Case Study-02
Case Study-02
Case Study-02
Name: Madhura B
Employee ID: 11718307
Candidate ID: CANDIDATE-3-1538817
1) What is DevOps. Explain the different Phases of DevOps and Mention and Explain
the tools for each phase.
Ans: DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that
increases an organization's ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity:
evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software
development and infrastructure management processes.
The DevOps lifecycle comprises of the 5 Cs and these are as follows:
Continuous Development: The first phase of the DevOps lifecycle, Continuous
Development involves the phase in which all the planning and coding is done for the
software application. This is the phase where the team members sit down and
visualize the outcome or, in other words, how the software application will turn out to
be. Once the vision is in place, the developers start writing and maintaining the code.
Continuous Integration: After the phase of Continuous Development comes
Continuous Integration, and the first phase automatically translates into the second
one. This phase involves different steps which include planning of test execution to be
carried out in the testing phase, as well as understanding the project requirements
provided by the client to incorporate the necessary features in the software product.
The stage also involves changes made into the source code frequently, and often on a
daily or weekly basis. Many refer to the Continuous Integration stage as the heart of
the overall DevOps lifecycle, as this is the phase in which problems in the code can be
detected early on.
Continuous Testing: The Continuous Testing phase involves the phase in which the
developed code is continuously tested to look for bugs, defects and flaws. This is also
the phase where the usability of the software is tested using the set of best
practices for QA, and it is determined whether the software meets the specifications
defined by the client. Continuous testing is carried out using automation testing tools,
which can be open source tools like Selenium or advanced test management tools like
QARA Enterprise and TestNG. These tools allow the QA team to execute multiple
tests in parallel in order to increase test coverage and increase the efficiency of the
testing process. The outcome from the testing is shared with the developers to make
changes in the product.
Continuous Deployment: The fourth phase in the DevOps lifecycle is that of
Continuous Deployment and it involves deploying the code such that it doesn't affect
the performance of the product or website. During this stage, it is important to ensure
the code is deployed accurately on all the servers. It is all about ensuring the product
is deployed with utmost accuracy, with no scope for errors.
Continuous Monitoring: The fifth phase in the DevOps lifecycle is the Monitoring
phase which involves recording and processing of key information about the
application to deduce the areas where more efforts are required, as well as the general
patterns. This one is an operational phase and the objective is to enhance the software
application's operational efficiency, and also continuously monitor the performance of
the application. Hence, this one is a crucial phase.
2. Explain (1) Waterfall Model (2) Agile Model and list the advantages and
Ans: (1) Waterfall Model:
The Waterfall Model was the first Process Model to be introduced. It is also referred to as
a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall
model, each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no
overlapping in the phases.
The Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that was used for software development.
The waterfall Model illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow.
This means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is
complete. In this waterfall model, the phases do not overlap.
Waterfall model design:
Waterfall approach was first SDLC Model to be used widely in Software Engineering to
ensure success of the project. In "The Waterfall" approach, the whole process of software
development is divided into separate phases. In this Waterfall model, typically, the outcome
of one phase acts as the input for the next phase sequentially.
The following illustration is a representation of the different phases of the Waterfall Model.
Every software developed is different and requires a suitable SDLC approach to be followed
based on the internal and external factors. Some situations where the use of Waterfall model
is most appropriate are –
After selection that option we need to give the job name as per we are execution which type
of job execution. After providing the name we need to describe the thing that what we are
going to execute in this particular job.
After this steps while scrolling down we will be getting the option called build. In that build
option we need to select ‘Execute windows batch command’ option in order to comment of
that particular job execution code.
After entering the code of execution of that particular job we need to select save option.
After selecting save we will be getting another tab while containing some of the sources
which has been showed in the below snap. In that many options we need to select build now
option. After selecting the build now option we will be getting build job that will be appear in
the below of that as we can see in the below mentioned snap.
After getting the build job we need to select that in order to get the output of that
corresponding job.
After selecting that obtained build option we will be again getting some of the options over in
the tab. In that options we need to select console output option in order to get the output. As it
is showed below.
Similarly we want to display the installed drivers we need to change the code as it is shown
clearly in the below mentioned snaps.
The above mentioned query comment is the code for to display the installed drivers in our
local system.
After selecting save we will be getting another tab while containing some of the sources
which has been showed in the below snap. In that many options we need to select build now
option. After selecting the build now option we will be getting build job that will be appear in
the below of that as we can see in the below mentioned snap.
After getting the build job we need to select that in order to get the output of that
corresponding job.
(2) Network Information:
Ans: Same After selection that option we need to give the job name as per we are execution
which type of job execution. After providing the name we need to describe the thing that
what we are going to execute in this particular job. While scrolling down we will be getting
the option called build. In that build option we need to select ‘Execute windows batch
command’ option in order to comment of that particular job execution code.
After entering the code of execution of that particular job we need to select save option.
After selecting save we will be getting another tab while containing some of the sources
which has been showed in the below snap. In that many options we need to select build now
option. After selecting the build now option we will be getting build job that will be appear in
the below of that as we can see in the below mentioned snap.
