Model Exam AAU
Model Exam AAU
Model Exam AAU
Postgraduate Program in
The objective of this part of the examination is to check your knowledge about the
general concepts that have been discussed or covered during the semester.
3) Payment (5%)
4) Sub-contracting (5%)
payment due to the Contractor. The Contractor has argued that for
the bankruptcy of the Sub-contractor the Main Contractor is not
responsible. Why the Contractor is or is not responsible for the delay
caused by the selected Sub-contractor? (2.5%)
b) Would your opinion be different if the Sub-contractor were a
nominated one? If yes, why & if not, why not? (2.5%)
The objective of this part of the examination is to compare & contrast the substance
of the relevant clauses of the following conditions of contract.
a) Please, compare & contrast the substantive similarities & differences of the
two clauses of the named conditions of contract;
b) You may present the comparison in table;
c) You have to be exhaustive in identifying the substantive points;
Please, carefully read the following facts of the Project Case, before you proceed to
attempt the examination question under this part.
The objective of this part of the examination being to check your understanding
whether or not you are be able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired from
the course in terms of the applicable conditions of contract & the applicable law, if
any, to the actual construction case.
a) Please, choose & attempt only one case study i.e. either the road or the water
project; ;
b) Each of your answer must not exceed a full page;
c) You may apply either the PPA or the MDB Conditions of Contract, as
The Bridges
a dispute has arisen between the contractor & the employer as to taking
responsibility for the cost of reconstruction of the bridges including the
required additional time;
the employer has argued that the collapse of the bridges being due to poor
the employer thus requested the reconstruction of the two collapsed bridges
at full cost of the contractor(i.e. ETB 50 Million);
the employer has also requested the payment of liquidated damages up to
10% of the contract price;
the contractor has also argued that the collapse of the two bridges is not
neither due to poor workmanship nor material but due to poor design;
the contractor thus rejected the claims of the employer i.e. both covering the
full cost of reconstruction & the liability for the payment of the liquidated
Contract Time
You are a well known Construction Management Specialist. Both the employer &
the contractor pay a visit to your office to solicit your professional advice to resolve
their disputes.
Examination Question
a) What are the disputes, if any, between the employer & the
contractor? Explain. (5%)
b) What type of evidence you need to establish whether or not the
collapse of the two bridges were caused either by design or otherwise?
Why? Discuss. (5%)
c) What would be your professional opinion whether or not the contract
time being calendar days or working days? Does it have any legal or
contractual effect if the contract time were either calendar days or
working days? Why? Discuss & support your position by doing some
calculations. (5%)
d) Assuming that the collapse of the two bridges were caused due to poor
design, is there any liability of the engineer towards the employer(i.e.
the Client) under their agreement? If yes, why? If not, why not?
Assume that their agreement was based on the PPA Consultancy
Services Agreement ICB 2006. (2.5%)
e) Assuming that the collapse of the two bridges were caused due to poor
workmanship, is there any liability of the engineer towards the
employer (i.e. the Client) under their agreement due to lack of
supervision? If yes, why? If not, why not? Assume that their
agreement was based on the PPA Consultancy Services Agreement
ICB 2006. (2.5%)
A construction contract has been signed between a certain employer & contractor
for the construction of dam & water treatment plant. The contract price being ETB
1 Billion out of which ETB 600 Million for the construction of the dam & ETB 400
Million for the construction of the said treatment plant. The plant is expected to
treat 300, 000cm water per day. The completion time shall be 400 days. If delay
occurs, the parties have agreed to calculate liquidated damages of ETB 200, 000.
00/d. The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be 10% of the contract
price. The dam & the plant have their own sectional completion dates. The dam has
been completed in due time.
The Plant
the plant has been completed 300 days after the agreed sectional completion
date for causes attributable to the contractor;
the plant capacity has, up on completion, been reduced to 200,000 cm/d;
the employer requested the payment of liquidated damages up to 10% of the
contract price;
the employer has also requested the reduction of the contract price due to
reduction of the treatment capacity of the plant;
the employer has also further requested some amount of money i.e. ETB 500
Million for the net loss of water sales (i.e. up to the design life of the dam &
the plant i.e. 50 years) due to reduction of the treatment capacity of the plant
based on the applicable law;
the contractor has argued that the assessment of the liquidated damages shall
confine to the contract price of the sectional work i.e. the plant but not to the
whole contract price, which includes the contract price of the dam as well;
the contractor has also argued that the method for the calculation of the
reduction of the contract price in case of reduction of the treatment capacity
of the plant has never been agreed;
the contractor has also further argued that loss of water sales has never been
agreed between the contractor & the employer; therefore the construction
company shall not be held liable for the situations not provided in the
You are a well-known Construction Management & Claims Specialist in the
country. Both the employer & the contractor came to your office to solicit
professional advice to resolve their disputes. You may apply the MDB Conditions of
Contract under the circumstances.
Examination Questions
a) What are the disputes, if any, between the employer & the contractor?
Explain. (5%)
b) What are the essential points that you should consider regarding the claims
of the employer pertaining to liquidated damages? (2.5%)
c) What is your professional opinion on & justifications for the validity of the
contractor’s argument in relation to the maximum extent of the liquidated
damages? (2.5%)
d) What are the essential points that you should consider regarding the claims
pertaining to reduction of the contract price? Please, refer to Clause 9.4
(Failure to Pass Tests on Completion) of the MDB Conditions of Contract.
e) What would be the extent of the reduction of the contract price in your
professional approach & method? Why? Please, refer to Clause 9.4 (Failure
to Pass Tests on Completion) of the MDB Conditions of Contract.
f) Is the contractor correct in denying any liability pertaining to loss of water
sales? If yes, why? If not, why not? (5%)