Robotic Arm 12
Robotic Arm 12
Robotic Arm 12
Table of contents
1. Introduction of robotic arm
2. Components of robotic arm
3. Working of robotic arm
4. Applications Of Robotic Arms
5. Degree of freedom in robotic arm
6. Pick and place robotic arm
7. Block deagram
8. Stability analysis using routh Hurwitz
9. Root locus
10. Bode plot
11. Nyquist criteria
12. Transfer function to state space model & block diagram
13. Controllability
14. observerability
Introduction of Robotic Arm
1. Base : The base serves as the foundation of the robotic arm, providing stability and
support. It houses the motors and mechanisms necessary for rotational movement
along the horizontal axis.
2. Joint : Joints are articulation points along the robotic arm where movement occurs.
Depending on the design, robotic arms may feature various types of joints, such as
revolute (rotational), prismatic (linear), or spherical (multi-axis), allowing for a wide
range of motion.
3. Links : Links are the segments or sections that connect the robotic arm’s joints.
These links are typically rigid structures made of metal or composite materials,
providing structural integrity and transferring forces and motion between joints.
4. Actuators : Actuators are the components responsible for generating motion in the
robotic arm. Depending on the application requirements, they can be electric,
pneumatic, hydraulic, or even piezoelectric.
Actuators convert energy into mechanical motion, enabling the robotic arm to . . .
. move its joints and perform tasks.
5. End Effector : The end effector is the tool or attachment mounted at the robotic
arm’s end that interacts with the environment to perform specific tasks.
End effectors vary widely depending on the application. They include grippers, . .. ….
… suction cups, wielding torches, cutting tools, or specialized sensors.
6. Sensors : Sensors are crucial components that provide feedback to the robotic
arm’s control system, enabling it to perceive and adapt to its surroundings.
Typical sensors used in robotic arms include proximity sensors, encoders, force
. sensors, vision systems, and tactile sensors. These sensors help the robotic arm to …
detect objects, measure distances, assess forces, and ensure precise control during
manipulation tasks.
7. Control System : The control system is the brain of the robotic arm, responsible
for coordinating the movements of the actuators based on input commands and
sensory feedback.
The control system ensures the robotic arm operates safely, accurately, and efficiently
while performing its intended tasks.
1. Input Commands
The operation of a robotic arm begins with receiving input commands from an external
source, such as a computer or a human operator.
These commands can be programmed instructions, manual inputs, or sensor signals
detecting environmental changes.
Suppose the robotic arm is equipped with sensors, such as proximity sensors, vision
systems, or force sensors. In that case, it gathers data about its surroundings.
This data provides crucial information for the robotic arm to perceive objects, measure
distances, assess forces, and ensure safe and accurate operation.
The robotic arm’s control system processes the input commands and sensor data. The
control system typically comprises hardware components such as microcontrollers,
processors, motor drivers, and software algorithms for motion planning, trajectory
generation, and feedback control.
4. Motion Planning
Based on the input commands and sensor data, the control system generates a motion
plan that specifies the desired trajectory for the robotic arm to follow.
This involves determining the sequence of movements required to reach the target
position while avoiding obstacles and constraints in the workspace.
5. Actuator Control
The control system sends signals to the actuators of the robotic arm, instructing them to
move the joints according to the planned trajectory. Actuators can be electric motors,
pneumatic cylinders, hydraulic pistons, or other devices capable of converting energy into
mechanical motion.
6. Movement Execution
The actuators drive the movement of the robotic arm’s joints, causing it to follow the
planned trajectory. Each joint moves in coordination with the others to achieve the
desired overall motion of the arm.
The robotic arm may perform tasks such as reaching, grasping, lifting, rotating, or
manipulating objects as input commands require.
7. Feedback Control
Throughout the movement execution process, the control system continuously receives
sensor feedback to ensure that the robotic arm moves accurately and safely.
Feedback control algorithms adjust the motion of the arm in real time based on deviations
from the planned trajectory, changes in the environment, or unexpected disturbances.
8. Task Completion
Once the robotic arm has completed its assigned tasks, it may return to a designated
resting position or await further instructions.
The control system monitors the completion of tasks. It sends status updates or alerts to
the external source, signaling that the operation is finished or requiring intervention if
issues arise.
9. Safety Protocols
Safety protocols are in place to prevent accidents and protect the robotic arm and its
surroundings. These protocols may include emergency stop mechanisms, collision
detection systems, and compliance with safety standards and regulations.
Applications Of Robotic Arms
Robotic arms are versatile and precise tools with uses across many sectors. Here
are some real-world examples of how robotic arms are employed.
1. Manufacturing Industry
Robotic arms are extensively used in manufacturing for assembly, welding, painting, and
material handling tasks.
2. Healthcare Sector
In healthcare, robotic arms are employed in surgical procedures to enhance precision and
reduce the invasiveness of surgeries. Da Vinci Surgical Systems, for example, uses robotic
arms controlled by surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgeries with improved agility
and accuracy, resulting in shorter patient recovery times.
