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Guidelines For Lectors Apil 2021

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Office for Divine Worship – Archdiocese of Los Angeles

INTRODUCTION readings are to be read by a reader, but the gospel by

the Deacon or, in his absence, by another priest. if,
When Sacred Scripture is proclaimed in the Church, however, a Deacon or another priest is not present, the
God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in priest celebrant himself should read the gospel, and
his word, proclaims the Gospel. Therefore, the readings moreover, if no other suitable reader is present, the
from the Word of God are an element of high priest celebrant should also proclaim the other readings
importance in the Liturgy (GIRM 29, 55). as well” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal
A profound bond links sacred Scripture and the faith of
believers. Since faith comes from hearing, and what is The use of two readers – one for each reading – is
heard is based on the word of Christ (cf. Rom 10:17), encouraged. The parish community should strive for
believers are bound to listen attentively to the word of enough trained lectors to fulfill this goal (Introduction
the Lord, both in the celebration of the liturgy and in to the Lectionary for Mass #52). A single reading,
their personal prayer and reflection” (Aperuit Illis 7). except in the expressed case of the singing or reading
of the Passion of the Lord, is not to be divided among
The Office for Divine Worship has prepared the another or more lectors (GIRM 99, 109).
following guidelines for Lectors. These guidelines
apply to those ministering during Sunday Mass, as well The lector should not ordinarily exercise another
as other liturgical celebrations. liturgical ministry during the same Mass.
Announcements and/or any commentaries during the
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide
celebration are ideally read by someone other than the
observations and principles on this important liturgical
lector GIRM 99).
ministry of the Church. These guidelines define the
intention of liturgical law relative to the proclamation 2. The Gospel is ordinarily proclaimed by the
of the Word, the demands of proper liturgical practice, deacon. In the absence of a deacon, the priest proclaims
and the expectations of the universal and local Church. the Gospel. In concelebrations, one other than the
presiding celebrant proclaims the Gospel (Introduction
It is highly recommended that lectors in each to the Lectionary for Mass #49, 50; General
community meet together regularly to discuss the Instruction of the Roman Missal #59).
theological as well as the practical and spiritual aspects
3. The Universal Prayer (General Intercessions) is
of their ministry. These guidelines could serve as
read by the deacon, the lector, the cantor, or someone
suitable material for study at such gatherings.
else (Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass #53;
MINISTERS OF THE WORD GIRM 71). Announcements and/or any commentary
during the celebration are read by the lectors or
1. According to the ancient tradition and the someone else—but not from the ambo.
teaching of the Church, the readings other than the
Gospel are proclaimed by lay ministers called readers. PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD
“The function of proclaiming the readings is by
tradition not presidential but ministerial. Therefore the

April 2021
4. The proclamation of the Word of God is truly a Normally, only properly trained and commissioned
ministry in the Church. Lectors bring the living Word lectors serve at Mass (Introduction to the Lectionary
of God to the liturgical assembly. In and through them for Mass #55). Ideally, the readings at weddings and
God speaks to the gathered faithful. The ministry of the funerals are proclaimed by lectors of the parish who
Word, therefore, is treated seriously and with great have been properly trained. However, for pastoral
dignity. reasons, family members or friends may carry out this
ministry. The parish should provide assistance and
5. The Word of God is not merely read during the guidance so that God's Word is proclaimed with clarity
liturgy. It is proclaimed. Effective proclamation and dignity. The reading of Scripture and Universal
involves the delivery of the message with clarity, Prayer (General Intercessions) during a celebration of
conviction and appropriate pace. Proclamation is a Mass in the Catholic Church is to be done by Catholics.
special ministry which presupposes faith and also On exceptional occasions and for a just cause, the
rouses faith in those who hear the Word proclaimed. Archbishop may permit a baptized non-Catholic to take
on the task of reader (ED 133, cf. CDW, Non-Catholic
6. Ideally, members of the assembly listen to the Readers at Mass).
proclamation of the Scriptures and do not read along.
In the act of communal listening, the worshippers 8. Lectors are fully initiated (baptized, First
experience not only unity among themselves but also Communion, and Confirmed), practicing Catholics
the presence of Christ through the Word (Introduction whose lives witness to the Word which they proclaim.
to the Lectionary for Mass #45). In addition, they possess the human maturity expected
of those called to serve in the Christian community.
Properly there are no booklets for the assembly to
follow the readings, although there may be Sunday On special occasions and for pastoral reasons, a young
Missals for the hearing impaired and for those whose person who is not yet fully initiated (i.e., not yet
language is different from the one used at Mass. confirmed) may serve as lector during a liturgy. Proper
Listening is not an isolated moment. It is a way training for this ministry is expected.
of life. It means openness to the Lord's voice not
only in the Scriptures but in the events of our 9. Normally, lectors are commissioned by their
daily lives and in the experience of our brothers pastor for their ministry in their particular parish,
and sisters. It is not just my listening but our preferably during a Sunday Mass. The rite of
listening together for the Lord's word to the commissioning is found in the Book of Blessings
community (Fulfilled in Your Hearing: The [Chapter 61, p. 775]. It is the responsibility of the
Homily in the Sunday Assembly #20 National pastor, chaplain, or his delegate to determine the
Conference of Catholic Bishops). suitability of the candidates who will exercise this
ministry before they are commissioned.

