Exam 1
Exam 1
Exam 1
Faculty of Technology
Postgraduate Program in
Model Examination
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
The purpose of this part of the examination is to check your knowledge about the
general concepts that have been discussed or covered during the semester.
Please, choose & attempt only three questions from the following five exam.
What possible adverse contractual effects you might observe due to the absence of
the Engineer in project supervision & contract administration?
The objective of this part of the exam. Question is to check the student understands
about the importance of the role of the Engineer in the construction phase of a
construction project.
You are expected to distinguish & discuss, at least, five negative effects.
You may discuss your exam. Question by giving project context like road or water
project under the MDB FIDIC Version-2006 & PPA Conditions of Contract.
Please, discuss the exam. Question in not less than two pages.
What would be your next measure or decision, if your valid claims have been
rejected both by the Engineer & the Employer?
The objective of this part of the exam. Question is to check the understanding of the
student with respect to the requirements of construction claims for the successful
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
submission & succeeding in same & the possible & applicable dispute resolution
You may give context to your discussion based on the MDB FIDIC Version-2006 &
PPA Conditions of Contract, 2006.
The objective of this part of the examination is to compare & contrast the substance
of the relevant clauses of the conditions of contract & the relevant provisions
(articles) of the applicable law.
Please, discuss, first, the concept of decennial liability from the available literature
and then compare & contrast i.e. discuss their similarity & differences, if any, of the
following two articles from the Civil Code of Ethiopia.
a) The contractor shall guarantee during ten years from its delivery the proper
execution & the solidity of the work done by him.
b) He shall be liable during this period for such loss or deterioration of the work
as is due to a defect in its execution or to the nature of the soil on which the
work has been done.
c) Any provision shortening the period laid down in sub-article (1) or excluding
the warranty due by the contractor shall be of no effect.
Further Instructions
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
49.1. The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the Employer at the rate per day
stated in the Special Conditions of Contract for each day that the Completion Date is later
than the Intended Completion Date. The total amount of liquidated damages shall not
exceed the amount defined in the Special Conditions of Contract. The Employer may
deduct liquidated damages from payments due to the Contractor. Payment of liquidated
damages shall not affect the Contractor’s liabilities.
49.2 If the Intended Completion Date is extended after liquidated damages have
been paid, the Engineer shall correct any overpayment of liquidated damages by the
Contractor by adjusting the next payment certificate. The Contractor shall be paid
interest on the overpayment, calculated from the date of payment to the date of
repayment, at the rates specified in Sub-Clause 43.1.
If the Contractor fails to comply with Sub-Clause 8.2 (Time for Completion), the
Contractor shall subject to notice under Sub-Clause 2.5 (Employer’s Claims) pay
delay damages to the employer for this default. These delay damages shall be the
sum stated in the Contract Data, which shall be paid for every day which shall
elapse between the relevant Time for Completion and the date stated in the Taking-
Over Certificate. However, the total amount due under this Sub-Clause shall not
exceed the maximum amount of delay damages (if any) stated in the Contract Data.
These delay damages shall be the only damages due from the Contractor for such
default, other than in the event of termination under Sub-Clause 15.2 (Termination
by the Employer ) prior to completion of the Works. These damages shall not release
the Contractor from his obligations to complete the Works, or from any other
duties, obligations or responsibilities which he may have under the Contract.
a) Please, define & discuss, first, the concept of delay/liquidated damages from
the available literature;
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
b) Please, distinguish all the possible similarity & differences between the two
clauses under the said conditions of contract;
c) You may present the comparison in table format;
d) Is the concept of liquidated damages included in the Civil Code of Ethiopia?
If yes, under which article. Please, discuss
Please, carefully read the following facts of the Project Case, before you proceed to
attempt the examination question under the specific scenario.
The objective of this part of the examination being to check the understanding of the
students whether or not you are able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired
from the course in terms of the applicable conditions of contract & the applicable
law, if any, to the actual construction case.
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
2. Instruction
Please, attempt both scenarios. The following two scenarios have been
based on the same Facts plus additional facts, as provided herein
below, of the above Project Case. i.e. either:
The Capacity Scenario under No. 3; or
The Collapse Scenario under No.4;
You are expected to discuss in detail every question & to give reasons
for your analysis or arguments or decision or award, as the case may
be, either from the applicable contract clause and/or the articles of the
applicable law;
Do not assume or add extra facts except to attempt the examination
question on given facts.
Which group to attempt which scenario shall be determined in
advance by the Instructor.
Do not repeat the question except referring the letter to identify it.
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
Contractor’s Arguments
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
Exam. Questions
d) May the Employer request the whole of its claims only from
the lead construction company or should the Employer,
necessarily, negotiate with all members of the joint venture?
Notes: You may support your advice and/or argument on the relevant
Clauses of the MDB FIDIC Version 2006 & any other relevant &
valuable reference material.
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
On the eve of the Inauguration Day of the Project, the main dam for
the generation of the hydropower has, totally, been collapsed.
Due to this, the other parts of the Project, namely, the Water Supply
& the Irrigation Scheme have become totally worthless due to lack of
the critical input i.e. water.
The Employer immediately has taken the following measures.
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
Exam. Questions
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer
Addis Ababa University, Construction Technology & Management Postgraduate
Program Model Exam. On Construction Law & Contract
Instructor: Zewdu Tefera Worke, Engineering Contracts Lawyer