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l-T-E Molded Case MD & ND-Frame

Information and
Circuit Breakers Instruction Guide

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E® MD and ND-Frame Circuit Breakers
2 and 3-Pole, 500-1200 Amperes
Types MD6, MXD6, ND6, NXD6, HMD6, HMXD6, HND6,

Table of Contents

Important Notices 2 Accessories (ContM):

General Information 3, 4 Max -Flex Flange-Mount Handle Operator 30-34

Dimensional Reference Drawings 5 TELEMAND ' Electric Motor Operator

36- 37

Pressure Wire Connectors 6, 7 Connecting Straps 38

Compression Connectors 8, 9 Enclosures 39

Trip Unit Assembly 10, 11 Door Latch Mechanism 40, 41

Handle Blocking Device 12 Operating Characteristics:

Padlocking Device 13 Time Current Curves 42, 43

Plug-In Adapters 14-17 Let-Thru Curves 44, 45

Connecting Studs 18-20 Ordering Information:

Mechanical Interlock 21-24 Circuit Breaker Catalog Numbers 46- 49

Accessories: Internal Accessory Catalog Numbers 50

Shunt Trip, Undervoltage Trip, Auxiliary Additional Accessories Catalog Numbers 51

Switch and Bell Alarm Switch Installation 25, 26
Shunt Trip, Undervoftage Trip, Auxiliary
Switch and Bell Alarm Switch Electrical UL Listings and File Numbers 52
and Mechanical Check 27
Industry Specifications 52
Rotary Handle Operator 28, 29

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible con-
tingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or
should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser ’s purposes, the matter should be
referred to the local Siemens sales office. The contents of this instruction manual shall not become part of or modify
any prior or existing agreement, commitment or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation of
Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any statements
continued herein do not create new warranties or modify the existing warranty.

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Information and Instructions nil®! i I*

General Information

MD and ND- Frame Sentron Series circuit breakers, as
shown on page 5, are for use in individual enclosures, switch-
boards, and power and distribution panel boards. They are
available as thermal magnetic, with interchangeable trip units
(types MD6, MXD6, ND6, NXD6-standard interruption level,
HMD6, HMXD6, HND6, HNXD6-high interruption level, and
CMD6, CND6 current limiting), instantaneous magnetic trip
only (motor circuit protectors - types MXD6-ETI and CMD6-ETI)
and molded case switches (types MXD6, NXD6, CMD6, CND6). *«

CMD6, CND6 type Sentron Series circuit breakers combine Circuit breakers are calibrated at the factory, under controlled
thermal magnetic construction for overload protection in con- temperature conditions for applications in a 40°C (104°F)
junction with the MD and ND-Frame’s standard “blow-apart ” ambient.
contacts. This arrangement provides for current limiting pro- The cover on the trip unit is sealed to prevent access to the
tection under high fault interrupting conditions as outlined in trip elements. Alterations of the calibration of these elements
the National Electrical Code ® , Article 240-11® and UL 489 ® should not be attempted. Removal of the seals will void the
standards. CMD6, CND6 type circuit breakers are fuseless UL listing for that specific trip unit. Catalog numbers for order-
and therefore eliminate the requirement of locating and replac - ing and informational purposes can be found on pages 44-46.
ing blown fuses should a high current fault occur. The common
trip feature of the circuit breaker is completely retained so that Instantaneous Trip
all poles of the circuit breaker open when caused to trip due ETI motor circuit interrupters ( adjustable instantaneous
to an overload or short circuit . magnetic trip only) are designed for use in welding circuits ,
Pressure wire connectors, suitable for use with aluminum or motor circuits and combination starters where short circuit
copper wire are available for all MD and ND-Frame circuit protection only is required. When used in combination
breakers. Rear connection studs or plug-in connector assem- starters, they serve in conjunction with motor protective relays
blies are also available (2 and 3 -pole) The latter mounting to offer complete protection. The relays guard against motor
arrangement permits the removal of the circuit breaker from overloads; the circuit breaker provides short circuit protection.
its leads without physically coming in contact with either the

* line or load terminals. UL listed special features such as a

shunt trip, auxiliary and alarm switches and undervoltage trip
devices are available for internal mounting. The installation
ETI is available for MD-Frame only, breaker types MXD6-ETI
and CMD6-ETI. The available instantaneous adjustments are
as follows.
and or removal of theses devices is to be accomplished by
qualified personnel only. Information concerning them can be Motor Full ETI Trip Settings Breaker
Load Amperes Ampere
found on pages 25-27. Adjustment Amperes Rating
Thermal Magnetic 231 - 264 Low 3000
MD6, MXD6, ND6, NXD6, HMD6, HMXD6, HND6, HNXD6, 264- 292 2 3430
CMD6, and CND6 type circuit breakers provide complete 292-330 3 3860
overload and short circuit protection by use of a time delay
330-362 4 4280 800
thermal trip element and an instantaneous magnetic trip 362-395 5 4710 Low
device. Nominal instantaneous trip values are externally 395- 428 6 5140
adjustable with 8 trip points as shown below.
428-462 7 5570
Ampere Nominal Instantaneous Values -
462 490 High 6000
Rating Low 2 3 4
308-352 Low 4000
500-600 3000 3430 3860 4280 352-442 2 4570
700 -800 4000 4570 5740 5710 442-447 3 5740
900-1200 5000 5715 6430 7145
447-483 4 5810 800
Nominal Instantaneous Values 483-527 5 6280 Stand.
Ampere 527-571 6
Rating 6850
5 6 7 High
571 -616 7 7420
500-600 4710 5140 5570 6000 616-660 High 8000
700-800 6280 6850 7420 8000
900-1200 7860 8575 9290 10 , 000 385-440 Low 5000
© National Electrical Code ( 240- 11 ) 440- 495 2 5715
“A current limiting overcurrent protective device, which, when interrupting 495-550 3 6430
currents in its current limiting range, will reduce the current flowing in the

I faulted circuit to a magnitude substantially less than that obtainable in the

same circuit, if the device were replaced with a solid conductor having
comparable impedance.”

© Underwriters Laboratories (UL 489, Par. 2.5)

“A circuit breaker that does not employ a fusible element and that when 715-800 7 9290
operating within its current limiting range, limits the let-through l2t to a value High 10000
less than the l2t of a V2 cycle wave of the symmetrical prospective current.”

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Information and Instructions
Operation and Maintenance
Molded Case Switch Circuit Breaker Operation
A molded case switch is available in the MXD6, CMD6, NXD6 With the mechanism latched and the contacts open, the oper-
and CND6 type circuit breakers. This device employs the ating handle will be in the OFF position. Moving the handle
same operating mechanism as the thermal magnetic and to the ON position closes the contacts and establishes a circuit
magnetic only units. A preset instantaneous function has been through the breaker. Under overload or short circuit conditions
factory installed to allow the switch to trip and protect itself sufficient to automatically trip or open the breaker, the oper-
against high fault conditions. No overload or low fault protec- ating handle moves to a position between ON and OFF To
tion is provided. This protection must be supplied by separate relatch the circuit breaker after automatic operation, move the
overcurrent devices. Catalog information is located on pages operating handle to the extreme OFF position. The circuit
44 and 46. breaker is now ready for reclosing.
The overcenter toggle mechanism is trip free of the operat-
Interrupting Ratings - Symmetrical RMS ing handle. The circuit breaker, therefore, cannot be held
Amperes (kA) Based on UL 489 Standards closed by means of the handle should a tripping condition
Interrupting ratings of the MD and ND-Frame circuit breakers exist. After automatic operation, the handle assumes an inter-
are based on circuit and test conditions outlined in UL 489. mediate position between ON and OFF, displaying a clear
indication of tripping.
RMS Symmetrical Amperes (kA)
Breaker ULA.I.R. lie Am ® Maintenance
Type Volts AC Volts DC Volt|AC (50-60Hz) Experience has shown that properly applied molded case cir-
240 480 600 250 500 (D 220/240 380/415 cuit breakers normally do not require maintenance. However,
MD6, MXD6, some industrial users may choose to establish an inspection
65 50 25 30 (2-P) 25 (3-P) 65 (3-P) 50 (3-P)
ND6, NDX6 and maintenance procedure to be carried out on a regular
HMD6, HMXD6, basis. For detailed information, consult applicable NEMA pub-
100 65 50 30 (2-P) 50 (3-P) 100 (3-P) 65 (3-P)
HND6, HNXD6 lications or your local Siemens sales office.
CMD6, CND6 (D 200 100 65 30 (2-P) 50 (3-P) 200 (3-P) 100 (3-P)
® Meets requirements of IEC 157-1 (P1). SPECIAL NOTE:
(D For 500V dc applications the customer ’s power supply and load must be
wired as shown (Figure 1). CMD6 and CND6 circuit breakers are not UL listed as
(3) CMD6 and CND6 type circuit breakers are current limiting at 240V ac 480V ac. —
interchangeable trips DO NOT REMOVE TRIP UNIT
and replace with another Removal of trip unit voids
UL listing.

Present UL Standard 489 allows the following toler-
1 ances for instantaneous adjustment response.
; Thermal-Magnetic Breakers
Instantaneous Adjustment
Low High
Outline : ± 25% ± 20%
instantaneous Only Breakers
H Each Adjustment



Wiring Diagram
Figure 1

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E MD and ND-Frame Outline Drawings©
it 2 and 3-Pole©
r r—
Terminal 1 i .19
Shield i
3.0 Ui 3.0 .44 Dia. Mounting Holes . 69
I I I .69 Dia. Counterbore, 4 Holes A
I See Section A Below
I 1 , I 1
— — §) ( m z .63 Thick , 1.47
/ -C. 3 Taper
i -
9.9 R
*- A

© © © | © © ©

_ 8° TRIPPED h 3.22

16° 30 OFF ’'
.31 sq.

* U
* 5.04 R
a .67 x .3 Wireway

T 4.40

. 34 1
r 5.64

A ( g) ( ) §
I t


Removable Adjustment 4.0 r
4 H 29 TyP

i i ( | |
—H •
i Terminal
J L- 2.5 |

Typ Typ ^
1.5 h«— 3.0 3.0
Wire Connector Shield B
Front View Typ Each End

Side View

Handle Operating Forces


- 2.13 Operation Lb. wo/Ext. Lb. w/Ext.

OFF to ON 75

5° Taper Typ
Ref I
1 © All drawing dimensions are shown in inches .
\ I
© Two and 3-pole breakers are the same physical size . Current
carrying parts are omitted from the center in 2-pole breakers.

o 0 Oo 2.10 3/B
-16 Unc

Q Q ° 0
2I *
|«1.28« j
— Trip Unit

l .54 Typ
4 r 1.94 .61
ft ©>
2 .(i
3.0 — 3.0
Ti $

2 m
End View
I 3
.58 Ref T

Detail A Detail B

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T- E Pressure Wire Connectors

E. Attach power cables to connectors and tighten set screws


(5) (Figure 1) to specifications per Table 1.
Hazardous Voltage. NOTE: Cables must extend straight for at least 4 inches from
Will cause severe injury
or death. face of connector to clear shield .

Turn off and lock out all F. Mount removable terminal shield (6) (Figure 2) to end of
power supplying this circuit breaker. Shield should be flush with end of circuit
device before installing breaker.
or servicing.
G. Re-assemble terminal shield.
NOTE: When terminal cover is properly installed, wire con-
nector shield should be held securely.
A SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: End barrier NDTS is supplied with kits 2TA4P8500,
2TA4N8500, 3TA4P8500, 3TA4N8500, 2TA3P8750,
3TA3P8750, 2TA2N8750, 3TA2N8750. Barrier can
General be purchased as a separate item for use with other
NOTE: This instruction outlines the recommended install- terminal connectors.
ation procedures for TA 4 N 8500 , TA 4 P 8500 ,
TA2N8750 and TA3N8750.
A. Move breaker handle to OFF position, or depress PUSH
TO TRIP button. Breaker must be in OFF or TRIPPED po-
sition before continuing.
B. Remove terminal shield (1) (Figure 2) (two #6-32 screws.)
C. Mount breaker securely. See circuit breaker instructions
for proper installation procedures.
D. Mount pressure wire connectors (2) to terminal pads (3)
with mounting screws (4 ) (Figure 1) . Recommended tor-
que is 228 in. lb.
NOTE: Steps C and D may be completed in any convenient

Figure 2

Figure 1


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Pressure Wire Connectors

Table 1 - Connector Selection Chart

Connector ® Circuit Breaker Connector Set Screw For Use With
Catalog Numbers Ampere Rating Wire Range Torque Type(s)


500-600 -
(1-2) #1 AWG 500
375 in. lb.
kcmil (Cu/AI) SHMD6, CMD6,


(1-3) #1 AWG-500
700-800 375 in. lb. SHMD6, CMD6,
kcmil (Cu/AI)


800-1200 -
(4) 250 500 kcmil
375 in. lb.
(Cu/AI) SHND6, CND6,
TA4P8500 ®


(4) 250-500 kcmil HND6, HNXD6,
800-1200 375 in. lb.
(Cu/AI) SHND6, CND6,


(1-2) #1 AWG-500 HMD6, HMXD6,
500 600
- 375 in. lb.
kcmil (Cu) SHMD6, CMD6,


(1-3) #1 AWG-350 HMD6, HMXD6,
700-800 375 in. lb.
kcmil (Cu) SHMD6, CMD6,


(2) 600-750 kcmil HMD6, HMXD6,
700-800 375 in. lb.
(Cu/AI) SHMD6, CMD6,

(3) 250-400 kcmil ND6, NXD6, SND6

(Cu/AI) HND6, HNXD6,
700-1200 375 in. lb.
(3) 500-700 kcmil SHND6, CND6,
Ik TA3N8750

(D Connectors supplied in kits only.

