AM 8000-Manu-Inst ENG
AM 8000-Manu-Inst ENG
AM 8000-Manu-Inst ENG
Intelligent Addressable Fire detection
P l
Limits of Fire Detection Systems 1
EN 54 : Informations – Option with Requirements 2
General Description 3
INSTALLATION: Dimensions for wall assembly 4
Front Panel indications 5
Electrical features 6
Earthing 6
Mains power supply 6
Power Supply 6
Battery Charger section 6
Batteries 6
Power supply and battery operation 7
Mains and Batteries connection 8
User power supply output 9
Fuse list 9
Relay Outputs 10
Sounder Output 11
System Components 12
Black-Box 12
AM-8000 CPU card 12
CNU – CNU terminal block 13
AM-8000 Front Panel LCD 14
LCD-8000 installation 16
CAN-LCD-8000 card 17
System Wiring 19
System Wiring example 21
CAN Bus Wiring: Cables 22
LIB-8000 card 23
LIB-8000 CNU terminal Block 23
Communication lines with Detectors / Modules 24
Technical specifications of analogue line connection cables 24
SENSORS & MODULES Connection 25
Test procedure for analogue system lines 26
System Test and Commissioning 27
Power Supply : Current and Battery calculation 29
Summary of Current consumption of Loop devices 31
These instructions contain procedures to be followed in order to avoid damages to
equipment. It is assumed that the user of this manual has performed a training
course and that he knows the applicable rules in force.
The system and all its components must be installed in an environment having the
following features:
Temperature: -5 °C ¸ +40 °C.
Humidity: 10 % - 93 % (without condensation).
Peripheral devices (sensors, etc.) which are not perfectly compatible with the
control unit may cause damages to the same control unit, and a bad operation of
the system in any moment. Therefore, it is essential to only use material which is
guaranteed by NOTIFIER and is compatible with its own control units.
Please consult NOTIFIER Technical Service for any doubt.
This system, like all solid state components, may be damaged by induced
electrostatic voltages: handles the boards keeping them among the edges and
avoid to touch the electronic components.
An appropriate earthing connection ensures, in any case, a sensitivity reduction to
Please consult NOTIFIER Technical Service if you cannot solve installation
Any electronic system does not operate if it is not powered.
If power supply from the mains fails, the system ensures its operation through
battery, but only for a limited period of time.
During the system planning phase, take into account the autonomy required to
appropriately dimension the power supply and batteries.
Skilled personnel shall periodically check the state of batteries.
Disconnect the MAINS and the batteries BEFORE removing or inserting any board.
Disconnect ALL power supply sources from the control unit, BEFORE performing
any servicing.
The control unit and the connected devices (sensors, modules, repeaters, etc.)
may be damaged, if a new board is inserted or removed, or if the powered cables
are connected.
The most common cause for malfunctioning is inappropriate maintenance.
Take special care of these aspects since you start the system planning phase; this
will facilitate future servicing and will reduce cost.
This panel is market with the CE 1293 label to comply with the following European Directives :
Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC (Including EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
and LVD Directive 2006/95/CE)
This device must be installed and must operate in accordance with these instructions
and to the rules in force in the installation place.
This fire detection control unit is in accordance with the requirements of rule
EN54 EN54-2/4 .
In addition to the basic EN 54 requirements, the control unit is in conformity with the
following optional operation requirements
The power supply section of the AM-8000 control unit is in conformity with the
EN54 following EN54-4 requirements.
Function EN 54.4 reference
Power supply from main source 5.1
Power supply from battery source in standby 5.2
Re-charging and check of the battery source 5.3
Power supply fault detection and signalling 5.4
Notifier Italia S.r.l. Via Grandi, 22 -20097 San Donato
Milanese (MI), Italy
1293 – CPD - 0316
EN 54-2, EN 54-4
Analog Addressable Fire Detection Panel AM-8000
type: BB-8000 with terminal LCD-8000-F or LCD-8000-L
Option with requirements: EN-54-2: 7.8, 7.10, 7.10, 7.11,
7.12 ( type A ), 8.3, 8.4, 9.5, 10, 10.2, 10.3
Technical features :
Multi-microprocessor system
LCD-8000-L / LCD-8000-F with display TFT 7” (800 x 480 with backlit ) and 256 colors and touch-screen with
keyboard simulation to program and configure the system.
Keys dedicated to specific functions : Evacuation, Reset delays, Buzzer Silencing, Silencing / Siren Reset,
System Reset.
