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Rationalization CDI

Prepared by Prof. Karl Luis Baguhin 7. One of the stages of criminal investigation is
FUNDAMENTALS OF CRIMINAL the identification of criminals, which can be
INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE done in any or a combination of the
following, except:
1. Which of the following is not the function of a. By confession or admission by
criminal investigation? the criminal
b. By corpus delicti
a. Identify, locate and arrest the c. By circumstantial evidence
person who commits crime d. By eyewitness
b. Prosecute and convict the
criminal 8. The word investigation came from the latin
c. Identify, collect and preserve word?
evidence a. to trace
d. Bring the offender to justice
b. investigare
2. Which of the following is the primary source c. investigation
of evidence?
A. victim d. To track
B. crime scene
C. suspect 9. In this process, written confession of the
D. all of these accused is used as a script in describing
events of the crime. This strengthens the
3. One of the elements of sketch wherein the prosecutor’s case and serves to convince the
graphical representation must indicate the judge that the accused was not maltreated
____ direction for proper orientation of the nor affected by sinister psychological
scene. influence.
A. North a. Mental reconstruction = after
B. West physical reconstruction, mag-
C. East iisip si Investigator ng
D. South conclusion base sa statement
ng witness.
4. The Unit now charged with conducting field b. Crime reenactment
operation and technical investigation at the c. Reconstruction
crime scene is: d. Physical reconstruction
a. PNP Crime Laboratory
b. Criminal Investigation and 10. Assume that you are an investigator who
Detection Group investigates a murder case perpetrated by an
c. Scene of the Crime unknown suspect. A person in the name of
Operation Ruel, a call center agent, saw the crime and
d. Crime Scene Investigation he is willing to identify the suspect. Which of
the following methods will you not utilize to
5. Information gathered upon initiative of the establish the identity of the suspect?
investigator from informants, vendors, a. Verbal Description (Portrait
taxicab driver, GRO, and others. Parle) and Rogue’s Gallery
a. Grapevine Sources (Photographic Files)
b. Cultivated Sources b. General Photographs and
c. C.Regular Sources Cartographic Sketch (Artist’s
d. D.Cognitive interview Assistance) [Composite Artist]
c. Police Line-up
6. It deals with the identity, location and arrest d. Systematic interview that
of a person who commits a crime and may lead to the identity of
simultaneously identify, collect, preserve and a known criminals
evaluate evidence for the purpose of
bringing criminal offender to justice. 11. Which of the following is not one of the
a. Investigation c. Investigative forms of information the investigator
process obtained from regular, cultivated or
b. Criminal investigation d. grapevine sources?
Criminal inquest a. Sensory
b. Written a. At the time of custodial
c. Concrete investigation
d. Physical forms b. During the actual questioning
c. During the announcement that
he is under arrest
12. It supplements photographs of the crime d. At the moment that he is
scene and considered to be the simplest and invited for questioning
the most effective way of showing actual
measurements and of identifying significant
of evidence in their location at the scene. 18. Process of ascertaining whether the
a. Crime scene sketch information identified, collected and
b. Rough sketch measurement preserved can stand prosecution and trial.
c. Finished sketch a. recognition
d. Direction sketch b. collection
c. preservation
13. In searching for physical evidence at the d. evaluation
crime scene, the following types of search
could be used depending upon locale, 19. Coerced and uncounseled statement are
number of personnel available, type of object considered involuntary or forced which are
sought and speed desired, except: usually an:
a. Strip and double strip or grid a. judicial confession
search b. police admission
b. Zone search c. extra judicial confession
c. Rectangular d. prosecutor admission
d. Spiral and wheel search
20. Through this tool of criminal investigation
14. Which of the following must be done to tangible things maybe used to detect crimes,
maintain the physical integrity of evidence? identify the criminals, facilitate, and assist
a. Evidence must be the investigator in its task in achieving the
photographed and packaged objectives of criminal investigation.
b. Evidence must be properly a. Information
documented b. Criminalistics
c. Maintain its chain of custody c. Instrumentation
d. Identify, tag and seal the d. Interview/Interrogation
21. What specific offence has been committed?
15. Which one is not a means of recording crime Who committed it? When it was committed?
a scene? Where it was committed? Why it was
a. By photographs committed? And how it was committed? This
b. By notes are called____ of criminal investigation.
c. By sketches a. Cardinal Points
d. Surveying b. Three I’s
c. Golden Rule
16. What is the principal psychological factor d. Bridges burn
that contributes to a successful
interrogation? 22. the peculiar habits of the criminals in
a. Privacy committing crimes make an overview of the
b. Rapport between the criminals.
interrogator and the subject a. operational method
c. Legality b. modus operandi
d. It should be done in the c. operational techniques
interrogation room with one d. signature of the crime
way mirror
23. Person who by social or professional position
17. Under Republic Act 7438, when does the possesses or has access to information of
police’ custody of suspect to a crime continuing interest, and who willingly
commence, hence the latter is entitled to be provides information to the police either in
informed of his rights under the Miranda response to a specific request or his own
doctrine which cannot be waived? initiative.
a. Incidental informant b. National intelligence
b. Casual informant c. Police intelligence
c. Automatic informant d. Strategic intelligence
d. Recruited informant
29. P/LT JUWIL submitted an intelligence report
24. The most unusual style of interrogation evaluated as B-5. What does that mean?
a. Jolting a. Information is usually from a
b. Hypnotism reliable source and is possibly
c. Mutt and Jeff true.
d. Bluff on a split pair b. Information is usually from a
reliable source and is probably
25. Which sketch gives the clear impression of c. Information is usually from
the scene in cases where blood stains or a reliable source and is
bullet holes are found? improbable.
A. sketch of locality d. Information is usually form a
reliable source and is doubtfully
B. ground sketch true.
C. sketch in details
D. cross projection 30. The term used for the object of surveillance
is subject while the investigator conducting
26. During custodial investigation in the police the surveillance is:
station, Mr. X confessed that he was the one a. Rabbit
who killed Mr. Y because the latter killed his b. decoy
brother a week ago. He voluntarily signed a c. Surveillant
statement containing his confession, but he d. target
refused the assistance of a lawyer claiming
that he is not capable of paying the services 31. A biographical data through fictitious which
of a private counsel. Is the confession will portray the personality of the agent
admissible in evidence? which is to assume is better known as
A. Yes, because it was _____.
voluntary given by the a. Cover
suspect. b. Cover support
B. Yes, because the c. Cover story
confession is in writing. d. Undercover
C. No, because it is not a
confession but an 32. A person who provides an investigator with
admission. confidential information concerning a past or
projected crime and does not wish to be
D. No, because he made known as a source of information.
the confession a. Informant
without the b. Witness
assistance of a c. Informer
counsel. d. Confidential informant
33. What is referred to as the knowledge
pertaining to capabilities, vulnerabilities and
27. It is the product resulting from the collection,
probable course of actions of foreign
evaluation, analysis, integration, and
interpretation of all available information
a. combat intelligence
which concerns one or more aspects of
b. national intelligence
criminal activity and which is immediately or
