COA CIRCULAR NO. 2021 014 December 22 2021
COA CIRCULAR NO. 2021 014 December 22 2021
COA CIRCULAR NO. 2021 014 December 22 2021
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines
CIRCULAR No . M l-o u t
Date: SECT g % 2STT
On June 14,2000, Republic Act (RA) No. 8792, the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000,
was enacted pursuant to state policy that recognizes the vital role of information and
communications technology (ICT) in nation-building and the need to marshal, organize
and deploy national information infrastructures, comprising in both communications
network and strategic information services, including their interconnection to the global
information networks, with the necessary and appropriate legal, financial, diplomatic
and technical framework, systems and facilities.1
Pursuant to this Act, the Department of Finance (DOF) and the Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI) issued Joint Department Administrative Order (JDAO) No. 02
s.2006 and JDAO No. 10-01 s.2010 to prescribe policies and guidelines in the adoption
of Electronic Payment and Collection System (EPCS) in government transactions and
bring about more efficient and effective payment and collection services for the
transacting clients and government offices.
With the advancement of technology, various payment and collection schemes are now
available, such as: electronic fund transfers (EFT), online or mobile banking, credit or
debit cards, electronic wallets (e-Wallets), and prepaid or stored value cards. In line
with the e-Commerce Act and providing public convenience and ease of doing business,
These technologies have changed the methods and dynamics of the standard and usual
way of doing business in government. They increase efficiency in government
operations without or less personal interactions with collecting and disbursing officers
and other public officials involved in processing government transactions and provide
comfort and convenience to the transacting public and other stakeholders.
COA issues these guidelines to provide clear audit policies and guidance on the use of
e-Collections and e-Payments for government transactions, thereby removing the
common pitfalls in adopting e-Govemance in public service. The issuance is consistent
with the mission and mandate of this Commission to promote transparency, help
improve government operations, and be an enabling partner of government.
For purposes of this Circular, the following terms shall be understood as follows:
Direct Electronic Payment (DEP) refers to an e-Payment scheme where the payments
are made by the government entity itself, using the intermediary’s technology or
infrastructure. This includes the use of ADA.
Electronic Money Issuers (EMIs) refers to (a) banks; (b) non-bank financial
institutions supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP); and (c) non-bank
institutions registered with the BSP as a monetary transfer agent under Sec. 451 IN of
the Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank Financial Institutions.
Front-end System refers to the primary interface between the system’s customers,
which may be citizens’ transactions on their own behalf, or the interface to other
systems that connect to the EPCS. This may be a mobile application or web-based
online system.
Public office is a public trust.4 Public officials and employees must, at all times, be
accountable to the people. Such accountability over public funds cannot be transferred
to a private entity whatsoever. In utilizing machineries of private entities to perform all
or portion of their functions, public officials cannot validly deny liability over
unaccounted funds.
Engaging technology partners to improve public service delivery does not remove the
accountability over public funds entrusted to public officials from the audit jurisdiction
of this Commission. All revenues and receipts of the government should be accounted
for, and all expenditures or uses of funds should be authorized only within the
permission of the law. The same accountability principles apply when government
transactions shift into the digital realm with the use of ICT. Collection and payment
schemes that prevent transparency and accountability over public funds, as well as
arrangements disadvantageous to the government, shall be discontinued.
5.1.1 Government entities that employ the services of intermediaries for the
performance of their collection or disbursement function shall execute a
contract with the latter. After signing the contract, the government entity
shall furnish the Audit Team concerned with a copy of the completed
contract within five (5) working days from approval thereto, pursuant to
COA Circular No. 2009-001 dated February 12, 2009. The scope of the
collection or disbursement function between the government entity and
5.1.4 Government entities shall submit to their respective COA Audit Teams,
within 60 days from the effectivity of this Circular and every March 31
thereafter, a Management Representation letter, Annex A hereof, to attest
their compliance with the immediately preceding requirement. The non
submission of the Management Representation letter shall be considered
as a high-risk indicator for the purpose of conducting information
systems (IS) audit.
5.1.5 The COA, through the IT Audit Office (ITAO), Systems and Technical
Services Sector may, motu proprio or upon request of Audit Team
concerned, conduct IS audit if risk assessment suggests that the conduct
of such IS audit is warranted.
5 An Act Authorizing the Financing, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Infrastructure Projects by the
Private Sector, and for the Other Purposes
6 An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act No. 6957, Entitled “An Act Authorizing the Financing,
Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Infrastructure Projects by the Private Sector, and for the Other
Failure to provide for the Auditability Clause in the contract does not
preclude COA from conducting the audit.
5.1.7 The COA Audit Teams shall review compliance of government entities
using e-Collection or e-Payment System with the provisions of the DTI-
DOF JDAO No. 02 s.2006 on the “Guidelines Implementing R.A. No.
