Archdiocese of Newark
Which Mass prayers (orations) are used for Simbang Gabi Masses?
During Advent, in the preparation of Masses and devotions, priority should always be given to the
Advent texts of the Roman Missal and Lectionary. Generally speaking, it is preferable that the Mass texts
for the weekdays of Advent be used on all the weekdays of Advent. This principle is consistent with the
nature of the season of Advent and the intent of the Simbang Gabi devotion.
Moreover, “The weekdays from December 17 up to and including December 24 are ordered in a more
direct way to preparing for the Nativity of the Lord.” (Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year, 42) They
are, of their very nature, Marian in theme. Votive Masses and Masses for Various Needs and Occasions
are not permitted on these days. (Even memorials of saints are reduced to commemorations during this
period.) Consequently, the Mass texts (i.e. orations and Scripture readings) used during Simbang Gabi
between December 17 and Christmas must always be those of the weekday (and Sunday) Masses of
Does the indult given to the Philippines for the celebration of Simbang Gabi apply to the USA?
No, the special indult given to the Philippines which allows for certain accommodations for Simbang
Gabi Masses does not apply in the USA.
In maintaining the character of the second part of Advent, how may Simbang Gabi be accommodated?
An appropriate introduction after the Greeting
Marian invocations in the Act of Penitence
General intercessions, especially the concluding prayer.
Singing the 'Magnificat' or similar song after communion.
Concluding remarks after the Prayer after Communion.
171 Clifton Ave. Newark, New Jersey 07104 – 973.497.4345 – fax: 973.497.4314 –