Crop - Takaful - in - The - Maldives - Aishath Muneeza
Crop - Takaful - in - The - Maldives - Aishath Muneeza
Crop - Takaful - in - The - Maldives - Aishath Muneeza
Dr Aishath Muneeza is the and other regulatory requirements It is also stated that in the event
chairman of the Shariah to undertake business as insurers that the limit provided by Shariah
committee at Alia and insurance intermediaries in the compliant re-Takaful operators is
Investments. She can be Maldives. not sufficient to support the business
contacted at muneeza. strategy of the Takaful operator, the Unfortunately, the MMA does not have Takaful operator under the advice of its
any regulations to regulate Takaful and Shariah committee may be allowed to
does not acknowledge the existence enter into reinsurance contracts with a
Participants in crop Takaful would of Takaful operators in the Maldives conventional reinsurer, until such time
be compensated for any loss or except for the Regulation for Life that proper re-Takaful arrangements
damage suffered due to any of the Insurance Business and Family Takaful are available.
aforementioned calamities. Crops Insurance Business on Prevention of
covered in this Takaful product Money Laundering and Financing of However, in this regard, Takaful
include papayas, brinjals, butternuts, Terrorism and a circular issued on the operators shall only seek reinsurance
watermelons, pumpkins, cucumbers, 24th January 2018 on Takaful operators arrangements with conventional
melons and bananas. The sum covered ceding to conventional reinsurance. reinsurers provided that the
will be automatically calculated arrangement is made due to a matter of
based on the selected crop type and In the aforementioned circular, a necessity. Necessity is defined here to
harvesting land size. Takaful operator has been referred to include, among others, the following:
and in this context, a Takaful operator the need to protect the liabilities of the
Apart from crop Takaful, Takaful has been defined as a licensed insurer Takaful operator and does not include
products offered by Ayady Takaful who is authorized by the MMA only the desire to increase market share
include comprehensive motor Takaful, to carry out a Takaful business and or profit; the Takaful operator shall
third-party motor Takaful, expatriate a licensed insurer authorized by the maintain documentary evidence that,
plus Takaful, health Takaful, travel MMA to carry out a conventional despite reasonable efforts, the Takaful
Takaful, hull Takaful and Hajj and insurance business which is also operator could not obtain re-Takaful
Umrah Takaful. Ayady Takaful also permitted to operate as a Takaful arrangements for that risk; the Takaful
offers both General and Family Takaful window. operator shall retain a reasonable
products. percentage of the underlying risk; the
It is further stated in this circular that assets covered in the portion of the
Currently, there are five insurance Takaful operators are required to follow risk retained by the Takaful operator
companies registered with the the principles of Shariah in conducting and the terms of the arrangement are
Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) their business, including when entering Shariah compliant; any commission
in the Maldives and among them the into reinsurance arrangements and or other income received by a Takaful
only fully-fledged Takaful company that in this regard, Takaful operators operator for ceding a Takaful policy to
is Amana Takaful Maldives; Allied shall have arrangements, consistent a conventional reinsurer shall not be
Insurance Company of the Maldives with sound Takaful principles, for re- recorded as income in the shareholders'
is the only company with an Islamic Takaful of liabilities in respect of risks fund of that Takaful operator — such
window to offer Takaful under its undertaken or to be undertaken by funds, if received, shall be transferred
brand name, Ayady Takaful. the Takaful operator in the course of it to the participants' fund.
carrying out the Takaful business.
It is stated on the official website of However, from such incomes received,
the MMA that currently there are 10 Similarly, a Takaful operator shall not a Takaful operator may recover from its
insurance brokers and 57 insurance have a coinsurance arrangement with shareholders' fund an amount up to the
agents registered and the insurance a conventional insurer for the risks actual administrative costs incurred in
industry in the Maldives is regulated accepted by it in relation to Takaful acquiring that conventional reinsurance
by the MMA under the authority contracts. A window Takaful operator policy; and the arrangement is
provided in the MMA Act (1981). shall not participate in accepting risks reviewed annually by the Shariah
The Insurance Industry Regulation under a re-Takaful or coinsurance committee of the Takaful operator to
(2004) and insurance guidelines set arrangement where the direct policy ensure all considerations taken earlier
out specific criteria for authorization has been issued under conventional are still relevant.
insurance, or vice versa.