87927 on Electronic Payment and Collection System (EPCS) in
Government” or any subsequent JDAO of DTI and DOF on the subject
of EPCS. For the purpose of this Circular, the provisions of the said
JDAOs shall have an analogous application to all government entities
covered herein. The Audit Teams concerned may seek assistance from
ITAO in conducting the technical aspect of the compliance audit.
5.1.8 For the purpose of this Circuar, government entities shall designate a
focal person for their implementation of e-Collection and/or e-Payment
d. The intermediaries shall remit or deposit intact the full amount of
collections due to the government to the appropriate account in the
AGDB within the next banking day from the collection date or
within the time period as may be prescribed by DOF. They shall
submit to the government entity a Certification of Deposit, Annex C
hereof, and proof (e.g., EFT receipt, validated deposit slip, bank
confirmation) that the total amount collected from the previous day
is actually deposited to the appropriate AGDB account.
entity shall send a notice to the Government Procurement Policy
Board (GPPB) for blacklisting of the intermediary. Any deficiency
between the amount lost and the amount claimed shall be for the
account of the negligent government officials. The deficiency shall
be recorded as receivable pending the receipt of proceeds from the
5.2.3 The following guidelines shall apply to collections under the Self-
Collect and Credit (SCC) scheme:
a. The government entity, using its own front-end system for online
collection, shall immediately issue eOR to acknowledge every
transaction consistent with COA Circular No. 2013-007 dated
September 18,2013, DTI-DOF JDAO No. 02 s.2006, and DTI-DOF
JDAONo. 10-01, s. 2010.
c. For all collections wherein the funds are not yet in the appropriate
AGDB account, the agency shall prepare the Report of e-Collections
and Deposits (Annex F). The details of deposit in this report shall be
filled in once the money is deposited or transferred to the
appropriate AGDB account. The Cash/Treasury Unit shall monitor
such deposits or fund transfers. The deposit slip or transaction
confirmation receipt shall be attached to the report.
5.2.4 The government entity shall establish a system to update its own
transaction records or ledger cards, if any (e.g., billing records, member
contribution, assessment, taxes, etc.).
5.2.5 Reconciliation of e-Collection and remittance or deposit shall be
conducted daily, and any discrepancies shall be resolved. Proof of this
activity (e.g., Activity Log or Bank Reconciliation Statement) shall be
submitted to the Audit Team concerned.
5.3.1 For public sector accounting and auditing purposes, in addition to cash
and traditional check payments, the use of electronic modes of payment
shall be generally allowed. The modes of the disbursements can be
executed under the Direct Electronic Payment (DEP) or Transfer-
Distribute-Liquidate (TDL) scheme.
5.3.4 The government entity should ensure that taxes are withheld from their
suppliers or contractors, and other authorized deductions are deducted
from, and reflected in the DV or Payroll.
5.3.5 The following guidelines shall apply to payments under the DEP
iii. For unsuccessful fund transfers, an electronic list containing the
name, amount, and date of attempt shall be submitted to the
government entity.
ii. The head of the government entity may designate the authorized
Cash/Treasury personnel to be the credit card user, after the
approval mentioned in the preceding section. The head of the
government entity may designate primary or alternate users
(officials), as may be necessary, provided they are bonded
iii. Use of this credit card shall only be resorted to if no other modes
of payment are more expeditious and inexpensive. In such
cases, a certification from the head of agency or representative
shall be executed attesting to the circumstance.
iv. Every transaction to be paid using credit card shall follow the
existing rules on Accounts Payable. The approval confirmation
or the transaction receipt, and the certification mentioned in the
preceding section shall be a mandatory supporting document
for the transactions.
vi. The primary user shall ensure that the billed amount shall be
paid in full and on time to avoid the incurrence of interest and
surcharges. Any interest or surcharges incurred due to
negligence or oversight shall be for the personal account of the
negligent designated Cash/Treasury personnel.
vii. The credit card shall be used only for official transactions of the
government entity and not for any personal transactions.
viii. Credit card users shall ensure that the card balance will not
exceed the authorized credit card limit. Incurrence of delay in
the payment or nonpayment of official transactions by reason
of exceeding the credit limit shall constitute negligence or
oversight on the part of the designated Cash/Treasury
This Circular is issued to facilitate online transactions in government. Cases not covered
in this Circular may be referred to this Commission, through the Systems and Technical
Services Sector, for resolution.
Government entities with an existing contract with intermediaries prior to the effectivity
of this Circular are given one year therefrom to make amendments, remedies, and other
activities to comply with this Circular.
All COA issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked, amended, or modified
In the event that any of the provisions of this Circular is declared invalid or
unconstitutional, all the provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid and
This Circular shall take effect 15 days after its publication in a newspaper of general
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