D All connector bodies will fit on all MD and ND-Frame circuit breakers regardless of trip unit ampere rating.

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Compression Connectors (CCM800, CCN1200)

F. Remove cap from compression connector and insert


cable fully into barrel (1) (Figure 1) of connector.
Hazardous Voltage. G. Insure that connector tang(s) (2) (Figure 1) are in their
Will cause severe injury proper orientation prior to crimping. This helps avoid twist -
or death.
ing of cables during installation.
Turn off and lock out all
power supplying this
device before installing
or servicing.


NOTE: This instruction sheet outlines the recommended in-
stallation procedure. Use of lugs may result in reduced
wire bending space. The installer should verify that
adequate wire bending space is still provided for the
installation, in accordance with applicable codes.

Figure 1
H. Select an appropriate tool and die combination from Table 1
and make the required number of crimps within the bound-
aries stamped on the connector barrel. Refer to Figure 2
for sequence of multiple crimps. A

& m & Second
t First

m viJSs*'- '


Compression Connector Kit - CCN1200

Installation of Compression Connector

Connector Crimps
A. Turn off power supplying device before installing compres-
sion lugs. Figure 2
B. Remove any existing wire connectors from circuit breaker. I. Remove any inhibitor compound expelled during the
C. Install circuit breaker. crimping operation from the connector body and the cable
D. Preform cables to final configuration and strip insulation
back 113/ie in . on each conductor. Use an appropriate in- J. Slip insulating cover over connector tang and then over
sulation stripping tool to avoid damaging the conductor connector barrel so that only the connector tang is ex-
(Figure 1 ). posed (Figure 3).
E. Clean aluminum conductor surfaces thoroughly with a WARNING: Short spacings will result if Step J is not followed.
wire brush or other suitable means , to remove oxides and
other contaminants from the conductor.
NOTE: Copper wires and the compression connector should
not be cleaned abrasively.

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Compression Connectors (CCM800, CCN1200)

Insulating Cover
Figure 3

K. Position connector tang on top of the circuit breaker termi-

nal pad and secure with 3/a-16 x 11/2 in. socket head cap
screw and conical spring washer. Conical spring washer is
to be installed with convex side of washer toward under-
side of screw head (Figure 4) . Torque screw to 228 in. lb.
NOTE: When using this kit for ampacities less than 1200 A or
where only one or two connectors are to be mounted
to the terminal pad , insert spacers provided in kit
between spring washer and compression lug. (Figures
4a, 4b, 4c and 4d) .

Figure 4

Catalog Information
Catalog Number Compression Connector Kits

CCM800K2 1 set of terminals for line or load end of 2- pole MD frame circuit breaker
CCM800K3 1 set of terminals for line or load end of 3 -pole MD frame circuit breaker
CCN1200K2 1 set of terminals for line or load end of 2-pole ND frame circuit breaker
CCN1200K3 1 set of terminals for line or load end of 3- pole ND frame circuit breaker

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Trip Unit

D. Secure trip unit to frame. Tighten six 5/i6-18 socket head


cap screws (8) (Figure 1) to 140 in. lb.
Hazardous Voltage. E. Replace load cover. The six # 10 -32 x 3A in. screws must
Will cause severe injury be installed toward the line side of the circuit breaker. The
or death.
two # 10-32 x 1% in. screws are installed on the load end.
Turn off and lock out all Tighten all load cover screws to 25 in. lb. Replace handle
power supplying this if removed; note tab (9) on front of handle must be toward
device before installing line end.
or servicing.
F. Check operation of circuit breaker. Reset breaker by mov-
ing handle toward load side of device until it catches. Then
move handle in opposite direction until the breaker turns
A SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS on. The handle will indicate ON. Depress PUSH TO TRIP
button. The breaker should trip, and the handle will move
between the ON and OFF positions.
General NOTE: If the breaker does not operate as noted, check all
The MD6 trip units are available in 500, 600, 700 and 800 am- installation procedures and repeat this step. If the
pere ratings. The ND6 trip units are available in 900, 1000 load cover is not properly secured, the breaker will
and 1200 ampere ratings. not operate.
These devices have adjustable magnetic trip settings. The G. Add load lugs or connecting straps per instructions fur-
500 ampere trip units have a magnetic adjustment range nished with these kits.
from 3000 to 6000 amperes. The 600, 700 and 800 ampere
H. Replace terminal shield. Tighten two # 8-32 screws until
trip units have a magnetic adjustment range from 4000 to
8000 amperes. The 900, 1000, and 1200 ampere trip units
cover sits flush with the end of the breaker.
have a range from 5000 to 10000 amperes. Ranges for dc op - NOTE: Wire connector shield must be in place when re-
eration are 15 percent higher. quired, prior to installing terminal shield.
The 900, 1000 and 1200 ampere ND6 trip units cannot be in- I. Attach rating label supplied with the trip unit, to the re-
stalled in the MD frames. All trip unit ratings can be installed cessed area on top of the handle.
in the ND frame. See breaker frame label or consult Siemens
NOTE : Make sure rating label agrees with ampere rating of
Energy and Automation, Inc. sales office for complete catalog
number information.
trip unit installed.
J. Move handle to reset position, handle will indicate OFF.
Mounting Procedure For Trip Unit
Circuit breaker is now ready for use.
A. Remove terminal shield (1) from load side of breaker
frame. Two # 8-32 screws (Figure 2).
Replacement Procedure For Trip Unit
B. Remove load cover (2) from breaker frame. Six # 10-32 x NOTE: Circuit breaker must be in tripped position before
3A in. screws (3) and two
#10-32 x 1% in. screws (4). .
cover is removed To trip the breaker depress the red
C. Lower trip unit (5) into place as shown in Figure 2. The two PUSH TO TRIP button.
hooks (6) (Figures 1 and 2) on the trip unit must fit over A. Remove terminal shield from load side of breaker. Two # 8-
pins (7) on frame. Breaker handle may be removed to 32 screws (Figure 2) .
ease assembly.
B. Remove load cover from breaker. Six # 10-32 x 3A in.
screws and two #10-32 x 1% in. screws.
C. Remove lugs or load side connection screws.
D. Remove trip unit. Six 5/ie-18 socket head cap screws.
NOTE: These screws will remain captive with trip unit.
E. Add new trip unit as outlined in Steps C through J of
“Mounting Procedure for Trip Unit.”

Figure 1


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Installation Diagram

Figure 2


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Handle Blocking Device (MN6BL)

D. With a screwdriver, turn the screws so they enter the blind

A DANGER holes molded in each side of the toggle handle. Tighten

the two screws evenly so that when they engage the bot-
Wi|l eausB severe injury tom of the blind holes, they project an equal distance of
.094 in. (Figure 2) above the tapped surface. Do not over
Turn off and lock out all torque. Maximum torque 2 in. lb.
power supplying this


The handle blocking device, MN6BL, is provided to permit
blocking the toggle handle of an MD and ND-Frame circuit
breaker in the OFF position. The device can be field modified
to permit blocking of the handle in the ON position.
Figure 2
Installation of Handle Blocking Device
A. Turn power off supplying circuit breaker. Modification and Use for Blocking the Handle ON
B. Turn circuit breaker off . The lip of the blocking device (2) (Figure 1) is undercut so
that a short section can be removed. To modify the device for
C. Loosen the two screws (1) ( #10-32 x % in.) so that the blocking a handle ON, snap off this removable tab and dis-
blocking device can be positioned and fully seated over card.
the toggle handle, as shown in Figure 1.
A. Turn power off supplying circuit breaker.
B. Turn circuit breaker on.
C. Follow installation procedures, Steps C and D, of “Installa-
tion Handle Blocking Device.”

Figure 1



Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Handle Padlocking Device (MN6HPL)

Hazardous Voltage.
Will cause severe injury
1 '
or death.
j t.
Turn off and lock out all
power supplying this
device before installing
or servicing.

Figure 2
The padlocking device, MN6HPL, consists of the handle Installation of Handle Padlocking Device
blocking device (3) and an additional component (4) that per- To install the padlocking device , first complete the applicable
mits padlock securement of the circuit breaker handle in the Handle Blocking Installation Instructions.
OFF position (Figure 3). Field modification of the handle
blocking device will also permit padlock securement of the cir- A . Slide the retaining slots of the padlocking component (4)
cuit breaker handle in the ON position. over the handle blocking device retaining screws. Position
the padlocking component at the angle shown in Figure 3.
Installation of Handle Blocking Device
A. Turn power off supplying circuit breaker.
B. Turn circuit breaker off .
C. Loosen the two screws (1) ( # 10-32 x % in.) so that the
blocking device can be positioned and fully seated over
the toggle handle, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 3

B. Rotate the padlocking component until it is positioned

over the handle blocking device, as shown in Figure 4. In-
stall up to three padlocks, as required.

Figure 1
D. With a screwdriver, turn the screws so they enter the blind
holes molded in each side of the toggle handle. Tighten
the two screws evenly so that when they engage the bot-
tom of the blind holes, they project an equal distance of
.094 in. (Figure 2) above the tapped surface. Do not over
torque. Maximum torque 2 in. lb.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Plug-In Adapters - MD Frame
Mounting Preparation (Figures 1 and 2)

A. If the switchboard mounting plate (1) is to be used, provide
Hazardous Voltage. required drilling as shown in Figure 1.
Will cause severe injury B. If other mounting means are to be used, provide the cut-
or death. outs and drilling required to mount the adapter blocks as
Turn off and lock out all shown in Figure 2.
power supplying this
device before installing
or servicing. Switchboard Mounting Plate (If used Figure 3)
A. Place switchboard mounting plate (1) in position at loca-
tion previously prepared in Step A above. Secure in place
with 5/ie in. hardware (furnished by customer).

A SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Mounting Block (Figure 3)

A. Align mounting block (2) with cutouts in switchboard
mounting plate (or customer’s mounting means as previ-
NOTE: Plug-in adapters are for use only with MD-Frame. ously prepared in Step B above) and secure in place with
3/e in.
flatwashers (3) , lockwashers (4) , and 3/s-16 in. hex
nuts (5) furnished. Tighten to 216 in.-lb.
A complete plug-in installation requires one line end adapter
assembly (consisting of mounting block, tulip connectors and
Breaker Preparation (Figure 4)
associated hardware), one load end adapter assembly and
one switchboard mounting plate. The switchboard mounting A. Loosen four breaker terminal shield screws (6) and re-
plate is optional and can be replaced by other mounting move both line and load side terminal shields (7).
means to suit customers’ requirements. Caution: Make certain that breaker operating handle is in
OFF position before proceeding with the next step.
No. of Line End Load End Switchboard
Poles Adapter Adapter Mtg. Pan Remove pressure wire connectors from breaker if present.
2 PC5662 PC5662 PL9698 B. Place tulip clip assembly (8) on back of breaker in recess
3 PC5663 PC5663 PL9698 provided in base molding. Secure in place with 5/ie in. flat-
washers (9), lockwashers (10) and 5/ie-18 in hex head
bolts (11) furnished. Tighten these bolts to 72 in.-lb. to as-
sure a good electrical connection. Repeat this procedure
for the remaining tulip clip assemblies.
C. Insert end shields (12) into slots provided at line and load
end of breaker.
D. Affix accessory warning label (13) to top of circuit breaker.