c. police intelligence
potentially significant to police planning:
d. strategic intelligence
a. Investigation C. Data
b. Information D. Intelligence
34. How are coded messages converted to
intelligible language?
28. What is referred to as the knowledge
a. Encoding
pertaining to capabilities, vulnerabilities and
b. Processing
probable course of action of foreign nations?
c. Labeling
a. Combat intelligence
d. Decoding
42. He often dresses as a beggar & went to the
35. The type of undercover operation wherein street of Rome to gather first hand
techniques are applied for a longer time and information, he is considered as the greatest
are considered as the most different military strategist.
(difficult) investigate activity, yet the most a. Alexander the Great
rewarding. b. Hannibal
a. casing c. Frederick the Great
b. undercover operation d. Genghis Khan
c. penetration
36. It refers to the combination of all analyzed
data to form a logical picture or theory.
a. Integration 1. This is the investigation of cases that are unique
b. Evaluation and often require special training to fully
c. Deduction understand their broad significance.
d. Interpretation a. Criminal investigation
b. Homicide investigation
37. In intelligence functions, a black list means: c. Special crime investigation
a. Neutral d. All of the above
b. Unwanted
c. Friendly 2. Special crime investigation is more concerned on:
d. Unfriendly a. Physical evidence
38. It is claimed that 99% of information is b. Tracing evidence
obtained from conspicuous sources and 1% c. Testimonial evidence
of information is obtained from clandestine d. Associative evidence
sources. Clandestine means.
a. Observable 3. Object usually utilized in marking hard objects.
b. Overt a. Stylus
c. Visible b. Pen
d. Covert c. Ink
d. Chalk
39. An E-3 intelligence report means:
4. Such articles and evidences which assists the
a. The information comes from investigator in locating the suspect.
completely reliable sources and a. Physical evidence
Improbable true. b. Material evidence
b. The information comes from c. Associative evidence
Unreliable sources and probably d. Tracing evidence
c. The information comes from Fairly 5. Objects or substances which are essential part of
Reliable sources and doubtfully the body of the crime.
true. a. Corpus delicti
d. The information comes from b. Physical evidences
Unreliable sources and possibly c. Material evidences
true. d. Associative evidences
40. A method of collecting information thru
interception of telephone conversation. 6. The primary consideration in transporting
a. Bugging evidences.
b. Wire Tapping a. Markings should be placed
c. Code name b. Proper turnover must be observed
d. NONE c. Avoid altering contents
41. It refers to a place, building or enclosed area d. Proper packing to protect the
where police undercover men meet for evidence while in transit
debriefing or reporting purposes.
a. Safe house 7. General rule in handling pieces of evidence
b. Log a. MAC rule
c. Live Drop b. Right of way rule
d. Decoy c. Last clear chance rule
d. None of the choices A. Robbery with Homicide
B. Robbery and Homicide
8. In handling clothing used as evidence, the C. Homicide and Theft
stained areas are usually encircled. What is the D. Homicide and Robbery
primary objective?
a. To show points of interest 15. To estimate the post mortem interval for a
b. To have proper marking corpse, it is important to collect as many insects
c. To avoid contamination as possible and also to have a good estimate of
d. To prevent alterations the _________.
A. Temperature of the surroundings
9. If blood is in fluid condition, what is added to B. Soil conditions
preserve the specimen? C. Body clothing of the dead person
a. Formaldehyde D. Body weight of the dead person
b. Saline solution
c. Alcohol 16. Studies have shown that workplace homicide
d. Distilled water suspects are typically caused by the following,
10. The primary job of an investigator is to determine A. Domestic offender
whether a crime has been committed, in order to B. Stranger or outsider
determine such, he must have knowledge of the C. Obsessive employee
so-called cardinal questions of investigation. How D. Disgruntled employee
many cardinal questions are there?
a. Three
b. Four 17. What is a continuing process of cessation of
c. Five organs and cells?
d. Six a. Death
11. May and June are husband and wife. While b. dying
working as security guard of BDO, June felt sick c. Coma
one night and decided to go home around d. syncope
midnight and saw May having sexual intercourse
with a neighbor named August. June grabbed
August and hacked the latter to death. As an 18. It is a discoloration of the body; setting of blood
investigator what crime if any would you charged in the dependent regions following death.
against June? a. Diffusion lividity
A. Murder b. hypostatic lividity
B. Parricide c. Post mortem lividity
C. Homicide d. algor mortis
D. None
19. Softening of tissues due to the action of autolytic
12. The robber enter the house. In entering through and proteolytic enzymes in the absence of
window, one of the robbers stepped on a child bacteria. Frequently observed in the death of the
less than three days old. What crime is fetus in the uterus.
committed? a. Saponification
A. Robbery with Infanticide b. adipocere
B. Robbery with Murder c. Maceration
C. Robbery with Homicide d. sugilation
D. Robbery with Parricide
20. Normally, how many hours until the stomach
empty its contents?
13. The lifting or removal of a dead body from the a. 3-4
grave for the conduct of medical examination: b. 4-5
A. Interment c. 5-6
B. Exhumation d. 6-8
C. Autopsy 21. It is the deprivation of a regular and constant
D. Inhumation supply of food and water wc is necessary to
normal health of a person.
14. juwil killed Juju and after killing him, juwil saw a. Diet
that juju had a beautiful ring and took this. What b. hungry
crime is committed? c. Starvation
d. fasting d. coprolalia
30. A kind of wound produced by a sharp edge
22. What is the sensation of heat or increase in instrument. It is longer as much as it is deeper.
temperature? a. Incised
a. Rubor b. lacerated
b. dolor c. Hematoma
c. Calor d. Punctured
d. none of these 31. a gait resembling a duck.
a. Waddling gait
23. A type of injury where the sight of injury is not at b. Cerebellar
the site of application but in the some areas c. Ataxic gait
offering least resistance to the force applied d. Paretic gait
a. Coup injury 32. After cessation of the vital functions of the body
b. contre coup there is still animal life among individual cells.
c. Locus minoris Resistencia About three (3) to six (6) hours later there is
d. extensive injury death of individual cells. This is known
24. He is the earliest medico-legal expert; chief as________.
physician and architect of King Zoser of the third a. State of Suspended Animation
dynasty in Egypt; first to record a report of a b. Molecular Death
murder trial written on clay tablet. c. Clinical Death
a. Antistius d. Somatic Death
b. pope Gregory IX
c. Ambroise Paire 33. In this test, a ligature is applied around the base
d. Imhotep of a finger with moderate tightness. In a living
person there appears a bloodless zone at the site
25. It is the use of medical science to elucidate legal of the application of the ligature. If such ligature
problems in general without specific reference or is applied to the finger of a dead man, there is no
application to a particular case. such change in color.
a. Medical Jursiprudence a. Diaphanus Test
b. legal medicine b. Icard,s Test
c. Forensic medicine c. Magnus Test
d. none of these d. None of these
26. An injury casued by exposure of certain parts of
the body to cold temperature causing cold 34. An injury, disease or the combination of both
stiffening, necrosis, gangrene and pallor. injury and disease responsible for initiating the
a. Trench foot trend or physiological disturbance, brief or
b. frostbite prolonged, which produce the fatal termination.
c. Immersion foot a. Cause of Death
d. scald b. Manner of Death
27. Invented by Burke wherein the assailant will c. Mechanism of Death
stand or kneel at the chest of the victim then d. None of These
cover the nostrils.
a. Mugging 35. This applies to cases when trauma or disease kill
b. garroting
quickly that there is no opportunity for sequel or
c. Burking
d. Over complication to develop.