2 analogue lines programmable to closed or open loop for the connection of the field elements
Each line can drive 159 sensors + 159 input and output modules
max 4 loop each panel using the optional 2 loop LIB-8000 card.
Standard 27,6Vdc - 4A total.
Battery charger 27,6 Vdc – 1,5A (with temperature compensation).
User output 28Vdc (+3% ÷ -17%) 1.5A, to power external loads such as sirens, bells, etc. .
1 Supervised Siren Output
1 General Alarm Output with contacts free from voltage
1 General Fault Output with contacts free from voltage
The control unit mechanics is suitable for wall installations
Sizes 403mm (L) x 408mm (H) x 240mm (P)
Protection grade : IP 30
Operation temperature : -5 °C a +40 °C
Stockage temperature: -10 °C a +50 °C
Weight: 7.5 Kg
Main Functions
3 password levels (Operator - Maintenance – Configuration)
4 total access levels in conformity with the EN.54 rules
Programmable text : point description through 32 characters; zone description through 32 characters
500 physical zones and 400 logical groups
CBE Control Equations (Control-by event) for activation with logical operators (And,Or, Xor , etc.).
Event historical file with the last 2000 events in non-volatile memory
Real time clock
Line self-programming with automatic recognition of the type of the connected devices.
Automatic recognition of points having the same address.
Decision algorithms for the alarm and fault criteria.
Automatic sensitivity change Daytime /Night.
Signaling of need for sensor cleaning
Signaling of poor sensor sensitivity
Programmable alarm threshold for sensors
Pre-defined software function programming for the various devices used
Walk-Test function for zones.
External sizes
403mm (L) x 408mm (H) x 240mm (P)
View from High
The control unit must be installed to the Moreover, if the control unit must
wall so as to allow a clear view of the be installed to the wall beside a
display and easy access by the 400mm corner wall, the minimum distance
operator. For example, it allows an from the latter must be at least
optimal view of the display at 1.5 m 280 mm, so as to avoid the
height , opening of the front panel.
It is recommended not to install the control unit near heat sources (radiators, etc.).
The control unit can be opened by unscrewing the two cover fixing screws.
The earthling system must be performed in conformity with CEI and ISPELS rules or rules valid in the country
where the panel is installed.
In any case, must have a resistance lower than 10 Ohm (measured at the well with disconnected users). This
complies the CEI 68-12 rule for TN installations.
The earth connection to the control unit is compulsory and it must be performed on the CNAL terminal block. (refer
to basic board topography).
Power supply
The power supply has the following output: 28,5Vdc – 28,9Vdc, 4 A ripple max. 500mVpp
(Power supply for control unit, user output, external load power supply).
Average duration declared by the manufacturer - 3-5 years at an ambient temperature of 20 C°
N.B. Life decreases in accordance with a higher operating temperature and possible discharging-recharging cycles
Recommended Batteries:
These are respectively the Min. and the Max battery capacity compatible with the Battery Charger.
Depending from the Stand-by time required in the System and from Loads calculation, the user can select an intermediate
When the control unit operates through AC mains, the main microprocessor controls the battery charger output and the
presence of them. To perform this test, the output battery charger is temporarily switched off and the battery voltage is read
(signalling of missing batteries<15.0V).
When the control unit operates as a battery (in the absence of the AC mains) “Low Battery” breakdown will be
indicated when their voltage is <21.5V and, to prevent irreversible damages the voltage will be automatically
switched off, by disconnecting the batteries, when the voltage is < 19,5V.
All wirings MUST be checked BEFORE they are connected to the control unit.
It is recommended to perform at least the following checks:
The 230 Vac mains power supply cable must preferably pass near the relevant terminal block.
The connection to the 230 Vac power supply mains must be performed through three-conductor cable (phase-
neuter- earth).
The identification of the earth conductor coming from the mains must be performed on the CNAL terminal block
(refer to basic board topography) and must be fixed at the cabinet by means of cable –tightening strip so that it
cannot be accidentally stripped off from the terminal block.
The 230 Vac power supply cable must be fixed inside the control unit by means of an appropriate cable fixing
A sectioning device external to the control unit must be provided for the 230 Vac power cable (contact separation: 3
mm min.) The sectioning device must be omni-polar or must disconnect the line phase
Power Supply connection must be done following this procedure: (Refer to Base Board)
1 – Turn off the main power switch of the 230 Vac mains.
