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The ADVENT Season (Document)

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The ADVENT Season:

Advent is the liturgical season that precedes and prepares for Christmas. It is a
season of hope and of longing, of joyful expectation and of peaceful
preparation. Many symbols and traditions are associated with Advent,
especially the Advent Wreath with its four colored candles (three purple and
one pink), but also Advent calendars, special Advent music, food, processions,
and other traditions that may vary from one culture or region to the next. Here
are a few interesting things to know about Advent:

When and how long is Advent?

o For most Christians, the Advent Season always begins four
Sundays before Christmas; so it is rarely four full weeks long, but
only between three and four weeks, depending on what weekday
Dec. 25 happens to be in a certain year. The First Sunday of
Advent, which also marks the beginning of the new liturgical year
for the Church, could be as early as Nov. 27 or as late as Dec. 3.
o The Third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called "Gaudete
Sunday" (from Latin, meaning "Rejoice!), because the "Entrance
Antiphon" of this Sunday's Mass is taken from Paul's letter to the
Philippians: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! The
Lord is near." (Phil 4:4+5b)
o The Fourth Sunday of Advent could be as early as Dec. 18, a full
week before Christmas (as in 2005 and 2011), or as late as Dec.
24, making it the same day as "Christmas Eve" (as in 2006 or
o Advent technically ends of the afternoon of Dec. 24, since that
evening, Christmas Eve, begins the Christmas Season.
o Most Eastern Orthodox and other Eastern Christian Churches
have a "Nativity Fast" (now often called "Advent Fast"), which
usually lasts forty days before Christmas; it may begin on Nov. 15
(for those Churches that celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25), or in late
November (for those Churches that celebrate Christmas on Jan. 7
or 8).
What does the word "Advent" mean?
o When capitalized, "Advent" usually refers to "the coming of Christ
into the world" or to "the liturgical period preceding Christmas"; it
may also refer to the "Second Coming" of Christ (the "Advent of our
o In secular English, "advent" (not capitalized) may refer to any
"coming" or "arrival," especially of something so important that it
radically changed a whole culture (e.g., "The advent of electricity"
or "The advent of the computer age").
o The word is derived from the Latin adventus ("arrival, approach"),
made up of the preposition ad- ("to, towards"), the verbal root ven-
(from venire, "to come"), and the suffix -tus (indicating verbal
o The word is very similar in many other European languages:
Advent, Advento, Avent, Avvento, Adviento, etc.
What are the traditional colors of Advent?
o In the Roman Catholic Church, the official liturgical color for most
of the Season of Advent is violet. Only on the Third Sunday of
Advent is a rose (pink) colored candle lit, as a symbol of joy; the
priest may also wear rose vestments on this Sunday.
o Many Anglicans and some Protestant Churches use blue instead of
violet throughout Advent, although they may also use rose/pink on
the Third Sunday.
o Other church decorations (altar cloths, banners, etc.) will often
have combinations of violet, pink, and blue throughout the season.
Liturgically-minded churches will avoid greens and reds (the
secular Christmas colors), and will wait until the Christmas season
to use decorations with white, silver, and gold colors.
What is an Advent Wreath?
o Many churches and families
prominently display an evergreen
wreath with four candles throughout
the Advent Season.
o It is traditionally made of some type or
mixture of evergreens (fir, spruce,
juniper, holly, etc.), symbolizing the
continuation of life in the middle of the
cold and dark winter (in the northerly
latitudes, at least).
o Advent wreaths traditionally include
three purple/violet candles and one
pink/rose-colored candle, which are
arranged evenly around the wreath, although some people use four
violet or four white candles.
o Only one purple candle is lit during the first week, two in the
second week, three (incl. the pink one) in the third week, and all
four during the fourth week of Advent; the gradually increasing
light symbolizes the approach of Christmas, the birth of Jesus, the
light of the world.
o Since the rose candle is not lit until the Third Sunday of Advent, it
is best to start on the First Sunday of Advent lighting the purple
candle located directly opposite the pink one, and then to continue
clockwise around the wreath in the following weeks. Thus, one