28. the v- shaped structure formed by the anion of a. Mechanism of Death

labia majora posturing and vaginal orifice. b. Manner of Death
a. Labia minora c. Immediate Cause of Death
b. fourchette d. Secondary Cause of Death
c. Vulva
d. defloration 36. The process in reproducing physical evidence by
plaster moulds.
29. A sexual deviate in which there is use of obscene a. Casting
language to satisfy sexual gratification. b. Cementing
a. Fetishism c. Moulage
b. don juanism d. Pickling
c. Transvestism 37. Period of time wherein there body would be
skeletonized, under normal conditions in tropical d. interview
a. 1 month 3. It is another way of acquiring an information
b. 3 months through a pleasant manner.
c. 6 months a. investigation
d. 12 months b. investigator
c. interrogation
38. In cases of suicide, what would be the noticeable d. interview
muscular change.
a. Cold stiffening
b. Heat stiffening 4. It is a formal inquiry or systematic study. The
c. Instantaneous rigor action of investigating something or someone; formal
d. Putrefaction or systematic examination or research.
a. investigation
39. A serious burn involving skin nerves, muscles and b. investigator
bones, considered as the most severe burn c. interrogation
causing death due to loss of fluids and d. interview
electrolytes in the body and massive infection. 5. It is a warrant directing any peace officer to
a. Sunburn search and seized.
b. 1st degree burn a. instrumentation
c. 2nd degree burn b. SOCO
d. 3rd degree burn c. search
d. search warrant
40. A person who is devoid of oxygen for around 3 to 6. In suicide cases, the underlying emotion is
5 minutes would die, the case of death would be? always hopelessness, What is the best
a. Stupor investigative technique when you respond?
b. Stroke a. ask questions
c. Asphyxia b. show willingness to help
d. Exhaustion c. emphatize, build and establish rapport
41. Approximate average amount of semen per d. all of these
ejaculation under normal conditions. 7. What kind of photographs is carried on clockwise
a. 2 to 2.5 cc until at least four general view photographs have
b. 2.5 to 5 cc been taken?
c. 5 to 10 cc a. none of these
d. 1.5 to 3.5 cc b. articles of evidence
42. Essential elements of parricide is c. over- all
a. age d. environmental
b. blood b.
c. relationship 8. How can identification be made on a decomposed
d. status cadaver?
a. study his bones
b. study his dentures

9. Such facts and circumstances that would lead a

1. It is another way of acquiring an information reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe
through a pleasant manner. that an offense has been committed and that the
a. investigation object sought in connection with the offense are
b. investigator in the place sought to be searched.
c. interrogation
d. interview a. prima facie evidence
b. probable cause
2. It is a formal inquiry or systematic study. The c. prejudicial question
action of investigating something or someone; d. res ipsa loquitur
formal or systematic examination or research.
a. investigation 10. A search warrant shall be valid for _____ days
b. investigator from its date. Thereafter, it shall be void.
c. interrogation
a. 10 a. shifting the blame
b. 15 b. extenuation
c. 30 c. bluff on split pair
d. 45 d. none of these
19. When a police officer arrives in a crime scene,
11. It means that a specific crime was committed at what is his fundamental duty?
a specified time, date and place, and that the a. preserve human life
person named in his report committed the crime. b. cordon the area
c. summon emergency personnel
a. corpus delicti d. apprehend the criminal
b. sufficiency of evidence 20. In a crime of rape, its most likely place of
c. stare decisis commission cannot be specified unless the victim
d. parens patriae or witness pinpoints the same. What is
12. It may be a self-incriminatory statement by the considered critical observation to be done by the
subject falling short of an acknowledgement of investigator?
guilt. a. evidence to prove unconsciousness of the
a. Admission b. all of these
b. Confession c. evidence to show sexual intercourse
c. Deposition d. look for evidence of struggle
d. Accusation e.
13. The simple questioning of a person who is 21. Which among the five human senses is
cooperating in the investigation. considered the most objective?
a. Interview a. Hearing
b. Inquiry b. Tasting
c. Interrogation c. Smelling
d. Instrumentation d. Seeing

14. It refers to establishing a good communication in 22. What is best applied to a clumsy and nervous
order to proceed a cognitive interview. person, where the investigators choosing
a. case review propitious moments shout out a pertinent
b. build rapport question and appears as though they themselves
c. simple question are in rage?
d. avoid implied answers a. Pretense
b. Bluff
15. This means that investigators must not allow a c. Bolt
question answerable by yes or no. d. Jolt
a. case review
b. build rapport 23. What is frequently being used as a disguise by
c. simple question bank robbers?
d. avoid implied answers a. Hoods
b. Sunglass
16. The investigator must review the facts about the c. Hats
case. d. Wigs
a. case review
b. build rapport 24. The best photograph of a bullet to be used for
c. simple question presentation would be where the object photograph is
d. avoid implied answers ___________.
a. indicated by chalk marks
17. These are the reluctant type of witnesses. They b. untouched
are found among uneducated and of low level of c. delineated by arrows
intelligence. d. in approximately enlarged
a. The Drunken Type
b. Know-Nothing Type 25. PO11 has prepared a rough sketch of a homicide
c. Disinterested Type scene and is now at his district. At this point it is most
d. nota important that _____________.
a. the proper scale be used
18. The investigator indicates he does not consider b. a high grade of paper and ink be used
his subject’s indiscretion a grave offense. c. no changes be made on the sketch
d. this sketch be refined and improved d. Determine the criminal method of
32. the act of killing of one’s father ?
26. After developing the latent print found at the
crime scene, it is best to lift it first then take a. Parricide
photographs as a back record, is it a correct practice b. Patricide
and do you agree with the prober? c. Matricide
a. yes d. Insecticide
b. no
c. maybe 33.Sheryl is a despondent mother of Ruben. Due to
d. It depends poverty, rose has thought of killing Roderick who is
three months old to save the baby from further
27. What would be the best camera position in taking suffering. What crime was committed?
photographs showing a view of what a witness might
have seen? a. Homicide
a. at 6 foot distance from the camera b. Parricide
c. Infanticide
b. parallel to the subject witness
c. overhead d. None of these
d. at the eye level
34. Which of the following is not a rape by sexual
28. Once the crime scene has been thoroughly
documented and location of evidence was noted, the a. Inserting penis into another person’s
collection process begins and will usually starts with mouth
b. Inserting penis into another person’s
a. Point of exit anal orifice
b. Large object c. Inserting penis while the woman
c. Fragile evidence is sleeping
d. Removal of cadaver 35. You are assigned to investigate a homicide case
29. The fact that no physical evidence was found at where the victim is found hanging in his room
the scene of the crime will most likely mean that bearing an inverted V- shaped ligature mark in
a. the victim cleaned up before the his neck. Which of the following facts which make
police arrive you believe that death is homicide
b. the suspect was professional 1. Blood stains and other injuries to the body of
c. the suspect was juvenile the victim
d. the police probably did not 2. History of desperation in life
conduct a complete search for 3. Testimony of the witness
evidence 4. Defense wound
30. when a police office finds a tool at the crime a. 1 and 4
scene, he should first of all b. 2 and 3
a. pick it up for a closer examination c. 1, 2 and 3
taking care not to jar d. 1, 2, 3, and 4
b. wait until the crime scene has
been sketched or photographed
c. immediately collect it and always 36. One of the qualities of a good investigation report
send it to the crime laboratory for states that it must short but concise, meaning,
specific examination the report must be -
d. Compare the following edge of the a. Fair
tool with the impression to b. Clear
determine if this was the tool used in c. Brief
crime d. Impartial
31. The primary reason for conducting a search in
the crime scene is to 37. These are the three fold aims of the criminal
a. Obtain physical evidence investigator, EXCEPT
b. Ascertain the reasons for the crime a. to identify the guilty party
c. Undercover hidden evidence b. to provide evidence of his guilt
c. to locate the guilty party c. 96 hours
d. to file charges at the proper court d. 120 hours