2 – Disconnect the CNAL terminal block from the control unit.
3 – Connect the mains cable.
4 – Re-connect the CNAL terminal block
5 – Turn on the mains switch
6 – Install and connect the batteries as indicated in this manual.
N.B.: Once the control unit has been powered, it will automatically start operating.
However, in accordance with the battery storage period, it is necessary to wait some hours before the
batteries are completely re-charged.
7 – Check the operation of the LED indicators on the panel, according to the paragraph “TEST AND STARTING
8 – Close the control unit.
Current from battery in Normal Condition in the absence of mains voltage 230Vac:
CPU-8000 Card at nominal voltage (24Vdc): 83mA if the Card is connected to LCD-8000-L (or LCD-
8000-F); 91mA if the Card is not connected to LCD.
1x LIB-8000 at nominal voltage (24Vdc): 67mA
LCD-8000-L at nominal voltage (24Vdc) and backlight low: 111mA if the LCD is connected to the CPU-
8000 Card; 148mA if LCD have remote connection (by CAN-LCD-8000 adaptor)
LCD-8000-F at nominal voltage (24Vdc) and backlight low: 178mA if the LCD is connected to the
CPU-8000 Card; 236mA if LCD have remote connection (by CAN-LCD-8000 adaptor)
+ external loads
Current from battery in Alarm Condition in the absence of mains voltage 230 Vac:
CPU-8000 Card at nominal voltage (24Vdc): 100mA with LCD-8000-L (or LCD-8000-F) connected
on-board; 108mA LCD not connected
1x LIB-8000 at nominal voltage (24Vdc): 75mA
LCD-8000-L at nominal voltage (24Vdc) and full backlight : 169mA if the LCD is connected to the CPU-
8000 Card; 218mA if LCD have remote connection (by CAN-LCD-8000 adaptor)
LCD-8000-F at nominal voltage (24Vdc) and full backlight : 215mA if the LCD is connected to the CPU-
8000 Card; 274mA if LCD have remote connection (by CAN-LCD-8000 adaptor)
+ external loads
See the appendix at the end of this manual for proper battery calculation in Stand-by and in Alarm
Fuse list
230 V mains voltage 3,15 AL
Battery Output 7 A RESETTABLE
User power supply output 4 A RESETTABLE
Sounder output 1,35 A RESETTABLE
General Alarm Max 2A resistive 30 Vdc, NA-NC selectable through Jumper JALL
(refer to basic board topography)
General Fault Max 2A resistive 30 Vdc, NA-NC selectable through Jumper JGST
(refer to basic board topography)
Max 2A resistive 30 Vdc, NA-NC selectable through Jumper JUSR1
USR2 (refer to basic board topography)
Max 2A resistive 30 Vdc, NA-NC selectable through Jumper JUSR2
(refer to basic board topography)
EN54-2 8.8 The General Fault relay is usually in energized state. It is de-energized in Fault
! General Fault Output NOTE: do not connect to this output any alarm remote control, such as a
telephone dial (EN 54.2. 7.7) because the output line is not controlled
Contact range: max 30 VAC/DC, 2A,
Non-inductive loads CNU
Selection of type of contact (Normally open or
Normally closed) through JGST Jumper on
board (refer to basic board topography)
19 20
EN54-2 7.7 The main Alarm relay is available in free voltage contacts
General Alarm Output NOTE: do not connect to this output any alarm remote control, such as a telephone
! dial (EN 54. 2. 7.7) because the output line is not controlled.
21 22
EN54-2 7.7
The USR1 and USR2 relays are available in free voltage contacts
! Outputs NOTE: do not connect to this output any alarm remote control, such as a telephone
USR1and USR2 dial (EN 54. 2. 7.7) because the output line is not controlled.
To program the activation of these outputs refer 23 24 25 26
to “Am-8000 Programming Manual” NC/ NO COM NC/ NO COM
3 4
21K 61K
Each Black Box is equipped of one CPU card and can contain up to 2 Loop Interface cards ( LIB-8000 )
Each LIB card can drive up to 2 ADV loop
Each ADV Loop line can connect up to 159 detector and 159 Modules in Advanced protocol or 99+99 in
CLIP mode.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Download Tech SW
ADDRESS config. Load conf. use only Upgrade
Note : Set the dip-SW 5-6-8 in ON for the time necessary to perform the function. Restore it in OFF position for
Normal operations.