Final Assembly (Figure 5)

A. Make bus connection to mounting block studs. Use Only
Copper Bus Bars. Use hex nuts (14) furnished to secure
this connection. Tighten to 2400 in.-lb. (Figure 5) .
B. Align breaker with mounting blocks and force female tulip
clips over male studs in mounting block until breaker base
bottoms against mounting block. Secure breaker in place
with 3/s-16 x V /2 in. mounting screws (15) , lockwashers
(16), and flatwashers (17) furnished. Tighten to 216 in.-lb.
C. Replace breaker terminal shields (7) and secure with four
breaker terminal shield screws (6). Tighten to 12 in.-lb.
D. If installation requires use of front panel trim, provide cut-
out for breaker escutcheon as shown in Figure 6.

Plug-in Adapters and Mounting Blocks (shown with breaker)


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Installation Diagrams

. 344 Dia. Hole ( 13 )

4 Pis. (For .312

*£ B
0 Q>
Mtg. Hardware)
0 D ® 0 ® 8

i {1) Mounting
Plate Tulip Clip
| 3

v#f '.
4 Assembly

.56 ! -
( 6)
Mounting t
Terminal Hardware (11) (10 ) ( 9 ) (12 ) End
Breaker Mtg. Shield Terminal Shields
# 9.0 Locations Screws Shields
Breaker Preparation
Drilling Switchboard Mounting Plate Figure 4
Figure 1


- >

t . 438 Dia.
6 Holes

— -4
2.50 Dia.
r / v Cutout
+ I T — l ,+
* - 6 Places

Breaker Mtg. Customer 's

Locations — Mtg. Sheet

Drilling and Cutouts for Adapter Block

Figure 2

— .312 Mounting
(By Customer ) Figure 5
Mounting Plate (1 ) u;

i ( 2) Mounting
Mounting (3,4,5)
j Block

. !•
-- -

Plug- In Adapter Installation

Figure 3

Figure 6


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com

l-T-E Plug-In Adapters - ND Frame t

.68 &


0 0 (1)
Mounting Preparation:
A DANGER 18.15

Figures 1 and 2
Hazardous Voltage. A. Turn off and lock out all
Will cause severe injury power supplying this
or death. 0
device before installing
Turn off and lock out ail or servicing.
power supplying this
device before installing B. If the switchboard
or servicing. mounting plate (1) is to Mf -o '

be used, provide
required drilling as
t 0.344 4 PL
Cat. No. PL9699
shown in Figure 1.
A :' h‘ '
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS C. If other mounting means
are to be used, provide
Figure 1

the cutouts and drilling

NOTES: These instructions outline the recommended instal- required to mount the f-
3.27± ..03 9.01± 9.1
lation procedure. The term circuit breaker used in
adapter blocks as 00
2 PL

shown in Figure 2. .56

these instructions includes motor circuit interrupters
and molded case switches.
t- « 6.000
2 PL

Switchboard Mounting Customer ’s

Mtg. Sheet
Plate (if used): Figure 3 7.861 ( Optional)

Application Information A. Place switchboard 0.41

mounting plate (1) in 4 PL
No. of Poles Vertical Bus Horizontal Bus Mounting Plate position at location pre- .56 =r 0 <t>
viously prepared in Step 3.27± .03 Cut Out 2 Places
2 PC5664 PC5665 PL9699 2 above. Secure in I"
3 PC5666 PL9699 place with 5/i 6 " hard-
ware (hardware fur-
All adapters are suitable for line or load end use.

nished by customer). Figure 2
A complete plug-in installation requires an adapter for both
the line and the load ends of the circuit breaker, associated
hardware and one switchboard mounting plate. The switch-
board mounting plate is optional and can be replaced by
other mounting means to suit specific requirements.

Figure 3
Mounting Block: Figure 3
A. Align adapter assembly (2) with cutouts in switchboard
mounting plate (or customer ’s mounting means as previ-
ously prepared in Step 3 above) and secure in place with #

3/811 flat washers (3) lock washers (4), and 3/s 16 hex. nuts

(5) furnished. Tighten to 216 in. lbs. (18 ft. lbs.).


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Installation Diagrams

Breaker Preparation: Figure 4

CAUTION: Make certain that breaker operating handle is in
the OFF or TRIPPED position before proceeding.

A. Loosen four breaker terminal shield screws (6) and remove

both line and load side terminal shields (7).
B. Place terminal stabs (8) on back of breaker in recess pro-
vided in base molding. Secure in place with 5/i 6 " flat wash-
ers (9), lock washers (10) and 5/i 6 - 18 hex. head bolts (11)
furnished. Tighten these bolts to 96 in. lbs. (8 ft.lbs.) to
assure a good electrical connection. Repeat this procedure
for the remaining terminals.
C. Insert end shields (12) into slots provided at line and load
ends of breaker.
D. Affix label (13) to front of circuit breaker as shown in
Figure 4.

Figure 4

Final Assembly: Figure 5

A. Make bus connection to the mounting block studs in respective mounting block finger clusters. Torque these
accordance with panelboard specifications. nuts to 216 in. lbs. (18 ft lbs.). .
B. Position breaker over the terminal block studs (14). Install C. Replace breaker terminal shields (7) and secure with four
each of the four slotted 3/s " - 1 6 x 1 W long circuit breaker terminal screws (6). Tighten to 12 in. lbs. (1 ft. lb.).
breaker mounting nuts (15) . Tighten these nuts uniformly
so that the breaker remains parallel with the mounting .
D If installation requires use of front panel trim, provide cutout for
surface, forcing the circuit breaker terminal stabs into their breaker escutcheon as shown in Figure 6.




-M;== 4.70

Front Panel

Figure 5 Figure 6


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Connecting Studs (RS5785, RS5786)


Top of Breaker
Hazardous Voltage. 1.33
”*" 1
Will cause severe injury
or death. GEH3 EM3 E>f-
Turn off and lock out all
power supplying this
device before installing
or servicing. jt
13.31 CD
| Left I Right
Pole Pole
S Center



These connecting studs can be used on 2 or 3-pole circuit
breakers and on line and load terminals. Both the long stud
RS5785 and the short stud RS5786, can be used on adjacent
poles or alternated, as required by the installation.

3.0 yfi, 3.0

•••• •••
•• «• I

• •••••••• Panel Drilling Plan
9 9 9 •*•tVi
9 9

. •••
V V X *•*•*••* v v M
9 9 9
k #
Figure 1


Connecting Studs Attached To Breaker

Mounting Preparation
A. Turn off and lock out all power supplying circuit breaker
before installing. Figure 2
B. Drill mounting panel as shown in drilling plan, Figure 1.
This user provided panel must be made from a material
acceptable for supporting uninsulated live parts and have
adequate strength to support the circuit breaker. Thick-
ness should be 1A in. min. and 1 in. max.
C. Figures 1 and 2 show dimensioning information which can
be used to plan the circuit breaker termination interface. f

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Connecting Studs (RS5785, RS5786)

Circuit Breaker Preparation

A. Remove terminal shield (1) from line and load side of
breaker frame. Two # 8-32 screws (2) each (Figure 3).
B. Attach the connecting studs (3) as shown in Figure 4, to
each pole of the circuit breaker with two 5/ie- 18 hex head
cap screws, flatwashers and lockwashers (4) . Torque the
screws to 72 lb. in.
C. Inspect the rear busbar. When properly attached they should
be aligned and parallel with each other and perpendicular
with the circuit breaker mounting surface.

Circuit Breaker Mounting Procedure

A. Position the circuit breaker on the mounting panel, passing
the attached connecting stud through the panel openings.
B. Secure the circuit breaker to the panel by attaching each
connecting stud with the panel clamp, (5) (Figure 4) hex
head bolt, lockwasher and flatwasher (6) supplied. Torque
the bolts to 96 in. lb.
C. Complete the appropriate user connections to the rear
connecting stud.
D. After the breaker is installed, attached to the mounting Figure 3
panel and terminated, retorque each of the 5/ie-18 hex
head cap screws (4) (Figure 4) to 72 in. lb.
E. Insert the end shields (7) into the slots provided at the line
and load ends of the breaker (Figure 4).
F. Replace the breaker terminal shields (1) on the line and
load side of the circuit breaker and secure with four
breaker terminal shield screws (2). Tighten to 12 in. lb.
G. Affix label (this device is equipped with rear connecting
studs) ( 8) to the front of the circuit breaker (Figure 3).
H. If installation requires use of front panel trim, provide cut-
out for breaker escutcheon (Figure 5).

Installations Requiring Panel Premounted Studs

Figure 4
If it is necessary to install the straps in a panelboard prior to
their attachment to the circuit breaker, the following procedure
is recommended.
A. Construct a strap positioning template fabricated from
1/2 in. thick
material, dimensioned with the hole pattern
(Figure 6) .
B. Attach the rear connecting studs to the mounting template
using the 5/ie-18 hex head cap screws (4 ) provided (Figure 4).
Note that the rear strap mounting pads are not symmetrical.
The studs must be mounted with the orientation (Figure 4).
C. Position the template and stud assembly on the circuit
breaker mounting panel, passing the attached rear studs
through the panel opening.
D. Secure the assembly to the panel by attaching each con-
necting stud with the panel clamp (5) hex head bolt,
lockwasher and flat washer (6) supplied. Torque to 96 in. lb.
(Figure 4).
E. Complete the appropriate user connections to the rear con-
necting studs.
Figure 5


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Connecting Studs (RS5785, RS5786)

F. Remove the positioning template.

G. Mount the circuit breaker by positioning it over the rear bus-
bar mounting pads. Attach each pole (Line and Load) of
the circuit breaker to the connecting busbars with the two
5/i6-18 hex head cap screws, flatwashers and lockwashers

(4) (Figure 4). Torque each screw to 72 in. lb.

H. Insert the end shields (7) into the slots provided at the line
and load ends of the breaker (Figure 4) .
I. Replace the breaker terminal shields, (1) on the line and
load side of the circuit breaker and secure with four breaker
terminal shield screws (2) . Tighten to 12 in. lb. (Figure 3).
J. Affix label (8) (This device is equipped with rear connecting
studs) to the front of the circuit breaker (Figure 3).


Figure 6


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Mechanical Interlock (MI5404)

B. Remove terminal shield (1) from line and load side of


breaker frame. Two #8-32 screws each (Figure 1).
Hazardous Voltage.
Will cause severe injury C. Remove load cover (2) from breaker frame. Six #10-32 x
or death. 3A screws and
two # 10-32 x 1% in. screws (Figure 1).
Turn off and lock out all D. If trip unit has been installed, remove both socket head
power supplying this
device before installing cap screws from left pole. If installing a trip unit prior to
or servicing. lowering trip unit (3) into place as shown in Figure 1, re-
move from left pole only, the two socket head cap screws
( 4) and the two belleville spring washers (5) and discard.
E. Lower trip unit into place as shown in Figure 1. The two
A SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS hooks (6) on the trip unit must fit over pins on frame.
Breaker handle may be removed to ease assembly.
F. Secure trip unit to frame using customer supplied VA in.
Circuit Breaker Preparation Allen wrench with long shaft. Tighten four, 5/ie- 18 socket
A. Turn off and lock out ail power supplying circuit breaker or head cap screws (7) to 140 in. lb.
frame before removing cover(s) or device and while
cover (s) are removed.

X 1%"

Spring Washers

( 22) Label

Mounting Trip Unit

Figure 1


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Mechanical Interlock (MI5404)

Support Tie Bar Mounting

A. With 9-in. long tie bar wrench (8) supplied (Figures 2 and
3) positioned around left pole tie bar connector (9), pull tie
bar connector back in direction of arrow (away from trip
unit) and drop safety wood block (10) with 1-in. dimension
into gap between tie bar connector and trip unit on right
pole. Wood block should come to rest snugly on the two
socket head cap screws as shown in Figure 4. Remove

Figure 2

Securing Tie Bar Connector

B. Two sets of plungers are provided. Select proper length of
plunger (11 ) (Figures 2 and 3) for desired application and
discard the pair of plungers not used. Position support tie
bar assembly from top and insert plunger through rectan-
gular opening in base from bottom of base. Tie bar
member (12) must fit around tie bar connector (Figure 3) .
It may be necessary to gently tap tie bar member down to
achieve snug fit.

Figure 3

Position of Link Assembly
C. Plunger locator pin (13) (Figure 3) of link assembly should
face toward outer edge of breaker and must engage hole
in plunger. Once this engagement is achieved, tighten two
5/ie-18 socket head cap screws (14 ) to 140 in. lb. (Figure 2).

