Criminal Appeal 32 of 2022
Criminal Appeal 32 of 2022
Criminal Appeal 32 of 2022
District: Kamrup
Present: DarakUllah
Sessions Judge,
Kamrup, Amingaon
Sri N. Baishay
Ld. Addl. P.P. for the Respondent No.1
1. The instant appeal has been filed u/s 12 of Assam Cattle Preservation
Act, 2021 R/W section 457/451 of the Cr.P.C. by the appellant
Hemanta Mahanta @ Himanata Mahanta challenging the order dated
17.12.2022 passed by Ld. Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kamrup,
Amingaon in connection with Chhaygaon P.S. Case No. 694/2022
whereby the Ld. Chief Judicial Magistrate rejected the prayer of
zimma of the seized cattle.
4. It is contended that the seized bulls are neither the stolen property
nor the same were carried unauthorizely, but the police has seized
the same on suspicion and illegally shifted the bulls to Gaushala. It is
contended that thereafter the appellant filed a petition in the Court
of Ld. Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kamrup, Amingaon stating the
aforesaid facts and circumstances, but the same was rejected by the
Ld. Court below vide impugned order dated 17.12.2022 in view of
section 11(5) of Assam Cattle Preservation Act, 2021.
(i) That the impugned order dated 17.12.2022 passed by the Ld.
Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kamrup, Amingaon in Chhaygaon
P.S. Case No. 694/2022 is not sustainable in law and facts.
(ii) That the Ld. Court below has misread and misconstrued the
provisions u/s 11(5) of Assam Cattle Preservation Act, 2021
while passed the impugned order.
(iii) That the Ld. Court below did not apply the judicious mind and
also did not consider the fact that the seized bulls were duly
purchased by the appellant and the same are not stolen
property. The Ld. Magistrate did not consider the fact that the
bulls were not transported unauthorizely as the same were
being transported within the district after duly purchased by
the appellant and on the way to his Pam house for grazing,
the police intercepted the vehicle on suspicion. To that effect
the appellant filed the copies of bull purchased receipts and
the I/O also submitted his report as called for, but the Ld.
Magistrate without considering the report of the I/O rejected
the petition of the appellant.
(iv) That there is no material in the case in hand for the
satisfaction of the Ld. Magistrate to presume that a prima
facie offence under Assam Cattle Preservation Act, 2021 has
been committed which prevented the Ld. Magistrate to
release the seized bull as per section 11(5) of the said act.
6. Heard arguments of both sides. Learned Counsel for the appellant
has submitted that the appellant is the owner of the seized bulls and
he is bonafide purchaser and has submitted receipts of purchase of
bulls and also showed the original of the receipts before this
appellate court. It is further submitted that Ld. Chief Judicial
Magistrate, Kamrup, Amingaon has not considered the prayer for
custody of the 03 nos. of bulls in view of provision of section 11(5) of
Assam Cattle Preservation Act, 2021. It is further submitted that as
from the purchase receipts it reveals that the appellant is the
bonafide purchaser and as such no prima facie offence is made out
under the Assam Cattle Preservation Act, 2021 and therefore, section
11(5) of the Assam Cattle Preservation Act, 2021 cannot be a bar for
giving custody of the cattle to its lawful owner. The Chhaygaon P.S.
Case No. 694/2022 was called for and the same is received. I have
gone through the available materials of the said record as well as the
Given under my hand and seal of this Court on this 6th day of
January, 2023.
Sessions Judge,
Kamrup, Amingaon