3. Agricultural Sector
Robotic arms are increasingly being integrated into agricultural processes to automate
tasks such as harvesting, pruning, and sorting produce.
Companies like Harvest CROO Robotics have developed robotic strawberry harvesters
equipped with robotic arms capable of picking ripe strawberries at high speeds,
addressing labor shortages and increasing efficiency in the agricultural sector.
4. Space Exploration
Robotic arms play a crucial role in space exploration missions, assisting in tasks such as
satellite deployment, maintenance of spacecraft, and collection of samples from celestial
The Canadarm series of robotic arms, developed by the Canadian Space Agency, has been
utilized on various space shuttles and the International Space Station (ISS) for
maneuvering payloads and conducting experiments in space.
Pick and place robots are commonly used in modern manufacturing environments.
Pick and place automation speeds up the process of picking up parts or items and
placing them in other locations. Automating this process helps to increase
production rates. Pick and place robots handle repetitive tasks while freeing up
human workers to focus on more complex work.
Pick and place robots enable companies to use automated solutions for lifting
objects from one location and placing them at other locations.
Simple tasks such as lifting objects or moving them do not require a lot of thought
processes. Therefore, using human workers on these tasks can be wasteful, as the
workforce can be used for other tasks that require higher mental abilities.
These repetitive tasks are handled by pick and place robots. These robots are often
equipped with sensors and vision systems to lift objects from moving conveyor belt.
G(S)H(S) = K 1
S(S+1) (S+4)
G(S) K
= 3 2
kv = lim 𝑠𝐺 ሺ𝑠ሻ𝐻 ሺ𝑠ሻ =
𝑠−0 𝟒
➢ The system is of type 1, since the type 1 system have kv’s that are non –
zero constants.
➢ A Ramp input is the test signal. Since kv is specified as a finite constant.
Value of gain k for 13% error in the steady state.
e =
ss 𝐾𝑣
The value of gain k is within the range of gains that ensures system stability.
Find the Root locus using matlab
Matlab code:
g=tf([8],[1 5 4 8])
s^3 + 5 s^2 + 4 s + 8
Bode plot using matlab
Matlab code:
g=tf([8],[1 5 4 8])
Nyquist plot using matlab
Matlab code:
g=tf([8],[1 5 4 8])
• Y(S) / X(S) = 8
Y(S) = 8x1
• X(S) / U(S) = 1 / s^3 + 5s^2 + 4s + 8
U(s) = s^2 + 5s^2 X(S) + 4S X(S) + 8 X(S)
U(t)=x + 5ẍ + 4 x ̇ + 8x
x = U(t) - 5ẍ -4x ̇ – 8x
• Matrix are :
𝒙𝟏 𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝒙𝟏 𝟎
[𝒙𝟐] = [ 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏 ] + [𝒙𝟐] + [𝟎] [𝒖ሺ𝒕ሻ]
𝒙𝟑 −𝟖 −𝟒 −𝟓 𝒙𝟑 𝟏
y = [𝟖 𝟎 𝟎] [𝒙𝟐]
𝒙𝟏 𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝒙𝟏 𝟎
[𝒙𝟐] = [ 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏 ] + [𝒙𝟐] + [𝟎] [𝒖ሺ𝒕ሻ]
𝒙𝟑 −𝟖 −𝟒 −𝟓 𝒙𝟑 𝟏
𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎
A= [ 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏] , B=[𝟎] + [𝒖ሺ𝒕ሻ]
−𝟖 −𝟒 −𝟓 𝟏
Qc = [ B AB A B]
𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎
AB= [ 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏] [ 𝟎] = [ 𝟏 ] , A(AB)= [ 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏 ] [ 𝟏 ] = [ −𝟓 ]
−𝟖 −𝟒 −𝟓 𝟏 −𝟓 −𝟖 −𝟒 −𝟓 −𝟓 −𝟐𝟗
Qc = [ B AB A B]
𝟎 𝟎 𝟎
[𝟎 𝟎 −𝟓 ] = 0 =0
𝟏 −𝟓 −𝟐𝟗
► So it's is not Controllable
𝒙𝟏 𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝒙𝟏 𝟎 𝒙𝟏
[𝒙𝟐] = [ 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏 ] + [𝒙𝟐] + [𝟎] [𝒖ሺ𝒕ሻ] , y = [𝟖 𝟎 𝟎] [𝒙𝟐]
𝒙𝟑 −𝟖 −𝟒 −𝟓 𝒙𝟑 𝟏 𝒙𝟑
𝟎 𝟏 𝟎
A= [ 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏 ] , C = [8 0 0]
−𝟖 −𝟒 −𝟓
8 0 0
T T T T 2 T
C = [0] , A C = [8] , (A ) C = [0]
0 0 8
𝟖 𝟎 𝟎
T T T T 2 T
[ C A C (A ) C ] = [𝟎 𝟖 𝟎] = 512
𝟎 𝟎 𝟖
|Qo| = 512 ≠ 0
• So it's is Observable