NOTE: Plunger is installed only on left hand pole of each cir-

cuit breaker. f
Figure 4
Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Mechanical Interlock (MI5404)

D. Using tie bar wrench carefully positioned over tie bar con- Breaker Outlines
nector, (so as not to damage support tie bar assembly),
h* 3.0 *H
pull tie bar back in direction of arrow and remove wood 1.5 r - 875 ( Typ.)
block. With care remove tie bar wrench. + 9 | 9

E. Replace handle if removed. IF "


NOTE: Tab on front of handle must be aligned toward line end.

* 4.10 *

F. Replace load cover. The six # 10-32 x 3A in. screws must ;3I!F‘ .75 01.0 (2 Holes)
be installed toward the line side of the circuit breaker. The

two 10-32 x 1% in. screws are installed on the load end.

Tighten all load cover screws to 25 in.-lb.
i 4.05
* \ — .375
• -

Rocker Arm Mounting
-« ——m i

A. Drill panel as shown for panel mounting (circuit breakers

on 9 or 12 in. centers), (Figure 5). For plug in mounting,
— 0.196 (2 Holes)
C ' Sink 80°- 82°
to 0 .385
0.438 (8 Holes)

see Figure 6.
B. Assemble bracket (15) to rear of 10 gage customer panel
Breakers On A B
using two flat head screws (16) , lockwashers (17) and
nuts (18) supplied as shown in Figure 7. 9“ Centers 9.0 4.5

C. Assemble rocker arm (19) to bracket with rocker arm pin 12" Centers 12.0 6.0
(20) .
Panel Mounting Drilling Plan
NOTE: Heads of rocker arm pin must be on upper side of as -
sembly and cotter pin (21) on lower side. Insert cotter Figure 5
pin into hole in rocker arm pin and secure by spread-
ing ends (Figure 7).
D. Add circuit breakers (specially prepared) to customer ’s 6.0
.875 (Typ. )
panel for panel mounted or plug-in adapters and circuit h* 3.0
breakers for plug in applications. Refer to installation in-
struction supplied with plug-in adapters Catalog PC5662
V® .
or PC5663. Carefully position circuit breaker over 1.00 in. 9
diameter hole in panel so as not to damage protruding A
plunger. For panel mounted applications use Catalog .75 01.0 ( 2 Holes)
MSMN mounting screw kit (part of mechanical interlock
Catalog MI5404) to fasten circuit breaker to customer’s <+ +-

B; I IS x — - .375 LOAD SIDE

panel. Replace terminal shields. Tighten two # 8 -32 9 — 4
screws each to 12 in.-lb. K
E. Assemble rocker arm pins through rocker arm and slot in
9 9 /9 I
Breaker Outlines —
plunger and insert cotter pin into hole in pin and spread 4.5 —
0.196 (2 Holes) 02.5 (12 Pics.)
ends (Figure 7). 9.0 C Sink 80 -82°
to 0.385
NOTE: Heads of rocker arm pins must be on upper side of
assembly and cotter pins on lower side. Breakers On A B
F. With both circuit breakers in OFF position, interlock must 9" Centers 9.0 4.5
move freely. 12" Centers 12.0 6.0
G. With one circuit breaker ON the other circuit breaker must
not close. Plug-In Mounting Drilling Plan
H. Affix labels (22) to front of both circuit breakers as shown Figure 6
in Figure 1.
NOTE: Installation of a Mechanical Interlock system pre-
vents use of internal accessories in the left pole of
the circuit breakers.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Mechanical interlock (MI5404)

Figure 7


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Internal Accessories


Hazardous Voltage.
Will cause severe injury
or death.
Turn off and lock out all
power supplying this
device before installing
or servicing.
Accessory Mounting Instructions
A. Feed leads through opening at bottom of accessory case
for right hand or left hand mounting in breaker. Leads

A SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS should always exit accessory toward outer edge of

breaker. Feed accessory leads down and through
.670 x .300 in. elongated opening (7) (Figure 2) to bring
leads out bottom of circuit breaker.
Circuit Breaker Preparation
A. Turn power off supplying device before installing kit.
B. Make sure device is in tripped position. For circuit
breakers, depress the red TRIPPED button (1) (Figure 1).
On molded case switches, removing the cover will trip the

Figure 2
B. Pull gently and evenly on accessory wire leads (2 to 9
wires) while lowering accessory onto base. Make sure all
the slack is removed from leads inside breaker. Accessory
is placed in circuit breaker on nosepiece (8) (Figure 3) on
bottom side of accessory. Slide accessory down to rest on
positioning ledge (9) (Figures 2 and 3) of trip unit.
Figure 1 When accessory is installed correctly, front tab of acces-
sory (10 ) (Figure 2) will rest in cavity (11) of line cover (12).
C. Remove two terminal shield screws (2) on load end cover The inside edge of any accessory should be against the
(3) (Figure 1) and remove terminal shield (4 ) and wire con- trip unit rib (13 ) (Figure 3) after installation.
nector shield (5) (if used). Remove load end cover. Acces-
sory units can be mounted in either right or left pole of the NOTE: Do not attempt to “slide” Bell Alarm into position.
circuit breaker. Actuator ( 14) (Figure 3) must be inserted below top
edge of center trip unit opening (15) (Figures 2 and
D. Remove label (6) which covers openings in trip unit 3) as front of accessory is lowered into cavity of line
(Figure 3). cover.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Internal Accessories





Accessory Mounting
Figure 3

C. Check handle for proper fit on handle arm. Replace load

end cover and cover screws, (quantity 8)

Replace All Covers and Shields

A. Add two labels to circuit breaker. Attach internal accessory
ID label (16) (Figure 4) to top of circuit breaker on right
hand side. Make sure it is located in the proper space on
existing label. Attach wiring label (17) on side of circuit
breaker cover as shown.
NOTE: This accessory is suitable to use for Ground Fault
Protection when combined with Class I Ground Fault
Sensing Element equipped with internal clearing


Applying Labels
Figure 4

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T- E Internal Accessories
Mechanical and Electrical Check
Shunt Trip Undervoltage Trip
A. Reset and turn circuit breaker ON. A. With breaker in TRIPPED position, connect test circuit to
accessory leads. Energize undervoltage trip device at 85
B. Attach test circuit to accessory leads. When the test voltage percent of the marked rated voltage of the coil. Reset and
reaches 55 percent or more of the rated coil voltage, the turn breaker handle ON.
circuit breaker should trip.
B. Reduce voltage to 35 percent of rated coil voltage. Circuit
C. With breaker TRIPPED or OFF, check to make sure coil breaker must trip.
circuit has opened.
Electrical Data For Undervoltage (UV) Trip
Electrical Data For Shunt Trip
Sealed-In Current
Inrush Current Coil Catalog
Coil Catalog At Rated Voltage
At Rated Voltage Voltage Number
Voltage Number (Amperes)
60 Cycles AC
60 Cycles AC
120 0.09 U01MN6
120 0.55 S01MN6 208 0.05 U02MN6
208 0.61 S02MN6 240 0.04 U03MN6
240 0.69 S03MN6 277 0.04 U15MN6
277 0.76 S15MN6 480 0.02 U04MN6
480 0.30 S04MN6 600 0.02 U06MN6
600 0.40 S06MN6
24 0.23 U07MN6
12 2.55 S16MN6 48 0.13 U09MN6
24 1.70 S07MN6 125 0.08 U11MN6
48 0.60 S09MN6
250 0.04 U13MN6
125 0.57 S11MN6
250 0.84 S13MN6

Auxiliary Switch Identification (All With Three Leads)

Bell Alarm Wire Identification (All With Three Leads) Wire Wire Switch Terminals or Contacts
Markings Color
Wire Wire Switch Terminals or Contacts
Markings Color C1 or C2 White C. - Common Terminal
C White C. - Common Terminal B1 or B2 Red N.C. - Normally Closed Contact (Closed
when circuit breaker is tripped)
A Yellow N.C. - Normally Closed Contact (Closed
when circuit breaker is tripped) A 1 orA2 Black N. O. - Normally Open Contact (Open
when circuit breaker is tripped)
B Brown N.O. - Normally Open Contact (Open
when circuit breaker is tripped)
Auxiliary and Bell Alarm Switch Kits
Bell Alarm Mechanical and Electrical Check Number of Ampere Rating of Switch
A. Use a buzzer or light indicator attached to switch leads A Auxiliary Volts AC Volts DC
Number Switches
and C. With device in TRIPPED position, indicator light or 120 240 480 125 250
buzzer should operate. BOOMN64 0 10 10 10 .5 .25
B. Reset breaker to OFF indicator light or buzzer should turn A01MN64B 1 10 10 10 .5 .25

Off . A02MN64B 2 10 10 10 .5 .25

A01MN64 1 10 10 10 .5 .25
C. Move breaker handle to ON indicator light or buzzer A02MN64 2 10 10 10 .5 .25
should remain off.
NOTE : Should the indicator not function properly during
“check ” procedure, inspect for incorrect installation or


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Rotary Handle Operator
Types 1, 3R , 4, 4 X, 12

Hazardous Voltage.
\ i" . Will cause severe injury
or death.
Turn off and lock out all
power supplying this
device before installing
or servicing.


Standard Depth (RHONSD)

Variable Depth (RHONVD)
General Installation of Shaft
When properly installed, the rotary handle operator provides A. If applicable, cut variable length shaft to length required
single point latching of the enclosure door. For maximum pro - L = K - 8.38.
tection against unauthorized entry into the enclosure, addi- B. Insert the shaft (10) into the square hole (11) in the crank
tional latching means should be provided. The handle can be (12) of the breaker operator and tighten the two VA-20 x
padlocked in the OFF position with up to three 5/ie in. pad - .375 set screws (13) to 70 in. lb.
locks . The breaker operator can also be padlocked in the
NOTE : Groove in shaft fits over ridge along side of hole.
OFF position. (Figure 4).
Drilling of Enclosure
A . Turn off and lock out all power supplying the circuit breaker
Installation of Handle
A. Place handle into OFF position. Attach the handle (14)
before installing. and gasket (15) to the enclosure door with the four square
B. Catalog number RHONSSD standard depth shafts are for neck bolts (16), lock washers and nuts supplied. Tighten
use in 11 in. deep enclosures. Refer to minimum K dimen- nuts to 75 in. lb. (Figure 3).
sion in Figure 2. Catalog number RHONSVD variable depth
shafts are used for all other enclosure depths up to 20.66 Check operation
in. deep. Shafts are cut to length L as shown in Figure 2. A. Close enclosure door. Confirm that handle interlocks with
C. Place circuit breaker mounting holes (Figure 1) in breaker the guide cone (17) (Figure 4) of the shaft to hold the door
mounting surface (1) and handle mounting holes in enclo- closed in all handle postions except OPEN/RESET. Check
sure door (2) (Figure 2). proper operation of the circuit breaker ON/OFF and
Installation of Breaker and Breaker Operator To open the enclosure door when the breaker is in the ON
A. Loosen four breaker terminal shield screws ( 3), remove position, rotate the screw slot (18) on the handle plate (19)
both terminal shields (4) from the line and load side of the counterclockwise. This procedure will defeat the interlock
(Figure 3).
circuit breaker and mount the circuit breaker to the enclo-
sure panel using four %-16 in. mounting screws , washers
and nuts ( 5) provided in hardware kit. Tighten mounting Padlocking
hardware securely (Figure 4). A. To lock handle in the OFF positon, pull the lockplate ( 20)
from the end of handle into the grooves on the handle
B. Replace the breaker terminal shields on the load and line
plate located at the interlock defeater screw and insert and
side of the circuit breaker and secure with four breaker ter- attach padlock(s) through slot of lockplate (see photo).
minal shield screws . Tighten to 12 in. lb.
B. The breaker operator can be padlocked by inserting pad-
C. Remove the second screw (6) from each side of the circuit
lock through the lower slots used as a path for the crank
breaker cover (located above the circuit breaker arm (see photo).
handle) ( Figure 4).
D. Position the breaker operator (7) on the circuit breaker and
attach at the top using the two # 10-32 x 1.00 pan head
screws (8) and lock washers . Torque these screws to 25
in. lb. Attach the breaker operator at the bottom using the
four # 10 -14 x .500 phillips head thread forming screws
( 9). Torque to 20 in. lb. maximum (Figure 4).
NOTE: The mounting holes are under the labels.

