Design and Implementation of An Autonomous Robotic Arm
Design and Implementation of An Autonomous Robotic Arm
Design and Implementation of An Autonomous Robotic Arm
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Autonomous robotic arms have revolutionized planning, obstacle avoidance, learning and adaptation. The
various industries by enabling efficient and precise paper will highlight the importance of human-robot
automation of tasks that require dexterity and interaction and discuss approaches to facilitate effective
adaptability. This paper presents the design and collaboration between a robotic arm and human operators. An
implementation of an autonomous robotic arm, focusing experimental setup will be presented to verify the
on the mechanical design, sensory capabilities, control effectiveness of the proposed robotic arm. We will discuss the
system, and autonomy functions. The robotic arm hardware components used, the software framework used,
incorporates advanced sensing technologies, intelligent and the calibration and initialization procedures. Next, we
control algorithms and machine learning techniques to outline the data collection process and datasets used for
achieve autonomous operation in dynamic environments. training and evaluation. Performance evaluation is a critical
The paper discusses the system architecture, hardware aspect of the design and implementation of an autonomous
components, software framework, experimental setup, robotic arm. We will assess the accuracy of the task
and performance evaluation, highlighting the execution, the robustness of the arm in dynamic environments
effectiveness and potential applications of the developed and compare the performance of the developed robotic arm
robotic arm. with basic approaches. Energy efficiency and speed will also
be evaluated as key performance metrics.
The design and implementation of autonomous robotic
arms has emerged as a key area of research and development A. Kinematic Structure
in robotics. Robotic arms with autonomous capabilities offer The kinematic structure of the robotic arm defines the
significant benefits in terms of efficiency, productivity and arrangement and connectivity of its joints and linkages. It
safety in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, plays a vital role in determining the range of motion,
healthcare and exploration. Traditional robotic arms relied on flexibility and dexterity of the arm. The choice of kinematic
precise programming and manual control by a human structure depends on the specific requirements of the
operator. However, these approaches limit the adaptability of application and the required range of motion. One common
the robotic arm to changing environments and tasks. kinematic structure is the series chain, also known as a
Autonomous robotic arms, on the other hand, have the ability "pivot" or "joint" structure. In this configuration, the arm
to sense their surroundings, make informed decisions, and consists of a series of rigid links connected by swivel joints
perform tasks with little or no human intervention. The that allow rotational movement around a single axis. Each
primary objective of this paper is to present the design and joint provides one degree of freedom (DOF) to the robotic
implementation of an autonomous robotic arm capable of arm. The end of the arm, known as the end effector, is
performing complex tasks independently. The robotic arm attached to the end link and performs the required tasks.
incorporates advanced sensing technologies, intelligent Another kinematic structure is the parallel structure, which
control algorithms and machine learning techniques to uses multiple branches of interconnected links and joints.
achieve autonomous operation in real-world scenarios. In this This configuration offers advantages such as increased
article, we will discuss the mechanical design of the robotic stiffness, improved load capacity and increased accuracy.
arm, including its kinematic structure, degrees of freedom, Parallel robotic arms excel in applications requiring high
control mechanism, and end-effector selection. Next, we will stability and precision, such as heavy manipulation or
explore the sensing system integrated into the robotic arm, surgical procedures.
including vision systems, tactile sensors, proximity sensors,
and environmental feedback mechanisms. The control Hybrid kinematic structures combine the characteristics
architecture of the autonomous robotic arm will be the central of series and parallel structures to achieve a balance between
topic of this paper. We delve into kinematic modeling, flexibility and stiffness. These structures often consist of a
dynamic modeling, trajectory planning, and real-time control serial chain combined with additional parallel links or
algorithms that enable precise and coordinated arm platforms. By incorporating both series and parallel elements,
movement. In addition, we will explore the integration of hybrid structures can provide more workspace, better
perception and sensing data into the control system to enable handling, and better load distribution. The selection of a
adaptive and autonomous decision making. Autonomy and kinematic structure depends on factors such as the desired
adaptation are key aspects of an autonomous robotic arm. We range of motion, payload capacity, workspace limitations,
will explore different algorithms and techniques used for path and task requirements. It is essential to carefully analyze
these factors and choose the structure that best suits the