31 mm
247 mm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ADDRESS OFF only Upgrade
Current consumption
LCD-8000-L backlight low: 148mA in Normal condition; 218mA in alarm condition @ 24Vcc
LCD-8000-F full backlight: 236mA in Normal condition; 274mA in alarm condition @ 24Vcc
CAN-LCD-8000 16mA @ 24Vcc
CAN-LCD-8000 card
Both LCD-8000-F and LCD-8000-L units are integral part of the AM-
EN54-2 8000 system. This implies that are “not only” events repeaters, but
EN54 also enable the operator to perform all EN 54.2 mandatory
! 8.2.6 - 12.5.3
functions like configuration, test, disabling etc.
Panels with What said, implies that the connection to the AM-8000 CAN-Bus
components in MUST BE wired in Class A ( Loop ) configuration.
separate cabinet:
And also the Power supply connection MUST BE in the same
Fault condition & configuration.
indication. If this function is not appropriately followed, it can contravene the EN54
Here are some samples of the power supply and CAN bus wiring.
Note that :
Each LCD have TWO connections for the CAN Network
Each LCD have TWO connections for the Power Supply
CAN-Bus IN-OUT connections must be wired in separated path
LCD Power IN-OUT connections must be wired in separated
Power source for the LCD-8000L and LCD-8000F can be :
One Black Box for all LCDs , or….
Each LCD can be powered from the nearest Black Box , or….
One LCD can use a local EN 54.4 certified Power Supply unit but
in this case the Power line must be splitted and the two
connection path must be physically separated.
Communication Cable
Cable used for CAN Bus connection must be : Twisted pair – Shielded – Impedance: 120 Ohm
Shield wire have to be connected to the negative terminal on both side to guarantee the reference continuity.
Belden 3086 A Multi-Conductor (20 AWG for CAN-Bus + 16 AWG for Power supply)
Using this cable, maximum distance from first to last equipment is: 400 mt at maximum transmission
speed of 31250 bit/sec
Power supply cable can be a twisted pair with copper section proportional to :
o the distance from first and last equipment,
o Number and current consumption of all devices along the line.
o must guarantee the minimum voltage need to the properly functionality of all peripherals at
maximum current.
Similary to all RS-485 communication line, the CAN Bus is a Point-to-Point sequential serie connection.
The wire must have a 120 Ohm resistor at each end.
It’s not necessary to follow the sequential serie on the peripherals addresses.
Cable must be wired in conduits separated by the mains power line and anyway wiring must be compliant to laws
and rules valid in the country of the installation.
If more than 32 devices (ref. EN54.2) are installed on a line, this must be
configured as closed Loop ( style 6 ).
If a connection is performed with a T-branch in a closed loop, not more than 32
! devices must be installed on this branch and these devices must be separated by
In case of short line insulators.
circuit cannot be lost If the line is in Style 6 (Loop) an appropriate number of insulators devices must be
more than 32 alarm provided, in such way to don’t lost more than 32 points in case of short circuit.
The detection circuit must be separated by other cables to minimize the risk of interferences
Use twisted cable according to the specifications.
The detection Loop circuit is supervised and current-limited
The connection cables fitted with detectors, the auxiliary devices and the power mains, can be introduced into the
control unit by making some appropriate holes, by running cables along the side walls of the box, and appropriately
providing for those which are located near the terminal block.
Cable section
The sections are referred to the total length of the line (in case of “STYLE 6” loop and therefore when the loop is
closed, it is considered the loop length) which, however, must not be longer than 3000 meters and the total
resistance of the line must be lower than 40 Ohm.
Minimum Cable Section
Up to 500 mt. cable 2 x 0,5 mm²
Up to 1.000 mt. cable 2 x 1 mm²
Up to 1.500 mt. cable 2 x 1,5 mm²
Up to 3.000 mt. cable 2 x 2,5 mm²
- “B” SIDE -
+ +
The total length of the loop couple (from the Panel Loop output and input) SHALL NOT exceed 3.000 mt.
Line resistance
Side B
Side A
The direct current resistance of the negative wire of the loop SHALL NOT exceed 20 Ohm.
The measurement must be performed by disconnecting the channels “A” and “B” from the LIB
Multi meter points are to be connected to the Negative wire terminals.
To have the total loop wire resistance, multiply by 2 the value read on the Negative side.