38. This consists of objects or substances which are 3. If a traffic law enforcer would decide to arrest a
an essential part of the body of the crime. traffic law violator, what would not be his basis for
a. corpus delicti such action?
a. Detention is necessary to avoid continued
b. tracing evidence
c. associative evidence
b. The offender would attend the hearing
d. evidence
c. The offense is serious
d. There is reasonable doubt that the person
39. It is existing between the investigator and the will not appear in the court
subject, and it is usually determines the success of
the investigation. 4. In traffic accident investigation, what must be used
a. rapport in order to prevent blurred image?
b. personality a. Single Lens Reflex (SLR)
c. breadth of interest b. Tripod
d. the approach c. Eye level
d. Bird's eye view
40. It is a person other than the suspect, who is
requested to give information concerning an incident 5. Used when traffic enforcer observed a minor
or person. violation but preoccupied at a moment.
a. Oral warning
a. witness
b. Visual Warning
b. victim
c. Written warning
c. subject
d. Verbal warning
d. suspect
7. An enforcement action which the violator is
41. the following are kinds of personal property can commanded to appear in court without detaining him.
be subject of search or seizure. Except: a. Traffic citation
a. fruits of the offense or those used or b. Traffic Arrest
intended to be used as the means of c. Traffic warning
committing an offense d. All of these
b. subject of the offense
c. stolen or embezzled property 8. What was the contribution of Etienne Lenoir as far
d. contrabands as transporatation is concerned?
a. Motor Vehicles
42. the following the cardinal points of investigation, b. Internal Combustion Engine
c. Pneumatic tires
d. Dandy Horse
a. what specific offense has been committed
b. where was the crime committed
9. In determining whether a driver is under the
c. who is the wife of the offender influence of alcoholic drinks, what is that last test to
d. whom it was committed be conducted?
a. Balance Test
b. Symons test
INVESTIGATION d. Field Sobriety Test
1. Marks left on the roadway by tires due to fast
moving of vehicle on a curve road. 10. A physical phenomenon relating to the manner in
a. Scuff marks which vehicles impede each other's progression as
b. Skid marks demand for limited road space approaches full
c. Centrifugal marks capacity.
d. Debris a. Heavy traffic
b. Traffic congestion
2. What is the Validity period of Ordinance Violations c. Bottleneck
Receipt upon issuance? d. Blocked-up traffic
a. 48 hours
b. 72 hours 11. What is the slang term used in referring a narrow
portion of the roadway due to traffic congestion or a. coefficient of friction
where "build up" usually occurs? b. traffic jam
a. Congestion c. attribute
b. Bottleneck d. contract damage
c. Traffic Jam
d. Gridlock 19. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape
from collision course or otherwise avoid a hazard
12. If a driver is involved in a traffic accident, he must a. start of evasive action
report to the nearest police station- b. point of possible perception
a. After 3 hours c. point of no escape
b. Within 12 hours d. final position
c. Within 24 hours
d. At once 20. When two vehicles approach an intersection at
approximately the same time, which shall have the
13. When sketching traffic accident, point of reference right of way?
on the road should be anything which are fixed or a. The vehicle coming from the right
permanent in nature, while for the motor vehicles b. The vehicle coming from the center
involved, the point of reference should be- c. The vehicle coming from the left
a. Edge of the tire d. The one which arrives there first
b. Corner of the edges of the vehicle
c. Center of the axle 21. Every device which is self-propelled and every
d. Corner of the rear and front bumper vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained
from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon
14. The occurrence in a sequence of events which rails.
usually produces unintended injury, property damage a. Skating
or even death is called: b. Bicycle
a. accident c. Tricycle
b. damage d. Motor vehicles
c. key event
d. fatal 22. Motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion
15. Operating a motor vehicle on any highway or engine shall be equipped with a ____ as said motor
traffic way without reasonable caution considering the vehicle passes through a street of any city,
width, traffic, grades, crossing, curvatures, visibility municipality or thickly populated district or barrio.
and other conditions of the highway and the a. wiper
conditions of the atmosphere and weather, thus, b. light
endangering the property or the safety or rights of c. muffler
any person or cause excessive or unreasonable d. windshield
damage to the highway:
a. imprudence 23. A traffic police officer stationed the route of a
b. negligence parade has been ordered by his superior to allow no
c. reckless driving cars to cross the route. While the parade is in
d. reckless imprudence progress, an ambulance driver on an emergency run
attempts to drive his ambulance across the route
16. As traffic investigator, what is the immediate while the parade is passing. Under these
action to be undertaken at the scene: circumstances the traffic police officer should.
a. Check for casualties a. ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer
b. Check for hazards contact his superior and obtains decisions
c. Interview witnesses b. stop the parade long enough to permit the
d. Call for assistance ambulance to cross the street
c. hold up the ambulance in accordance with the
17. What term refers to the distance traveled before superior's order
applying the brakes? d. direct the ambulance driver to a shortcut
a. Braking distance 24. It is tasked to enforce the Laws related on traffic,
b. Reaction distance rule and regulation governing the registration of
c. Reaction time motor vehicles, operations of motor vehicle likewise
d. Braking reaction the rules and regulations as provided by RA 4136?
18. A number representing the resistance to sliding of b. LTFRB
two surfaces in contract is known as: c. LTO
d. TMG 31. When traversing on a solid yellow or white line
with a dotted yellow or white line, you can overtake
25. The “science of measuring traffic and travel, study only
of the basic laws” related to the traffic law and a. the solid line is in your lane.
generation? b. the dotted line is in your lane.
a. Traffic Engineering c. Oncoming traffic from the opposite direction
b. Traffic Enforcement is free from any hazard.
c. Traffic Education d. the oncoming traffic is visible that no vehicle
d. Traffic Economy or whatsoever is coming from the opposite
26. A device mounted or on portable support where a
message is conveyed by means of words or symbols, 32. It was them who brought road building to its
officially erected or installed for the purpose of highest point of perfection in ancient times:
regulating, warning or guiding traffic, usually made of a. Romans
metal plate in a conspicuous location beside a road? b. Arabs
a. Traffic or Road signs c. Chinese
b. Pavement or Road Markings or Markers d. Greeks 2
c. Traffic light signals or traffic signals 33. How do you call a person, with a valid driver’s
d. Traffic Island license, on board a motor vehicle?
a. Driver
27. The process of training road users to the b. Passenger
avoidance and prevention in traffic- related accidents? c. Motorist
a. Road Safety d. Pedestrian
b. Traffic Enforcement
c. Traffic Education 34. What enforcement action will not result to legal
d. Traffic Safety Education consequence(s)?
a. Warning
28. The basic types of instruction method used in b. Apprehension
driver education program were the subject is placed c. Impounding
in conditions which will be relatively analogous to d. Issuance of citation ticket
normal behavior?
a. Comprehensive 35. It is tasked to regulate the transport route,
b. Traditional instruction franchising, prescribe fare rate and to investigate
c. Commentary driving method traffic cases?
d. Simulated/ pretended conditions On a. DOTC
and Off the road training b. LTFRB
c. LTO
29. It is an object or vehicle on the road that hinders
or prevent the smooth flow of traffic: 36. Under traffic operation and accident investigation,
a. Obstruction it was defined as the movement of persons, goods, or
b. Hindrance vehicles, either powered by combustion system or
c. Hazard animal drawn, from one place to another for purposes
d. Debris of travel. What is being defined?
a. Trafigo
30. While approaching an intersection, the green b. Trafica
traffic light is on, however, a police officer suddenly c. Taraffic accident
proceed to the center and signals a motorist to stop. d. Traffic
What should the motorist do?
37. The occurrence involving traffic units on a traffic
a. Ignore the police officer and proceed with way resulting to damage of property, injury, or
caution possible death is called ____?
b. Ignore the traffic light and come to a a. Traffic accident
full stop b. Traffic incident
c. Ignore both the police officer and traffic light c. Erring accident
and cross the intersection d. Erring drivers collision
d. Ignore the police officer and stop only when
second signal is made 38. Any part of the traffic way is opened to the public
as matter of _____ or _____.
a. Right, privilege 1. Government’s office mandated by RA 6975 to
b. Right, custom suppress destructive fires, implements the fire code
c. Privilege, custom and investigates all fires cases in the Philippines
d. Right, right a. BFP
b. PNP
39. Any motor vehicle accident occurring on a traffic c. BJMP
way is called? d. Bureau of Fire in the Phillippines
a. Motor vehicle traffic accident
b. Motor vehicle non-traffic accident 2. Product of combustion which combustible materials
c. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident and oxidizing agents react to heat.
d. Fatal accident a. Fire
b. Fire Gases
40. Motor vehicular accident that results death to one c. Smoke
or more persons. What is being asked? d. Flame
a. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident
b. Fatal accident 3. Means employed to avoid the occurrence of fire.
c. Non-fatal accident a. Fire Suppression
d. Damage to property accident b. Fire Control
c. Fire Inspection
41. The inter-link between municipalities and within d. Fire prevention
the city proper with a right of way of 15 meters.
a. Provincial Road 4. Caused by volcanic eruption or humidity.
b. Barangay Road a. Providential fire
c. Municipal Road b. Intentional fire
d. City RoaD c. Unnatural fire
d. Accidental fire
42. If the plate number of a motor vehicle is TGP 984,
what month should it be registered? 6. Fire stage that has the highest rate of intensity.
A. April a. Incipient
B. May b. Free burning
C. June c. Smoldering
D. July d. Initial