7. All liturgical ministers, especially the ministers of 10. Those who are presently lectors should annually
the Word, must be properly trained for their ministry. participate in enrichment programs, such as lector
The ministry of the Word requires skill in public enrichment classes offered by the Office for Divine
reading, knowledge of the principles of liturgy, and an Worship, bible study courses, Bible Institute and other
understanding and love of the scriptures. A basic workshops on Scripture and/or proclamation
knowledge of the Bible, Lectionary for Mass, and the techniques.
Liturgy of the Word, as well as the necessary oral
proclamation skills are additional essential PREPARATION
requirements. A basic knowledge of Sacred Scripture
includes: the plan of salvation, the organization of the 11. In order that the service of the Word might be
books of the Bible, as well as the variety of genres and effective, all lectors are expected to be prepared for
literary forms of its books. Some of the oral their ministry. Preparation should be spiritual,
proclamation skills include: eye contact, enunciation, scriptural, and practical. Spiritual preparation involves
diction, inflection, pacing, projection and prayer over the text and reflection on its message.
pronunciation. Scriptural preparation involves understanding the text
and interpreting it sufficiently so as to evoke a response
Lector training courses in basic lector formation are from the assembly. Practical preparation involves a
offered through the Archdiocesan Office for Divine correct knowledge of the biblical reading to be
Worship. Contact the Office for Divine Worship for proclaimed, mastering difficult words, learning the
further details on lector certification. right pronunciations and practicing the delivery of the
text aloud, ideally in the presence of someone who is

April 2021
able to critique the delivery. It is unacceptable to rush actively only in the Liturgy of the Word. The lector, as
into the sacristy just before Mass to “look at the a baptized member of the liturgical assembly, is
readings” (Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass expected to participate fully in the Mass both for the
#55). benefit of himself or herself and also as an example to
The Manner of Pronouncing the Different Texts
“In texts that are to be pronounced in a loud and clear 16. The Scriptures for Mass are contained in the
voice, whether by the priest or the Deacon, or by a Lectionary and the Book of Gospels. Both of these are
reader, or by everyone, the voice should correspond to available in permanent, dignified and beautifully-
the genre of the text itself, that is, depending upon bound books, with large print for ease of proclamation.
whether it is a reading, a prayer, an explanatory They are to be treated with care and reverence. The
comment, an acclamation, or a sung text; it should also Lectionary and the Book of Gospels may be put into
be suited to the form of celebration and to the beautiful covers. The readings are always proclaimed
solemnity of the gathering. Consideration should also from these liturgical books, and never from a missalette
be given to the characteristics of different languages or participation aid, both of which are transitory and
and of the culture of different peoples” (GIRM 38). made from throw-away materials. This directive
applies to the celebration of Matrimony and funerals as
The readings for every Sunday and weekday of the well.
liturgical year can be found on the website of the
United States Catholic Conference of Bishops at: There are six volumes of the current lectionary: one for
www.usccb.org. each of the three cycles of Sunday and holyday
readings; two weekday volumes and a volume of
12. Immediate preparation is also expected of all readings for ritual and votive Masses and Masses for
lectors. This requires arriving at least 15 minutes various needs and occasions. The Book of Gospels is
before the liturgy, locating the readings in the contained in one large volume.
Lectionary, arranging the microphone, making sure
that the sound system is properly functioning, and 17. The ambo is a symbol of the presence of the
attending to any other duties as required by the parish. Word of God just as the altar is a symbol of the
If the lectors are to read the petitions for the General sacrament of the Eucharist. The Liturgy of the Word
Intercessions, these should be reviewed before the takes place at the ambo, always a permanent, solemn,
liturgy begins. dignified and prominent place. Candles and other
decorative elements may be placed around it but
without obscuring the ambo. The ambo is to be used
INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE for the proclaimed Word, namely, the readings, the
responsorial psalm, the Gospel, the Homily, and the
13. In recent years sensitivity for inclusive language Universal Prayer. A lectern or cantor's stand is best
in the liturgy has been encouraged. It is important to used for song leading and announcements. All scripture
note, however, that the lector is not at liberty to change readings take place at the single ambo, including the
the approved scriptural and prayer texts for the liturgy. psalm, whether sung or spoken (Introduction to the
Lectionary for Mass #31, 33).
In the preparation of other texts, such as the General
Intercessions or commentary of any type, language RITUAL ACTION
which is inclusive is always used.
18. Among the actions in the Liturgy of the Word,
SYMBOLS IN THE LITURGY processions are important. Lectors are to take part in
OF THE WORD the entrance procession. They walk immediately in
front of the deacon or presider and behind the altar
14. God speaks to the faith community at worship servers. The deacon or in his absence one of the lectors
through persons, actions and objects. To ensure the solemnly carries the closed Book of Gospels by
pastoral effectiveness of the Liturgy of the Word, it is holding it with uplifted hands so that it is displayed to
important to pay full attention to these symbols. The the assembly and places it flat on the altar. The
symbols that are integral to any celebration of the Lectionary is never carried in procession, but is placed
Word are: the lector(s), the book(s), the ambo, and the on the ambo before Mass begins (General Instruction
processions. A brief word on each of these is in order. of the Roman Missal #120, 128, 172, 194).
15. The lector ministers as one of the worshipping
assembly and is expected to participate in the entire
liturgy. It is inappropriate for a lector to participate