could go in the following orders: 1-right, 2-front, 3-left (rose), 4-
back; or 1-front right, 2-front left, 3-back left (rose), and 4-back
o In many churches, a large wreath is ritually blessed at the
beginning of the first liturgy on the First Sunday of Advent.
Families can also use a smaller Advent wreath in their homes,
which they themselves can bless (click here for some Advent
Wreath Blessings).
o Families can gather around the wreath daily for some brief Advent
prayers and readings, especially at the time of the evening meal,
lighting the appropriate number of candles for each week. Click
here for some Advent Family Prayers; or see the Blessing Rituals
for Advent, from the Shorter Book of Blessings.
o Some traditions assign specific symbolism to each of the candles:
1) The Prophet's Candle, symbolizing Hope; 2) The Bethlehem
Candle, symbolizing Faith;
3) The Shepherd's Candle, symbolizing Joy; 4) The Angel's Candle,
symbolizing Peace.
o Some churches and families add a fifth candle (white) in the middle
of the wreath for Christmas Eve or Day; others continue using the
same wreath throughout the Christmas Season, replacing the
colored Advent candles with fresh candles that are white or gold,
symbolizing the arrival of Christ, the light of the world.
o Click here for an explanation of the History of the Advent Wreath,
by Fr. William Saunders.
What are the liturgical readings for the Sundays of Advent?
Each of the four Sundays of Advent has its own special readings and
o First Sunday of Advent - The readings look forward to the "End
Times" and the coming of the "Day of the Lord" or the "Messianic
Age"; the Gospel is an excerpt from the Apocalyptic Discourse of
Jesus in one of the Synoptic Gospels.
o Second Sunday of Advent - The Gospel readings focus on the
preaching and ministry of John the Baptist as the forerunner of
Jesus, the one who came to "Prepare the Way of the Lord."
o Third Sunday of Advent - The Gospel readings continue to focus
on John the Baptist, while the first and second readings convey
the joy that Christians feel with the increasing closeness of the
incarnation and the world's salvation.
o Fourth Sunday of Advent - The Gospels tell of the events that
immediately preceded the birth of Jesus, including the dreams and
visions of Joseph and Mary of Nazareth.
o See the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB) for the full texts of these liturgical readings.
What are the liturgical readings for the Weekdays of Advent?
There are actually two sets of weekday readings for the Advent season:
o Readings for the weekdays in the first three weeks, but only up to
Dec. 16: the Gospel readings are excerpts from various chapters in
Matthew and Luke; the first readings are mostly from the book of
the prophet Isaiah.
o Readings for the weekdays from Dec. 17 to Dec. 24: the Gospel
readings cover all of Matthew 1 and Luke 1, sequentially; the first
readings are selected thematically from various prophetic books of
the Old Testament.
o The weekdays from Dec. 17 to Dec. 24 also make use of the "O
Antiphons," not only during Evening Prayer in the Liturgy of the
Hours, but also in the Alleluia verse before the Gospel at Mass.
What other liturgical celebrations can occur during the Season of
Several "Feasts" and "Memorials" of saints can be celebrated on the
weekends of Advent, but most of them are omitted if the usual date
happens to fall on a Sunday in a particular year, since these celebrations
are considered less important than the Sundays of Advent. (click here for
o Nov. 30 - Feast of St. Andrew, the Apostle - may occur just before
or during the first week of Advent, depending on the year.
o Dec. 6 - St. Nicholas - although the day is only an "optional
memorial" on the Roman liturgical calendar, this popular saint
gave rise to the gift-giving tradition now associated with "Santa
Claus"; in certain countries, Dec. 6 is still a day when parents give
simple gifts (often fruit or nuts) to their children.
o Dec. 8 - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Virgin Mary - a "Holy Day of Obligation" in the United States; if
Dec. 8 falls on a Sunday, this Solemnity is transferred to Monday,
Dec. 9.
o Dec. 12 - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - only ranked as a
"Memorial" in much of the world, but considered an important
"Feast" in the United States and many Latino countries.
o The "Memorials" of several other saints can be celebrated during
Advent, but only if they fall on a weekday, not on Sunday:
St. Francis Xavier (Dec. 3), St. Ambrose (Dec. 7), St. Lucy (Dec. 13),
St. John of the Cross (Dec. 14), and a few other "optional
memorials" (St. John of Damascus, St. Nicholas, St. Juan Diego,
St. Damasus I, St. Peter Canisius, and St. John of Kanty).