Line insulaton
Place between (+) and (-) of line through a tester, with sensors or modules installed and check the following:
Test 1:
Connect : Tester (+) / Line (+) and Tester (-) / Line (-)
Check : Resistance: 1 - 1.3 MOhm
Test 2:
Connect : Tester (+) / Line (-) and Tester (-) / Line(+)
Check : Resistance: 0.7 - 0.9 MOhm
Perform the same operation between the line screen and negative cable (-). Check that also in this case the
resistance is higher than 15-20 MOhm.
Perform the same operation between the earthing and negative cable (-) of the line. Check that also in this case the
resistance is higher than 15-20 MOhm.
Line voltage
With the sensors/modules line connected, the line output voltage must be 24 Vcc without the device query (no
programmed Point)
A voltage much lower than 14 Vcc indicates a connection inversion of sensors or modules.
PAGE - 26 Manuale di installazione AM-8000
NOTIFIER ITALIA Doc. 160.1-AM8000-ITA Rev A.3 AM8000_manu-inst
System Test and Commissioning
The Control unit installation must be performed after having carefully read the instructions contained in the
installation manual and the programming manual.
Once mechanical installation of the control unit has been completed, perform the following operations:
Check the correct detection line wiring through a multi-meter (refer to chapter Test Procedure for the
analogue system lines in this manual).
Connect the main alarm siren (fitted with 47 KW ¼ W balance resistance) on the CNU-03 and 04 terminals
(refer to basic board topography )
To correctly dimension the batteries to be used, check the autonomy that the system must guarantee in case
of 230 Vac. mains breakdown.
Connect the control unit to the 230 Vca mains by means of a three-pole cables: phase, earth, neuter (the earth
cable must be longer than the phase and neuter ones) on the CNAL terminal block (the earthing connection
is compulsory) and must be fixed to the cabinet by means of a cable fixing device so that it cannot be
accidentally stripped off.
The power supply connection must be performed through the following phases
(refer to basic board topography):
Turn off the main switch of the 230 Vca mains which powers the control unit;
Disconnect the CNAL terminal block from the control unit
Connect the 230 Vca mains to the CNAL terminal block;
Connect the CNAL terminal block to the control unit ;
Turn on the main switch of the 230 Vac mains
Install and connect the batteries as indicated in this manual
When the control unit is powered check the following conditions on the front panel:
By pressing the Buzzer Silencing key, the buzzer is switched off and the “POWER UP” fault indication is displayed
By Pressing the “RESET” key the request to enter the level 2 password is displayed
(default = 22222) .
To program the control unit consult the chapter “RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE TO PERFORM THE CONTROL
UNIT PROGRAMMING” in the Operator and Programming manual.
Press the function TEST key on the LCD and enter the level 2 password to access the “TEST” menu.
Use the arrow keys to select the item “Led” (lamp test function), press the enter key
to perform the test, check that all light indications are on for some seconds.
1. Disconnect the 230 Vca mains supply from the AM-8000 control unit and check the following conditions:
The indication of “MAINS LOSS” on the display
Yellow led “FAULTS” flashing.
Yellow led “POWER OK” on
Yellow led “MAINS” on
General Fault relay active
After at least 15 minutes, check the battery voltage.
If the sum of the two battery voltages is lower than 20.5 V replace them.
2. Connect the 230 Vca mains power supply to the control unit, press the “SILENCE ALARM/FAULT” key and
check the following conditions:
There is no indication of Alarm in progress on the display
Yellow led “FAULTS” off
Yellow led “POWER OK” on.
Yellow led “MAINS” off
General Fault relay deactivated
3. Disconnect both batteries; wait (not more than 2-3 minutes) for the control unit to signal:
The indication of “BATTERIES NOT CONNECTED” on the display
Yellow led “FAULTS” flashing.
Yellow led “POWER OK” on.
Yellow led “MAINS” on
General Fault relay active
Re-connect the batteries and press the “SILENCE ALARM/FAULT” key and check:
No breakdown signalling on the display
Yellow led “FAULT” off
Yellow led “POWER OK” off
Yellow led “MAINS” off
General Fault relay deactivated
Press the “SILENCE ALARM/FAULT “ key and subsequently the “SILENCE / RESOUND SIREN” key; the
request to enter the level 2 password is displayed ( default = 22222 ).
Enter ths password and check the following conditions:
yellow led SILENCE SOUNDER off
red led “ALARM” on.
Siren output deactivated
By pressing the “RESET” key, the request to enter the level 2 password is displayed (default = 22222).