43. The 10th or the last Commandment of traffic is 7. Decomposition of matter in reaction to heat.
A. Keep right a. Thermal balance
B. The Philosophy of Pinoy Driver b. Oxidation
C. Safety First c. Burning
D. Observe Traffic Management Measures d. Pyrolysis

44. It is the 1st Commandment of traffic. 8. As the product of combustion rises in a building or
A. Keep right flows out of an opening an equal volume of air
B. The Philosophy of Pinoy Driver replaces them. If during extinguishments, water is
C. Safety First distributed in such a manner as to upset the thermal
D. Observe Traffic Management Measures balance, a condition will appear known as:
a. Explosion of steam
45. Before making a U-turn, make a right turn signal b. Thermostat
_______before you start moving to the right side of c. Thermal imbalance
the road d. Sudden burst of fire
a. at least 100 m
b. at least 100 ft. 9. Means employed to pacify the fire.
c. at least 10 ft. a. Fire prevention
d. at least 10m b. Fire safety
c. Fire control
d. Fire suppression

FIRE PROTECTION AND ARSON 10. What is a normally open device installed inside an
INVESTIGATION air duct system which automatically closes to restrict
the passage of smoke or fire?
A. fire exit responsible for the design and erection of a complete
B. damper building but also the various specialist engineers who
C. fire trap may be concerned with the structure, the electrical
D. fire alarm installation, the heating ventilation system and so on.
a. Building contractors
11. Known as the “Fire Code of the Philippines”. b. Designers
a. RA 6975 c. Office of building permits
b. RA 9263 d. Building planner
c. RA 9514
d. PD 1613 18. What is the constant temperature at which the
vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the
12. Known as the 4th element of fire atmospheric pressure?
a. Fuel A. vapor density
b. Heat B. fire point
c. Uninhibited chemical reaction B. boiling point
d. Oxygen Reciprocal D. vapor pressure