Advent Music:

In addition to the countless songs, carols, and hymns for Christmas, there is
much good, thematically appropriate music for Advent,
not just "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" (which really ought to be saved for the
last eight days of Advent - click here to learn why).

Traditional Hymns and Chants Contemporary Songs and Albums

Alma Redemptoris Mater A Voice Cries Out (Michael Joncas)
Awake, Awake, and Greet the Advent Gathering (Gary Daigle)
New Morn Advent Gathering Rite (Francis
Come, Thou Long Expected O'Brien)
Jesus Advent Suite (John Michael Talbot)
Comfort, Comfort, O My Advent/Christmas Gospel
People Acclamation (David Haas)
Creator of the Stars of Night Adviento (Jaime Cortez)
Hail to the Lord's Anointed Alleluia! Hurry, the Lord is Near
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep (Ernest Sands)
Silence Beyond the Moon and Stars (Dan
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Schutte)
Mighty Gates By Heart: Seasonal Songs (Tony
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming Alonso / Gabe Huck)
O Come, Divine Messiah Christ, Circle Round Us (Dan
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Schutte)
On Jordan's Bank the Come, Lord Jesus (M. D. Ridge)
Baptist's Cry Emmanuel (Steve Angrisano)
People, Look East, the Time Every Valley Shall Be Exalted (Bob
Is Near Dufford, SJ)
Prepare Ye the Way of the God Comes Tomorrow (John Bell)
Lord Lectionary Psalms for
Rorate Caeli Advent/Christmas (C. Kelly)
Savior of the Nations Come Let the King of Glory Come (Michael
See How the Virgin Waits Joncas)
Soon and Very Soon Let the Valleys Be Raised (Dan
The Advent of Our God Schutte)
The Advent of Our King Like Winter Waiting (John Foley,
The Angel Gabriel from SJ)
Heaven Came Lord Emmanuel, Come (Peter
The Coming of Our God McGrail)
The King Shall Come When Lord, Make Us Turn to You (Leon
Morning Dawns C. Roberts)
The People Who Walked in Maranatha (Gerard Chiusano)
Darkness Maranatha (Tim Schoenbachler)
Wake, O Wake, and Sleep No Maranatha (G. Westphal)
Longer Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus
G. F. Handel's Messiah - Part (Janet Sullivan Whitaker)
I Patience, People (John Foley, SJ)
Prince of Peace (Dan Schutte)
Click the above titles for lyrics Ready the Way of the Lord (Bob
and/or tunes, Hurd)
from Hymnsite.com or Oremus.org Ready the Way (Curtis Stephan)
Stay Awake, Be Ready (Christopher
Full Albums of Advent Music Walker)
Emmanuel (Sparrow Music) The Advent of Our God (James
Gentle Night (St. Louis Hansen)
Jesuits) The Whole World Is Waiting for
Night of Silence (Marty Love (Marianne Misetich)
Haugen) Tryin' to Get Ready (Jant Sullivan
The New Young Messiah Whitaker)
(Sparrow Music) Vigil: Christmas (Tom Conry)
The Promise (Michael Card) Wait for the Lord (Taiz)
Advent Carols (St. John's Waiting in Silence (Carey Landry)
College) We Shall Prepare (Mark Friedman /
Janet Vogt)


Christmas is the annual feast commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, a little
over 2000 years ago. For Christians, it is not just a single day (Dec. 25), but an
extended liturgical season of joy and celebration, involving many different
symbols and traditions, special music and activities, which vary significantly
among different countries and cultures. Here are a few interesting things to
know about Christmas:

When and how long is Christmas?