Enter the password and check the following conditions:
yellow led SILENCE SOUNDER off
red led “ALARM” off
Siren output deactivated
No alarm signalling on the display
At the end of the maintenance leave the control unit in the idle condition (without alarm and breakdown
signalling) and check that the led “POWER OK” is on.
Loops 2 Current
Refer to Table 2
Loop 1 |_________| |_________|
Loop 2 |_________| |_________|
Loop 3 |_________| |_________|
Loop 4 |_________| |_________|
User Output current 3 (Max 1.5A ) (Max 1.5A)
Bells 0 0 |_________| |_________|
Sounders 0 0 |_________| |_________|
Strobes 0 0 |_________| |_________|
Other devices |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|
Total 4 = Total =
2 Current from loops: Refer to the device manufacturer data sheet for the current necessary in normal mode.
Calculate the total current required for each loop by using the table 2 (refer to the following).
Alarm current: Refer to the devices manufacturer’ data sheet for the current necessary in alarm mode.
Calculate the total current required for each loop by using the table 2 (refer to the following) taking into account that the control unit controls
the activation only of the first 6 sensor and input module LED in alarm
Check that the total current for each loop is lower than 500 mA.
3 Refer to the device manufacturer data sheet for the current necessary in normal and alarm mode. Check that the total current is lower than
1,5 Ampere.
4 The current request for the stand-by or alarm conditions cannot, in any case, exceed the power supply capacity. If the calculated current
exceeds the value of 4 Ampere, available at the power supply, the exceeding current, necessary during the Alarm condition, is drawn from the
5 The sum of currents obtained must be multiplied by a 1,2 factor to take account of the battery manufacturing tolerances.
N.B. Total must be less than 0,500 A Total (loop N.1) : Total (loop N.1) :
Detectors serie NFX
Detectors serie 700
Single Modules serie 700
Double Modules serie 700
Modules serie MA
MMX-10 N
CMX-10 R
Isolation modules
Addressable Sounders
(Power from loop)
Other devices
N.B. Total must be less than 0,500 A Total (loop N.2) : Total (loop N.2) :
Detectors serie NFX
Detectors serie 700
Single Modules serie 700
Double Modules serie 700
Modules serie MA
MMX-10 N
CMX-10 R
Isolation modules
Addressable Sounders
(Power from loop)
Other devices
N.B. Total must be less than 0,500 A Total (loop N.3) : Total (loop N.3) :
Detectors serie NFX
Detectors serie 700
Single Modules serie 700
Double Modules serie 700
Modules serie MA
MMX-10 N
CMX-10 R
Isolation modules
Addressable Sounders
(Power from loop)
Other devices
N.B. Total must be less than 0,500 A Total (loop N.4) : Total (loop N.4) :
Normal Alarm
Every care has been taken in the preparation of this data sheet but no liability can be accepted for the use of the information therein. Design features may be changed or amended without prior notice.
A socio unico - 20097 San Donato Milanese (Ml) - Via Grandi, 22 - Tel.: 02/518971 - Fax: 02/5189730 - Capitale Sociale
€ 2.700.000,00 i.v. - C.C.A.A. 1456164 - Trib. Milano Reg. Soc. 348608 - Vol. 8549 Fasc. 8 - Partita IVA IT
11319700156 (informativa privacy art. 3 Digs 196/03).
10151 Torino - Via Pianezza, 181 - Tel.: 011/4531193 - Fax: 011/4531183 - E-mail: - 35010
Limena (PD) Via IV Novembre, 6/c int.9 - Tel.: 049/7663511 - Fax: 049/7663550 - E-mail: -
40050 Funo di Argelato (BO) - Asta Servizi, Bl. 3B, Gall. B n. 85, Centergross - Tel.: 051/864855 - Fax: 051/6647638 - E-
mail: – 50136 Firenze - Via Telesio, 15 - Tel.: 055/696706 – Fax: 055/6529294 - 00118
Roma - Via Del Casale Santarelli, 51 - Tel.: 06/7988021 - Fax: 06/79880250 - E-mail: - 80143
Napoli – Via G.Porzio,4 Centro Direzionale. Isola E2, Scala B, Piano 5°, int.19 - Tel.: 081/7879398 - Fax: 081/7879159-
E-mail: - 70125 Bari - Via Della Costituente, 29 - Tel.: 080/5013247 - Fax: 080/5648114 - E-
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