be ignored, but it is important to know the difference. These arguments decide whether the files will be copied from the base python directory or whether they will be symlinked.


    Symlinks are a Linux/Unix/Mac thing; instead of copying a file it creates a symbolic link that tells the system where to find the actual file.

    By default, venv will try to symlink the files, and if that fails, it will fall back to copying. Since Windows Vista and Python 3.2, this is also supported on Windows, so unless you're using a very old system, you will most likely be using symlinks in your environment. The benefit of symlinks is that it saves disk space and stays in sync with your Python installation. The downside is that if your system's Python version undergoes an upgrade, it can break the packages installed within your environment, but that can easily be fixed by reinstalling the packages using pip.

    Finally, the --upgrade argument is useful if your system Python version has been upgraded in-place. The most common use case for this argument is for repairing broken environments after upgrading the system Python with a copied (as opposed to symlinked) environment.

    Differences between virtualenv and venv

    Since the venv module is essentially a simpler version of virtualenv, they are mostly the same, but some things are different. Also, since virtualenv is a package that is distributed separately from Python, it does have some advantages.

    The following are the advantages of venv over virtualenv:

    venv is distributed with Python 3.3 and above, so no separate install is needed

    venv is simple and straightforward with no features besides the bare necessities

    Advantages of virtualenv over venv:

    virtualenv is distributed outside of Python, so it can be updated separately.

    virtualenv works on old Python

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