o Christmas Day, liturgically called "The Solemnity of the Nativity of
the Lord" in the Catholic Church, technically includes both
Christmas Eve (Dec. 24, after sunset) and Christmas Day (Dec. 25)
itself. For religiously observant Christians, however, Christmas is
not just one day, but an entire season, lasting anywhere from 12
days to 40 days in different ecclesial traditions.
o In the modern secular world, Dec. 26 already begins the "after-
Christmas" sales, and Christmas decorations are often removed
before New Year's Day! The "Christmas Season" (for shopping,
decorating, parties, music, etc.) used to begin just after
Thanksgiving Day (in the United States), but now seems to begin
just after Halloween (Oct. 31), if not before! When people hear
about the "Twelve Days of Christmas" (or sing the song by that
title), they might think it refers to the last 12 shopping days before
o In most Christian traditions, however, the "Christmas Season"
properly begins with Christmas Eve (after sunset on Dec. 24), while
the "Twelve Days of Christmas" refers to the period from Dec. 25 to
Jan. 5.
o In different Churches, the Christmas Season might end on Jan. 6
(the traditional date of the Feast of the Epiphany), or might last
until the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (usually the Sunday after
Epiphany), or might even last all the way to Feb. 2 (the Feast of the
Presentation of the Lord, 40 days after Dec. 25).
Was Jesus really born on Dec. 25?
o Probably not! We simply do not and cannot know the exact day on
which Jesus was actually born.
o However, Jesus' birth has been celebrated on Dec. 25 since the
early fourth century, when most of the Roman Empire adopted the
Christian religion. It replaced the mid-winter Roman festival of "the
birth of the sun god" (sol invictus), celebrated just after the winter
o The fact that we don't know the exact historical day or date of
Jesus' birth should not bother anyone, or mean that Dec. 25 is
somehow "wrong." In some countries and cultures, even in today's
world, the exact day or date of a baby's birth is not remembered or
celebrated. When such people move to another culture that places
greater importance on the date of people's births, they must choose
a date randomly.
o Even when someone's birth date is known, the day on which they
celebrate it may be different for various reasons: a family might
gather on a nearby weekend rather than on a weekday; an office or
community might have a combined monthly birthday party; or a
school might have a party in the Spring or Fall for all children
whose birthdays actually occur during the summer vacation
What does the word "Christmas" mean?
o "Christmas" properly refers to the day when Christians celebrate
the birth of Jesus, Dec. 25 on most calendars, or to the season
(Christmastide or Christmastime) which begins on that day (or the
night before).
o In the modern secular world, "Christmas" may also refer non-
religiously to Dec. 25, or to the mid-winter legal holiday (in the
Northern hemisphere; or a mid-summer holiday below the Equator)
observed on that day.
o Etymologically, the word derives from Old English "Cristes msse"
(lit. Christ's festival). It is similar to Dutch Kerstmis, but is
significantly different in derivation and meaning in many other
European languages: German Weihnachten ("Blessed Night"),
Italian Natale, Spanish Navidad, French Nol (all ultimately derived
from Latin natalis, "birth"), Scandinavian jul (similar to English
What are the liturgical colors for Christmas?
o The official liturgical color of the Christmas Season for most
Churches is white or gold, not green and red, as many people
o Popular culture often associates Christmas with a combination of
greens and reds (such as in Poinsettia plants), in addition to the
use of white (snow?) and silver, gold, or other shiny metallic colors
(stars? bells? musical instruments?).
o By contrast, green is the proper liturgical color for "Ordinary Time,"
while red is used on feasts of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles, or
What is a Crche and where does this tradition come from?
o In the weeks before or during the Christmas season, many people
set up a "manger scene" in their churches, homes, or public
places, depicting the baby Jesus surrounded by Mary, Joseph,
angels and shepherds, sheep and other animals, and possibly also
the magi or "wise men."
o The French word crche is similar to German Krippe and English
"crib", while the word "manger" comes from the French mangeoire
(derived from mangier = "to eat"); these words correspond to Latin
praespe or Greek phatne (Luke 2:12), all of which originally
referred to a "feeding trough" for animals, but also came to be used
for an "infant's bed."
o The Gospel of Luke says, "While they were there [in Bethlehem],
the time came for her [Mary] to have her child, and she gave birth