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Installation Diagrams

iI _ V Lock Washer
m m M (15) Gasket
Circuit Breaker I -
V4 20 Hex


1.59 ill
- Outline
i Nu

Handle !
/ n
I3.18 |
3.50 Die. Hole
k (20) Lock

In Enclosure Door
^ .281 Dia. Thru (4 Pis.) - Cut Away Of
For Rotary Handle - Enclosure Door
Mounting Holes In
Enclosure Door (19) Handle
V .391 Dia. (16 ) Plate
Holes in
Enclosure ( 14) Handle -
/4 20 x 1 Square
Neck Bolt w /Washer Washer
Panel {4 Pts.) (RHOH4 only)

Rotary Handle Assembly

Breaker Mounting Plan Figure 3
Figure 1

Figure 4

Figure 2


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Max-Flex Flange-Mount Handle Operator
Types 1, 3R, 4, 4X, 12
any convenient surface. The same flexibility applies when
A DANGER locating the switch handle operator on the flange section of

Hazardous Voltage. the enclosure.
Will cause severe injury
or death. Application
Turn off and lock out all The Max-Flex Operator is designed to work with l-T-E circuit
power supplying this breakers having current ratings through 1200 amperes. The
device before installing Max-Flex unit meets all the industrial criteria such as UL and
or servicing. Automotive Industry Standards.


A SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The new Max-Flex Handle Operator provides maximum flexi-
bility in design and assembly of electrical equipment.
The cable design is flexible and rugged. The flexible cable
General Information comes in standard 4 or 5 foot lengths. However, specific
lengths can be special ordered up to 20 feet.
The l-T-E Max-Flex Flange-Mount Handle Operator is a flexible
cable control device used for the remote switching of a circuit
breaker within an enclosure. The flexible cable is connected Operation
directly to the breaker at one end and to a pre-assembled When properly installed, the Max-Flex Handle Operator is
switch handle operator at the other end. The remote operator used to perform remote switching operations from outside of
handle, located on the enclosure flange, is used to perform the enclosure. Switching is accomplished by pushing the Max -
mechanical open/close switching operations. This is ac- Flex Handle Operator up for ON and down for OFF. The
complished through the flexible control cable. mechanical advantage gained with this device simplifies
switching operations when compared with local switching at
Function the breaker.
The advanced design concept of the Max-Flex Flange-Mount Interlocking provisions are included and described below. All
Handle Operator provides for greater flexibility when locating
a circuit breaker within an enclosure. The circuit breaker can
be mounted almost anywhere, at any angle and on almost
switching functions are standard according to accepted prac-
tices. t

Unassembled Max-Flex Flange-Mount Handle Operator


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Assembly Instructions

MD and ND- Frame Application

A complete kit consists of handle, cable and breaker operator.
The handle can be mounted on either right hand or left hand
flange type enclosures. It can be locked in the OFF position
with up to three padlocks. A two piece door catch is provided
for applications where no interlocking door latch mechanism
is provided. The breaker operator mounts to the circuit breaker
and can be padlocked in the OFF position. The flexible cable
connects the handle to the breaker operator. The handle
operator can be used with ITE door latch mechanisms DKR2,
DKR3, DKL2, and DKL3.

A. Turn off and lock out supply power before installing the
B. Determine mounting location for the handle and circuit
breaker. (See Figure 1 and Tables 1 and 2.)

Table 1 - Maximum E Dimensions (in inches) ©

Enclosure FHONC048 FHONC060
10 16 30
12 15.5 29.5
16 15 29.5
18 15.5 29.5
20 16 29
24 15.5 28.5
30 10 26
36 23
© Maximum E Dimension only if F = 7.62
Table 2 - F Dimensions (in inches)
Enclosure 48" Cable 60" Cable
Depth Up Down Up Down Figure 1
10 8 21.5 17.5 31.5
12 7.5 21 18 32.5
16 6.5 21 19 32
18 6 20.5 18.5 32
20 6 20 16.5 31.5
24 4 19 14 31
30 -1.5 15.5 11 28.5
36 6.5 23.5

Table 2 shows the maximum horizontal distance that the

breaker can be located from the handle. Table 3 shows the
maximum vertical distance the breaker can be located from
the handle. Figure 2 shows the mounting range of the circuit
breaker within the enclosure.
NOTE: Minimum Bend Radius for the Cable is 31/2 in.
C. Drill the mounting holes for the handle and circuit breaker
and file all burrs.

Handle Installation
A. Push rubber gasket (1) into the groove of the handle as-
sembly (2) (Figure 3).
B. The handle and the interlock mechanism (3) are supplied
pre-assembled from the factory (Figure 3).
NOTE: For ease of assembly, move the operating handle to
the ON position (toward top of enclosure). Figure 2
C. Mount the frame (4) and handle assembly to the enclosure
flange (5) using two 5/ie-18 x 3A in. button head cap screws
and lockwashers. Tighten cap screws from within enclo-
sure (Figure 3). 31

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Max-Flex Flange-Mount Handle Operator
Types 1, 3R, 4, 4 X, 12
D Place the plastic washer and connecting link onto the
bellcrank pin (7). Secure the connection with the E-ring re-
tainer supplied (8) (Figure 3).

Secure E-Ring Connection

E. Attach the interlock level extension (9) to the interlock lever
using two # 8-32-3/e in. screws and #8 lockwashers.
Screws mount through the threaded lever extension into
the lever. Tighten to 25 in.-lb. (Figure 3) .
Operating Note:
When the enclosure door is open, the operating handle can-
not be moved from the OFF to ON position without deliber-
ately defeating the interlock mechanism. In the OFF position,
the interlock can be defeated by pushing the interlock lever ex-
tension downward while moving the handle to the ON posi-
tion. With the enclosure door open and the handle in the ON
position, the interlock can be defeated by turning the defeater
screw (10) (Figure 3) on the operating handle. When the en- Figure 3
closure door is closed, the door latch mechanism automati-
cally defeats the interlock.
F. If no door catch is provided with the enclosure, attach the
door catch bracket and adjustable door catch to the enclo-
sure door.

Door Catch Adjustment

A. Close the enclosure door and move the handle into the ON
position. If the handle cannot be moved from the ON posi-
tion, adjust the door catch downward in its slot and repeat
B. Turn handle ON and attempt to open door. The interlock
should hold the door closed. If the door can be opened,
readjust the door catch upward in its slot. Repeat Steps A
and B to insure the door cannot be opened when the han-
dle is in the ON position. Figure 4 shows the location of the
handle and door catch when mounted in the enclosure.

Mounting Breaker and Breaker Operator

A. The breaker operator ( 11 ) is mounted to the circuit breaker
using the same two lower screws (12) that are used to at-
tach the breaker to the enclosure. In addition, two # 10-32
x We in. screws (13) and spacers are used at the top and
two 1/4-20 x 1/2 in. screws (12) and spacers are used at the
bottom (Figure 5). f i

Figure 4


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Assembly Instructions

B. Remove the lower terminal shield (14) from the circuit

breaker and punch and drill out the two .56 in. diameter
C. Cut slots in terminal shield as shown in Figure 5, to allow
access to terminal lugs after installation of breaker operator.
Caution: Replace the terminal shield .
D. Mount circuit breaker to the enclosed panel using the four
breaker mounting screws as shown in Figure 5.
E. Attach the breaker operator using two 1A-20 x 1/2 in. screws
and lockwashers in lower holes and two spacers and #10-
32 x 1% in. screws and lockwashers in upper holes.

Cable installation
A. To attach the operating cable (15) to the frame assembly,
move the operating handle to the OFF position, and attach
the cable swivel (16) to the outer hole in the bellcrank.
Secure the connection with an E ring. (Figure 6)
B. Secure the cable to the frame assembly with cable retainer
clip (17) using #10-32 x % in. screws and lockwashers.
Tighten to 75 in. lb.
NOTE: Detent in cable retainer (17) must align with groove
(18) in metal fitting of cable (Figure 6).

Figure 5

Tighten Detent Screws

C. Prior to attaching output end of cable to handle frame, con-
firm that supply power to the circuit breaker has been
turned off .
D. Move circuit breaker handle to the ON position.
E. Slide the threaded cable rod (19) through the hole in the
sliding plate tab ( 20) of the circuit breaker operating
mechanism (Figures 5 and 6).
F. Move the operating handle to its maximum ON position.
G. Place the cable mounting threads (21) into the slot on the
fixed plate tab (22) so that the two mounting nuts (23) are
on both sides of the tab. Adjust the two mounting nuts so
that the #10-32 nut on the cable rod just touches the sliding
plate tab. Tighten the mounting nuts to secure the cable
(Figures 5 and 6).
H. Continue holding the operating handle in the ON position
and place the spring (24) over the end of the rod. Screw
on the spring adjuster (25) and tighten until it begins to Figure 6
compress the spring. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Max-Flex Flange-Mount Handle Operator

Cable Adjustment
A. Check that the circuit breaker turns OFF and ON by moving
the operating handle up for ON and down for OFF If the
breaker does not switch ON, loosen the cable mounting
nuts at the fixed plate tab. Hold the operating handle in the
maximum ON position and move the cable toward the top
of the breaker. Retighten the mounting nuts to secure.
B. Trip the circuit breaker by pushing the PUSH TO TRIP
C. Check that the circuit breaker resets by moving the oper-
ating handle from ON to OFF and back to ON. If the breaker
resets, tighten the spring adjuster one additional turn. At-
tach lockwashers and 1/4-28 nut to the end of the cable rod
and tighten to 32 in. lb.
D. If the circuit breaker does not reset, tighten the spring
adjusters one turn and repeat Steps B and C. Continue this
procedure until the breaker resets then tighten the adjust-
ers one additional turn and secure with lockwashers and

Side View of Handle Assembly

Spring Adjustment Fixed Plate Adjustment


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E TELEMAND " Electric Motor Operator


Hazardous Voltage. J
Will cause severe injury
or death.
Turn off and lock out all
power supplying this
device before installing
or servicing.


The motor operated mechanism is designed to open, close
and reset a circuit breaker or switch by remote control. The
customer must supply the circuit breaker or switch, normally
ON and OFF push buttons, external wiring, a control power
source, and all control logic. Consult the wiring diagram (Fig-
ure 3, page 35) for a typical control connection.
The motor operator is hinged for opening to the left or right
dependent on catalog number designation. The “LT suffix
means the motor operator is hinged to the left. A motor
operator hinged to the right uses no suffix. Figure 1
NOTE: For automatic reset operation a separate auxiliary
contact must be provided by the customer. See page
34 for more details.

Operator Selection

Motor For Use With:

Operator Frame l-T-E Circuit Breakers
and Switch Types
MOMN6120 MD6, MXD6, HMD6, HMXD6, CMD6,
MOMN6240 .

A. Turn off and lock out all power supplying circuit breaker
and motor operator before installing or servicing.
B. Attach the circuit breaker to its mounting surface using the
mounting hardware (1) supplied with the motor operator
(Figure 2).
C. Remove the four shield screws (2) and two lug shields (3)
(Figure 1).
D. Cut out the two 0.563 in. x 1.44 in. long knockouts and
replace the shields.
E. Open the motor operator cover and attach the motor
operator to the circuit breaker using the spacers (4) and Figure 2
screws (5) provided (Figure 2).


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E TELEMAND ’ Electric Motor Operator

F. With the circuit breaker handle in the OFF position, align

the motor operator mechanism rollers (indicator to be in
OFF position) and the circuit breaker handle by rotating
the lead screw (6) with a screwdriver. The lead screw ac-
cess hole is at the bottom of the motor operator (Figure 2).
G. Close and latch the mechanism cover.
H. Complete the desired control connections and electrically
test the motor operator system before reenergizing the
breaker power terminals in accordance with the electrical

Electrical Characteristics
Catalog Numbers VoltS i Amperes
MOMN6120 22.7 Amperes In Rush
MOMN6120L 13.9 Amperes In Running
MOMN6240 7.2 Amperes In Rush
MOMN6240L 6.1 Amperes In Running

Electrical Operation
With the breaker and the operating mechanism in the OFF
position, press the ON button to energize the motor. The ac-
tion will close the breaker. When the breaker handle reaches
the ON position, the motor circuit is disconneected by an in-
ternal limit switch.
With the breaker and the operating mechanism in the ON po-
sition, press the OFF button to energize the motor. The action
will open the breaker. When the breaker handle reaches the
OFF position, the motor circuit is disconnected by an internal
limit switch.
When the circuit breaker trips automatically, there is no exter-
nal indication that the breaker has tripped unless a separate
Bell Alarm accessory (contact Siemens for appropriate
catalog number) is provided to energize a customer fur-
nished warning device. After the circuit breaker trips automat-
ically, it is necessary to press the OFF button to move the
breaker handle to the reset position.

Automatic Reset
For automatic reset, an auxiliary switch (contact Siemens for
appropriate catalog number) is used to return the breaker to
the OFF/RESET position after it has been tripped. This auxil-
iary switch is mounted inside the breaker and wired in parallel
with the OFF button. When the breaker trips, the auxiliary
switch closes, energizing the motor circuit which moves the
breaker to the OFF/RESET position.
After the motor operated mechanism has reset the breaker,
the motor operator internal limit switch opens the circuit. To
provide automatic reset, the ON push button must be a single
pole, double throw device and it must be wired per Figure 3.