April 2021
It is advisable for all the members of the entrance The first reader returns to his/her seat after the reading
procession to actively join in singing of the opening and before the Psalm is intoned. The second reader
song. approaches the ambo after the Psalm and returns to
his/her seat before the Gospel Acclamation, after
19. When the Book of the Gospels is borne in allowing for a period of silence, as described above.
procession by a lector there are no other gesture made
by the lector such as a bow or a genuflection. The When only one lector proclaims both readings, he/she
lector goes immediately to the altar, without a bow, and is seated during the singing of the Psalm.
places the Book of the Gospels flat on the altar, leaving All movements in the liturgy are performed with
sufficient room for the priest celebrant to venerate the dignity and grace; they are never hurried.
altar. After the Book of the Gospels has been placed
flat on the altar, the lector bows profoundly to the altar 22. After the second reading and the accompanying
and then takes a place in the nave. pause, all stand for the singing of the Gospel
Acclamation. During that time, the deacon or priest
If not carrying anything, the lector simply walks with carries the Book of Gospels from the altar to the ambo
hands at his/her sides and makes a profound bow to the in procession. He may be accompanied by acolytes and
altar before going to his/her seat (General Instruction thurifer. The Gospel procession is an important ritual
of the Roman Missal #173, 195). action in the Liturgy of the Word.
All movements in the liturgy are performed with
dignity and grace; they are never hurried (GIRM 42). All remain standing for the Gospel. The posture of
standing highlights the fact that the Gospel reading
20. Since the lectors are a part of the worshipping enjoys a pre-eminent place among the scripture
community, it is most appropriate that they sit in the readings.
assembly in a location that gives them easy access to
the ambo, and come forward from there to proclaim the Incense may be used in the Liturgy of the Word. When
readings. incense is used, traditionally the Book of Gospels is
incensed at the ambo before the Gospel is proclaimed.
21. At the time of the Liturgy of the Word, after the
Amen to the Collect, the lector (or lectors and psalmist) 23. The Universal Prayer is introduced from the chair
process into the sanctuary, bow to the altar profoundly, by the presiding celebrant and announced by the
and move to the ambo. The lector approaches the ambo deacon, or in his absence by the lector or other
slowly and with reverence. In proceeding to the ambo minister. The intercessions may be announced at the
to proclaim the reading, the lector should not carry a ambo or from another suitable place such as a lectern
missalette or sheet of paper. The Lectionary should or cantor stand (Introduction to the Lectionary for
always be carefully prepared at the ambo before the Mass #31, 33, 53).
mass. The person announcing the intercessions remains in
place until the presiding celebrant has concluded the
The lector pauses before beginning the first reading prayer.
while the assembly is settling. The reading is
announced using only the introductory text given in the 24. At the conclusion of the Mass, the lector does not
Lectionary "A reading from...". The reading process with the Book of the Gospels. The Lectionary
designation “First Reading;” “Second Reading” is not is never carried in procession. The lector may join in
read, nor is the superscript written above the reading the procession at the end of Mass in the same order as
itself. After a brief pause, the reader proclaims the in the procession to the altar.
Word of God with a tone of voice and in a manner that
corresponds to the genre and literary form of the
Sacred Scripture. MINISTRY OF MUSIC