13. Most arson cases are proved 19. It is a combustion product and a manifestation of
by__________________ evidence rather than that fire when it is in its gas-phased combustion.
direct evidence. A. Flames
a. Circumstantial B. Exothermic reaction
b. Documentary C. Endothermic reaction
c. Testimonial D. NONE
d. Physical
20.What type of Flame is orange-red, deposit soot at
14. To establish the prima facie evidence of arson, the the bottom or a vessel being heated due to
total insurance carried on the building and/or goals is incomplete combustion and has a low temperature.
more than ________ of the value of such building A. Luminous
and/or goods at the time of the fire. B. Non-luminous
a. 60% C. Laminar
b. 50% D. Turbulent
c. 80%
d. 90% 21. The cause of the majority of fire deaths is ____.
A. Infection
15. When carbon monoxide is absent in the blood of C. shock
the dead body found in a burned structure, this will B. burns
be a strong circumstantial evidence that the person: D. asphyxiation
a. Was dead when the fire began
b. Was killed by someone else during the blaze 22.What kind of gas exists solely in the gaseous state
c. Was still alive before the fire under pressure and at normal atmospheric
d. Died due to suffocation temperature inside its container?
A. cryogenic gas
16. A popular chemical element used by the arsonist B. liquefied gas
to hide the odor of flammable liquids. C. compressed gas
a. Sulfides D. nuclear gas
b. Nitrates
c. Sulfur 23.When heat is transmitted in circulating medium,
d. Ammonia the method is called ____.
A. radiation
16. When fire occurred, the first action upon B. oxidation
discovery is: C. convection
a. Run for life D. conduction
b. Raise the alarm
c. Pack up personal belongings 24.Which of the following does NOT fall under class A
d. Call an ambulance fires?
A. none of the choices
B. burning nipa hut
17. It is used to include not only architects C. exploding gas depot
D. forest fire
C. spite
25.Which of the following best illustrate arson? D. revenge
A.simultaneous fire
B.thick reddish smoke 33. What are the cross members between the beam
C.faulty electric wiring and used in climbing the ladder called?
D.unexplained explosion A. hangar
B. beams
23.Why water is prohibited to quench Class D fires? C. rungs
A.water is not capable of extinguishing the fire D. braces
B.there is the danger of electrocution
C.burning metals are too hot 34. Highly flammable chemicals that are used to
D.explosion may occur facilitate flame propagation.
A. Plant
27.Mechanical device strategically located in an B. Trailer
installation or street where fire hose is connected so C. Accelerant
that water with pressure will be available to D. Gasoline
extinguish fire.
A. fire hose box 35.The following are components of fire except one:
B. fire truck
C. hose reel A. Gas
D. fire hydrant B. Fuel
C. Oxygen
28.In scientific terms, the fuel in a combustion D. Heat
reaction is known as ___.
A. reducing agent
B. oxidizing agent 36. A method whereby a device such as smoke
C. cooling agent ejector is utilized to remove faster excessive heat and
D. chemical agent dense smoke
a. Vertical ventilation
29. This is the normal/ common behavior of fire in a b. Cross or horizontal ventilation
building: c. Mechanical force ventilation
A.It only moves horizontally d. none of these
B.It has a circular movement
C.It moves sideways while moving vertically 37. William already placed gasoline-soaked rags
D.It has a circular movement while moving beside the wall of Happy Ending Spa but was caught
horizontally by Kurt before he could strike the match to burn the
building. William committed arson at what stage?
30.A sudden introduction of air into a closed space A. Frustrated
containing an oxygen-starved superheated product of B. Attempted
incomplete combustion or oxygen-deficient free C. Belated
radicals, may result to an explosion, which is called: D. Consumated
A. Spontaneous ignition
B. flashover
C. Backdraft 38. The ____ shall be conducted as a pre-requisite to
D. Flash fire grant permits and/or license by local governments or
other government agencies.*
31.It refers to the increase or rising of amperage A. Fire safety inspection
while electric current is flowing in a transmission line B. Fire protection assembly
resulting to the damage or destruction of insulating C. Fire
materials, maybe gradual or rapid, internal or D. Fire service
A. Arcing 39. A burned body found was subjected to autopsy;
B. Induced Current however examination of lungs and blood showed no
C. Over Heating abnormal quantity of carbon monoxide or dioxide,
D. sparkling what will be your interpretation under such
circumstances? * **
32.The most common motive for arson is A. The person died because of the burning
A. jealousy B. The person died of asphyxia
B. profit C. The person was killed before it was burned
D. The person died not of fire but because of c. All of the above
d. Nota
40. A fatal condition that takes place when the fire
5. The term "Ecstasy" is used for a group of
resists extinguishment operations and become
stronger and bigger instead.* "designer" drugs closely related in chemical form to
A. Biteback the amphetamine family of illicit drugs. Its scientific
B. Backdraft name is:
C. Flash Fire
a. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
D. Flashover
b. Papaver somniferum
41. Which of the following shall cause the investigator
to assume that the victim died of direct contact with c. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
a. Presence of soot and fire gases at respiratory tract d. Cannabis sativa
b. Prominence of trauma that is probably caused by a
c. Intense charring of the whole body
6. A laboratory examination is only required to
d. None of the above
apprehended offender within 24 hours if the person
42. The form of heat transfer that takes place within arrested has:
solids when one portion of an object is heated.*
A. Visible manifestation that suspect was under the
A. Conduction
influence of drugs
B. Convection
C. Radiation B. Physical sign of drug abuse
D. Heat transfer
C. Symptoms of Drug abuse
D. All of the above
1.Chemical substance which effects a person in such a
way as to bring out physiological, behavioral or
emotional change.
7. Known as the “Father of Medicine” . He prescribed
a. Alcohol
b. Coca leaf opium poppy juice in surgery which was cultivated by
c. Drug the Summerrians during 7000 BC.
d. Marijuana
a. Hippocrates
2.Drugs that produce perceptual alteration, varying
emotions, thought disruption and ego distortion. c. Confucious
a. Depressants
b. Tranquilizers b. Morpreus
c. Hallucinogens
d. Stimulants d. Socrates
3.An immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of
which leads to depravity, wickedness and corruption 8. Chinese Emperor who prohibited the trading of
of the mind and body. opium in China by the British Indies that lead to the
a. Abuse Opium War of 1840.
b. Vice
c. Addiction a. Lao Tzu
d. Gambling b. Yung Chen
c. Sun Tzu
d. Mao Zedong
4.This method of control and prevention of
prostitution maintains the idea that we cannot do 9. Considered as the most powerful natural
away with prostitution unless we consider the stimulant.
problems and remove the causes of prostitution.
a. Tetrahydrocannabinnol
a. School of regulatory control b. Cocaine hydrochloride
c. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
b. School of total repression d. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
10. The following shall undergo Mandatory Drug 16. The Golden Triangle is controlled by the Triad; the
Testing according to R.A. 9165, EXCEPT. Colombian and Peruvian drug trafficking was
controlled by:
a. Officers and Employee of public and
private offices. a. The Mafia
b. Applicant for firearms license and for permit b. Medellin Cartel
to carry firearms outside residence. c. La Cosa Nostra
c. Officers and Members of the Military, police d. Chinese Mafia
and other law enforcement agencies.
d. All persons charged before the prosecutor’s 17. Principal source of all forms of cocaine
office with a criminal offense having an a. South East Asia
imposable penalty of not less than six (6) b. Middle East
years and one (1) days. c. South America
11. White crystalline powder with very bitter d. South West Asia
numbering taste and said to be one of the strongest 18.The major transshipment point for international
derivatives of Opium poppy. drug traffickers in Europe and known to be the
a. Morphine “Paradise of Drug Users” in this continent
b. Codeine a. Portugal
c. Heroin b. Germany
d. Cocaine c. Spain
12. It is any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence d. Turkey
of which leads to depravity, wickedness and 19. Which of the following is not untrue?
corruption of the minds and body.
a. The DDB shall have the custody of all dangerous
a. Prostitution drugs confiscated
b. Drug addiction
c. Gambling b. The DDB cause the filing of the appropriate civil
d. Vice action for violation of RA 9165 while the PDEA takes
care to criminal aspects