Manual Operation
Operate the two cover latches and swing the hinged motor
operator cover away from the breaker to expose the breaker
handle. To return to electrical operation, follow the installation
instructions on page 33 deleting Steps B and C. After opera-
tion checks are complete, restore to normal operation.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Installation Diagrams

Motor I Motor

I Operated

Ground Limit
Common Door
m Red
Black Close ‘
White Common This Line
Reset Only
j" 11

120V AC - 2 Vi Amp
240V AC - 1Vi Amp Slow Blow o - 0 " “ A I

For Proper Protection OFP

a Fuse Must Be Used
O - ~


For Trip Indication,

Indicating For Automatic Reset Pushbutton Control Station
Use Circuit Breaker with
Internal Beil Alarm Switch
and ON OFF Lights, Note: When using automatic
Use Circuit Breaker reset, the “ON” pushbutton
with Internal Auxiliary must be “SPOT” type and
Switch. wired as shown.

All switch contacts shown with circuit breaker

in the “ON” position.

Wiring Diagram
Figure 3

Figure 4

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Panelboard Connecting Straps©

® The straps are not used in series 6 or 7 panelboards.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Enclosures

Type 1 - MND61 Type 3R - MND63

General purpose indoor, sheet-steel enclosure for use in normal An outdoor, sheet-steel enclosure providing protection
atmosphere, listed as service-entrance equipment. against driving rain, sleet or snow. Listed as service-entrance

22.5 10.7

t "" ;
1.12 -»»
•+ 26.8
t . %.. ill
| * *
it —. y
it ; it :fi •

p.: It '

ilr # # # *

61.2 [
If #


H — - <! faCf .-

v - SFf -ffsr f
2.09 18.25
2.12 -»» 18.25

Type 12 - MND612
A special-industry, sheet- steel enclosure for indoor use in
atmosphere containing particles of lint, dust, dirt, sawdust and
other foreign matter.

37.38 »
. 44 Diameter
— [ [ * — 2.0


r ~

it T $P

* ? »
34.13 ~i
- f~ 9.7


7 I
- tAf


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
I-T-E Door Latch Mechanism (DKR2, DKR3, DKL2, DKL3)®

H. Turn the handle VA turn clockwise (looking from inside the

A DANGER enclosure door) and attach the latch plate roller to the han-

Hazardous Voltage. dle shaft , while inserting the bent leg of the spring into the
Will cause severe injury hole in the latch plate. Fasten with a locking-type flange nut .
or death. Tighten the nut, then loosen 1/8 turn to allow movement of
Turn off and lock out all the roller assemblies (Figure 1).
power supplying this NOTE: Straight leg of spring must rest against pin (12) on
device before installing
or servicing. handle plate. See inset on Figure 1.
I. Place top spring (13) over top thin wall hex nut . Attach
lockout plate (14) to lockout screw using locking type flange
nut . Tighten flange nut . Insert bent leg of spring into hole
A SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS in lockout plate as shown in Figure 1 detail.
J . Attach the interlock defeater lever (15) to the latch bar (16)
with two #10 lockwashers and #10-24 screws.
NOTE: The position of lever depends on enclosure depth
General Information (Figure 3).
These door latch mechanisms are for use in standard or K. Weld or rivet the door catch (17) to the enclosure door. User
custom built enclosures. The door latch post assemblies and must supply the mounting hardware.
the door catch are supplied with the kits. Users must supply
their own 1A in. x V2 in. steel latch bar. Enclosures with an overall L. Attach the door latch label to the door handle on the
height less than 40 in. require the two-point door latch enclosure door.
mechanism. When the overall height is greater than 40 in. , the
three-point latch mechanism is used. Adjusting the Mechanism
The door latch mechanism can be used with or without the type If using in conjunction with the FHOH or FHOH4 Handle
FHOH Flange Mount Handle Operator. These instructions Operator, perform the following steps:
apply when the door latch mechanism is mounted adjacent to A . With the door in the open (unlatched) position , close the
and interlocks with the FHOH Handle Operator. The door door, but do not turn the door handle. The lockout plate
handle can be padlocked to prevent unauthorized entry into should latch the door partially closed. /
the enclosure. Drawings in these installation instructions are
oriented for right-hand flange installation. Left-hand flange B. Turn the handle clockwise to stop. This will engage the
installation drawings are mirror images of the right-hand rollers against the enclosure flange, securing the door fully
versions. For left -hand flange installation, substitute “clock- closed.
wise” for “counterclockwise” and vice versa, whenever those C. Check that the circuit breaker can be turned ON. If the
words appear. breaker will not turn ON, adjust the interlock defeater lever
downward to engage the lever on the handle operator.
Installation of the Door Latch Mechanism
D. To open the door, insert a screwdriver into the handle screw
A. Drill mounting holes in the enclosure door observing the and turn the screw and handle counterclockwise. The door
minimum dimensions shown in Figure 2. See FHOH Handle will only open partially if the operating handle is in the ON
Operator instructions for flange drilling pattern. position. If the door fully opens with the handle in the ON
NOTE: D and E dimensions are determined by the height position, adjust the interlock defeater lever upward and
of the enclosure. repeat Steps C and D.
Refer to Figure 1 for the following steps: NOTE: To open the door when the handle is in the ON posi-
tion, turn the latch defeaterr screw located on the
B. Place gasket (1) on handle plate (2) and attach handle plate side of the operating handle.
to enclosure door with two thin wall hex nuts (3). Tighten
the nuts to 100 in . lb.
Minimum Dimensions (In Inches)
C. Insert lockout screw ( 4) and handle (5) through holes in the C 1.922 Q 2.594
handle plate.
H 9.375 R 1.875
D. Install latch bar post assembly (6) (screw, sealing washer, I .50 S 1.625
flat washer, and special hex nut (7), if used.)
J 2.688 T 250
E. Attach top (8), bottom (9) and latch plate rollers (10) to latch K 1.859 U .688
bar with retaining pins and E-rings. L 1.797 V . 281 Dia.
NOTE: Two-point latch does not have bottom roller. M .391 Dia. W .703 Dia.

F. Fasten the top and bottom rollers to the enclosure door with N 2.297 X 2.484
locking type flange nuts. Tighten the nuts, then loosen them P .719 Y .219 Dia.
Ye turn to allow movement of the roller assemblies. (DThe last letter and number designate right- or left -hand, 2 or 3 point
G. Place bottom spring (11) over the bottom thin wall hex nut latches.
inside the enclosure door.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Installation Diagrams


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
MD-Frame Time Current Curve
Types MD6, MXD6, HMD6, HMXD6, CMD6 A

10 000 10 000
9 000 Time-Current Characteristic Curve 9600
8.000 8 000
7.000 l-T-E * Sentron Circuit Breaker 7.000
6 000 6.000
5.000 MD-Frame,types MD6, MXD6, HMD6 , 5.000
4.000 HMXD6, CMD6 2- & 3-Poles 4 000
Types MD6, HMD6, MXD6, HMXD6
3.000 3.000
600 Volts 60Hz 500 Volts DC
Type CMD6
2.000 600 Volts 60Hz 500 Volts DC 2 000

For application and coordination purposes only. Based on 40°C ambient

cold start . Connected with 4 feet of rated wire (75°C) per terminal .
Tested in open air with current in all poles .
1.000 1.000
900 V Maximum Single Pole Instantaneous TVip Table 960
800 \ Trip Time at 25°C © 800
700 Rating Setting 700
600 \ 500 Seconds @ 300% Amperes Lo 2 4 6 Hi 600
\ 500
500 500 3000 3430 4280 5140 6000
400 600, 700 & 800 4000 4570 5710 6850 8000 400


200 * s

Interrupting Rating

Symmetrical RMS Amperes

480 V
600V 250V
500V ®


s Maximum MD6 65 KA 50 KA 25 KA 30 KA ( 2 - P) 25 KA( 3-P)
hi HMXD6 . 100

IS $
90 HMD6 100 KA 65 KA 50 KA 30 KA ( 2-P ) 50 KA( 3 - P) 80
Minimum $ -
30 KA ( 2 P) 50 KA (3 - P ) 70
ss CMD6 200 KA
© Single pole test data at 25°C
100 KA 65 KA
© Sample instantaneous shown for 800 A breakers only For other
40 S instantaneous trip values , see table. Instantaneous trip values 40
_shown in table are nominal values .
30 © When all poles wired in series. Consult OEM Components/Product 30
Catalog section, page 37 for complete details
20 s 20

High Instantaneous
1' Setting ® 10
8 B
7 7 H
O 6 6 5
O 5 5 2Z
u 4
3 J O
P 2

Low Instantaneous
Setting ® 1
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4

3 3

2 2

09' 09
08 Maximum Clearing Times 08
W 07 07 n
(See Above For Interrupting 06
U 06 n
O 05 05 K
04 04

03 03

'll 02

480V 01
009 009
008 008
007 007
006 240V 006
005 005
004 004

003 003
002 002

001 001
Cl 1/ 1 to f. COOTO

8 8 S S S S S S8 §
S/ 8O 8888
( Ii
§ § § § § §§§
ro in d) N CO OTO

Multiples of Circuit Breaker Continuous Current Rating

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
ND-Frame Time Current Curve
Types ND6, NXP6, HND6, HNXD6, CND6
10.000 10,000
9.000 9,000
7 000
6 000
: Time-Current Characteristic Curves
l-T-E * Circuit Breaker
8, 000
6 , 000
5.000 5,000
4 000 ND-Frames 2 & 3-Pole
types ND6, NXD6, HND6, 600 Volts AC
60Hz 500 Volts DC
3.000 HNX 06, CND6 3.000
For application and coordination purposes only. Based on 40°C ambient
2 000 cold start Connected with 4 feet of rated wire (75°C) per terminal . 2 000
Tested in open air with current in all poles.
t Instantaneous Trip ihbis
\ Maximum Single Pole
\ Setting
1.000 Trip Time at 25°C Rating 1 , 000
900 \ Lo 2 4 6 HI 900
v 700 Seconds @ 300% ©
900. 1000 & 1200 5000 5715 7145 8575 .
to ooo 800
600 600
Interrupting Rating
500 500
Symmetrical RMS Amperes
400 Breaker
AC DC 400

% Type

240V 480V 600V 250V 500V
65 ,CXX) 50.000 25.000 30,000( 2-P) 25 ,000(3 - P)

200 5 HND6, HNXD6 100,000 65,000 50.000 30,000( 2- P) 50.000(3 - P)

CND6 200,000 100,000 65,000 30,000(2-P) 50.000(3 - P)

j Maximum | © Single pole tes1 data at 25°C based on method in NEMA Procedures
\ for Venfying Performance of Molded Case Circuit Breakers.
© Sample instantaneous shown for 1200 A breakers only. For other
100 100
90 trip values, see table. Instantaneous trip values shown in table are
$ 90
Minimum L
S \
nominal values. 80
40 N 50

30 30

\ 20
High Instantaneous
10 Setting ® 10

9 9
8 8
v> 7 7 H
Q 6 6 2
UJ 4 4
co w
3 3
i 2 2 co

Low Instanianeous
Setting ©
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 .5

4 4

3 3
2 Clearing Times
(See Above For

09 09
08 08
w 07 07
U 06 06 <
O 05 05 £
04 04

03 03


01 01
009 009
008 008
006 * 007
005 005
004 004

003 003
§ §
002 © 002

001 001
, o : o
to if O N aj 0)0
8 8 ? 8 8 S S8 8 § o 8 MX
8 to § 888
7> 0
) C o O
§ § ooooo
O O O o oo o
CVJ co x ’
LD co r cri aid

* «

Multiples of Circuit Breaker Continuous Current Rating



Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
MD and ND-Frame Peak Let-Thru Current (lp) Curve
Types CMD6, CND6




Available Short Circuit Current

( RMS Symmetrical Amperes x 103)
TD-7108- A (CMD6)
TD-7109- A (CND6)


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Ordering Information
Circuit Breaker Catalog Numbers
MD6 Interchangeable Trip (Unassembled)
2-Pole ®
Instantaneous Complete Breaker Frame Trip Unit UL Interrupting Ratings (kA) ©
Ampere Trip Range Unenclosed Only Only (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Rating Catalog Catalog Catalog
Min. Max. 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC 500V DC
Number Number Number
500 3000 6000 MD62B500 MD62F800 MD62T500 65 50 25 30 N /A
600 4000 8000 MD62B600 MD62F800 MD62T600 65 50 25 30 N/A
700 4000 8000 MD62B700 MD62F800 MD62T700 65 50 25 30 N /A
800 4000 8000 MD62B800 MD62F800 MD62T800 65 50 25 30 N /A
Shipping: 53 lb. 42.25 lb. 4.5 lb.