to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and
laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the
inn." (Luke 2:6-7)
o The tradition of displaying a crche did not arise until the mid-
12th century; it is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, who wanted
to emphasize the poor and humble circumstances in which Jesus
was born.
o The use and design of crches reflects a wide variety of artistic and
cultural traditions. Some people set up a simple crche long before
Christmas, add more figures as Christmas approaches, with the
baby Jesus not placed in the manger until Christmas Eve, and the
wise men not arriving until Jan. 6.
o A church's or family's crche is usually blessed on Christmas Eve
with a simple blessing prayer. For online samples, see Blessing
Rituals for Advent or Advent Blessings & Prayers.
What other liturgical celebrations usually occur during the Season of
o A variety of other feasts and memorials are celebrated during the
Christmas Season, some closely related to the biblical accounts of
Jesus' birth, others commemorating seemingly unrelated saints,
even including some martyrs!
o Some of these are celebrated on fixed dates on the calendar, others
are always on Sundays, and thus have moveable dates. See my
chart of Moveable Feasts during the Christmas Season for more
details on the following:
Dec. 26 - The Feast of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr
Dec. 27 - The Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
Dec. 28 - The Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs
Sunday after Dec. 25 - The Feast of the Holy Family of
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (transferred to Dec. 30 if the
Sunday is Jan. 1)
Jan. 1 - The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of
God (always on New Year's Day, the Octave Day of
Christmas, which takes precedence over the Feast of the
Holy Family)
Jan. 6 or the Sunday after Jan. 1 - The Solemnity of the
Epiphany of the Lord (traditionally Jan. 6; but in some
countries, such as the USA, it is now transferred to the first
Sunday after New Year's Day)
Sunday after Jan. 6 - The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
(transferred to Monday, Jan. 8 or 9, if Epiphany is celebrated
on Sunday Jan. 7 or 8, respectively, in certain years.
o Less important "Memorials" or "Optional Memorials" of certain
saints may also be celebrated, but are omitted in years when their
dates fall on a Sunday or on one of the moveable "solemnities" or
"feasts" listed above:
Dec. 29 - St. Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr; Dec. 31 -
St. Sylvester I, pope; Jan. 2 - Sts. Basil the Great and
Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and doctors of the Church; Jan.
3 - Holy Name of Jesus; Jan. 4 (in USA) - St. Elizabeth Ann
Seton, religious; Jan. 5 (in USA) - St. John Neumann,
bishop; Jan. 6 (in USA) - Bl. Andr Bessette, religious; Jan.
7 - St. Raymond of Peafort, priest
What are the liturgical readings for the Christmas Season?
o Christmas itself is the only day on the liturgical calendar which
has four different sets of biblical readings for the four different
Masses that can be celebrated at various times: Vigil Mass
(Christmas Eve), Mass at Midnight, Mass at Dawn, and Mass
during the Day.
The Gospel readings for the first three Masses contain
excerpts from the biblical accounts of the birth of Jesus
(from Matthew and Luke), while the Gospel reading for the
Mass of Christmas Day is the Prologue of John's Gospel
(John 1:1-18).
The first readings are various selections from the book of the
prophet Isaiah, while the Responsorial Psalms, the Second
Readings, and the Gospel Acclamations are chosen
o The readings for the other major feasts of the Christmas Season
include the biblical accounts of the various events being
For example, the Gospel reading for the Solemnity of the
Epiphany of the Lord is always Matthew 2:1-12, the biblical
account of the visit of the Magi from the East. Similarly, the
Gospel readings for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord,
which concludes the Christmas season, are the accounts of
the Baptism of Jesus as found in Matthew 3, Mark 1, and
Luke 3, for Years A, B, and C, respectively.
The first and second readings for all feast days are chosen
thematically from a variety of Old Testament books and New
Testament letters.
For most weekdays during the Christmas season, the first
reading is taken from the First Letter of John.
o For detailed charts listing all the readings for particular days, see
the following pages of this website:
Liturgical readings for the Sundays and Major Feasts
during the Christmas Season.
Liturgical readings for the Weekdays during the Christmas
Liturgical readings for the Commemorations of the Saints
(see late December and early January).