c. The DDB promulgates rules and regulations

related to drugs which are usually implemented
13. Cocaine is from South America; ivory white heroin by PDEA
is from; d. . The DDB is the implementing arm of the PDEA in
a. The Golden Crescent the enforcement of the prohibitory provisions of RA
b. Hongkong 9165
c. The Golden Triangle 20. Who shall handle the prosecution of drug related
d. Silver Triangle cases?
14.Transshipment point of all forms of heroin in the a. Public Attorney’s Office
b. Ombudsman
a. Japan
b. Philippines c. National Prosecution Service
c. Hongkong
d. Burma d. Special Prosecutor designated by
the DOJ
15. Cocaine has originated from Columbia; Shabu
originated from: 21. It I also called ‘downers’ drugs reducing
functinal nervous activity.
a. Japan
b. Mexico a. stimulants
c. China b. Depressants
c. Hallucinogens
d. India
d. Narcotics/ Opiates 30. Study reveal that the reason why “ Marijuana” is
difficult to control is that:
a. The big demand
22. It is also called ‘psychedelics’ drugs that causes b. The plant can be easily
hallucinations and changes our perception, thought, cultivated
emotion and consciousness and physical function c. Can easily be smuggled from
a. stimulants outside the country
b. Depressants d.
c. Hallucinogens 31. Can be easily smoked surreptitiously Any
d. Narcotics/ Opiates substance that directly alters the normal functioning
23.The following countries which considered as of the central nervous system.
GOLDEN CRESCENT, and also considered as world’s
a. Regulated drugs
top supplier for opium. Which of the choices does not
b. Prohibited drugs
c. Dangerous drugs
a. Vietnam
b. Iran d. Regulated drugs
c. Afghanistan
d. Pakistan 32. It is one of the obvious manifestations of
24. George, the 20-years old son of a rich politician, marijuana use.
was arrested at the NAIA arrival lounge and found a. dropping eyelids
positive for opium, a dangerous drug. When b. cotton mouth
arrested, 15 grams of cocaine were found in his c. blood shot eye
bagpack. What offense would you charge George d. coughing
under R.A No. 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous
Drug Act)? 32. It is an exaggerated sense of distress or
a. Importation of dangerous drugs.
b. Possession of dangerous drugs.
a. dysphoria
c. Use and possession of dangerous drugs
d. Use of dangerous drugs b. euphoria
25. Refers to a person who engages in sexual c. depersonalization
intercourse with another for hire. d. inhibition
a. Prostitute
b. Whores 32. These are the requirements during the conduct of
c. Knockers actual buy-bust operations.
d. All of the foregoing a. poseur buyer
26. The procurement and transportation of women b. all of these
from far flung places for immoral purposes. c. marked money
a. White slavery d. none of these
b. Prostitution 33. Are commercially produced drugs that may be
c. Organized crimes
purchased legally without prescription?
d. All of the foregoing
a. over-the-counter drug
27. Refers to the increasing the dosage of drugs to
maintain the same effect. b. prescription drug
a. Tolerance c. unrecognized drug
b. Physical dependence d. herbal drug
c. Poly drug abuse
d. Drug experimenter 34.Heroin is Blanco; Codeine is School Boy; psilocybin
is Magic Mushroom; Cocaine is:
28. A degree of intoxication wherein the person a. Hearts
becomes argumentative and over confident. b. Crack
a. Slight inebration c. Uppers
b. Moderate inebration d. Speed
c. Drunk 35.Which of the following does not carry a capital
d. Coma punishment?
29. conversion and fellowship. a. possession of 20 grams morphine
a. Aversion treatment b. possession of 100 grams of
b. Psychotherapy method marijuana
c. Withdrawal method c. possession of 15 grams of MDMA
d. Program of alcoholic anonymous d. possession of 60 grams of shabu
36.The willful act by any person of maliciously C. Abusive dose
and surreptitiously inserting, placing, adding or D. Lethal dose
attaching directly or indirectly, through any overt
or covert act,
a. Incriminating of person
d. Placement
1.Is a higher form of hacking in which the
unauthorized access culminates with the process of
37. is a citizen-based information collection program
defeating the security system for the purpose of
designed to encourage the active participation of
acquiring money or information and/or availing of
private citizens to report illegal drug activities in
free services.
their communities. We need to establish trust,
confidence and maintain a mutually beneficial A. A computer virus
relationship between PDEA and the public for a B. Cracking
unified effort combating the drug menace in our C. Identity theft
country,” d. Worm
a. Operation Neptune Sphere 2.This is the famous case involving the virus
b. Operation Private Eye created by a Filipino, a dropout from a
popular computer educational institution in
c. Operation Green Gold
the Philippines, that prompted the passage of
d. Operation Double Barrel
E-commerce Act 0f 2000:
38. JINA COLE believes that she can’t live without
drugs because she believes that it is an integral a. I love You Virus
b. Love Bug
part of life.
c. A and B
a. Situational users
d. Neither of the Choices
b. Spree users
3.Sending of fraudulent e-mails or website pop- ups,
c. Hard core addicts to get victims to divulge sensitive financial information
d. Hippies such as credit card numbers or social security
39. The process of gradually depriving drugs from numbers.
the point of habituation until such time he is no A. Website defacement
longer hooked on the substance. B. Phishing
a. Therapy C. Identity Theft
b. Withdrawal method D. Computer Virus
c. Treatment 4.First person convicted in violation of RA 8792
d. Rehabilitation a. Onel De Guzman
b. JJ. Maria Giner
c. Marcial Baby Ama
40.The psychoactive ingredients in marijuana which
d. Lim Seng
causes the high or trip of its users.
e. a. Hashish
f. b. Opium poppy 5.The criminal follows the victim by sending emails,
g. c. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) frequent entering the chat rooms that causes an
h. d. Papaver somniferum intentional, substantial, and unreasonable intrusion
into the private life of the person.
41. Drugs that are commonly used by athletes having a. Cyber defamation
the properties of increasing stamina and/or energy. b. Cyber libel
a. Ecstasy c. Cyber stalking
b. Shabu d. Identity theft
d. Anabolic Steroid 6.A grant by the federal government to an inventor of
the right to exclude others from making, using, or
selling the invention.
42. The amount needed to produce the side effects a. Trademarks
and action desired by an individual who improperly b. Trade secret
uses it. c. Patents
A. Maximal dose d. Copyright
B. Toxic dose
7.It is a pornography that depicts penetration d. gray hacker
a. Softcore 12. JOJO is hired by spa col . corporation as one of
b. Hardcore their IT expert. JOJO is tasked to fix the system of the
c. Soft porn corporation for better security .
d. Hard porn
a. black hacker

8.The lending of money to another wherein the b. white hacker

percentage of the principal is too exorbitant for the
lender to pay his debt and the collection is done by c. gray hacker
force or intimidation.
d. blue hacker
a. Loansharking
b. Lending 13. a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of
c. Trading personally identifiable information, such as Social
d. Any of the above Security or driver’s license numbers, in order to
impersonate someone else.
9. It refers to any representation of facts, information
a. extortion
or concept in a form suitable for processing in a
computer system including a program suitable to b. identity theft
cause a computer system to perform a function and
includes electronic documents and or electronic data c. bank fraud
messages whether stored in local computer system
d. carding
and or electronic data messages whether stored in
local computer system or online 14. it Involves gaining access illegally to a computer
system or network and in some cases making
a. Interception
unauthorized use of this access. Hacking is also the
b. Data base
act by which other forms of cyber-crime (e.g.,fraud,
c. Cyber security
terrorism) are committed.
d. Computer data
a. cyber stalking
10. refers to a computer or a computer network the b. phishing
electronic medium in which online communication
takes place. c. email bombing

a. alteration d. unauthorized access

b. communication 15. series of numbers assigned by an internet service

provider to an internet user when it connects to the
c. computer internet.
d. cyber a. ISP
11. Types of hacker which strive to operate in the b. IP address
public’s best interest, rather than to create turmoil.
Many white hat hackers work doing penetration, hired c. website
to attempt to break into the company’s networks to
d. ICT
find and report on security vulnerabilities. The
security firms then help their customers mitigate 16. a type of IP address that is constant regardless of
security issues before criminal hackers can exploit the time or number of attempts the internet user
them. accesses the internet.
a. white hacker a. website
b. blue hacker b. static IP
c. black hacker c. dynamic IP
d. IPman c. no, because RA 10175 does not punishing
aiding or abetting
17. The criminal follows the victim by sending emails,
and frequently entering the chat rooms that causes d. no because there is another law punishing the said
an intentional, substantial and unreasonable intrusion act
into the private life of the person.
22. if the commission of the cyber sex involves
a. cracking lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity
of a child , the offender may be prosecuted for child
b. hacking pornography. How should the court appreciate the
c. cyber stalking use of the computer system in the said cyber-sex
involving a child.
d. worm
a. it shall be mitigate
18. a type of viruses that spread itself to other
computers without needing to be transferred as part b. it shall be used as qualifying circumstance in
of a host the offense

a. computer virus c. it shall be used as a justifying circumstance

b. cyrus d. it shall exempt the accused from the civil liability

c. worm 23. all but one are powers and duties of law
enforcement authorities where a search and seizure
d. logic bomb warrant is properly issued