500 3000 6000 MD63B500 MD63F800 MD63T500 65 50 25 N /A 25
600 4000 8000 MD63B600 MD63F800 MD63T600 65 50 25 N /A 25
700 4000 8000 MD63B700 MD63F800 MD63T700 65 50 25 N/A 25
800 4000 8000 MD63B800 MD63F800 MD63T800 65 50 25 N/A 25
Shipping: 61.5 lb. 46 lb. 6.5 lb.

MXD6 Non-lnterchangeable Trip (Assembled)

2-Pole - 3-Pole ®
Instantaneous 2-Pole Complete 3-Pole Complete UL Intemipting Ratings (kA) ®
Ampere Trip Range Assembled Breaker Assembled Breaker (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Min. Max. Catalog Catalog > <D <D
Number Number 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC 500V DC
500 3000 6000 MXD62B500 MXD63B500 65 50 25 30 25
600 4000 8000 MXD62B600 MXD63B600 65 50 25 30 25
700 4000 8000 MXD62B700 MXD63B700 65 50 25 30 25
800 4000 8000 MXD62B800 MXD63B800 65 50 25 30 25
Molded Case
800 MXD62S800A MXD63S800A N /A N /A N /A N /A N /A
Shipping 53 lb. 61.5 lb.

ND6 Interchangeable Trip (Unassembled)

2-Pole ®
Instantaneous Complete Breaker Frame Trip Unit UL Interrupting Ratings (kA) ®
Ampere Trip Range Unenclosed Only Only (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Rating Catalog Catalog Catalog
Min. Max. 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC 500V DC
Number Number Number
800 4000 8000 ND62B800 ND62F120 MD62T800 65 50 25 30 N/A
900 5000 10000 ND62B900 ND62F120 ND62T900 65 50 25 30 N/A
1000 5000 10000 ND62B100 ND62F120 ND62T100 65 50 25 30 N/A
1200 5000 10000 ND62B120 ND62F120 ND62T120 65 50 25 30 N /A
Shipping: 53 lb. 42.25 lb. 4.5 lb.

800 4000 8000 ND63B800 ND63F120 MD63T800 65 50 25 N/A 25
900 5000 10000 ND63B900 ND63F120 ND63T900 65 50 25 N /A 25
1000 5000 10000 ND63B100 ND63F120 ND63T100 65 50 25 N /A 25
1200 5000 10000 ND63B120 ND63F120 ND63T120 65 50 25 N /A 25
Shipping: 61.5 lb. 46 lb. 6.5 lb.
® 2 -pole available in 3-pole construction.
<D DC rating based on using 2-pole circuit breaker.
D DC rating based on using 3-pole circuit breaker and wiring connections as shown on page 4.
@ IEC interrupting ratings are listed on page 50.
NOTE: For 50°C application replace letter “B” in catalog number with the letter “M” for ordering purposes. If trip unit only is required, replace
the letter “T” with the letter “ W ” for ordering purposes. Place the letter “H” as a suffix letter to the complete catalog number for a
100% rated circuit breaker, (e. g.: HND63B120H). Circuit breaker is a non-interchangeable trip unit device.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Ordering Information
Circuit Breaker Catalog Numbers
NXD6 Non-lnterchangeable Trip (Assembled)
2-Pole - 3-Pole ©
Instantaneous 2-Pole Complete 3-Pole Complete UL Interrupting Ratings (kA) ©
Ampere Trip Range Assembled Breaker Assembled Breaker (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Rating Catalog Catalog ©
Min. Max.
Number Number 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC 500V DC
900 4000 8000 NXD62B900 NXD63B900 65 50 25 30 25
1000 4000 8000 NXD62B100 NXD63B100 65 50 25 30 25
1200 4000 8000 NXD62B120 NXD63B120 65 50 25 30 25
Molded Case
1200 NXD62S120A NXD63S120A N/A N /A N/A N/A N/A
Shipping 53 lb. 61.5 lb.

MXD6 Instantaneous Trip (Assembled)

2-Pole ©
Instantaneous Complete Breaker Frame Trip Unit UL Interrupting Ratings (kA) ©
Ampere : Trip Range * Unenclosed i Only Only (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Rating A Catalog Catalog Catalog
Min* . Max. 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC 500V DC
Number Number Number
3000 6000 MXD62L800 Interruption ratings are established only through
800 4000 8000 MXD62A800 N/A N/A combination tests with properly sized overload
5000 10000 MXD62H800 relays and contactors.
Shipping: 53 lb.

3000 6000 MXD63L800 Interruption ratings are established only through
800 4000 8000 MXD63A800 N/A N/A combination tests with properly sized overload
5000 10000 MXD63H800 relays and contactors.
Shipping: 61.5 lb.

HMD6 Interchangeable Trip (Unassembled)

2-Pole ©
500 3000 6000 HMD62B500 HMD62F800 MD62T500 100 65 50 30 N/A
600 4000 8000 HMD62B600 HMD62F800 MD62T600 100 65 50 30 N/A
700 4000 8000 HMD62B700 HMD62F800 MD62T700 100 65 50 30 N/A
800 4000 8000 HMD62B800 HMD62F800 MD62T800 100 65 50 30 N/A
Shipping: 53 lb. 42.25 lb. 4.5 lb.

3 -Pole
500 3000 6000 HMD63B500 HMD63F800 MD63T500 100 65 50 N/A 50
600 4000 8000 HMD63B600 HMD63F800 MD63T600 100 65 50 N/A 50
700 4000 8000 HMD63B700 HMD63F800 MD63T700 100 65 50 N/A 50
800 4000 8000 HMD63B800 HMD63F800 MD63T800 100 65 50 N/A 50
Shipping: 61.5 lb. 46 lb. 6.5 lb.
® 2-pole available in 3-pole construction.
(D DC rating based on using 2-pole circuit breaker.
© DC rating based on using 3-pole circuit breaker and wiring connections as shown on page 4.
© IEC interrupting ratings are listed on page 50.
NOTE: For 50°C application replace letter “B” in catalog number with the letter “M” for ordering purposes. If trip unit only is required, replace
the letter “T” with the letter “ W” for ordering purposes. Place the letter “H” as a suffix letter to the complete catalog number for a
100% rated circuit breaker, (e. g.: HND63B120FI). Circuit breaker is a non-interchangeable trip unit device.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Ordering Information
Circuit Breaker Catalog Numbers
HMXD6 Non-lnterchangeable Trip (Assembled)
2-Pole - 3- Pole ©
Instantaneous 2-Pole Complete 3-Pole Complete UL Interrupting Ratings (kA) ®
Ampere Trip Range Assembled Breaker Assembled Breaker (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Min. Max. Catalog Catalog <D <D
Number Number 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC 500V DC
500 3000 6000 HMXD62B500 HMXD63B500 100 65 50 30 50
600 4000 8000 HMXD62B600 HMXD63B600 100 65 50 30 50
700 4000 8000 HMXD62B700 HMXD63B700 100 65 50 30 50
800 4000 8000 HMXD62B800 HMXD63B800 100 65 50 30 50
Shipping: 53 lb. 61.5 lb.

HND6 Interchangeable Trip (Unassembled)

2- Pole ©
Instantaneous Complete Breaker Frame Trip Unit UL Interrupting Ratings (kA) ®
Ampere Trip Range Unenclosed Only Only (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Rating Catalog Catalog Catalog
Min. Max. 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC 500V DC
Number Number Number
800 4000 8000 HND62B800 HND62F120 MD62T800 100 65 50 30 N /A
900 5000 10000 HND62B900 HND62F900 ND62T900 100 65 50 30 N/A
1000 5000 10000 HND62B100 HND62F120 ND62T100 100 65 50 30 N/A
1200 5000 10000 HND62B120 HND62F120 ND62T120 100 65 50 30 N/A
Shipping: 53 lb. 42.25 lb. 4.5 lb.

800 4000 8000 HND63B800 HND63F120 MD63T800 100 65 50 N/A 50
900 5000 10000 HND63B900 HND63F120 ND63T900 100 65 50 N/A 50
1000 5000 10000 HND63B100 HND63F120 ND63T100 100 65 50 N /A 50
1200 5000 10000 HND63B120 HND63F120 ND63T120 100 65 50 N /A 50
Shipping: 61.5 lb. 46 lb. 6.5 lb.

HNXD6 Non-lnterchangeable Trip (Assembled)

2- Pole - 3-Pole ©
Instantaneous 2-Pole Complete 3-Pole Complete UL Interrupting Ratings (kA) ©
Ampere Trip Range Assembled Breaker Assembled Breaker (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Min. Max. Catalog Catalog <D <D
Number Number 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC 500V DC
900 4000 8000 HNXD62B900 HNXD63B900 100 65 50 30 50
1000 4000 8000 HNXD62B100 HNXD63B100 100 65 50 30 50
1200 4000 8000 HNXD62B120 HNXD63B120 100 65 50 30 50
Shipping: 53 lb. 61.5 lb.
© 2 -pole available in 3-pole construction.
(DDC rating based on using 2 -pole circuit breaker.
(DDC rating based on using 3-pole circuit breaker and wiring connections as shown on page 4.
© IEC interrupting ratings are listed above.
NOTE: For 50°C application replace letter “B” in catalog number with the letter “M ” for ordering purposes. If trip unit only is required, replace
the letter “T” with the letter “ W” for ordering purposes. Place the letter “ FI ” as a suffix letter to the complete catalog number for a
100% rated circuit breaker, (e. g.: FIND63B120H). Circuit breaker is a non-interchangeable trip unit device.

IEC 157-1 (P1) Interrupting Ratings (kA)

Circuit Breaker Type (3-Pole Only)
Volts AC (50/60 Hz)
220/240 65 65 100 100 200 200
380/415 50 50 65 65 100 100


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Ordering Information
Circuit Breaker Catalog Numbers
CMD6 Non-lnterchangeable Trip
2-Pole ©
Instantaneous Complete Breaker Frame Trip Unit UL Interrupting Ratings (kA) (D
Ampere Trip Range Unenclosed Only Only (RMS) Symmetrical Amperes
Rating Catalog Catalog Catalog
Min. Max. 240V AC 480V AC 600V AC 250V DC
Number Number Number
500 3000 6000 CMD62B500 200 100 65 30
600 4000 8000 CMD62B600 Non- lnterchangeable 200 100 65 30
700 4000 8000 CMD 62B700 Trip 200 100 65 30
800 4000 8000 CMD62B800 200 100 65 30
Molded Case
800 CMD62B800A 200 100 65 30
SHIPPING: 53 lb .

3- Pole
500 3000 6000 CMD63B500 200 100 65 N/ A
600 4000 8000 CMD 63B600 Non- lnterchangeable 200 100 65 N/ A
700 4000 8000 CMD63B700 Trip 200 100 65 N/ A
800 4000 8000 CMD63B800 200 100 65 N/ A
Molded Case
800 CMD63S800A 200 100 65 N/ A
SHIPPING: 61.51b.

CND6 Non-lnterchangeable Trip

2-Pole ©
900 5000 10000 CND62B900 200 100 65 30
1000 5000 10000 CND62B100 Non-lnterchangeable
Trip 200 100 65 30
1200 5000 10000 CND62B120 200 100 65 30
Molded Case
1200 CND62S120A 200 100 65 30
SHIPPING: 53 lb.

900 5000 10000 CND63B900 200 100 65 N/ A
1000 5000 10000 CND63B100 Non-lnterchangeable
Trip 200 100 65 N/ A
1200 5000 10000 CND63B120 200 100 65 N/ A
Molded Case
1200 CND63S120A 200 100 65 N/ A
SHIPPING: 61.51b.

CMD6 Instantaneous Only Trip

2- Pole ©
3000 6000 CMD62L800 Interruption ratings are established only
800 4000 8000 CMD 62A800 N/ A N/ A through combination tests properly sized
5000 10000 CMD62H800 overload relays and contactors.
SHIPPING: 53 lb.

3000 6000 CMD63L800 Interruption ratings are established only
800 4000 8000 CMD63A800 N/ A N/ A through combination tests properly sized
5000 10000 CMD63H800 overload relays and contactors.
SHIPPING: 61.5 lb.

© 2-pole available in 3-pole construction.

