COURSE NAME: Masonry Structures
LECTURER NAME : Damir Jagodić
LECTURE / TUTORIAL TITLE: Example 3 – Disposition of structural elements
Example 3
For the object shown in figure 1 and 2, it is necessary to determine dimensions and masonry bonds
(confining beams and columns) disposition.
Design instructions of masonry structures for seismic areas (0,065g < pga < 0,1g)
PGA for Sarajevo and for a return period of 95 years is 0,09g. (http://eurokodovi.ba/seizmika/ )
15 2,8 6
22,5 3,5 8
𝑡 ≥ 27
; 𝑡 ≥ 9,0 𝑐𝑚 – recommendation for internal load-bearing wall thickness.
For h=2,6 m and 0,09g adopted wall (external and internal) thickness is 20 cm.
Vertical confining elements (columns) are placed at the joints of longitudinal and transverse walls, at
the ends of the walls as well as along all openings in the wall whose area is greater than 1.5 m2.
Horizontal confining elements (beams) are placed at the levels of floor slabs. Maximum distance
between confining elements is 4m (both horizontal and vertical).
The minimum area of vertical and horizontal confining elements is 200 cm2 and the smallest dimension
of cross section is 10 cm. The minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement is 2 cm2. Stirrups not less
than 6 mm diameter, spaced not more than 30 0 mm should also be provided.
The opening in the wall that stiffens the second wall must be at least 55 cm away from the wall to
which it is connected.
If necessary, the length of stiffening wall must be L ≥ h/6, where h is the height of the stiffened wall.
Vertical confining (column) dimensions 20 x 20 [cm]. 𝐴𝑣𝑐 = 0,2 · 0,2 = 0,04 𝑚2 > 0,02 𝑚2
Horizontal confining (beams) dimensions 20 x 20 [cm]. 𝐴ℎ𝑐 = 0,2 · 0,2 = 0,04 𝑚2 > 0,02 𝑚2