Related Resources on This Website:

The Liturgical Calendar, from 1969 to 2050

How Long Is the Advent Season?
Readings for the Sundays of Advent
Readings for the Weekdays of Advent
The "O Antiphons" for the Week before Christmas
Readings for the Sundays and Major Feasts of the Christmas Season
Readings for the Weekdays of the Christmas Season
Moveable Feasts during the Christmas Season
Readings from the Letters of John (esp. during Christmas Season)
The Birth of Jesus: Comparing the Gospel Infancy Narratives
The Infancy Narratives in Luke's Gospel
The Proclamation of the Birth of Christ - a.k.a. the Christmas
Proclamation, used at Masses on Christmas Eve

Annual Publications for Advent and Christmas:

Advent and Christmas Resources - various booklets for adults, youth,

children, families; from Twenty-Third Publications, New London, CT
Give Us This Day - Advent-Christmas issue of the monthly publication,
from The Liturgical Press
Advent 2016 Issue (coming soon) - December 2016 issue of The Word
Among Us, tambin en Espaol: La palabra entre nosotros
Sacred Space for Advent and Christmas - from the Sacred Space
website, by the Jesuit Communication Centre, Ireland
The Magnificat Advent Companion 2016 - from the publishers of
Journey Towards Justice: Reflections for Advent 2016 - by various
authors; also other resources from Pax Christi USA
Waiting in Joyful Hope: Daily Reflections for Advent & Christmas
2016-2017, by Bishop Robert F. Morneau; and many other
Advent/Christmas resources from The Liturgical Press

Other Recommended Publications for Advent and Christmas:

Advent and Christmas Seasons - explanations and resources from the

website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Advent and Christmas Wisdom from Henri J. M. Nouwen - from
Ligouri Publications
Advent: A Family Celebration - by Julie Walters; Word Among Us Press
Advent Arts and Christmas Crafts: With Prayers and Rituals for
Family, School and Church - by Jeanne Heiberg, from Paulist Press
Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Stories and Reflections on the
Sunday Readings - vol. 2 "...on the Daily Readings"; by Megan McKenna;
New City Press
Advent Light - by Stephen J. Binz; part of the "Threshold Bible Study"
Advent of the Savior: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives of Jesus
- by Stephen J. Binz; The Liturgical Press
Advent Sourcebook - by Thomas O'Gorman; Christmas Sourcebook -
by Mary Ann Simcoe; and many other resources in English or Spanish
from Liturgy Training Publications (LTP)
Biblical Meditations for Advent and the Christmas Season - by
Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P.; and other resources from Paulist Press
The Birth of the Messiah - a very extensive scholarly commentary, by
Raymond E. Brown
Every Day of Advent and Christmas - and many other
Advent/Christmas resources from Ligouri Publications
Fathoming Bethlehem: Advent Meditations - by Robert F. Morneau;
Crossroad Publishing
God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas - by
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Light in the Darkness: Music and Meditation - by Paul Tate & Deanna
Light; World Library Publications
Liturgy Planning Resources - various online planning tools, from GIA
Living Faith: Daily Catholic Devotions - quarterly publication, tambin
en Espaol: La Fe Viva
The Origins of Christmas - by Joseph F. Kelly; The Liturgical Press
Preparing for Christmas with Richard Rohr: Daily Reflections for
Advent, from Franciscan Media (formerly St. Anthony Messenger Press)
Waiting in Hope: Praying and Living Advent - by Tony Alonso; and other
youth-oriented resources from St. Mary's Press
Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas - anthology of
great spiritual writers; Orbis Books
Welcoming Jesus - Advent Reflections by Pope Francis & Henri Nouwen;
and many other Advent/Christmas resources from All Saints Press

Advent Books - and other online "Advent Resources"; from Loyola Press
Advent Meditations - from Christmas in Cyberspace: A Christian
Best Advent Ever - online and emailed daily reflections; from Matthew
Kelly and Dynamic Catholic
Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers - from the USCCB "Bishop's
Committee on the Liturgy" (1988; rev. ed. 2007); contains blessings for
an Advent Wreath, a Christmas Tree, a Manger Scene, etc.
Online Resources for the Advent Season and Online Resources for
the Christmas Season - from The Text This Week

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