(D DC rating based on using 2-pole circuit breaker.
(D DC rating based on using 3-pole circuit
breaker and wiring connections as shown on page 4.
© IEC interrupting ratings are listed on page 50.
NOTE: For 50°C application replace letter “ B” in catalog number with the letter “M” for ordering purposes. If trip unit only is required, replace
the letter “T” with the letter “ W ” for ordering purposes. Place the letter “H” as a suffix letter to the complete catalog number for a
100% rated circuit breaker , (e. g.: HND63B120H). Circuit breaker is a non-interchangeable trip unit device.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Ordering Information
Internal Accessories

Shunt Trip Combinations

1 Shunt Trip and
Control Voltage 1 Shunt Trip
1 Auxiliary Switch
AC DC Catalog Number Catalog Number
120 S01MN6 S01MN64A
208 S02MN6 S02MN64A
240 S03MN6 S03MN64A
277 S15MN6 S15MN64A
480 S04MN6 S04MN64A
600 S06MN6
12 S16MN6 S16MN64A
24 S07MN6 S07MN64A
48 S09MN6 S09MN64A
125 S11MN6 S11MN64A
250 S13MN6 S13MN64A
Undervoltage Trip Combinations
1 Undervoltage Trip and 1 Undervoltage Trip and
Control Voltage 1 Undervoltage Trip
1 Auxiliary Switch 2 Auxiliary Switches
AC DC Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number
120 U01MN6 U01MN64A U01MN64AA
208 U02MN6 U02MN64A U02MN64AA
240 U03MN6 U03MN64A U03MN64AA
277 U15MN6 U15MN64A U15MN64AA
480 U04MN6 U04MN64A U04MN64AA
600 U06MN6
24 U07MN6 U07MN64A U07MN64AA
48 U09MN6 U09MN64A U09MN64AA
125 U11MN6 U11MN64A U14MN64AA
250 U13MN6 U13MN64A U13MN64AA
Auxiliary Switch Combinations
Control Voltage 1 Auxiliary Switch 2 Auxiliary Switches

AC DC Catalog Number Catalog Number

480 A01MN64 A02MN64
250 A01MN64 A02MN64
Alarm Switch Combinations
Maximum 1 Alarm Switch and 1 Alarm Switch and
Control Voltage t Alarm Switch
1 Auxiliary Switch 2 Auxiliary Switches
AC DC Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number
480 B00MN64 A01MN64B A02MN64B
250 B00MN64 A01MN64B A02MN64B

NOTE: Accessory modules can mount in either left hand or right hand poles of all circuit breakers, including solid state, except
when mechanical interlock is used. This device prevents accessories from being mounted in left pole.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Ordering Information
Additional Accessories
Item Catalog Number Item Catalog Number
Extension Handle EX9 Handle Operators (continued)
Rotary - Variable Depth
Mounting Screw Kit MSMN Complete Mechanism RHONVD
Handle Only © RHOH
Pressure Wire Connectors Kits © Breaker Operator RHONBO
(4) 250-500 kcmil Cu/AI (2)(3)TA4N8500 Variable Length Shaft RHONVD
(4) 250- 500 kcmil Cu/AI (2)(3)TA4P8500
(2) 600- 750 kcmil Cu/AI (2)(3)TA2N8750 Max-Flex Flange Mounted
(3) 250-700 kcmil Cu/AI (2)(3)TA3N8750 Complete Mechanism FH0N048
(1-2) #1 AWG-500 kcmil Cu/AI (2)(3)TA2K500 Handle Only © FHOHN
(1-3) 300-500 kcmil Cu/AI (2)(3)TA3K 500 Breaker Operator FHONBO
(1-2) #1 AWG-500 kcmil Cu (2)(3)TC2K500 Cable Operator © FH0NC048
(1-3) #1 AWG-350 kcmil Cu (2)(3)TC3K350
Motor Operator
Compression Connectors CCM800K2- K3 120V AC (Hinged to the right) MOMN6120
CCN1200K2-K3 120V AC (Hinged to the left) MOMN6120L
240V AC (Hinged to the right) MOMN6240
Wire Connector Shield NDTS 240V AC (Hinged to the left) MOMN6240L
Handle Blocking Device MN6BL Enclosures
Type 1 MND61
Padlocking Device MN6HPL Type 3R MND63
Type 12 MND612
Rear Connecting Straps (Studs)
Short Length RS5785 Door Latch Mechanism
Long Length RS5786 Left Side DKL2, DKL3
Right Side DKR 2, DKR3
Plug-In Adapters (MD)
(2 Required per Breaker) Time Current Curves
Line Side (2-Pole) PC 5662 MD6, MXD6, HMD6,
Load Side (2-Pole) PC5662 HMXD6, CMD6, TD-7108
Line Side (3-Pole) PC5663 ND6, NXD6, HND6,
Load Side (3-Pole) PC5663 HNXD6, CND6 TD-7109
Plug-In Adapters (ND) Let-Thru Curves
(2 Required per Breaker) CMD6
Vertical Bus (2-Pole) PC5664 Peak Current (lp) TD- 7108 -A
Vertical Bus (3-Pole) PC5666 l 2t TD-7108-B
Horizontal Bus (2-Pole) PC5665 CND6
Horizontal Bus (3-Pole) PC5667 Peak Current (lp) TD- 7109-A
l2t TD- 7109-B
Steel Switchboard Mounting Plate
Used With Plug-In Adapters © For 4x application use RHOH4 handle in place of RHOH.
MD PL9698 © For 4x application use FHOHN4 handle in place of FHOHN.
ND PL9699 © Optional cable length of 60 in. available, order FHONCO60.

Mechanical Interlock
Panel Mounted Ml5404
Plug-In Mounted MI5404

Handle Operators
Rotary - Standard Depth
Complete Mechanism RHONSD
Handle Only © RHOH
Breaker Operator RHONBO
•t Standard Length Shaft RHONSSD

r © Each kit consists of (2) connectors or (3) connectors plus NDTS

end barrier.


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
UL Listings and File Numbers
Industry Specifications
UL-489 CSA National Fire Protection Assoc. (National Electric Code®).
l-T-E Item
File Number Report Number Federal Specification C-375B /GEN.
Breakers E10848 LR13077 Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL 489).
Terminal Connectors Canadian Standards Association (C22.2 No. 5).
Plug-In Connectors E63311
Rear Studs E23615
Add-On Internal .472 Dia. .175 « 2.75
Accessories E69455 LR 13077 *
Shunt Trip
Undervoltage Trip innnnnnnnnni
Aux. Switch
Bell Alarm Switch \ 1/ 4 - 20
Molded Case Switch E68312 LR 42022 Mounting Screw Information
Enclosures E10848
ETI Breakers E10848 LR 42022

100 Percent Rating Information

MD-Frame ND-Frame
MD-Frame breaker types are suitable for continuous operation ND-Frame breaker types are suitable for continuous operation
at 100% of rating only if used in an enclosure or cubicle space at 100% of rating only if used in an enclosure or cubicle space
40.2 x 22.5 x 10.7 in. 60 x 22.5 x 10 in.

The MD-Frame 100 percent rated breaker types MD6, HMD6 The ND-Frame 100 percent rated breaker types ND6, HND6
and CMD6 are marked on the breaker label as follows: and CND6 are marked on the breaker label as follows:

Wire Connectors Wire Connectors

Catalog Number Wire Range Torque Catalog Number Wire Range Torque
TA4P500 (4) 250-500 MCM Cu /AI 375 in. lb. TA4P500 (4) 250-500 MCM Cu /AI 375 in. lb.
CCM800 See instructions CCN800 See instructions

For the correct 90°C wire size use Table 8.1 in UL 489 according For the correct 90°C wire size use Table 8.1 in UL 489 according
to the rating of the breaker. to the rating of the breaker.

Suitable for continuous operation at 100 percent of rating only

if used in a ventilated enclosure or cubicle space 60 x 22.5 x 10
in. Ventilation openings are 1.5 x 21 in. at bottom and 4.25 x 21
in. at top and should be located at least 8 in. from ends of


Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Breaker Label Information

Cat. No. Cat. No.

MXD63B800 HMXD63B800
Amps Volts Max. Amps Volts Max.
800 600 AC 800 600 AC
Type Poles Cal. Base Type Poles Cal. Base
MXDX 3 40° C HMXD6 3 40° C
Current Interrupting Ratings Current Interrupting Ratings
Maximum RMS Symmetrical Maximum RMS Symmetrical
Amps Volts Frequency Amps Volts Frequency
65,000 A 240 AC 50/60 Hz 100,000 A 240 AC 50/60 Hz
50,000 A 480 AC 50/60 Hz 65,000 A 480 AC 50 /60 Hz
25 ,000 A 600 AC 50 /60 Hz 50,000 A 600 AC 50/60 Hz

l- T-E Circuit Breaker l- T-E Circuit Breaker

Wire Connectors Wire Connectors

Cat. No.Wire Range Torque Cat. No. Wire Range Torque
TA2K500 (2) #1-500 MCM Cu/A| 375 in. -lb. TA2K 500 (2) #1-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb.
TC2K 500(2) #1-500 MCM Cu Only 375 in.-lb. TC2K5O0 ( 2) #1-500 MCM Cu Only 375 in.-lb.
TC3K350 (3) #1-350 MCM Cu Only 375 in. -lb. TC3K350 (3 ) #1-350 MCM Cu Only 375 in.-lb.
TA3K500 (3 ) 1/0-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb . TA3K 500 ( 3 ) 1/0-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb.
(2) 500-750 MCM Cu/AI
( See Instructions)
375 in . - lb . TA2N8750
( 2 ) 500 750 MCM Cu/AI
(See Instructions)
375 in . - lb .
TA3N8750(3) 500-750 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb. TA3N8750 (3) 500-750 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb.
TA4P8500(4) 250-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in. - lb . TA4P8500 ( 4) 250 -500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb.
TA4N8500( 4) 250-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb . TA4N8500 ( 4) 250-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in. - lb .
Use outside poles tor single phase. Use outside poles tor single phase.
E10848 LR13077 E10848 LR13077
PC. NO. 79972 PC. NO. 79976

Cat. No. Cat. No.

NXD63B100 HNXD63B120
Amps Volts Max. Amps Volts Max.
1000 600 AC 1200 600 AC
Type Poles Cal. Base Type Poles Cal. Base
NXD6 3 40° C HNXD6 3 40° C
Current Interrupting Ratings Current Interrupting Ratings
Maximum RMS Symmetrical Maximum RMS Symmetrical
Amps Volts Frequency Amps Volts Frequency
65,000 A 240 AC 50/60 Hz 100,000 A 240 AC 50/60 Hz
50 , 000 A480 AC 50/60 Hz 65 ,000 A 480 AC 50/60 Hz
25.000 A 600 AC 50/60 Hz 50,000 A 600 AC 50/60 Hz

l- T-E Circuit Breaker l- T-E Circuit Breaker

Wire Connectors Wire Connectors

Cat. No. Wire Range Torque Cat. No. Wire Range Torque
TA2K 500 (2 ) #1-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb. TA2K 500 (2) #1-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb.
TC2K 500 ( 2) #1-500 MCM Cu Only 375 in.-lb . TC2K500 (2) #1-500 MCM Cu Only 375 in.-lb .
TC3K350 (3 ) #1-350 MCM Cu Only 375 in . - lb . TC3K350 (3) #1-350 MCM Cu Only 375 in.-lb.
TA3K500 (3 ) 1/0-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in. -lb. TA3K500 (3 ) 1/0 -500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb .
TA2N8750 ( 2) 500-750 MCM Cu/AI 375 in. -lb. TA2N8750 (2) 500-750 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb.
CCN1200 ( See Instructions) CCN1200 (See Instructions)
TA3N8750 (3 ) 500-750 MCM Cu/AI 375 in . - lb. TA3N8750 (3) 500-750 MCM Cu/AI 375 in . - lb .
TA4P8500 ( 4 ) 250-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in. -lb. TA4P8500 ( 4) 250-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in . - lb .
TA4N8500 ( 4) 250-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb. TA4N8500 ( 4 ) 250-500 MCM Cu/AI 375 in.-lb.
Use outside poles tor single phase. Use outside poles tor single phase.
E10848 LR13077 E10848 LR13077
PC . NO. 79979 PC. NO 79984

NOTE: The labels for MXD63B800 and NXD63B100 are blue and grey.
The labels for HMXD63B800 and HNXD63B100 are black and grey.

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. For Nearest Sales Office
Power Distribution & Controls Division 1-800-964-4114 or 800-241-4453
3333 Old Milton Parkway www.sea.siemens.com/ For Product Information
Alpharetta, GA 30005 sales/salesoffices.html www.sea.siemens.com/power/

Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com

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