19.This the reason of the vulnerability of computers a. to secure a computer system or a computer data
except storage medium

a. capacity to store data in a relatively small space b. to make and retain a copy of those computer data
b. easy to access
c. to procure all other kinds of evidence against
c. easy to gain the offender even beyond the authority of the
d. loss of evidence
d. to render inaccessible or remove those computer
20. it is most commonly known as the transmission of
data in the access of computer2
unsolicited commercial communication which seeks to
advertise, sell, or other for sale some products or 24. The acquisition of a domain name over the
services. internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy
reputation, and deprive others from registering the
a. scam
b. spam
a. cyber squatting
c. ligo
b. computer related fraud
d. cyber scam
c. cybersex
21. JOWEL posted a libelous message against PUROY
d. data interference
mayor of ISLA puting bato may be hel liable for cyber
crime . however, a netizen name MOSANG reacted to 25. He was the sole creator of the Melissa Virus
the libelous post on facebook by clicking heart
reaction may be held liable for the said act? a. Onel De Guzman

a. yes, because RA 10175 punishing or abetting b. David Smith

c. Jeremy Bentham
b.yes. because his reaction is part of the original post
d. Robert Morris
26. Defined as the indefinite place where individuals 31. It shall refer to waste generated from planting or
transact and communicate. It is the place between harvesting of crops, trimming or pruning of plants and
places wastes or run-off materials from farms or fields;

a. Internet a. bulky waste

b. Computer b. agricultural waste

c. Cyberspace c. composting

d. Cyber d. collection

27. What is short for malicious software (is software 32. refers to the shifting and/or permanent slash-and-
designed to disrupt computer operation, gather burn cultivation of forest land having little or no
sensitive informatioon, or gain unauthorized access to provision to prevent soil erosion.
computer systems)?
a. Kaingin
a. Malware b. Kainin
c. Kaigin
b. Moleculeware d. Deforestation
33. Those gases that can potentially or can
c. Malicious
reasonably be expected to induce global
d. Malairsoftware warming, which includes carbon dioxide,
methane, oxides of nitrogen, chorofluorocarbons,
and the like.
a. Green Gases
28. To protect yourself from computer hacker, you
b. Greenhouse Gases
should turn on a
c. House gases
a. Script d. House green gases

b. Firewall
34. Means the ecological community considered
c. VLC together with non-living factors and its environment
as a unit.
d. Anti-virus
a. Ecology
29. Angel throws her unsegregated garbage on a
b. Solar system
damsite because her house is near on a damsite.
c. Ecosystem
Basedon the Philippine Environmental Laws, what law
d. Environment
did she violate?

a. Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 TECHNICAL ENGLISH 1&2

b. Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004

This refers to the clearness of thought, style, or
c. Ecological Solid Waste Managemnt Act of 2000 expression of the writer. An effective writer must use
correct English, and must point directly to the written
d. Toxic Substance, Hazardous and Nuclear Waste communication to save readers from reading
Control Act of 1990 unnecessary words.
30. What are the 3 R’s to conserve natural resources? a. completeness
a. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle b. accuracy
b. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse c. clarity
c. Reuse, Recycle, Reduce d. brevity
d. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle This is an objective statement of the findings of the
investigator, an official record of the information that
is relevant to an investigation.
a. Record This part is the coherent presentation of all the
important facts supported by evidences involving the
b. Report whole investigation.
c. Memorandum a. Matters investigated
d. SOP b. Facts of the case

c. Discussion
These are reports that are furnished for the necessity d. Conclusion
of the solution of crime accident, and other police
administrative-related problems,

a. Technical reports This is a verbal or written report done within twenty-

four hours after an important incident. This report is
b. Summary reports written to inform an immediate chief or those in
c. Internal business reports higher position of particular occurrences in his
command responsibility
d. Operational reports
a. Spot report

b. Basic report
These are reports that cover all the exact and
exhaustive narration of facts. These reports are c. Special report
classified as Initial or Advance, progress or Follow-up, d. Formal report
and Final or Closing Reports.
Is a type of writing where the author is writing about
a. Spot report a particular subject that requires direction, instruction
b. Basic report or explanation.

c. Special report a. Technical Writing

d. Formal report b. Writing

c. Legal Writing

These are reports that are mostly related with d. Legal Form
ordinary, miscellaneous incidents, usually in letter or Is that part of an affidavit in which the officer certifies
memorandum form. that the instrument was sworn to before him.
a. Spot report a. Will
b. Basic report b. Deed
c. Special report c. Contract
d. Formal report d. Jurat

it physically locates record series in different places

within an office. Most useful when only one individual
requires access to a specific record series. Is a sworn statement prepared by someone who
wishes to file a legal complaint. It becomes the basis
for the case, providing basic information about the
a. Centralized Filing
facts of the matter and outlining the nature of the
b. Decentralized Filing
c. Chronological Order case.
d. Numerical



d. Nota b. 36 hours

It is an 18” x 12” logbook with hard-bound cover that c. 18 hours

contains the daily register of all crime incident
reports, official summary of arrests, and other d. 24 hours
significant events reported in a police station. These are types of verified, formal sworn statement
a. Journal Log of fact signed by an affiant or author, and witnessed
by a notary public. This can be used as evidence in
b. Police Log court proceedings.

c. Police Blotter a. Oath

d. Log of event b. Affidavit

PCPL Dela Fuente is an investigator who is c. Sworn statement

investigating a particular case. He shall write an
_________________ that will provide permanent d. Complaint
official record of the pertinent information procured
during the course of investigation.
A clause in an affidavit certifying the oath and the
a. Investigation report date made by the affiant.
b. Arrest report a. Commencement
c. Wanted person report b. Individual averments
d. Crime report c. Attestation

d. Statement of truth
Ricky is a wanted person. In order for the public to
know that he is wanted, what report shall be made by
the police?
It is a writ directed to a person and requiring his
a. Beat inspection report attendance at a particular time and place, to testify as
a witness. It may also require him to bring with him
b. Situation report any books, documents, or other things under his
control, which he is bound by law to produce in
c. Special Report evidence.

d. Wanted Person report

a. Subpoena
b. Subpoena ad testificandum
c. Subpoena duces tecum
A logbook that contains the daily registry of all crime d. All of these
incident reports, official summaries of arrests, and
other significant events reported in a police station. It an order issued by a court to a person detaining
(PNP Manual revised 2010) another to produce the body of the prisoner at a
certain time and place and to show sufficient cause
a. Manual for holding in custody the individual
a. writ of kalikasan
b. Police Blotter
b. writ of habeas corpus
c. Record c. writ of habeas data
d. writ of mandamus
d. Reports

Affidavit of Arrest of arresting officers must be taken

immediately not later than

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