At the conclusion of the reading the lector pauses and 25. Integral to the celebration of the Word of God are
without making any hand or arm gestures nor lifting up the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Acclamation
the Lectionary then says, “The word of the Lord.” Then (Alleluia, except in Lent). Psalmody is designed to be
the lector remains in place for a period of silence sung and loses much of its beauty when it is recited.
before leaving the ambo (General Instruction of the The Responsorial Psalm is part of the Liturgy of the
Roman Missal #128, 130; Introduction to the Word and is sung or read from the ambo. The psalm
Lectionary for Mass #28). can be sung in a variety of ways – responsorially,
antiphonally or part sung/part recited. Lectors may
need to check with the musicians beforehand as to

April 2021
whether anything is expected of them (Introduction to two or three seconds after the former and before the
the Lectionary for Mass #20-22). latter phrase. Both are stated in a matter of fact tone
without special emphasis.
The Gospel Acclamation is an acclamation which is to
be sung. “the Alleluia or the verse before the gospel, if 31. Anything that might distract from the proclaimed
not sung, may be omitted” (Introduction to the Word or from the dignity of this ministry is to be
Lectionary for Mass #23; General Instruction of the avoided. Such distractions include: leaning on the
Roman Missal #63c). ambo, placing hands in pockets, shuffling from one
foot to the other, any excessive movement, wearing
26. The leadership of music ministry properly inappropriate or immodest clothing or wearing
belongs to the musicians. Lectors do not normally anything that draws attention to the lector.
function as cantors of the Responsorial Psalm and/or
the Gospel Acclamation. 32. The Lector or Gospel Reader does not lift the
Lectionary or the Book of Gospels while saying: “The
Word/Gospel of the Lord.”
27. In order to enable the assembly to ponder and 33. The lector dresses (wearing appropriate and
reflect on the Word proclaimed, a period of silence dignified clothing) in a manner that expresses the
follows each of the readings (Introduction to the dignity associated with the role of proclaiming the
Lectionary for Mass #28; General Instruction of the Word of God. Recreational and athletic clothing are
Roman Missal #128). considered inappropriate. The lector should never dress
or do anything to draw attention to her/himself at any
Also, there is a period of silence after the Psalm. time (GIRM 339).
The Liturgy of the Word must be celebrated in
a way that fosters meditation; clearly, any sort
of haste that hinders recollection must be 34. Lectors should be familiar with the following
avoided. The dialogue between God and his documents:
people taking place through the Holy Spirit Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on Sacred
demands short intervals of silence, suited to Liturgy 1963)
the assembled congregation, as an opportunity Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine
to take the word of God to heart and to prepare Revelation 1965)
a response to it in prayer. General Instructions of the Roman Missal (2011)
General Introduction to the Lectionary (1981)
Proper times for silence during the Liturgy of
the Word are, for example, before this Liturgy
Verbum Domini (Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation
begins, after the first and the second reading, 2010)
after the homily (Introduction to the Aperuit Illis (Apostolic Letter instituting the Sunday of
Lectionary for Mass #28). the Word of God 2019

Lectio Divina
SOME USEFUL HINTS Gospel Reflection
Meditation on the scriptures
28. Ministers of the Word are not to add their own
words to the texts. The words of announcement (“A Bible Classes
reading from…”) and conclusion (“The Word of the
Lord”) are intended to be read exactly as printed in the
lectionary. CONCLUSION

29. If the Responsorial Psalm is recited, the lector “When this word is proclaimed in the Church and put
begins the recitation with the antiphon in the into living practice, it enlightens the faithful through the
Lectionary. No instruction is necessary. Do not working of the Holy Spirit and draws them into the
announce the,“Responsorial Psalm”. entire mystery of the Lord as a reality to be lived”
(Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass #47).
30. The announcement of the reading (“A reading
from ….”) and the ending, (“The Word of the Lord”) “The Lord is standing at the door and knocking. If
need to be distinguished from the reading itself. anyone should hear his voice and open for him, he will
Lectors make this distinction by observing a pause of come in and eat with them” (Revelation 3:20). Christ

April 2021
Jesus is knocking at our door in the words of sacred
Scripture. If we hear his voice and open the doors of
our minds and hearts, then he will enter our lives and
remain ever with us.

April 2021

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