379B - Bail Order at Naresh-Bhopa
379B - Bail Order at Naresh-Bhopa
379B - Bail Order at Naresh-Bhopa
Presented on : 13-08-2021
Registered on : 13-08-2021
Decided on : 19-08-2021
Duration : 0 year, 0 month, 6 days
Additional Sessions Judge at Rewari
(Presided Over by Sunil Kumar-II)
UID No. HR-0233
Naresh son of Khajan Singh, aged- 24 years, resident of village- Dhakiya,
Police Station- Dharuhera, District- Rewari (Haryana).
State of Haryana
been filed by the applicant/accused namely Naresh with the averments that
he has been falsely implicated by the complainant with mala fide intention
(Sunil Kumar-II)
ASJ, RWR 19.08.2021
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and ulterior motive in collusion with the interested parties. The alleged
occurrence took place on 07.07.2021 but the complaint was given after a
alleged offences are not made out from the contents of the FIR. The
Dhaba for his livelihood and he has been implicated without any substance
against him. The complainant (a suspected thief) was initially found near the
to arrival of the police officials. The presence of the complainant at the spot
during the wee hours in itself is doubtful and the same points towards his
veracity. A few days ago, an incident of bike theft was reported near the
shops of the dhaba. The report under Section- 173 Cr.P.C. after completion
of the investigation has been submitted and even the charge has also been
framed against the applicant/accused. The case is fixed for evidence of the
prosecution on 06.10.2021. The trial in the case would take a long time to
conclude. Co-accused Rakesh has been granted bail vide the order dated
(Sunil Kumar-II)
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tamper with the prosecution evidence and he would abide by the conditions
learned Public Prosecutor has been filed. In the reply, the contents of the FIR
are reiterated and the same are not being reproduced herein for the sake of
brevity. It is further stated that after registration of the FIR under Sections
In the course of the investigation, the spot of occurrence was inspected and
the site plan was prepared. The complainant Sonu Kumar Sahani was
amount of ₹ 600/- was snatched by them from the complainant after beating
same through ATM from SBI Bank. The place of occurrence was got
(Sunil Kumar-II)
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as the reply filed to the same thoroughly and carefully. Arguments led by
son of Chhote Lal Sahani, resident of village- Paktta Mainpur, Ward No.2,
and going to JTEKT India Limited. It was around 12:00 in the night when
was proceeding towards his room. Meanwhile, two persons came from
behind and caught collar of the complainant. He was taken inside the
Punjabi Dhaba by said persons. In the Punjabi Dhaba, 2-3 boys were already
sitting. All the boys checked the pocket of the complainant and the Dhaba
owner Bhopa @ Naresh was also there. Said persons were addressing each
other as Amit, Dharmender, Rakesh etc. They snatched the mobile set of the
(Sunil Kumar-II)
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mobile no.9050800996 bar code Punjabi Dhaba. The boy named Amit took
out an amount of ₹ 600/- from the pocket of the complainant while beating
antecedents. The report under Section-173 of Cr.P.C. has been filed in the
Court after completion of the investigation and even the charges have been
framed. Co-accused Rakesh has since been released on bail by the Court.
applicant/accused escaping from the process of law. The trial in the case
shall take time and there is no such document collected in the course of the
released on bail.
application for bail under Section- 439 of Cr.P.C. is allowed and the
(Sunil Kumar-II)
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bond in the sum of ₹ 50,000/- with one surety of the like amount to the
(Sunil Kumar-II)
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HRRE01-004821-2021 BA-1077-2021
(Sunil Kumar-II)
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