After getting the build job we need to select that in order to get the output of that
corresponding job.
After selecting that obtained build option we will be again getting some of the options over in
the tab. In that options we need to select console output option in order to get the output. As it
is showed below.
After giving the name we need to select the path i.e., free style project and then click on OK.
Now we will be appeared on the new tab as shown below.
Here we need to write the description.
On scrolling down we got an option called Build. In build we need to select Execute window
batch control as shown as in the snap below.
After selecting that we got the command window.
In the command window we need to write the command whichever we want the output.
Here I had used the below mentioned command in order to get the output of current date and
Now for the same example we can also build the project periodically by selecting this option
as shown below and entering the comment over there.
After selecting if we build the project we can get the build ones on every after one minute. In
the below snap it is shown clearly.
4. Explain the steps for Create Repositories in GitHub and Create Repositories name as
(i) ABC_Documents (ii) ABC_EmployeeData (iii) ABC_Coding.
(i) Creating ABC_Documents repository:
To create repositories in GitHub we need to select new option which is as shown in the below
After selecting new option we will be getting create new repository tab containing owner
name as well as the repository name tab.
In repository name tab we need to enter the repository name which will be available too.
And need to select public or private as for our convenience.
Now after scrolling below we get initialize the repository with option. So we need to select
the option which we had showed in the below snap and then click on create new repository.
After creating the repository we will be getting our newly created repository in the
After all the enters are done we need to scroll down and need to select commit new file
option in order to create a file.
Creating a scripting file:
After all the creations are done we could have notice that all files which we had created are
appeared in our main dashboard.
In the below snap that is clearly shown as follows.
As we can see in the above snap i.e., those are the files which we had create just now.
(2) Uploading a new files:
For uploading a new file first we need to go in our dashboard. In that we got the option called
add file in that we need to select upload a file in order create any new file. It is as shown in
the below snap.
And we need to select upload from device option in order to select which ever the files has to
be uploaded in our local desktop.
After selecting the above option, we will be getting our local disk contains which ever files
are there it will be appear. So, in that we have the option to upload any of the files which ever
we want.
Uploading the csv file:
After uploading we need to select commit changes option in order to upload a file
After searching the related files we will be getting that repository results as we can see in the
below snap.
So after getting the repository results whichever files we need to fork that repository to our
local repository account we need to select that particular item and need to enter to that file.
After entering in to that particular file we will be able to see the option called fork option in
order to fork that file into our local repository.
After selecting the fork option we can be easily adopt that particular file in to our local
repository. That we will be easily notice in the below snaps.
See we can able to see that fork repository of VMware file in our local account of repository
7. Explain steps for cloning in GitBash. Clone the VMware related files from your
GitHub to GitBash. Attach the screenshot.
Ans: In order to clone the VMware related file that we have in the GitHub to GitBash First
we need to copy the path which is from GitHub as shown below.
In the VMware related file after entering into that file first we need to copy the path while
selecting the code option in that file.
After copying the path from the GitHub we need to paste that it in GitBash using the below
comment of code.
After executing that we can be able to see that the VMware files has been cloned to our local
folder from GitHub to Gitbash.
See in the below snap we can clearly able to see that the files and folders whichever are
presented in the VMware folder in GitHub is same has been cloned to GitBash folder also.
8. Explain (i)What is VM ware (ii) Hypervisor (iii) Types of Hypervisor.
(i) VMware: It is a virtualization and cloud computing software vendor based in Palo
Alto, California. Founded in 1998, VMware is now a subsidiary of Dell
Technologies. VMware bases its virtualization technologies on its bare-metal
hypervisor ESX/ESXi in x86 architecture. Bare-metal embedded hypervisors can
run directly on a server’s hardware without the need of a primary operating system.
With VMware server virtualization, a hypervisor is installed on the physical server
to allow for multiple virtual machines (VMs) to run on the same physical server.
Each VM can run its own operating system, allowing multiple OSes to run on one
physical server. All of the VMs on the same physical server share resources, such as
networking and RAM.
VMware products include virtualization, networking and security management
tools, software-defined datacentre software, and storage software. VMware
vSphere is a server virtualization platform for implementing and managing VM
infrastructures on a large scale. VMware vSphere, also referred to as a cloud
operating system or a virtualized data centre platform, enables IT departments to
place application workloads on the most cost-effective compute resource
VMware offers applications for desktops as well as servers. VMware’s desktop
software is compatible with Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Desktop
products include VMware Workstation, VMware Fusion and VMware Player.
After selecting that option we need to select the option in the below appeared tab like installer
disc image file and need to browse the file.
After selecting the browse option we need to upload a tiny core file which we had
downloaded at the beginning of the installation of the VMware workstation. This has been
clearly showed and mentioned in the below snap.
After selecting next in the above we need to select guest operating system as Linux and
version as ubuntu 64-bit in the below step as shown. After selection click on next.
(i) ABC_VM:
Creating virtual machine name as ABC_VM:
(ii) ABC_DataVM:
(iii) ABC_NetworkVM:
After all the creation of new files in that VMware workstation we can see that all created files
in our dashboard.
Here it is clearly created.