On January 19, 1991, Alfred Dennis Pacis, then 17 year-old student, died due to a gunshot
wound in the head which he sustained while he was at the Top Gun Firearms and
Ammunitions Store. The gun store was owned and operated by Jerome Jovanne Morales.
With Alfred Pacis at the time of the shooting were Aristedes Matibag and Jason
Herbolario. The caretakers of the gun store during that particular time of the incident.
The bullet which killed Alfred Pacis was fired from a gun brought in by a customer of the
gun store for repair. The gun was left by Morales in a drawer of a table located inside the
gun store. Morales was in Manila at the time. Matibag and Herbolario were entrusted to
the keys used in the gun store which included the key to the drawer where the fatal gun
was kept. Matibag and Herbolario later brought out the gun from the drawer and placed it
on top of the table. Attracted by the sight of the gun, Alfred Dennis Pacis got hold of the
same. Matibag asked Alfred Pacis to return the gun. The latter followed and handed the
gun to Matibag. It went off, the bullet hitting Alfred Pacis in the head.
A criminal case for homicide was filed against Matibag, however, he was acquitted of the
charge against him because of the exempting circumstance of "accident" under Art. 12,
par. 4 of the Revised Penal Code.
On 17 January 1995, Spouses Alfredo and Cleopatra Pacis, the parents of Alfred
Pacis, filed with the trial court a civil case for damages against Jerome Morales. Adopting
the same evidence adduce in the criminal case by agreement of the parties.
The trial court held Morales civilly liable for the death of Alfred under Article 2180 in
relation to Article 2176 of the Civil Code. The trial court held that the accidental shooting
of Alfred which caused his death was partly due to the negligence of Morales’ employee.
The trial court held that Morales failed to observe the required diligence when he left the
key to the drawer containing the loaded defective gun without instructing his employees
to be careful in handling the loaded gun.
The Court of Appeals held that Morales cannot be held liable since no negligence can be
attributed to him. The test of negligence is this: "xxx Could a prudent man, in the position
of the person to whom negligence is attributed, foresee harm to the person injured as a
reasonable consequence of the course about to be pursued? If so, the law imposes a duty
on the actor to refrain from that course or take precaution against its mischievous results,
and the failure to do so constitutes negligence. x x x."
Morales exercised due diligence in keeping his loaded gun while he was on a business trip
in Manila. He placed it inside the drawer and locked it. It was taken away without his
knowledge and authority. Whatever happened to the deceased was purely accidental.
Whether Morales failed to prove that he observed all the diligence of a good father of a
family to prevent damage, hence must be civilly liable for damages, or not.
YES. Sps. Pacis based their claim for damages under Articles 2176 and 2180 of the Civil
Code. Wherein the liability of the employer, or any person for that matter, under Article
2176 of the Civil Code is primary and direct, based on a person’s own negligence.
This case involves the accidental discharge of a firearm inside a gun store. Indeed, a
higher degree of care is required of someone who has in his possession or under his
control an instrumentality extremely dangerous in character, such as dangerous weapons
or substances. Such person in possession or control of dangerous instrumentalities has the
duty to take exceptional precautions to prevent any injury being done thereby. Unlike the
ordinary affairs of life or business which involve little or no risk, a business dealing with
dangerous weapons requires the exercise of a higher degree of care.
Clearly, Morales did not exercise the degree of care and diligence required of a good
father of a family, much less the degree of care required of someone dealing with
dangerous weapons, as would exempt him from liability in this case.